Leadership and employees’ perceived safety behaviours in a nuclear power plant: A structural equation model
Leadership is considered an essential element in guaranteeing the safe running of organizations. The purpose of the present study is to find out how leader behaviours influence employees' safety behaviours (perceived safety behaviours) in the nuclear field. In an attempt to answer this question, the authors of this research have considered the way this influence is exercised, taking into consideration some important factors like safety culture and safety climate. To achieve this, the empowerment leadership model, based on a behavioural approach to leadership, was used. The sample was made up of 566 employees from a Spanish nuclear power plant. The results indicated that when safety culture …
Presentación de las tareas, satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y bienestar en atletas universitarios
Basado en la teoria de las necesidades psicologicas basicas, se puso a prueba un modelo en el cual la presentacion de las tareas realizada por el entrenador predice la satisfaccion de las necesidades psicologicas basicas y el bienestar psicologico en los atletas universitarios. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 468 deportistas (302 hombres y 166 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 17 y los 28 a˜nos (M = 19.2; DT = 1.89), que cumplimentaron los instrumentos que evaluaban las variables del estudio. Los resultados del analisis de ecuaciones estructurales informaron que la presentacion de las tareas actuo como predictor positivo de la satisfaccion de las 3 necesidades psicolog…
Testing Measurement Invariance Across Spanish and English Versions of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire : An Application of Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling
Test of measurement invariance across translated versions of questionnaires is a critical prerequisite to comparing scores on the different versions. In this study, we used exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) as an alternative approach to evaluate the measurement invariance of the Spanish version of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ). The two versions were administered to large samples of Australian and Spanish adolescents. First, we compared the CFA and ESEM approaches and showed that ESEM fitted the data much better and resulted in substantially more differentiated factors. We then tested measurement invariance with a 13-model ESEM taxonomy. Results justified u…
La cultura de aprendizaje y los procesos de gestión del conocimiento: ¿hasta qué punto se relacionan de hecho?
In the contemporary context of high competitiveness between organizations, organizational learning culture and knowledge management (KM) have been considered key concepts in both academic and managerial settings. This study aims to provide empirical support for the relationship between organizational learning culture and knowledge management, specifically concerning the prediction of learning culture on KM processes. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires in 50 Portuguese manufacturing firms. Data was analyzed at the organizational level using standard multiple regressions. The results showed a significant and positive relationship between learning culture and KM practices. …
Situational and dispositional factors as predictors of precompetitive anxiety and self-confidence in college athletes
Apoyados en la teoría de la autodeterminación y la teoría de las metas de logro, el objetivo del presente estudio fue poner a prueba dos modelos que examinan secuencialmente las relaciones entre factores situacionales (clima motivacional creado por el entrenador), factores disposicionales (orientaciones de meta y regulaciones motivacionales), y consecuencias de ansiedad y autoconfianza precompetitivas (considerando sus dimensiones de intensidad y dirección). También se analizó el papel mediador de las orientaciones de meta y de las regulaciones motivacionales, en la relación entre el clima motivacional y la ansiedad y autoconfianza precompetitivas. Se utilizó un diseño transversal de recogi…
The Safety Culture Enactment Questionnaire (SCEQ): Theoretical model and empirical validation
This paper presents the Safety Culture Enactment Questionnaire (SCEQ), designed to assess the degree to which safety is an enacted value in the day-to-day running of nuclear power plants (NPPs). The SCEQ is based on a theoretical safety culture model that is manifested in three fundamental components of the functioning and operation of any organization: strategic decisions, human resources practices, and daily activities and behaviors. The extent to which the importance of safety is enacted in each of these three components provides information about the pervasiveness of the safety culture in the NPP. To validate the SCEQ and the model on which it is based, two separate studies were carried…
Validation of the group nuclear safety climate questionnaire.
