Delia Chillura Martino


Applicazione di dispersioni idroalcoliche di nanocalce a due casi studio: i Graffiti del carcere dello Steri e un documento d’archivio della Gran Corte Arcivescovile di Palermo

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Cross-linked natural IntegroPectin films from citrus biowaste with intrinsic antimicrobial activity

AbstractPectin recovered via hydrodynamic cavitation (IntegroPectin) from lemon and grapefruit agri-food waste intrinsically containing antimicrobial bioactive substances (flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenes, and terpenoids) was used to generate innovative and eco-compatible films that efficiently inhibit the growth of Gram-negative pathogens. Extensive characterization of films confirmed the presence of these substances, which differently interact with the polysaccharide polymer (pectin), plasticizer (glycerol), surfactant (Tween 60), and cross-linker (Ca2+), conferring to these films a unique structure. Besides, IntegroPectin-based films constitute versatile systems for the sustained, co…

research product

Structural effects of macrocyclic compounds and their partition in sodium dodecylsulphate aqueous solutions

The partition of 1,4,7,10,13,16-esaoxacyclooctadecane (18C6), 4,7,13,16-tetraoxa-1,10-diazacyclooctadecane (2.2), 2,5,8,11,14,17-esaoxabicyclo[16.4.0]dicosane (B18C6) and 2,5,8,15,18,21-esoxatricyclo[]esacosane (Cy218C6) in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) aqueous solutions and their effect on the structure of surfactant aggregates has been investigated by small-angle neutron scattering. Results from data analysis have shown that by increasing macrocycle concentration the SDS micelles dimensions reduce for all systems investigated. At the same time information on macrocycles partition between the micellar and the continuous phase have been obtained. It was found that an appreciable …

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Dispersioni idroalcoliche di nanocalce: sviluppo di nuovi metodi di sintesi e loro caratterizzazione

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Role of ZrO2 addition on the formation and stabilisation of anatase catalyst: XRD, SAXS and TEM investigation

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Sintesi e attivita’ fotocatalitica di materiali compositi ciclodestrina/ossido di grafene/nanoparticelle di argento

Engineering of polylactic acids for biomedical applications

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Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of polyaminocyclodextrin-capped Ag Nanoparticles

Biocompatible Ag nanocomposites were prepared by photoreduction of ammoniacal silver acetate in the presence of a polyaminocyclodextrin, namely the poly-{6-[3-(2-(3-aminopropylamino)-ethylamino)-propylamino]}-(6-deoxy)-b-CD (amCD, figure 1). The obtained Ag-amCD systems, which possess an oniontype structure [1] with a metal core surrounded by several layers of the capping agent, were characterized by means of various complementary techniques. In particular, FT-IR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of the amCD scaffold in the composite, and evidenced a partial oxidative degradation of the polyamine branches,due to the fact that these groups function as sacrificial reducing agents in the pho…

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Tolerance, Adaptation, and Cell Response Elicited by Micromonospora sp. Facing Tellurite Toxicity: A Biological and Physical-Chemical Characterization

The intense use of tellurium (Te) in industrial applications, along with the improper disposal of Te-derivatives, is causing their accumulation in the environment, where oxyanion tellurite (TeO32−) is the most soluble, bioavailable, and toxic Te-species. On the other hand, tellurium is a rare metalloid element whose natural supply will end shortly with possible economic and technological effects. Thus, Te-containing waste represents the source from which Te should be recycled and recovered. Among the explored strategies, the microbial TeO32− biotransformation into less toxic Te-species is the most appropriate concerning the circular economy. Actinomycetes are ideal candidates in…

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Attività e proposte progettuali sulla conservazione e il trattamento delle opere cartacee

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A multivariate statistical and relaxometry approach to study the provenance and traceability of dairy products

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Formation of α-ω(4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-16-azacyclooctadecane) hexadecane micelles in aqueous solution – effect of HCl addition

