Begoña Espejo


Impact of reading a scientific journal issue about hypnosis on the beliefs and attitudes towards hypnosis among psychologists

The goal of this study was to examine the influence of receiving scientific information about hypnosis over Spanish psychologists" beliefs and attitudes toward hypnosis. The Valencia Scale on Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis-Therapist (VSABH-T) was administered to 2434 Spanish psychologists. A retest and a second retest were carried out,and between these testing administrations a monograph issue focused on hypnosis was published in a journal that all members of the Spanish Psychological Association received. Results indicated that psychologists who read this monograph, in general terms, changed their misconceptions about hypnosis for correct beliefs and their negative attitudes toward …

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Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Valencia Scale on Attitudes and Beliefs Toward Hypnosis, Therapist Version

Health professionals' beliefs and attitudes toward hypnosis may make them reluctant to use it or even to foster misapplications and iatrogenic uses of hypnosis. The Valencia Scale on Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis-Therapist version (VSABH-T) is a specific instrument to evaluate therapists' attitudes and beliefs. The aims of this study are to evaluate the 8-factor structure of the VSABH-T proposed from a confirmatory perspective. The sample comprised 1,661 licensed psychologists who are members of the Spanish Psychological Association for the initial test and 787 for the retest. Results confirmed the 8-factor structure obtained in a previous exploratory study, namely: Fear, Memory, He…

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Editorial: Methodological issues in psychology and social sciences research

In recent decades, the classical methods of studying the psychometric properties of tests have advanced to evolve into new innovative statistical methods, which allows obtaining a new view of the data. In this sense, progress has been made in the use of item response theory and in the use of structural equation models. Likewise, classical statistical inference methods have advanced in hypothesis testing and Bayesian statistics is rapidly making its way both in experimental studies and in psychometric studies. The aim of this issue has been to contribute to the dissemination of new research methodologies in quantitative and qualitative analysis in Psychology, as well as to evaluate the effec…

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Psychometric Properties of the Diener Satisfaction With Life Scale With Five Response Options Applied to the Colombian Population

Introduction: The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), developed by Diener, Emmons, Larsen, and Griffin in 1985, comprises five items with seven response options in terms of agreement–disagreement. Recently, there has been a suggestion to reduce the response options of the SWLS to optimize its applicability in different cultural contexts.Objective: The study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the SWLS with five response options in the Colombian population. Specifically, we studied the dimensionality, invariance by gender and age (among a group of adolescents and emerging adults under 25 years and a group of adults of intermediate age and established adulthood under 59 years), con…

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Adaptation and Measurement Invariance by Gender of the Flourishing Scale in a Colombian Sample

There is increasing interest in the study of flourishing as an indicator of subjective wellbeing. The objective herein was to adapt and study the psychometric properties of Diener’s Flourishing Scale (FS) among the Colombian population. Accordingly, a cross-sectional study was conducted with a non-probability sample of 1255 Colombian adults. The scale’s structure, invariance by gender, and convergent and concurrent validity were studied from a confirmatory perspective using structural equation models. The confirmatory factor analysis showed excellent fit indicators for the one-dimensional structure (CFI = 0.985, RMSEA = 0.039, SRMR = 0.020) as well as for the convergent (CFI = 0.909, RMSEA …

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Características que definen el fenómeno del botellón en universitarios y adolescentes

Se presentan algunos de los principales parametros del patron de conducta de los jovenes cuando realizan botellon, intentando superar la vision poco precisa que han generado los estudios de campo. Se han recogido 4083 encuestas de jovenes entre 14-25 anos de la ciudad de Valencia, durante el curso academico 2005/2006 a partir de una muestra aleatoria de centros educativos, acudiendo a las aulas y solicitando la colaboracion anonima y voluntaria. Los resultados confirman la reduccion progresiva en la edad de inicio en la practica del botellon, situandose en 13 anos para los adolescentes que en estos momentos tienen 14 anos. Asimismo niegan que se trate de una practica mayoritaria entre varon…

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Psychometric Properties of and Measurement Invariance in the Questionnaire of Stereotypes Toward Older Adulthood in Health Care College Students and Health Professionals of Colombia: Psychometric Study