Abstract Introduction Group safety climate is a leading indicator of safety performance in high reliability organizations. Zohar and Luria (2005) developed a Group Safety Climate scale (ZGSC) and found it to have a single factor. Method The ZGSC scale was used as a basis in this study with the researchers rewording almost half of the items on this scale, changing the referents from the leader to the group, and trying to validate a two-factor scale. The sample was composed of 566 employees in 50 groups from a Spanish nuclear power plant. Item analysis, reliability, correlations, aggregation indexes and CFA were performed. Results Results revealed that the construct was shared by each unit, a…
Factores situacionales y disposicionales como predictores de la ansiedad y autoconfianza precompetitiva en deportistas universitarios
El papel del profesor en la motivación y la salud mental de los estudiantes de educación física
Resumen Introducción. La teoría de la autodeterminación sugiere que los sujetos con regulaciones autónomas mostrarán mayores niveles de funcionamiento óptimo que aquellos con regulaciones controladoras. Asimismo, la teoría ha defendido la importancia que tienen los factores sociales en los procesos motivacionales. En el contexto educativo, uno de los factores sociales que tiene un papel importante en la motivación de los estudiantes es el estilo interpersonal que utiliza el profesor cuando brinda instrucciones; por tanto, aquellos ambientes que fomenten la motivación autónoma serán importantes para el desarrollo óptimo y la salud mental de los estudiantes. Objetivo. Examinar si el grado en …
It is hard to forget what comes around: Time‐lagged effects of employers' non‐fulfillment of psychological contract
The Positive Spiral Between Problem-Solving Management and Trust: A Study in Organizations for Individuals With Intellectual Disability
To achieve their goals, organizations for individuals with intellectual disability have to stimulate high-quality relationships between professionals and family members. Therefore, achieving professionals’ trust in family members has become a challenge. One relevant factor in explaining professional’s trust in families is the degree to which family members use the “problem-solving” conflict management strategy (high concern for oneself but also for the other party) in their disputes–disagreements with professionals. It is reasonable to argue that when family members use problem-solving conflict management, professionals’ trust increases. Professionals’ trust, in turn, stimulates the use of …
Interaction between functional and relational service quality: hierarchy vs. compensation
The main goal of this research study is to examine the form of interaction between functional and relational service quality in their links to customer satisfaction. Two competing hypotheses were t...
Transformational Leadership, Task-Involving Climate, and Their Implications in Male Junior Soccer Players: A Multilevel Approach
Despite the well-known positive consequences of transformational coaches in sport, there is still little research exploring the mechanisms through which coaches&rsquo
Valores personales en el baloncesto de formación y su relación con el bienestar y la intención futura de práctica a través de la motivación
Tomando como marco teórico la teoría de los valores humanos (Schwartz, 1992; Schwartz et al., 2012), y la teoría de la autodeterminación (Deci y Ryan, 1985, 2000), el objetivo del estudio consistió en poner a prueba un modelo, en una muestra de 115 jugadores jóvenes de baloncesto ( M edad = 13.98, DT = 0.13), en el que se hipotetizó que los diferentes tipos de motivación (motivación autónoma, controlada y no motivación) actuarían como mediadores de la relación entre los va lores informados por los jugadores (auto - trascendencia, conservación, auto - promoción y apertura al cambio) y los indicadores de bienestar (vitalidad subjetiva y afectos positivos), así como con la intención futura de …
The exploratory factor analysis of items: guided analysis based on empirical data and software
El objetivo del presente trabajo es ilustrar cómo la aplicación adecuada o inadecuada del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) puede llevar a conclusiones muy diferentes. Para ello se evalúa el grado en que cuatro paquetes estadísticos diferentes que permiten realizar AFE de ítems, en concreto SPSS, FACTOR, PRELIS y MPlus, permiten o limitan la aplica- ción de los estándares actualmente recomendados en materia de análisis factorial. Asimismo se analizan y comparan los resultados que ofrecen di- chos programas cuando se factorizan datos empíricos de escalas que ajus- tan, según el caso, de manera inadecuada, ambigua u óptima a los supuestos del modelo AFE lineal clásico, a través de las dis…
Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Corrective Feedback, Basic Psychological Needs and Subjective Vitality: A Multilevel Approach
The way students perceive corrective feedback has repercussions on what they learn and think. Based on the self-determination theory, the aim of this study is to test a model of multilevel mediation that examines the relationships between the perception of corrective feedback with its degree of acceptance (perceived legitimacy) at the team level and the subjective vitality of students at the individual level, mediated by the satisfaction of the three psychological needs, in the context of physical education. The participants were 742 students aged between 10 and 13 years old (52.6% men, 47.4% women) in 29 physical education groups. The results of the multilevel structural equation modeling …
Peer Victimization and Dating Violence Victimization: The Mediating Role of Loneliness, Depressed Mood, and Life Satisfaction.