The structure of aggregates of a new bolaform surfactant [α-ω (4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-16-azacyclooctadecane) hexadecane] in neat aqueous solution has been investigated by small-angle neutron scattering. Preliminary data analysis unequivocally indicates that globular micelles are formed. This finding has been confirmed by the analysis of data obtained upon addition of hydrochloric acid. The observed significant reduction of micelle aggregation number has been attributed to the peculiar complexing ability of the two aza-crown ether units in the surfactant molecule; this is in line with information inferred from the complexation of ions into the non alkylated azacrown ethers. As a consequence of h…

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Synthesis of functionalized mesoporous silica assisted by microwave irradiation

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SPAIS si pone come obiettivo l’individuazione e il conseguente approfondimento delle conoscenze di base che sono necessarie nel campo della chimica, della fisica e delle scienze biologiche e naturali per comprendere e comunicare i contenuti fondamentali della moderna ricerca scientifica e tecnologica. L’edizione 2013 sul tema “ScientificaMente – le Neuroscienze” viene qui presentata evidenziandone particolarmente le implicazioni nella didattica della Chimica

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In questo lavoro si riporta l’applicazione di un trattamento innovativo per la deacidificazione e contemporanea riduzione della carta messo a punto per un volume a stampa del XVI sec., contenente i quattro vangeli in arabo e latino, di proprietà della Soprintendenza di Siracusa. È stato studiato lo stato di conservazione della carta mediante tecniche non invasive o microinvasive quali pHmetria, colorimetria, spettroscopia di risonanza magnetica nucleare e spettroscopia infrarossa. Inoltre, l’inchiostro usato per la stampa del testo e delle incisioni è stato identificato mediante la spettroscopia Raman. La carta mostra un degrado di tipo ossidativo e acido. Gli inchiostri presenti contengono…

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Pt(II) complex @mesoporous silica: preparation, characterization and study of release

Cisplatin analogs, having cytotoxic activity higher than that exerted by cisplatin, have recently triggered considerable interest by the community. The cis-[PtCl2(DMSO)HL]·2DMSO, where HL = 7-amino-2-(methylthio)[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylic acid, has shown a potent cytotoxic activity on HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cells, while under identical conditions, it did not affect normal immortalized human liver cells (Chang). In this work, the above complex has been incorporated into MCM41 mesoporous silica, pure and functionalized with amino group, which is considered one of the best host for a drug delivery system for carrying high dosages of a variety of drugs in their mesopores. Sinc…

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Partitioning of macrocyclic compounds in a cationic and an anionic micellar solution: a small-angle neutron scattering study.

Following a previous investigation on partitioning of some macrocycle compounds in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) aqueous solutions and their effect on the micellar structure, a small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) study has been performed at fixed surfactant content (0.20 mol/L) and varying macrocycle concentrations from 0.20 up to 1.0 mol/L. Conductivity measurements have been also performed in order to evaluate the effect of the presence of macrocycles on the critical micellar concentration (cmc) of the two surfactants. SANS experimental data were fitted successfully by means of a core-plus-shell monodisperse prolate ellipsoid model. It has been…

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Scienza e Arti Perdute: i Segreti degli Antichi Maestri Liutai

Lo scopo di questo lavoro è illustrare agli insegnanti la connessione tra due settori di attività apparentemente lontani: la scelta dei materiali utilizzati nella liuteria artigianale e la chimica. Il ruolo, la composizione e la classificazione delle principali vernici per liuteria sono qui descritte assieme ad una breve sintesi dello stato dell’arte. Nel lavoro, vengono presentati i principali concetti di una tecnica analitica non distruttiva abbastanza semplice (la spettroscopia di fluorescenza da raggi X) ma, probabilmente, non abbastanza nota ai non addetti ai lavori. Un caso di studio a essa correlato è inoltre presentato per evidenziare uno dei possibili contributi del chimico nello s…

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Microwave Dehydration Of Water In Oil Microemulsion Containing Nanoparticles Synthesized In Situ

