Evangelista Sagnelli
Characteristics of patients with hepatitis C virus-related chronic liver diseases just before the era of oral direct-acting antiviral therapy in Italy
Background In 2017, oral direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection became available free of charge for all HCV-RNA-positive patients, irrespective of their fibrosis stage. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of HCV-related chronic liver disease (CLD) in Italy just before the introduction of DAA therapy. Patients and methods Patients with CLD were enrolled in two national surveys conducted in 2001 and in 2014. The two surveys prospectively enrolled patients aged older than 18 years referring to Italian liver units throughout the country using a similar clinical approach and analytical methods. Results Out of the 12 564 patie…
The burden of HBV infection in HCV patients in Italy and the risk of reactivation under DAA therapy
Background: There is increasing awareness of HBV reactivation in HCV-RNA-positive/HBV-coinfected patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) treated with oral direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). Aim: To provide figures on the prevalence of HBV markers in HCV-RNA-positive subjects in Italy, where these findings are lacking. Methods: All subjects aged ≥18 years with CLD consecutively referring to Italian liver units located throughout country were prospectively enrolled in two national surveys in 2001 and 2014. Results: The total number of HCV-RNA-positive cases was 6984; 356 (5.1%) subjects vaccinated against HBV were excluded. A total of 6628 cases were evaluated. The prevalence rates of HBsAg, …
Pegylated interferon α plus ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: A multicentre independent study supported by the Italian Drug Agency
a b s t r a c t Background: Data on the efficacy of Peg-interferon/ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C are mostly derived from treatment of selected patients enrolled in clinical trials. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Peg-interferon/ribavirin therapy in “real world” chronic hepatitis C patients in Italy. Methods: Independent observational multicentre study including consecutive patients receiving Peginterferon/ribavirin in the 18 months before (retrospective phase) and after (prospective phase) the start of the study. Results: 4176 patients were eligible. The final study population consisted of 2051 patients in the retrospective and 2073 in the prospective phase. Sust…
Decreasing role of HCV and HBV infections as aetiological factors of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy
Background: The epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized by a dynamical temporal trend of well-established and emerging risk factors. Methods: We evaluated the temporal trend of aetiological factors of HCC over the last two decades in Italy. HCC cases were recruited from two previously published national studies in 1996 and in 2008 and HCC cases were also enlisted from two national surveys in 2001 and in 2014 enrolling consecutive subjects with chronic liver disease (CLD) referring to more than 80 liver units scattered all over the country for a 6-monthperiod. Results: Out of the 9997 subjects with CLD recruited in 2001 and the 2408 recruited in 2014, 3.3% and 5.7% (P…
Etiological factors of chronic hepatitis in Italy: a 2014 national survey.
Background The last Italian prevalence survey on chronic hepatitis (CH) conducted in 2001 showed that the hepatitis C virus (HCV) was the main agent associated with CH. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemiological changes in CH occurring after 13 years. Patients and methods Enrollment of 1392 CH consecutive patients referred to 16 Italian liver units in 2014 scattered all over the country (four in the North, four in the Center, four in the South, and four in the Islands) was performed. Results The mean age of the patients was 58.3 years, with a sex ratio (male/female) of 1.5. HCV infection (also with other etiologies) continues to be the most prevalent etiology (58.1%). However…
Decrease in HDV endemicity in Italy.