Peer victimization and dating violence victimization have serious negative effects on adolescents’ health, and they seem to be related. However, the mediating processes in this relationship have not been sufficiently analyzed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect relationships between peer victimization and dating violence victimization, considering the possible mediator role of loneliness, depressed mood, and life satisfaction. These relationships are analyzed in boys and girls, and in early and middle adolescence. From an initial sample of 1,038 Spanish adolescents, those who had or had had in the past 12 months a dating relationship (647 adolescents; 49.1% bo…
Estrés percibido y felicidad auténtica a través del nivel de actividad física en jóvenes universitarios
Se ha demostrado en la literatura que el estrés y la felicidad se han relacionado de diversas maneras, y estas a su vez, también se relacionan con la práctica de actividad física (AF). El objetivo de este trabajo fue poner a prueba el papel de la AF en la reducción del estrés y el aumento de la felicidad, así como su rol mediador en la relación entre ambas variables. Concretamente, se pusieron a prueba las siguientes hipótesis: 1) la percepción del estrés (con o sin control de la situación estresante) y la felicidad auténtica difieren en función del nivel de AF; 2) a mayor práctica de AF, mayor percepción de control en la situación estresante y menor percepción de sentirse sobrepasado por l…
The Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lockdown on Athletes’ Subjective Vitality: The Protective Role of Resilience and Autonomous Goal Motives
The lockdown resulting from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a huge impact on peoples’ health. In sport specifically, athletes have had to deal with frustration of their objectives and changes in their usual training routines. The challenging and disruptive situation could hold implications for their well-being. This study examined the effect of the COVID-19 lockdown on changes in athletes’ reported eudaimonic well-being (subjective vitality) and goal motives (autonomous and controlled) over time (i.e., pre-lockdown and during lockdown). The relationship of resilience to changes in subjective vitality was also determined, and changes in athletes’ goal motives were examined as pot…
The influence of age-based faultlines on team performance: Examining mediational paths
Abstract In a sample of 60 branches of a bank, we examine the influence of age-based faultlines on team performance. Specifically, we propose a model with four mediational paths in the age-based faultline-team performance link. Using a time-lagged design with three data-collection points, we found that task conflict, team reflexivity, and negative team mood mediated the negative relationship between age-based faultline strength and team performance. The results reveal the value of examining different mediational paths to explain the negative impact of teams’ demographic faultlines on team performance, and the need to integrate both task-related and affective aspects of team work in order to…
Percepción del feedback correctivo por alumnos de educación física
El feedback correctivo que el profesor de educación física proporcione a sus alumnos puede ser percibido de diversas maneras, lo que influye en el desempeño de las tareas de aprendizaje (Mouratidis, Lens y Vansteenkiste, 2010). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación existente entre el feedback correctivo proporcionado por el profesor y la percepción legítima, ilegítima y de oportunidad para aprender de los alumnos. Participaron 412 estudiantes de educación física de sexto grado de primaria, con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 12 años, que cumplimentaron los instrumentos para evaluar las variables de estudio. Los resultados de los análisis de ecuaciones estructurales mostrar…
Empowering and disempowering motivational climates, mediating psychological processes, and future intentions of sport participation
Based on the conceptual model of multidimensional and hierarchical motivational climate the objective of this study was to test two models. One model (M1) of total mediation, testing the mediating mechanisms that explain why the motivational climate affects intention of continuity or dropout. Specifically, we test the mediating role of satisfaction/frustration of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation, in the relationship between the players’ perception of the empowering and disempowering climate created by the coach, and the intention of young soccer players to continue/dropout the sport practice. The second model (M2) of partial mediation, contributes to knowing the mech…
