F Fidecaro
Search for Multimessenger Sources of Gravitational Waves and High-energy Neutrinos with Advanced LIGO during Its First Observing Run, ANTARES, and IceCube
[EN] Astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, such as binary neutron star and black hole mergers or core-collapse supernovae, can drive relativistic outflows, giving rise to non-thermal high-energy emission. High-energy neutrinos are signatures of such outflows. The detection of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos from common sources could help establish the connection between the dynamics of the progenitor and the properties of the out¿ow. We searched for associated emission of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical transients with minimal assumptions using data from Advanced LIGO from its first observing run O1, and data from the ANTARES and IceCub…
A Precise Determination of the Number of Families With Light Neutrinos and of the Z Boson Partial Widths
Title : The socialization at work in the federal universe, the determining element of the social regulation of the sports organization. Contribution to the social politics of the sport service of Nice city Abstract : This study postulates the existence of certain specific cultural determinism in the social regulation of the sports organization. It leans on a work of inquiry which concerns 148 agents of the municipal service of the sports of the Nice city. The investigation puts in evidence a causal report between the type of trajectory of professional insertion of the municipal agents and their level of support in the manager politics of the organization. The agents, whose bibliographic rou…
The utilitarian representation of sport in Rumania, a brake in the development of leisure practice. Since the countries of central Europe entered the liberal sphere influence, the consumptions of possessions and services develop there. We observe a movement of tutellaire and ideological emancipation of the sports organizations, but the practice of popular physical activities delays developing. If, on the ground, we notice the appearance of an structured professionally offer, contrary to all expectations, it does not pull a real increase of consumption. This situation which rises in inferred paradox a cultural interrogation on the previous history of these brakes. Historically, the sport dur…
An upper limit for the τ neutrino mass from τ → 5π(π0)ντ decays
An upper limit for the tau-neutrino mass has been determined from the decay tau -> 5pi+- \nu_tau using data collected with the OPAL detector from 1991 to 1995 in e+e- collisions at \sqrt{s} ~ M_Z. A limit of 43.2 MeV at 95% CL is obtained using a two-dimensional method in the 5pi invariant mass and energy distribution from 22 selected events. Combining this result with OPAL's previously published measurement using tau+tau- -> 3h+- \bar{nu}_tau 3h-+ \nu_tau decays, a new combined limit of m_{nu_tau} < 27.6 MeV (95% CL) is obtained.
Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Gravitational Wave Event GW151226 and Candidate LVT151012 with ANTARES and IceCube
[EN] The Advanced LIGO observatories detected gravitational waves from two binary black hole mergers during their first observation run (O1). We present a high-energy neutrino follow-up search for the second gravitational wave event, GW151226, as well as for gravitational wave candidate LVT151012. We find two and four neutrino candidates detected by IceCube, and one and zero detected by ANTARES, within +/- 500 s around the respective gravitational wave signals, consistent with the expected background rate. None of these neutrino candidates are found to be directionally coincident with GW151226 or LVT151012. We use nondetection to constrain isotropic-equivalent high-energy neutrino emission …
Properties of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817
On August 17, 2017, the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detectors observed a low-mass compact binary inspiral. The initial sky localization of the source of the gravitational-wave signal, GW170817, allowed electromagnetic observatories to identify NGC 4993 as the host galaxy. In this work, we improve initial estimates of the binary's properties, including component masses, spins, and tidal parameters, using the known source location, improved modeling, and recalibrated Virgo data. We extend the range of gravitational-wave frequencies considered down to 23 Hz, compared to 30 Hz in the initial analysis. We also compare results inferred using several signal models, which ar…
Measurement of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs
We report on the properties of theZ resonance from 62 500Z decays into fermion pairs collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the Large Electron-Positron storage ring at CERN. We findMZ=(91.193±0.016exp±0.030LEP) GeV, ΓZ=(2497±31) MeV, σhad0=(41.86±0.66)nb, and for the partial widths Γinv=(489±24) MeV, Γhad(1754±27) MeV, Γee=(85.0±1.6)MeV, Γμμ=(80.0±2.5) MeV, and Γττ=(81.3±2.5) MeV, all in good agreement with the Standard Model. Assuming lepton universality and using a lepton sample without distinction of the final state we measure Γu=(84.3±1.3) MeV. The forward-backward asymmetry in leptonic decays is used to determine the vector and axial-vector weak coupling constants of leptors,gv2(MZ2…
A study of D*+π- production in semileptonic B decay
Abstract In a sample of 1.5 million hadronic decays of the Z collected by the ALEPH detector, a search is carried out for the decays B → D 1 0 (2420)l − ν X and B → D 2 ∗0 (2460)l − ν X . The product branching ratio for D10 production is measured to be Br (b → B ) × Br( B → D 1 0 l − ν X) × Br(D 1 0 → D ∗+ π − ) = (2.04 ± 0.58 stat ± 0.34 syst ) × 10 −3 , and a 95% confidence level limit of Br(b → B ) × Br( B → D 2 ∗0 l − ν X) × Br(D 2 ∗0 → D ∗+ π − ) ≤ 0.81 × 10 −3 is obtained for D2∗0 production. A topological search sensitive to the processes above, but also to wide resonances that decay to D ∗+ π − and to non-resonant D ∗+ π − production is also carried out, yielding Br(b→ B ) ×Br( B →D…
A Study of Bose-Einstein Correlations In e+e- Annihilation At 91 Gev
This paper describes a study of Bose-Einstein correlations made using the ALEPH detector at LEP. The correlations are found to enhance the two particle differential cross section for pairs of identical pions by a factor which can be roughly parametrized by R(Q) = 1 + lambda exp(-Q2-sigma(2)), where Q is the difference in the 3-momenta of the two pions in their centre of mass frame, lambda = 0.51 +/- 0.04 +/- 0.11 and sigma = 3.3 +/- 0.2 +/- 0.8 GeV-1, which corresponds to a source size of 0.65 +/- 0.04 +/- 0.16 fm. The large systematic errors on these results reflect their strong dependence on the choice of the reference sample used in the analysis. This problem is believed to occur primari…
Based on 520000 fermion pairs accumulated during the first three years of data collection by the ALEPH detector at LEP, updated values of the resonance parameters of the Z are determined to be M(Z) = (91.187 +/- 0.009) GeV, GAMMA(Z) = (2.501 +/- 0.012) GeV, sigma(had)0 = (41.60 +/- 0.27) nb, and R(l) = 20.78 +/- 0.13. The corresponding number of light neutrino species is N(v) = 2.97 +/- 0.05. The forward-backward asymmetry in lepton-pair decays is used to determine the ratio of vector to axial-vector couplings of leptons: g(V)2(M(z)2)/g(A)2 (M(Z)2) = 0.0052 +/- 0.00 1 6. Combining this with ALEPH measurements of the b and c quark asymmetries and tau polarization gives sin2theta(W)eff = 0.23…
Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM
Abstract The reactions e + e − → hZ ∗ and e + e − → hA have been used to search for the neutral Higgs bosons h and A of the MSSM in the case where the CP -odd A is lighter than 2 m μ , taking into account the large h → AA decay branching ratio. No signal was found in the data sample collected until the end of 1991 by the ALEPH experiment at LEP. For tan β ⩾, m A m μ is excluded at 95% CL for any m h .
Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays
During 1989 and 1990 over 180 000 hadronic and leptonic events, corresponding to 8 pb-1 of luminosity, were collected by the ALEPH detector in a scan of the Z peak at the e+e- collider LEP. This letter reports the results of a search in these data for particles with unexpected mass and charge by measurement of the ionization energy loss of charged tracks in the ALEPH TPC central tracking detector. The mass limits for the pair production of fractionally charged particles and of heavy, long lived charged particles are extended to 43 GeV/c2 at 90% confidence level. If single production of a heavy particle is considered, the mass limit is extended to more than 70 GeV/c2. RI Perrier, Frederic/A-…
Using 18.8 pb-1 of data collected in 1990 and 1991, ALEPH has measured the tau polarisation in the decay modes tau-->enunuBAR, tau-->mununuBAR, tau-->rhonu tau-->a1nu, using both the individual tau decay kinematics and the event acollinearity. The measurement of the tau polarisation as a function of the production polar angle yields the two parameters A(tau) and A(e), where A(l) = 2g(V)l g(A)l/[(g(V)l)2 + (g(A)l)2]. The results A(tau) = 0.143 +/- 0.023 and A(e) = 0. 120 +/- 0.026 are consistent with the hypothesis of electron-tau universality. Assuming universality yields a measurement of the effective weak mixing angle sin 2theta(W)eff = 0.2332 +/- 0.0022.