Background In health professionals, negative stereotypes toward older adulthood have been associated with the difficulty in recognizing pathological processes and the refusal to care for older patients because of assuming that communication with them will be uncomfortable and frustrating. For these reasons, research on stereotypes in these groups has acquired growing importance. The usual strategy to identify and evaluate agist stereotypes is to use scales and questionnaires. Although multiple scales are currently used, in Latin America, the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Negative Stereotypes Toward Older Adulthood (Cuestionario de Estereotipos Negativos sobre la Vejez [CENVE]), devel…

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Measurement Invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience Across 13 Countries

The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is widely used to measure emotional experiences, but not much is known about its cross-cultural utility. The present study evaluated the measurement invariance of the SPANE across adult samples (N = 12,635; age range = 18-85 years; 58.2% female) from 13 countries (China, Colombia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States). Configural and partial scalar invariance of the SPANE were supported. Three items capturing specific negative emotions (sad, afraid, and angry) were found to be culturally noninvariant. Our findings suggest that the SPANE's positive emotion terms and general n…

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Tipologías de consumidores de alcohol dentro de la práctica del botellón en tres ciudades españolas

En este trabajo se entrevistó a 6.009 jóvenes que practican botellón (14-25 años) en tres ciudades de la Comunidad Valenciana, realizando un muestreo estratifi cado de centros de Secundaria, Bachiller,CF y Universidad. Se efectuó un análisis de conglomerados en dos fases con cada muestra con dos objetivos: identifi car tipologías de consumidores de alcohol en el botellón y realizar una validación cruzada de la solución obtenida. Las variables consideradas en los análisis fueron: sexo, grupo de edad (universitarios: U; estudiantes Secundaria: ES), realización o no de episodios intensivos de consumo, años practicando botellón y gramos de alcohol ingeridos. Los resultados muestran evidencia de…

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Teenage alcohol consumption: a view from different groups / Consumo de alcohol juvenil: una visión desde diferentes colectivos

En este trabajo se estudian diferentes colectivos relacionados con el botellón evaluando su acercamiento a la realidad de este fenómeno e identificando sus necesidades de intervención. Se ha preguntado a 4083 jóvenes (14-25 años), 212 padres y 63 policías de Valencia qué entienden por botellón, las consecuencias asociadas al mismo, y las alternativas que piensan que paliarían este fenómeno. Policías y jóvenes aluden principalmente a consumir alcohol con amigos. Policías y padres destacan las consecuencias sociales negativas del consumo juvenil, mientras los jóvenes ven consecuencias positivas (socialización) y no lo asocian con problemas personales o de rendimiento. Las alternativas propues…

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Influence of Psychological Factors on Pain and Disability in Anterior Knee Pain Patients

AKP patients express chronic pain but also disability. However, the correlation between pain and disability is not complete and linear. Some patients with a lot of pain show mild disability while others with much less pain also show great disability. The disability is profoundly influenced by other emotional and cognitive factors that are associated with the perception of pain. Therefore, the clinical efforts do not have to be focused only on treating the pain as a feeling but on identifying and modifying these factors.

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Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale by gender, age, marital status and educational level

Introduction The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) has shown strong evidence of acceptability, reliability, validity and invariance for gender, whereas there is mixed evidence of invariance by culture and age and the literature has not explored the roles of marital status and educational level. The SWLS should be invariant by marital status and educational level to be able to compare scores between groups. We aimed to explore the invariance of the SWLS by marital status and educational level. Method A convenience sample of 726 Spanish adults participated in a survey. We tested a one-factor model using confirmatory factor analysis. We tested the configural, metric and scalar invariance of …

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Impact of a Lecture About Empirical Bases of Hypnosis on Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Hypnosis Among Cuban Health Professionals

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine whether a lecture on hypnosis can modify attitudes and misconceptions about hypnosis. The sample consisted of 97 health professionals from institutions in Havana City, Cuba. Group 1 consisted of 46 participants who received a lecture on hypnosis. Group 2 consisted of 51 participants who received a lecture about urology. and Beliefs toward Hypnosis–Therapist was applied before and after the lecture. Results indicated that there were significant differences between the groups: Group 1 showed more positive attitudes toward hypnosis. However, both groups showed similar misconceptions about hypnosis and memory, which changed significantly in Group 1 …

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Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) in the General Colombian Population

(1) Background: Diener’s Scale of Positive and Negative Experiences (SPANE) assesses the presence and intensity of positive and negative affects, since these are considered basic aspects of the study of well-being. This article studies its psychometric properties in the general Colombian population. (2) We conducted a cross-sectional study of a sample of 1255 Colombians and we used structural equation modeling to confirm the bifactor structure. Additionally, we studied invariance by gender, and convergent and concurrent validity. (3) We found acceptable fit indicators for the bifactor model (CFI = 0.889, RMSEA = 0.046, SRMR = 0.059) as well as for the convergent (CFI = 0.909, RMSEA = 0.050,…

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Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination Scale (VAX) in a Spanish sample.