Situational and Dispositional Factors that Predict Motivation: a Multilevel Study
AbstractThis study aimed to test a multilevel mediation model which examined the relationship between the perceived motivational climate created by coaches at team level and motivational regulations towards sport at individual level, as mediated by individual goal orientations. 211 university athletes from 20 teams training in different types of sport completed a battery of instruments that measured the variables included in the model. The statistics significance level was .05. Results of the multilevel mediation model revealed that the task-involving climate at team level positively predicted individual task orientation (γ01 = .77, p < .001) and autonomous motivation for sport practice …
Climas motivacionales, motivación autodeterminada, afectos y burnout en deportistas: enfoque multinivel
ResumenEste estudio tuvo como objetivo poner a prueba un modelo de mediación multinivel que examinó las relaciones entre la percepción del clima motivacional generado por los entrenadores a nivel de equipo y los afectos y el burnout a nivel individual, mediados por la motivación autodeterminada. Participaron 745 atletas universitarios de diversos deportes, con edades entre 17 a 28 años (M = 21.46, DT = 2.14) quienes completaron los instrumentos que evaluaban las variables del estudio (PMCSQ-2, SMS-II, PANAS y ABQ). Los resultados mostraron que a nivel individual (nivel intra), la motivación autodeterminada se relacionaba positivamente con el afecto positivo; por el contrario, se relacionab…
Loneliness, Depressive Mood and Cyberbullying Victimization in Adolescent Victims of Cyber Dating Violence.
Currently, cyber dating violence (CDV) is a serious health problem among adolescents due to their frequent use of communication technologies in their romantic relationships including the use of these technologies to perpetrate dating violence. However, research on this topic is recent and more studies about victims&rsquo
Grit y motivación como predictores de las etapas de cambio hacia el control de peso en una población adulta
Given the increasing percentage of overweight and obesity worldwide, weight control is a primary health-promoting behaviour. Integrating Grit personality, self-determination theory, and the transtheoretical model of change, this study evaluates Grit personality and motivation as psychological antecedents of the stages of change towards weight control. A total of 1351 Mexican adults between 18 and 65 years of age completed a packet of questionnaires on the variables of interest. The results showed that Grit personality was positively and significantly related to the maintenance, action, preparation, and contemplation stages, and negatively and significantly related to the precontemplation st…
El afrontamiento de los síntomas de burnout a través del significado de la tarea en profesionales que trabajan con personas con discapacidad intelectual
This study examined an intervention that links task significance (one’s job has a positive impact on other people) to burnout symptoms of professionals working in organizations for individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the experimental condition participated in teams designed to enhance the positive impact of their work on others (task significance). To do so, teams focused on a task to improve the quality of life of individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the control condition did not participate in these teams, and they continued with their usual work. All the participating professionals answered a questionnaire about burnout…
Strengthening Safety Compliance in Nuclear Power Operations: A Role-Based Approach
Safety compliance is of paramount importance in guaranteeing the safe running of nuclear power plants. However, it depends mostly on procedures that do not always involve the safest outcomes. This article introduces an empirical model based on the organizational role theory to analyze the influence of legitimate sources of expectations (procedures formalization and leadership) on workers' compliance behaviors. The sample was composed of 495 employees from two Spanish nuclear power plants. Structural equation analysis showed that, in spite of some problematic effects of proceduralization (such as role conflict and role ambiguity), procedure formalization along with an empowering leadership s…
Perceived Coach-Created Motivational Climates as Predictors of Athletes' Goal Reengagement: The Mediational Role of Goal Motives.