To evaluate a possible variation in hepatitis D virus endemicity in Italy, the data from a multicentre study concerning HBsAg chronic carriers first observed in 31 liver units during 1992 were compared with the corresponding figures from a similar study performed in 1987.In both studies the methodology for the recruitment of cases was the same. The overall anti-HD prevalence in 1992 was 14.4%, a significantly lower rate than that observed in 1987 (23.4%, p0.01). The decrease significantly (p0.01) affected both males and females; it occurred in all geographical areas, although to a greater extent in northern regions. It was evident in subjects below 50 years of age, but not in subjects older…
Gender differences in chronic HBsAg carriers in Italy: Evidence for the independent role of male sex in severity of liver disease
It has been shown that sexual hormones have an opposite effect on hepatic fibrosis progression and hepatocellular carcinoma development. Sex differences among 2,762 chronic HBsAg carriers consecutively referring Italian hospitals in 2001 and in 2007 have been evaluated, particularly focusing on the role of gender on severity of liver disease. The overall sex ratio (males/females) was 2.6. Females were more likely born abroad and new diagnosis cases; but less likely HIV coinfected. No sex difference was observed regarding coinfection with other hepatitis viruses. The sex ratio linearly increased with increasing severity of liver disease, being 1.3 in normal ALT, 2.8 in chronic hepatitis, 3.6…
The importance of HCV on the burden of chronic liver disease in Italy: a multicenter prevalence study of 9,997 cases
Knowledge of the current epidemiology of chronic liver disease in Italy is mostly obsolete and fragmentary for the lack of up-to-date consistent data. In 2001, a 6-month prevalence study was undertaken in 79 hospitals to assess the characteristics of chronic liver disease in Italy. Both prevalent and incident cases were enrolled. A total of 9,997 patients were recruited, of whom 939 (9.4%) had normal liver biochemistry, 6,210 (62.1%) had chronic hepatitis, 1,940 (19.4%) had liver cirrhosis, and 341 (3.4%) had hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In 567 patients (5.7%) the diagnosis was not established. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was found in 69.9% of the patients and was the only etiological factor…
The association between education level and chronic liver disease of any etiology
Abstract Background The potential link between educational level and chronic liver diseases (CLD) were explored using the mortality records of liver cirrhosis, which lack accuracy and are unable to identify the different etiological factors of liver cirrhosis. Information on the association of low educational level with the severity of CLD is lacking. Aim To evaluate the potential association linking education level to etiology and clinical stage of CLD cases. Methods Consecutive enrolment of 11,107 subjects with CLD aged≥18 years prospectively recruited in two national surveys in 2001 and 2014 at one of the participating Italian liver units throughout the country. Subjects were pooled in t…
Impact of comorbidities on the severity of chronic hepatitis B at presentation.
AIM: To evaluate the clinical relevance of each cofactor on clinical presentation of chronic hepatitis B. METHODS: Out of 1366 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive subjects consecutively observed in 79 Italian hospitals, 53 (4.3%) showed as the only cofactor hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection [hepatitis B virus (HBV)/HDV group], 130 (9.5%) hepatitis C virus (HCV) (group HBV/HCV), 6 (0.4%) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (group HBV/HIV), 138 (10.2%) alcohol abuse (group HBV/alcohol); 109 (8.0%) subjects had at least two cofactors and 924 were in the cofactor-free (CF) group. RESULTS: Compared with patients in group CF those in group HBV/alcohol were older and more frequently had ci…
Gender differences in chronic liver diseases in two cohorts of 2001 and 2014 in Italy
Background: Gender differences in chronic liver disease (CLD) have been partially investigated. To extend the present knowledge, we evaluated 12,263 patients with CLD enrolled in two national surveys (9997 in 2001 and 2557 in 2014). Methods: The two surveys prospectively recruited patients aged â¥Â 18 referring to Italian liver units throughout the country using a similar clinical approach and analytical methods. Results: The overall male to female ratio (M/F) was 1.4 (7138/5124). Compared with females, males were significantly more likely to be younger (52.9 vs. 58.7 yrs.), with HBV infection alone (13.2% vs. 9.2%) and with alcoholic liver disease alone (11.4% vs. 6.9%), but less likely t…
Estimating minimum adult HIV prevalence: A cross-sectional study to assess the characteristics of people living with HIV in Italy
In 2012, we conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to assess the number of people living with HIV linked to care and, among these, the number of people on antiretroviral therapy. The health authority in each of the 20 Italian Regions provided the list of Public Infectious Diseases Clinics providing antiretroviral therapy and monitoring people with HIV infection. We asked every Public Infectious Diseases Clinic to report the number of HIV-positive people diagnosed and linked to care and the number of those on antiretroviral therapy during 2012. In 2012, 94,146 people diagnosed with HIV and linked to care were reported. The majority were males (70.1%), Italians (84.4%), and aged betw…