AbstractIn these times of pandemic, the acceptance or rejection of vaccines has become increasingly clear, with a considerable rise in the anti-vaccine movement in Spain. It is important to understand the attitudes that lead a person to refuse vaccination in order to develop more effective public health campaigns. The objective of this study has been to study the psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in a Spanish sample. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling have been used to study the psychometric properties of the VAX. Likewise, the measurement invariance by gender and educational level has been stu…

research product

Evidence of validity and measurement invariance by gender of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in Colombian university students

Background: Having a valid tool to assess attitudes toward vaccination and identify the concerns that drive vaccine refusal can facilitate population studies and help guide public health interventions. The objective of this study has been to adapt the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in Colombian university students and to study its psychometric properties in a non-probabilistic sample of 1074 Colombian university students. Methods: A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the factorial structure. A structural equation model was tested to study concurrent validity and to check whether the factors predicted having received the coronavirus vaccine. Gender-based measuremen…

research product

Confirmatory factor analysis of the Valencia Scale on Attitudes and Beliefs Toward Hypnosis: an international study.

Health professionals" beliefs and attitudes toward hypnosis may make them reluctant to use it or even to foster misapplications and iatrogenic uses of hypnosis. The Valencia Scale on Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis-Therapist version (VSABH-T) is a specific instrument to evaluate therapists" attitudes and beliefs. The aims of this study are to evaluate the 8-factor structure of the VSABH-T proposed from a confirmatory perspective. The sample comprised 1,661 licensed psychologists who are members of the Spanish Psychological Association for the initial test and 787 for the retest. Results confirmed the 8-factor structure obtained in a previous exploratory study, namely: Fear, Memory, He…

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Additional file 1 of Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination Scale (VAX) in a Spanish sample

Additional file 1. Items of the Vaccine Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in Spanish.

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Beliefs associated with heavy consumption of alcohol among adolescents / Creencias asociadas al consumo intensivo de alcohol entre adolescentes

Objetivos y métodoEn este trabajo se evalúan diferentes determinantes cognitivos que llevan a 136 estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria (Media=16.6 años; d.t.=1.17 años) a realizar un consumo intensivo de alcohol (>60 g. varones y >40 g. mujeres, en 2 horas), utilizando como marco de referencia la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado (Ajzen, 1985).ResultadosEn líneas generales, se aprecia una sobreestimación de consecuencias positivas derivadas de este consumo unido a una infravaloración del deterioro psicosocial. También destaca la falsa percepción de control sobre la conducta, a pesar de llegar a reconocer su incapacidad para manejarla en situaciones puntuales, y el influjo intermedi…

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The Fear of Covid-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in Spain: Adaptation and Confirmatory Evidence of Construct and Concurrent Validity

Fear of the coronavirus has important implications on mental health. In western countries, a significant degree of vaccination has been achieved, but in Spain, less than 75% of the population has received both doses. The current situation is still seen as a threat by many people. Therefore, it is important to have reliable and valid measurement instruments to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the population. In this study, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale has been adapted to Spain, and its psychometric properties have been studied in a Spanish sample using Structural Equation Modeling. This methodology allows obtaining more reliable estimates, regardless of the measurement scale of the variables. …

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Effects of different types of preparatory information on attitudes toward hypnosis

This paper examines how attitudes of initially reluctant subjects towards hypnosis are influenced by three different approaches to introducing the topic. Participants (N = 90) were assigned to one of three experimental conditions: minimal information, cognitive-behavioural information and trance information. All three groups showed positive changes in attitudes toward hypnosis. Contrary to our expectations, positive attitudinal changes were not diminished for subjects exposed to trance information. Groups given trance and cognitive-behavioural explanations demonstrated significantly greater collaboration compared to the control group. No differences in hypnotic suggestibility were obtained.…