Athletes have to face several challenges during the sport season, and one of them could involve dealing with unattainable goals. In these situations, being able to reengage in other goals as a form of goal adjustment and in response to contextual demands is adaptive. According to previous literature, some aspects of the athletes’ social context, such as coach-created motivational climates, could encourage more adaptive responses in athletes, and so it is possible that these climates would also promote athletes’ goal regulation and goal reengagement. The purpose of this study was twofold: to analyze whether athletes’ perception of empowering and disempowering climates were related to their g…
Transformational Leadership in the Local Police in Spain: a Leader-Follower Distance Approach
AbstractBased on the transformational leadership theory (Bass, 1985), the aim of the present study was to analyze the differences in leadership styles according to the various leading ranks and the organizational follower-leader distance reported by a representative sample of 975 local police members (828 male and 147 female) from Valencian Community (Spain). Results showed differences by rank (p< .01), and by rank distance (p< .05). The general intendents showed the most optimal profile of leadership in all the variables examined (transformational-leadership behaviors, transactional-leadership behaviors,laissez-fairebehaviors, satisfaction with the leader, extra effort by follower, a…
Perceived overqualification, relative deprivation, and person-centric outcomes: The moderating role of career centrality
Abstract In this study, we develop and test a model examining why and when perceived overqualification relates to career satisfaction and subjective well-being. In a sample of 143 new university graduates in Spain with data collected across two time periods, we showed that perceived overqualification interacted with career centrality to predict relative deprivation, which in turn was related to lower career satisfaction, positive affect, and life satisfaction, as well as higher negative affect. Further, perceived overqualification had negative main effects on career satisfaction, negative affect, and life satisfaction. The results suggest the importance of perceived overqualification for we…
Coping Strategies against peer victimization: differences according to gender, grade, victimization status and perceived classroom social climate
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include “Good Health and Well-being” (SDG3) and “Quality Education” (SDG4). Nevertheless, many students cannot achieve these goals if they suffer peer victimization at their schools, and intervention programs to reduce it are necessary. These programs should consider the possible differences in the coping strategies preferred by students according to some personal (e.g., gender, grade, victimization status) and contextual (e.g., perceived classroom social climate) factors to be more effective. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the possible differences in the coping strategies preferred by students (ask a friend for help, ask a tea…
Assessing teacher leadership in physical education: the Spanish version of the transformational teaching questionnaire
<p>Drawing from the transformational leadership theory, this study aims to translate and analyse the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Transformational Teaching Questionnaire (TTQ).</p><p>A cohort sample of 2107 adolescents (997 males and 1110 females) from 82 secondary schools voluntarily participated in the research.</p><p>In Study 1 ((<em>n</em> = 1066), the exploratory factor analysis informed a one-factor solution. In Study 2 (<em>n</em> = 1041), the confirmatory factor analysis showed the single-factor and the four-factor models showed satisfactory and adequate goodness of fit indices, respectively. Confirmatory …
Factores situacionales y disposicionales como predictores de la ansiedad y autoconfianza precompetitiva en deportistas universitarios
Apoyados en la teoría de la autodeterminación y la teoría de las metas de logro, el objetivo del presente estudio fue poner a prueba dos modelos que examinan secuencialmente las relaciones entre factores situacionales (clima motivacional creado por el entrenador), factores disposicionales (orientaciones de meta y regulaciones motivacionales), y consecuencias de ansiedad y autoconfianza precompetitivas (considerando sus dimensiones de intensidad y dirección). También se analizó el papel mediador de las orientaciones de meta y de las regulaciones motivacionales, en la relación entre el clima motivacional y la ansiedad y autoconfianza precompetitivas. Se utilizó un diseño transversal de recogi…
The power of empowering team leadership over time: A multi-wave longitudinal study in nuclear power plants
Abstract Team attitudes in critical infrastructures are essential to achieving reliable operations despite internal and external challenges, and empowering team leadership (ETL) may be an important precursor of these attitudes. The present study aimed to test whether ETL was related to teams’ satisfaction trajectories, measured as changes in job satisfaction and safety satisfaction at three time points. Hypotheses were tested in a sample of 48 teams from two Spanish nuclear facilities in three different waves (2008, 2011, and 2014). Growth Modeling using hierarchical linear models with SPSS 20.0 revealed that ETL was positively related to initial levels of teams’ job and safety satisfaction…
The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire: Testing for Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences in Spanish and Portuguese Adolescents
Within the theoretical framework of achievement goals (Nicholls, 1989), Duda and Nicholls (see Duda, 1989; Duda & Whitehead, 1998) developed the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) to assess individual differences in achievement goal orientations. This study searches for validity evidence of the TEOSQ in the case of Spanish (2473) and Portuguese (2486) junior high school. The results showed that factor structure, factor loadings, and intercepts could be considered invariant across groups. Between group differences in latent means showed slightly higher mean scores for the Spanish group for both factors. The results also provide high support for the internal consistency o…
A test of basic psychological needs theory in young soccer players: time-lagged design at the individual and team levels.