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Studio preliminare di un complesso binario alginato di sodio/chitosano biocompatibile caricato con curcumina

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Solid state nmr characterization of the waterlogged wooden part of Acqualadrone roman rostrum

The roman rostrum found in the sea of Acqualadrone (ME) was characterized in our previous papers. In the present work solid state NMR spectroscopy was applied on a wooden sample of the same artefact collected by coring and divided in four parts in order to correlate the conservation state to the depth. Results were compared with those obtained for a modern wood of the same species. A structural study was performed by the acquisition of 13C Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (13C CP MAS NMR) spectra. These spectra were acquired to assign the chemical shifts of the species that are present in the wooden matrix. In addition the spectra analysis allowed us to determine the cellulose crysta…

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Structural and Transport Properties of Bola C-16 Micelles in Water and in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions

Aqueous solutions containing a bolaform surfactant [R,ω-(4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-16-azacyclooctadecane)- hexadecane], with and without electrolytes have been investigated as a function of surfactant concentration and ionic strength. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS), NMR self-diffusion, and other physical-chemical methods were used. From the analysis of SANS data it was inferred that in water the surfactant forms slightly charged ellipsoidal micelles, because of the partial hydrolysis of amino groups. The aggregates grow with the increase of concentration, becoming more elongated. Due to the selective complexing ability of aza crown ether units, significant differences were observed upon add…

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In questo lavoro viene presentata una proposta riguardante l'uso dei risultati della moderna ricerca in campo chimico per introdurre i concetti fondanti della disciplina nella pratica didattica della Chimica di base nella Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado. Con questo approccio, i concetti di base dovrebbero risultare meno astratti e il mondo della ricerca più accessibile.

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I ‘vasi di Centuripe’: per un approccio integrato

Il contributo intende evidenziare le prospettive di un approccio interdisciplinare integrato allo studio della ceramica policroma “di Centuripe”. Dagli inizi del XX secolo, tale classe ha riscosso ampio apprezzamento per le sue delicate pitture e la ricchezza di ornamenti a rilievo applicati (dipinti e dorati) che abbelliscono i vasi, rendendoli pressoché inutilizzabili nella pratica per scopi funzionali, ma altamente efficaci come doni funerari in antico, e oggi come pezzi di grande impatto per commercianti di antichità e collezionisti moderni. Data la piaga, diffusa fino a tempi recenti, degli scavi clandestini, dei “restauri” arbitrari e delle falsificazioni, i vasi di Centuripe necessit…

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Composizione per la deacidificazione e la riduzione della carta e relativo metodo per il restauro della carta

La presente invenzione si riferisce al campo della chimica e più precisamente al settore del restauro e conservazione della carta. Essa consiste in una composizione basica e riducente da utilizzare in un relativo metodo per il restauro di carta antica soggetta a degrado acido e ossidativo.

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An Iranian booklet: non destructive examination by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffractometry and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy

Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffractometry was used in combination with micro-Raman Spectroscopy to study an undated illuminated Iranian booklet. In both cases, no preliminary preparation of the samples was needed: the data were acquired in a non-destructive way in a natural environment. The book is of particular interest because of the unusual presence of miniatures on some pages. The two techniques were used to collect data from small areas of the pages and in different regions of the miniature in order to identify inks and pigments and to attempt chronological assignment. Raman spectra were affected by strong background fluorescence. In spite of this, different peaks were detected and identi…

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La spettroscopia di risonanza magnetica nucleare in stato solido per lo studio dello stato di conservazione di materiali cellulosici

This work shows the potentiality of the solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (ss-NMR) technique applied to characterize cellulosic materials and the possibility of analyze small amounts of starting material within reasonable experimental time using a modern equipment. The NMR analyses were performed to assess the conservation state of a material in order to plan appropriate conservative and restorative interventions. 13C {1H} Cross Polarization (CP) Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR was used to identify the paper and wood components and the crystalline degree of the cellulose. Besides, in wood holocellulose/lignin ratio and the condensation degree of the lignin were determined.