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B: update of the recommendations from the 2007 Italian Workshop
Abstract The Italian recommendations for the therapy of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related disease were issued in 2008. Subsequently in 2008 the nucleotide analogue (NA) Tenofovir was approved for antiviral treatment. The introduction of this important new drug has called for the current guidelines update, which includes some additional revisions: (a) the indication for therapy is extended to mild liver fibrosis and the indication for treatment is graded as “possible”, “optional” or “mandatory” according to the fibrosis stage; (b) two different treatment strategies are described: first line definite duration treatment with interferon, long-term treatment of indefinite duration with NA; (c) the…
Trends of aetiological factors of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy
Characteristics of liver cirrhosis in Italy: Evidence for a decreasing role of HCV aetiology
Previous cross-sectional studies have shown that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection had been the main agent associated with liver cirrhosis in Italy. Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous cross-sectional studies have shown that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection had been the main agent associated with liver cirrhosis in Italy. AIM: To assess epidemiological, laboratory and clinical features of liver cirrhosis in Italy in 2014. PATIENTS: Out of the 2557 consecutive subjects evaluated in 16 hospitals located throughout Italy in 2014, 832 (32.6%) had liver cirrhosis and were enrolled in this study. RESULTS: The mean age of subjects was 60.3years, with a male/female ratio of 1.7; 74.9% of cases had Child…
Recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C in special population groups (migrants, intravenous drug users and prison inmates).
Abstract The global spread of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), their high chronicity rates and their progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, are major public health problems. Research and intervention programmes for special population groups are needed in order to assess their infection risk and set up suitable prevention and control strategies. Aim of this paper is to give health care professionals information on HBV and HCV infections amongst migrants, drug users and prison inmates. The manuscript is an official Position Paper on behalf of the following Scientific Societies: Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (A.I.S.F.), Italian Society of In…
Management of infections in cirrhotic patients: Report of a Consensus Conference
a b s t r a c t The statements produced by the consensus conference on infection in end-stage liver disease promoted by the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver, are here reported. The topics of epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of infections in patient with compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis were reviewed by a scientific board of experts who proposed 26 statements that were graded according to level of evidence and strength of recommen- dation, and approved by an independent jury. Each topic was explored focusing on the more relevant clinical questions. By systematic literature search of available evidence, comparison and discussion of e…
Chronic hepatitis B in Italy: New features of an old disease - Approaching the universal prevalence of hepatitis B e antigen-negative cases and the eradication of hepatitis D infection
We evaluated 1336 hepatitis B surface antigen-positive subjects consecutively observed in 79 Italian hospitals over a 6-month period. The proportion of hepatitis B e antigen-negative cases was 86.4%, that of patients coinfected with hepatitis D virus was 9.7%, and the rate of patients coinfected with hepatitis C virus was 16.8%. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age >49 years, alcohol abuse, and anti-hepatitis D virus and anti-hepatitis C virus positivity were independent predictors of progression to liver cirrhosis. © 2007 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
Five-year retrospective italian multicenter study of visceral leishmaniasis treatment.
ABSTRACT The treatment of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is poorly standardized in Italy in spite of the existing evidence. All consecutive patients with VL admitted at 15 Italian centers as inpatients or outpatients between January 2004 and December 2008 were retrospectively considered; outcome data at 1 year after treatment were obtained for all but 1 patient. Demographic characteristics, underlying diseases, diagnostic procedures, treatment regimens and outcomes, as well as side effects were recorded. A confirmed diagnosis of VL was reported for 166 patients: 120 (72.3%) immunocompetent, 21 (12.6%) patients with immune deficiencies other than HIV infection, and 25 (15.1%) coinfected with HI…
Characteristics of HCV positive subjects referring to hospitals in Italy: a multicentre prevalence study on 6,999 cases.