Within the framework of basic psychological needs theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) with a time-lagged design was used to test a mediation model examining the relationship between perceptions of coaches’ interpersonal styles (autonomy supportive and controlling), athletes’ basic psychological needs (satisfaction and thwarting), and indicators of well-being (subjective vitality) and ill-being (burnout), estimating separately between and within effects. The participants were 597 Spanish male soccer players aged between 11 and 14 years (M = 12.57, SD = 0.54) from 40 teams who completed a questionnaire package at two time points in a competitive season. …
Free Communications: Verbal and Poster
Empowering team leadership and safety performance in nuclear power plants: A multilevel approach
Abstract Despite the large body of work on team leadership, hardly any literature has dealt with team leadership in safety performance settings. The goal of the present study is to analyze how team leader behaviors influence team members’ safety performance in nuclear power plants. For this purpose, an empowering leadership approach was assessed. We consider a multilevel model in which safety performance is divided into three types of behaviors. The sample was composed of 479 workers in 54 groups from two Spanish nuclear power plants. The results suggested that leaders’ empowering behaviors generated higher safety compliance behaviors and higher safety participation behaviors by team member…
Social class and university graduates’ overqualification: testing two mediated relationships
[EN] University graduates’ overqualification (i.e., having more education, qualification and/or skills than one’s job requires) has important negative consequences. However, much less is known about its antecedents. This represents an important gap in the literature. In order to fill this gap, the goal of this study is to test a mediational model on the antecedents of university graduates’ overqualification (OQ). We posit that social class is negatively related to OQ through two mediational links: a) via social capital, and b) via social capital and tolerance towards OQ. The results obtained in a sample of 144 university graduates provided support for the second mediational link, so that so…
Presentación de las tareas por el profesor, necesidades psicológicas y vitalidad subjetiva en alumnos de educación física
espanolTomando como base la teoria de las necesidades psicologicas basicas (Deci y Ryan, 2002), en este estudio se examino si la percepcion que tiene el alumno de la presentacion de las tareas por parte del profesor predice la satisfaccion de las necesidades psicologicas basicas, y estas a su vez predicen el bienestar (vitalidad subjetiva) de los alumnos en la sesion de educacion fisica. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 515 ninos (272 hombres [M = 11.28 anos; DT = .49] y 243 mujeres [M = 11.36 anos; DT = .48]) estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria (M = 11.32; DT = .48), que cumplimentaron los instrumentos que evaluaban las variables del estudio. Los resultados del analisis de ecuaciones est…
Linking empowering leadership to safety participation in nuclear power plants: a structural equation model.
Abstract Introduction Safety participation is of paramount importance in guaranteeing the safe running of nuclear power plants. Method The present study examined the effects of empowering leadership on safety participation. Results Based on a sample of 495 employees from two Spanish nuclear power plants, structural equation modeling showed that empowering leadership has a significant relationship with safety participation, which is mediated by collaborative team learning. In addition, the results revealed that the relationship between empowering leadership and collaborative learning is partially mediated by the promotion of dialogue and open communication. Conclusions The implications of th…
The Spanish-Version of the Subjective Vitality Scale: Psychometric Properties and Evidence of Validity.