Measurement of charge asymmetry in hadronic Z decays
A significant charge asymmetry is observed in the hadronic Z decays with the ALEPH detector at LEP. The asymmetry expressed in terms of the difference in momentum weighted charges in the two event hemispheres is measured to be − = −0.0084±0.0015 (stat.) ±0.0004 (exp. sys.). In the framework of the standard model this can be interpreted as a measurement of the effective electroweak mixing angle, sin2Ow (Mz2=0.2300±0.0034 (stat.) ±0.0010 (exp. sys.) ±0.0038 (theor. sys.) or of the ratio of the vector to axual- vector coupling costants of the electron, gvegAe=+0.073±0.024.
Measurement of α from the structure of particle clusters produced in hadronic Z decays
Abstract Using 106 000 hadronic events obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP at energies close to the Z resonance peak, the strong coupling constant αs is measured by an analysis of energy-energy correlations (EEC) and the global event shape variables thrust, C-parameter and oblateness. It is shown that the theoretical uncertainties can be significantly reduced if the final state particles are first combined in clusters using a minimum scaled invariant mass cut, Ycut, before these variables are computed. The combined result from all shape variables of pre-clustered events is αs(MZ2 = 0.117±0.005 for a renormalization scale μ= 1 2 M Z . For μ values between MZ and the b-quark mass, the res…
Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method
A measurement of the average lifetime of b hadrons has been performed with the dipole method on a sample of 260000 hadronic Z decays recorded with the ALEPH detector during 1991. The dipole is the distance between the vertices built in the opposite hemispheres. The mean dipole is extracted from all the events without attempting b enrichment. Comparing the average of the data dipole distribution with a Monte Carlo calibration curve obtained with different b lifetimes, an average b hadron lifetime of 1.51 +/- 0.08 ps is extracted. RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Buttar, Craig/D-3706-2011; Stahl, Achim/E-8846-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; St.Denis, Ric…
Study of the four-fermion final state at the Z resonance
The process e+e−→, where l is a charged or a neutral lepton and f any charged fermion, is analyzed. The study uses the ALEPH data collected at LEP from 1989 to 1993 at centre-of-mass energies between 88 and 95 GeV, corresponding to almost two million hadronic Z decays and to a total integrated luminosity of 79 pb−1. For all channels, the data agree well with the standard model expectation both in shape and normalization. The indication of an excess in the\(e^ + e^ - \to \tau ^ + \tau ^ - f\bar f\) channel, reported by ALEPH in 1991, is not confirmed.
Z production cross sections and lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries
Precise values of the Z resonance cross sections and lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries are measured from a sample of 1.3 million Z decays into hadrons and charged leptons taken with the ALEPH detector at LEP. A silicon-tungsten luminosity calorimeter was installed in ALEPH in 1992, permitting the determination of the absolute luminosity to a systematic precision of 0.15% (experimental) and 0.25% (theoretical). This is combined with a better understanding of the hadronic event selection and an improved tau pair selection. Including the ALEPH results of the past three years one obtains sigma(h)0 = (41.60 +/- 0.16) nb, and R(l) = 20.69 +/- 0.09. The corresponding number of light neutrin…
Search for eccentric binary black hole mergers with advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo during their first and second observing runs
When formed through dynamical interactions, stellar-mass binary black holes may retain eccentric orbits ($e>0.1$ at 10 Hz) detectable by ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. Eccentricity can therefore be used to differentiate dynamically-formed binaries from isolated binary black hole mergers. Current template-based gravitational-wave searches do not use waveform models associated to eccentric orbits, rendering the search less efficient to eccentric binary systems. Here we present results of a search for binary black hole mergers that inspiral in eccentric orbits using data from the first and second observing runs (O1 and O2) of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. The search uses min…
A Standard Siren Measurement of the Hubble Constant from GW170817 without the Electromagnetic Counterpart
We perform a statistical standard siren analysis of GW170817. Our analysis does not utilize knowledge of NGC 4993 as the unique host galaxy of the optical counterpart to GW170817. Instead, we consider each galaxy within the GW170817 localization region as a potential host; combining the redshift from each galaxy with the distance estimate from GW170817 provides an estimate of the Hubble constant, $H_0$. We then combine the $H_0$ values from all the galaxies to provide a final measurement of $H_0$. We explore the dependence of our results on the thresholds by which galaxies are included in our sample, as well as the impact of weighting the galaxies by stellar mass and star-formation rate. Co…
Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime
An improved measurement of the average lifetime of b hadrons has been performed with the ALEPH detector. From a sample of 260000 hadronic Z0 decays, recorded during the 1991 LEP run with the silicon vertex detector fully operational, a fit to the impact parameter distribution of lepton tracks coming from semileptonic decays yields an average b hadron lifetime of 1.49 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.06 ps.