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FFC-NMR techniques for assessing the texture features of nanosponges

Nanosponges (NSs), i.e. hyper cross linked polymeric materials obtained by reticulating cyclodextrin units with suitable linker units, constitute an emerging class of functional materials, due to their easy synthesis and chemical modification, and to their tunable absorption and controlled release abilities as well. NSs are supposed to possess a thick network of nanochannels in their highly disordered structure. However, their textural features (average pore size, specific surface and specific pore volume) are quite difficult to estimate, and classical evaluation methodologies (N2 absorption isotherms analyzed by BET or BJH methods, or dye absorption isotherms1) have afforded questionable r…

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Effect of methaacrylic acid on the structure of Eu:YAG-PMMA composites

Polymeric composites of lanthanide-doped materials were recently considered as potential candidates for the development of light emitting diodes, lasers and luminescent concentrators for solar cells. In particular, nanoparticles of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) doped with cerium ions embedded in polymetylmetacrylate (PMMA) have been valuable for white LED devices [1,2]. Different structures and micromechanical properties have been observed when the methacrylic acid (MAA) is present in the composite. With the aim to understand the effect of MAA on the composite structure, a series of Eu:YAG composites prepared by in situ polymerization starting from mixtures of MAA and methylmetacrylate (MMA…

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Micelles in Mixtures of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and a Bolaform Surfactant

Mixtures composed of water, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and a bolaform surfactant with two aza-crown ethers as polar headgroups (termed Bola C-16) were investigated by modulating the mole ratios between the components. The two surfactants have ionic and nonionic, but ionizable, headgroups, respectively. The ionization is due to the complexation of alkali ions by the aza-crown ether unit(s). Structural, thermodynamic, and transport properties of the above mixtures were investigated. Results from surface tension, translational self-diffusion, and small angle neutron scattering ( SANS) are reported and discussed. Interactions between the two surfactants to form mixed micelles result in a com…

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First discovery of orichalcum ingots from the remains of a 6th century BC shipwreck near Gela (Sicily) seabed

Ingots recently recovered from the seabed near Gela, a major harbour of Sicily, reveal an unexpected side of ancient metallurgy. The ingots were found near remains of a ship and earthenware dated around the end of the VI century BC and probably coming from the eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean sea. The ingots were analysed by means of X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy via a portable spectrometer. Results indicate that they are mostly consist of copper and zinc although many of them have a significant amount of lead. This alloy is nowday called brass, but in ancient time it was know as orichalcum, one of the rarest and most precious alloy along with gold and silver. Only small items of oric…

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A new preparation method of nanolime dispersion for the conservation of artworks

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Bone diagenesis of archaeological human remains from Apulia (Italy) investigated by ATR-FTIR and XRF spectroscopy

The analysis of the organic and mineral content of biological samples allows to define post-mortem alterations and the preservation status of ancient human remains. Here, we report a physical-chemical characterization of bone specimens from some skeletal remains found in Apulia (Italy) dating back to the prehistoric, classic-hellenistic, and medieval periods. Specific infrared band ratios from Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform InfraRed and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopies were considered to evaluate the extent of the diagenetic process and the elemental composition of bone.Physical-chemical post-mortem transformations were related to the soil composition and specificity of tis…

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Microwave-assisted synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles in water/oil microemulsion

Stable CdS and ZnS nanoparticles with exalted luminescence properties have been obtained in water/sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT)/n-heptane microemulsion using microwave in order to take away selectively water molecules from microemulsion system. The nanoparticles synthesis was performed using a microwave exposure set-up opportunely assembled that allows irradiating the reactor with microwave of 2.45 GHz maintaining constant the temperature. The nanoparticles growth kinetics, as a function of irradiation time, was performed by means of UV-Vis spectroscopy. Information about the structural changes that microemulsion undergoes when irradiated with microwave was obtained by mean…