AbstractThe Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS) assess the subjective experience of being full of energy and alive, a clinically relevant outcome measure of positive psychological well-being. The purpose of this paper was to translate the 7-item SVS into Spanish and examine its psychometric properties. In Study 1 (n = 790 adolescents) and Study 2 (n = 130 athletes) reliability and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were carried out. In Study 1 and Study 3 (n = 197 dancers) evidence of validity of inferences based on SVS scores estimating relationships with other variables (life satisfaction, global self-esteem and emotional and physical exhaustion) was obtained. In Study 2 invariance across time…
Development and validation of the coach's task presentation scale: A quantitative self-report instrument
Abstract Objective A major concern for coaches is the transmission of effective information in the moments before sport practice, when they communicate to players what they are supposed to do and how (Rink, 1994). The present study's main objective was to cover a gap in the sport psychology measurement field and to develop and validate a quantitative self-report instrument to measure the effectiveness of coaches' task presentation for athletes. The resulting instrument was the Escala de Presentacion de las Tareas por Parte del Entrenador (EPTE ) [Coach's Task Presentation Scale]. Design The two studies developed to validate the EPTE used a cross-sectional research design. Method Participant…
Developing mindful organizing in teams: a participation climate is not enough, teams need to feel safe to challenge their leaders
ABSTRACT Mindful organizing (also known as collective mindfulness) is a collective capability that allows teams to anticipate and swiftly recover from unexpected events. This collective capability is especially relevant in high-risk environments where reliability in performance is of utmost importance. In this paper, we build on current mindful organizing theory by showing how two front-line communication and participatory conditions (perceived safety for upward dissent and climate for employee engagement) interact to predict mindful organizing. We shed light on the controversy around mindful organizing’s effect on team’s subjective experience at work by showing that it leads to…
Corrigendum: Quality of the Physical Education Teacher's Instruction in the Perspective of Self-Determination
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.708441.].
How high-commitment HRM relates to PC violation and outcomes: The mediating role of supervisor support and PC fulfilment at individual and organizational levels
Abstract Psychological contract (PC) constitutes a theoretical framework for; explaining labor relationships, and it has been considered as a; mediation step between structural variables and processes and work and; organizational outcomes. Whereas PC (un)fulfillment; showed consistent relationships with variables such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, performance, or absenteeism, the effects of PC; violation (emotional answers that develop after perceptions of PC; breach) have been less investigated. In addition, structural antecedents; of PC constructs had included Human Resources (HR) practices. This paper aims to extend; research on PC and its role as a mediator between HR …
Empowering leadership, mindful organizing and safety performance in a nuclear power plant: A multilevel structural equation model
Abstract The aim of this paper is to develop and test a model in which empowering leadership is expected to contribute to developing mindful organizing, which in turn should contribute to safety compliance and safety participation. Empowering leadership was measured at Time 1, and the rest of the variables were measured two years later (Time 2). The sample used for the analyses in this study included 49 teams and 200 employees from a company in the nuclear generation industry with three different sites. The multilevel structural equation analysis performed to test the proposed model revealed an acceptable fit, and most of the paths were statistically significant and presented the expected s…
Corrigendum: Quality of the Physical Education Teacher's Instruction in the Perspective of Self-Determination
The teacher’s instructions in physical education class have important implications for the psychological well-being of their students. The aim of this study was to analyze, under the postulates of the Self-Determination Theory (SDT), a model with the following sequence: the perception of the quality of the instructions (task presentation, amount of corrective feedback, and its legitimate perception) generated by the physical education teacher, the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs and the subjective vitality in young students. The participants were 890 students (462 males and 428 females) of primary level from the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico, between ages 11 and…
Spanish validation of the mindful organizing scale: A questionnaire for the assessment of collective mindfulness
Abstract Introduction Mindful organizing (also known as collective mindfulness) is a team level construct that is said to underpin the principles of high-reliability organizations (HROs), as it has shown to lead to almost error-free performance. While mindful organizing research has proliferated in recent years, studies on how to measure mindful organizing are scarce. Vogus and Sutcliffe (2007) originally validated a nine-item “Mindful Organizing Scale” but few subsequent validation studies of this scale exist. The present study aimed to validate a Spanish version of the Mindful Organizing Scale. Method The sample included 47 teams (comprising of a total of 573 workers with an average team …
Romantic myths and cyber dating violence victimization in Spanish adolescents: A moderated mediation model
Adolescents’ beliefs in romantic myths of love have been related to cyber dating violence victimization. However, these relationships could be mediated by adolescents’ tolerant attitudes toward dating abuse and be different for adolescent boys and girls. A better understanding of these relationships is important for developing more effective prevention programs. Thus, the current study aimed to examine the relationships between beliefs in romantic myths and cyber dating violence victimization in adolescents, analyzing the possible mediating role of tolerant attitudes toward abuse and the possible moderator role of gender. Participants were 467 Spanish adolescents who had a romantic relation…
Learning culture and knowledge management processes: To what extent are they effectively related?