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Discriminant Validity of the Job-related Tension Scale

L'Echelle de Tension Liee au Travail (JRTS) de Kahn et al. (1964) est l'une des echelles les plus usitees pour evaluer la tension professionnelle dans les etudes sur les correlats des conflits de roles et de l'ambiguite de role. Quelques auteurs ont suggere que cette echelle faisait appel aux concepts sous-jacents mesures par les echelles d'ambiguite et de conflits de roles (1970) de Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman (Jackson & Schuler, 1985). Dans cet article, la validite discriminante de la JRTS est mise factoriellement a l'epreuve

research product

Factorial analysis and psychometric properties of the revised Valencia scale of attitudes and beliefs towards hypnosis-client version

Psychometric properties and factorial structure of the Revised Valencia Scale of Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis – Client Version using a Portuguese sample are presented. Exploratory factor analysis on a Portuguese population of undergraduate college students (N = 444) yielded 8 factors: ‘Interest/Liking’, ‘Memory/Magic’, ‘Help’, ‘Control’, ‘Cooperation’, ‘Marginal’, ‘Fear’ and ‘Automaton’. The overall 8-factor structure is similar to the one found in the therapist version of the scale, and as in the therapist version, each factor of the client version showed good internal consistency and reliability. Differences among participants that had and had not experienced hypnosis previously …

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Tabaquismo activo y pasivo en personas adultas que viven con una pareja del mismo sexo en España

Abstract Objective To assess the association between current active and passive tobacco smoking and living with a same-sex partner in Spain. Methods We analysed data from two cross-sectional national surveys of the Spanish population 15 years and older (2011-Encuesta Nacional de Salud en España and 2014-Encuesta Europea de Salud en España). Analyses included only people living with their partner. Associations were calculated using multiple logistic regressions adjusting for gender, social class and age. Results Current active and passive smoking were significantly associated with living with same sex partners (odds ratio: 2.71 and 2.88), and particularly strong among women. Conclusions Span…

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Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Burnout Inventory Among Professionals Across 17 Countries and Regions

AbstractStudies on the prevalence of burnout in professionals in service organizations who work in direct contact with the clients or users of the organization have concluded that burnout is a serious health disorder that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant advantage of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) over other instruments is that it provides a broader conceptualization of burnout by including feelings of guilt as a dimension of burnout to explain its development. However, the measurement invariance of the SBI across countries has not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the SBI among professionals across 17 countr…

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Current active and passive smoking among adults living with same sex partners in Spain

Objective: To assess the association between current active and passive tobacco smoking and living with a same-sex partner in Spain. Methods: We analysed data from two cross-sectional national surveys of the Spanish population 15 years and older (2011-Encuesta Nacional de Salud en España and 2014-Encuesta Europea de Salud en España). Analyses included only people living with their partner. Associations were calculated using multiple logistic regressions adjusting for gender, social class and age. Results: Current active and passive smoking were significantly associated with living with same sex partners (odds ratio: 2.71 and 2.88), and particularly strong among women. Conclusions: Spanish a…

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sj-pdf-1-asm-10.1177_10731911211021494 – Supplemental material for Measurement Invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience Across 13 Countries

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-asm-10.1177_10731911211021494 for Measurement Invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience Across 13 Countries by Veljko Jovanović, Mohsen Joshanloo, Marta Martín-Carbonell, Corrado Caudek, Begoña Espejo, Irene Checa, Julia Krasko, Theodoros Kyriazos, Jarosław Piotrowski, Sean P. M. Rice, Ana Junça Silva, Kamlesh Singh, Katsunori Sumi, Kwok Kit Tong, Murat Yıldırım and Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska in Assessment

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The functioning of central categories Middle Level and Sometimes in graded response scales: Does the label matter?