Measurement of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in hadronic Z decays
The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic Z decays was measured on the peak of the Z resonance using the ALEPH detector at LEP. Using a model independent unfolding procedure the distribution was found to have a mean = 20.85 +/- 0.24 and a dispersion D = 6.34 +/- 0.12. Comparison with lower energy data supports the KNO scaling hypothesis in the energy range square-root s = 29-91.25 GeV. At square-root s = 91.25 GeV the shape of the multiplicity distribution is well described by a log-normal distribution, as predicted from a cascading model for multi-particle production. The same model also successfully describes the energy dependence of the mean and width of the multiplicity…
Search for supersymmetric particles with R-parity violation in Z decays
Searches for supersymmetric particles produced in e(+)e(-) interactions at the Z peak have been performed under the assumptions that R-parity is not conserved, that the dominant R-parity violating coupling involves only leptonic fields, and that the lifetime of the lightest supersymmetric particle can be neglected. In a data sample collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP up to 1993, and corresponding to almost two million hadronic Z decays, no signal was observed. As a result, supersymmetric particle masses and couplings are at least as well constrained as under the usual assumption of R-parity conservation.
Search for Subsolar Mass Ultracompact Binaries in Advanced LIGO's Second Observing Run
We present a search for subsolar mass ultracompact objects in data obtained during Advanced LIGO’s second observing run. In contrast to a previous search of Advanced LIGO data from the first observing run, this search includes the effects of component spin on the gravitational waveform. We identify no viable gravitational-wave candidates consistent with subsolar mass ultracompact binaries with at least one component between \ud0.2\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud–\ud1.0\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud. We use the null result to constrain the binary merger rate of (\ud0.2\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud, \ud0.2\ud \ud \udM\ud⊙\ud) binaries to be less than \ud3.7\ud×\ud10\ud5\ud \ud \udGpc\ud−\ud3\ud \udyr\ud−\ud1\udand the binary …
Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger: GW170817 and GRB 170817A
On 2017 August 17, the gravitational-wave event GW170817 was observed by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors, and the gamma-ray burst (GRB) GRB 170817A was observed independently by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, and the Anticoincidence Shield for the Spectrometer for the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory. The probability of the near-simultaneous temporal and spatial observation of GRB 170817A and GW170817 occurring by chance is $5.0\times 10^{-8}$. We therefore confirm binary neutron star mergers as a progenitor of short GRBs. The association of GW170817 and GRB 170817A provides new insight into fundamental physics and the origin of short gamma-ray bursts. We use the ob…
GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs
We present the results from three gravitational-wave searches for coalescing compact binaries with component masses above 1$\mathrm{M}_\odot$ during the first and second observing runs of the Advanced gravitational-wave detector network. During the first observing run (O1), from September $12^\mathrm{th}$, 2015 to January $19^\mathrm{th}$, 2016, gravitational waves from three binary black hole mergers were detected. The second observing run (O2), which ran from November $30^\mathrm{th}$, 2016 to August $25^\mathrm{th}$, 2017, saw the first detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star inspiral, in addition to the observation of gravitational waves from a total of seven binary …