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Biogenic iron-silver nanoparticles inhibit bacterial biofilm formation due to Ag+ release as determined by a novel phycoerythrin-based assay

Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) can be considered as a cost-effective alternative to antibiotics. In the presence of Fe(III)-citrate and Ag+, Klebsiella oxytoca DSM 29614 produces biogenic Ag-NPs embedded in its peculiar exopolysaccharide (EPS). K. oxytoca DSM 29614 was cultivated in a defined growth medium–containing citrate (as sole carbon source) and supplemented with Ag+ and either low or high Fe(III) concentration. As inferred from elemental analysis, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and dynamic light scattering, Ag-EPS NPs were produced in both conditions and contained also Fe. The production yield of high-Fe/Ag-EPS NPs was 12 times …

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Investigation on the stability of dispersion of zirconia nanoparticles prepared by microwave- hydrothermal synthesis

Difficulties in reproducing the performances of nanoparticles dispersions are obstructive for the progress of the nanotechnology. A plausible reason for this variability is the lack of the control of the stability as well as the dimensions of the nanoparticles in the dispersions. In this work we report results of investigations on the stability of zirconia nanoparticles in aqueous medium, monitoring nanoparticles sizes by means of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Nanocrystalline zirconia powders, prepared by microwave-hydrothermal synthesis, were determined to be 6-8 nm in size by TEM observations. By using DLS technique the as-prepared dispersions wit…

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Recent years have seen an ever increasing interest in renewable energy resources. The use of these renewable resources plays a key role in the reduction of greenhouse gases and in guaranteeing a supply of energy for the future. A promising alternative to fossil fuels are lignocellulosic biomass feedstocks; a widely available, versatile source of energy able to substitute fossil fuels in many ways. The continuing growth of the Biomass sector is leading to a flurry of research into new plant species with good calorific properties and combustion persistence. It would seem that a large number of native Mediterranean maquis shrubs, once used by the local populations for heating and cooking, (car…

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A new heuristic algorithm for the analysis of NMRD dispersion curves

Regression analysis of the NMRD dispersion curves obtained by the FFC-NMR relaxometric technique involves several conceptual and practical issues, which must be carefully addressed in order to gain reliable information on the system studied. Indeed, particular caution is needed when the FFC technique is applied to the investigation of complex systems such as polymeric matrixes, porous materials, food samples, and so on. In these cases, and in general whenever a rigorous approach based on a suitable physical modelization of the system is not available, data analysis must be performed by means of a “model–free” approach. Moving forward from previous literature, in the present communication we…

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Experimental investigation and modelling of diffusion dialysis for the recovery of waste acid solutions

Pickling is widely used as a chemical pre-treatment method for cleaning metal surfaces before other surface treatments and it consumes large amount of acids and water

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Indagine composizionale sulle pitture di due vasi di Centuripe

Due vasi Centuripe a Palermo sono stati analizzati utilizzando XRF portatile complementare e FTIR a riflessione totale spettroscopie. Le analisi consentono di chiarire la tavolozza e la tecnica della decorazione (pittura a tempera con un legante organico), e mostrano la presenza di pigmenti sia antichi che moderni (a causa di qualche recente riverniciatura). Uno dei risultati più interessanti è stata l'identificazione di due fasi del solfato di calcio nello strato sottostante i dipinti: a causa delle condizioni che trasformano il gesso in bassanite, la presenza di il gesso o, in alternativa, la bassanite in ciascuna parte analizzata possono rappresentare un criterio per distinguere l'origin…

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Misalignment of Spectral Data: Constrained Optimization in a Functional Data Analysis Framework

Across several branches of sciences, a large number of applications involves data represented as functions and curves, for which functional data analysis can play a central role in solving a variety of problem formulations. With some thecnologies, the obtained data are spectra containing a vast amount of information concerning the composition of a sample: in order to infer the chemical composition of the materials from spectra, functional data analysis offers a valuable mean for characterizing the spectral response through identification of peaks position and intensity. The collection of data from different measurement may exhibit similar peak pattern but display misalignment in their peaks…