The present study evaluates the extent to which central categories explicitly labeled as being in the middle of the other response categories, specifically Middle Level and Sometimes, function as expected according to the integer scoring system. The assumptions are tested by means of Bock's Nominal Model in two 5-response scales. Results show that the assumption of the ordering of the response categories is met for all the items. The ordering of thresholds is satisfied for all but one item with the central category Middle Level . Results are compared with those obtained when middle categories are not explicitly labeled as being in the middle of the other response categories, as in the case …

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Validation and Measurement Invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) in a Spanish General Sample

Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8359 Este artículo pertenece a la sección "Health behavior, chronic disease and health promotion". Well-being has been measured based on di erent perspectives in positive psychology. However, it is necessary to measure a ects and emotions correctly and to explore the independence of positive and negative a ect. This cross-sectional study adapts and validates the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) with a non-probabilistic sample of 821 Spanish adults. A confirmatory factor analysis confirmed two related factors with two correlated errors. The average variance extracted was 0.502 for…

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Changes in catastrophizing and kinesiophobia are predictive of changes in disability and pain after treatment in patients with anterior knee pain

Purpose. The purpose of the study was to investigate if changes in psychological variables are related to the outcome in pain and disability in patients with chronic anterior knee pain. Methods. A longitudinal observational study on 47 patients with chronic anterior knee pain was performed in a secondary healthcare setting. Pain was measured with the visual analogue scale and disability with the Lysholm scale. The psychological variables, such as anxiety, depression, pain coping strategies, catastrophizing and fear to movement beliefs, were studied by using self-administered questionnaires. Results. Among the pain coping strategies, only the catastrophizing subscale showed a significant red…

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Measurement Invariance and Construct Validity of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) in Community Volunteers in Vietnam.

Worldwide, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) has become the most widely used measure of life satisfaction. Recently, an authorized Vietnamese-language version has been introduced. Using a convenience sample comprising community volunteers from Ho Chi Minh City (N = 1073), confirmatory support was found for the cross-national constancy of the one-dimensional structure underlying the SWLS. Corrected item–total polyserial correlations and Omega coefficient were satisfactory. Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, configural, metric, and scalar invariance of the SWLS factorial structure were tested by gender, age, marital status, income, and educational level. Strong evidence of …

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Spanish Validation of the Flourishing Scale in the General Population

Well-being research and its measurement have grown in the last two decades. The objective of this study was to adapt and validate the Flourishing Scale in a sample of Spanish adults. This was a cross-sectional study using a non-probabilistic sample of 999 Spanish general adult population participants. The psychometric properties of the scale were analysed from an exploratory and confirmatory perspective. Exploratory factor analysis showed a one-factor solution explaining 42.3% of the variance; an internal consistency of .846; temporal reliability correlation of .749; convergent validity with the Satisfaction with Life Scale of .521 and criterion validity with positive and negative affect (P…

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Traits that define the different alcohol intensive consume type during the practice of "botellon".

Un fenómeno que en España favorece el actual patrón de consumo de alcohol juvenil es el conocido como botellón. A partir de una investigación financiada por el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2004-2007), se recogieron datos de 6009 jóvenes entre 14 y 25 años en tres ciudades españolas, considerando para este trabajo a quienes realizan episodios de consumo intensivo de alcohol (n = 2807). El objetivo ha sido identificar los distintos tipos de consumidores de riesgo intensivos mediante un análisis de conglomerados y establecer el perfil característico de cada uno. Se diferencian cuatro grupos en función de la edad, sexo, cantidad de alcohol y años de consumo. Los estudiantes de secundaria ingiere…

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Attitudes and beliefs about hypnosis: A multicultural study

The aim of this study is to examine the effects of having personal experience and information about hypnosis over the beliefs and attitudes toward hypnosis, using a sample of students from Spain, United States, Portugal and Romania. The factor structure of the Revised Valencia Scale of Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis-Client Version, as well as its psychometric properties are also analyzed. An exploratory factor analysis of the scale was conducted and an 8-factor model solution similar to the one found in other versions of this scale was obtained: Help, Personal Control, Magical Solution, Interest, Collaboration, Fear, Memory/Trance and Marginal. Results also indicated that participant…

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Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance by Gender of the Abbreviated Three-Item Version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale in a Colombian Sample.

(1) Background: The need to offer brief scales with items that can be answered with few response options is increasingly important in order to be able to access a broad range of the population. The three-item version of Diener’s Satisfaction with Life Scale has recently been proposed. The objective of this study is to study the psychometric properties of the three-item version of this Scale with five response options, as well as the measurement invariance by gender, in a Colombian sample; (2) Methods: A confirmatory factor model of the three items of the scale together with the Flourishing Scale has been tested, and the measurement invariance by gender of the model has been studied. The res…

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