In the contemporary context of high competitiveness between organizations, organizational learning culture and knowledge management (KM) have been considered key concepts in both academic and managerial settings. This study aims to provide empirical support for the relationship between organizational learning culture and knowledge management, specifically concerning the prediction of learning culture on KM processes. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires in 50 Portuguese manufacturing firms. Data was analyzed at the organizational level using standard multiple regressions. The results showed a significant and positive relationship between learning culture and KM practices. …
Coping with Burnout Symptoms through Task Significance in Professionals Working with Individuals with Intellectual Disability
ABSTRACT This study examined an intervention that links task significance (one’s job has a positive impact on other people) to burnout symptoms of professionals working in organizations for individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the experimental condition participated in teams designed to enhance the positive impact of their work on others (task significance). To do so, teams focused on a task to improve the quality of life of individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the control condition did not participate in these teams, and they continued with their usual work. All the participating professionals answered a questionnaire abou…
Physical activity, healthy behaviors and its motivational correlates: exploring the spillover effect through stages of change
On the basis of the spillover or transfer effect and the transtheoretical model of change, this study assessed the association between amount of physical activity, healthy and unhealthy weight control behaviors, and motivational types, as well as their variability across stages of change. A total of 1219 randomly selected Mexican adults from 18 to 65 years old, representative of the city of Monterrey (México), participated in the study. Correlation analyses, differences by gender, and multivariate analyses of variance, controlling for age, were performed. We found that in the maintenance stage, there is higher frequency of physical activity more healthy weight control behaviors, as well as …
TOP WOMAN: Identifying barriers to women's access to management
Abstract Despite some recent advances, women face more difficulties in accessing management positions. Previous research analyzed several types of barriers contributing to the maintenance of the glass ceiling, including factors such as gender stereotypes, difficulties in work–family balance, human resource policies, difficulties in accessing networks, organizational culture, and higher demands for women to demonstrate their value. The perception of the gender barriers can be different or may have a different value depending on the characteristics of specific organizations, teams, jobs, and employees. In this study, we develop the scale “TOP WOMAN” (Testing the Obstacles to Promotion of WOme…
Linking educational diversity and team performance: Team communication quality and innovation team climate matter
This study examines the influence of education level diversity on team communication quality and team performance. Specifically, we propose a moderated mediation model with team communication quality as a mediator in the relationship between education level diversity and team performance, and with innovation team climate as a moderator in this mediated relationship. The study sample consisted of 57 bank branches, and a lagged design with three data-collection points was implemented. The results obtained showed that, as expected, innovation team climate moderated the relationship between education level diversity and team communication quality, as well as the indirect effect linking educatio…
Relación entre clima empowering y diversión en pitchers de béisbol: el papel moderador de la motivación autónoma
Tomando como base la conceptualización jerárquica y multidimensional del clima motivacional, propuesto por Duda (2013), el objetivo de este estudio fue poner a prueba el papel moderador de la motivación autónoma en la relación entre la percepción del clima empowering creado por el entrenador y la diversión en la práctica deportiva en pitchers de béisbol. Participaron 97 pitchers Mexicanos (Medad = 14.12, DT = 1.09) pertenecientes a 39 equipos de 10 Ligas de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Las variables psicológicas fueron evaluadas con las versiones adaptadas al contexto mexicano del Cuestionario de Clima Motivacional Empowering y Disempowering creado por el entrenador (EDMCQ-C), la Escala de M…
Personal Employability and employment outcomes in a university sample: a study before and after COVID-19
[EN] Labour market uncertainty makes difficult to get (and keep) a high-quality job even for graduate students. Moreover, this situation has been worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to test the influence that personal employability has on maintaining (or being able to find a new) high-quality job in a sample of young university graduates that faced the job market crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on the four personal employability dimensions of Fugate et al.’s (2004) model: career identity, personal adaptability, human capital, and social capital. Our hypotheses state that the four dimensions of employability are positively related with employment …