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La diagnostica chimico-fisica a supporto della conservazione e del restauro delle opere cartacee

Questo contributo è stato prodotto a seguito dell’intervento del Prof. Caponetti e della sessione laboratoriale guidata dalla Dott.ssa Saladino in collaborazione con il Dott. Renda e la Dott.ssa Chirco in cui è stata realizzata una dimostrazione pratica di come si possano eseguire le indagini di materiale cartaceo con strumentazione portatile. Nel presente contributo sono presentate e illustrate alcune delle tecniche di indagine idonee per l’analisi di opere cartacee, ed in particolare alcune di quelle che possono essere applicate mediante strumentazione portatile. Queste tecniche forniscono informazioni complementari e consentono la conoscenza dell’opera stessa (tipologia di carta, tecnica…

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Streptomyces coelicolor extracellular vesicles

This study may reveal the importance of extracellular vesicles in the physiology of S. coelicolor and may also have important biotechnological implications.

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Reduced graphene oxide/silver nanoparticles/β-cyclodextrin nanosponges composites with improved photocatalytic activity

Significant activity improvement was achieved by associating graphene oxide-silver composite photocatalysts with cyclodextrin-based nanosponge materials, due to the synergistic effect provided by the supramolecular host abilities of the nanosponge. Three photocatalysts were prepared, fully characterized (FT-IR, ss-NMR, Raman, XRD, SEM, EDX, AFM, ICP, TGA, potentiometric titration), and tested for the oxidative photodegradation of some dyes and phenols, chosen as model organic pollutants. Compared to the unsupported photocatalyst, the nanosponge-based materials showed enhanced performances (being able to carry out the degradation even of dyes which do not react in the presence of the unsuppo…

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The Acqualadrone Rostrum: a physical-chemical investigation to understand the Material History

The aim of this work is to define the conservation state and to ascertain the provenance of raw materials used in the construction of the Acqualadrone Rostrum. In 2008 the rostrum (an offensive naval weapon mounted on the prow at the waterline), from an ancient warship was recovered from the Mediterranean near Acqualadrone, Messina, Sicily. The archaeological discovery has led to the need for scientific research in order to plan the conservation treatment of this artefact. The discovery is exceptional because of the presence of a wooden section from the original ship. The physical-chemical investigation, by using some complementary spectroscopic techniques, was focused on the characterizati…

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Portable non invasive analyses for Cultural Heritage

The requirements that the scientific analyses for Cultural Heritage must have are: nondestructive and noninvasive, multielemental, sensitive, reliable and sufficiently rapid, able to carry out measurements in situ on objects of all types, and to deduce information practically on-line. Among the techniques that fulfill these requirements we find: multispectral imaging, portable EDXRF, Raman and UV-VIS-NIR spectrometry. In this paper we are going to show some cases in which it will appear clear the necessity of the correct order with which applying the non invasive techniques and what data of each of them it is necessary to understand in situ to obtain the maximum of the subsequent scientific…

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Luminescence properties of neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet obtained by the co-precipitation method combined with the mechanical process.

Nanopowders of yttrium aluminium garnet Y3Al5O12 (YAG) doped with neodymium ions were obtained by the co-precipitation method from the reaction of aluminium and yttrium nitrate and neodymium oxide with ammonia. After washing and drying the hydroxide precursors were calcined at 500, 700, 800 and 900 °C for 1 hour and at 1000 °C for 3 hours. This product was treated by ball milling in a zirconia vial for 0.5, 1.5 and 10 h in order to achieve smaller nanoparticles. The structure, microstructure, morphology and optical properties were investigated by means of diffractometric, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The course of the amorphous-to-crystalline transformation was complete after c…

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Effect of nanoparticles on the morphology, mechanical properties and thermal degradation kinetics of polymetylmetacrylate and polycarbonate

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