In 2001, 6,999 anti-HCV positive subjects referred to 79 Italian hospital in a 6 months enrollment period were evaluated. Of them, 5,632 (80.5%) tested anti-HCV positive alone, 1,163 (16.6%) reported also an excessive alcohol intake, and 204 (2.9%) were also HBsAg positive. Normal biochemistry was observed in 7.8% of cases, chronic hepatitis in 67.9% of cases, liver cirrhosis in 18.9% of cases, and hepatocellular carcinoma in 3.6% cases. HCV positive subjects with excessive alcohol intake were statistically significantly younger, of male sex, and having more severe liver disease than those without excessive alcohol intake. Adjusting for the confounding effect of age and sex by multiple logi…
Characteristics and Changes over Time of Alcohol-Related Chronic Liver Diseases in Italy
Introduction. To evaluate the characteristics of alcohol-related chronic liver disease (CLD) in Italy and their potential changes over time. Patients and Methods. Subjects with CLD were enrolled in two national surveys performed in 2001 and in 2014 in Italy. The two surveys prospectively recruited patients aged ≥ 18 years referring to more than 80 Italian liver units scattered all over the country using similar clinical approach, analytical methods, and threshold of risky alcohol intake definition (≥ 3 units/day in men and ≥ 2 units/day in women). Results. Out of 12,256 enrolled subjects, 2,717 (22.2%) reported a risky alcohol intake. Of them, anti-HCV positive was observed in 48.3% of subj…
Therapeutic strategies for severe COVID-19: a position paper from the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT)
Abstract Scope Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has become pandemic, reaching almost one million death worldwide. At present standard treatment for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is not well defined because the evidence, either from randomized or observational studies, with conflicting results, has led to rapid changes in treatment guidelines. Our aim was to narratively summarize the available literature on the management of COVID-19 in order to combine current evidence and interpretation of the data by experts who are treating patients in the frontline setting. Methods The panel conducted a detailed review of the literature and eventual press rele…
Exposure to HAV infection in patients with chronic liver disease in Italy, a multicentre study*.
Summary. We carried out a multicentre study on 2830 patients with chronic liver disease from 79 liver units (25 in northern, 24 in central and 30 in southern Italy) to evaluate naturally acquired immunity against hepatitis A virus (HAV) in relation to age, sex, geographical area of origin and entity of liver disease, and to define the strategy for specific vaccination. Antibody to HAV (anti-HAV) was detected in 1514 (53.5%) of the 2830 patients tested; the prevalence was 50.4% in males and 59.1% in females. Both in central and southern Italy the prevalence of anti-HAV positive subjects increased with increasing age from 43.3 and 44.7%, respectively, in the 0–30-year-old subjects to 80.1 an…
Familiar clustering and spreading of hepatitis delta virus infection
The prevalence of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection was significantly higher among the relatives of 79 carriers of HBsAg with antibody to HDV (index cases) than among relatives of 111 carriers without serological evidence of HDV infection (controls). Antibody to HDV was found in 45 of the 80 (56%) carriers of HBsAg in families of index cases but only in 2 of 59 (3%) carriers in families of controls (P less than 0.0001). During follow-up new HDV infection developed in 31% of 13 susceptible carriers in families of index cases, but only in 1.2% of 162 susceptible carriers in families of controls (P less than 0.001). None of the family members previously unexposed to the hepatitis B virus h…
Hepatitis delta infection in Italian patients: towards the end of the story?
Background: The endemicity of hepatitis delta virus infection in Italy has decreased in the last decades. Aim: To evaluate the current epidemiology of chronic delta infection in Italy and to compare the present findings with the corresponding figures from the previous studies. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 16 referral centres scattered all over the country in 2014. Results: Out of the 513 hepatitis B surface antigen-positive subjects enrolled, 61 (11.9%) were anti-delta positive, with a sex ratio (M/F) of 2.05. The majority (80.3%) of them was 50 years or older, while the proportion of subjects younger than 30 years of age was as low as 3.3%. No difference was detected by geogr…
Geographical pattern of chronic liver diseases in Italy: Results from two pooled national surveys
Background: The information on the geographical characteristics of chronic liver diseases (CLD) in Italy is out-dated. Aim: To provide up-dated information on the geographical pattern of patients with CLD born in Italy. Methods: Patients with CLD were enrolled in two national surveys performed in 2001 and 2014, which prospectively recruited subjects aged ≥18 years referring to Italian liver units located throughout the country that apply a similar clinical approach and analytical methods. Results: The total number of patients enrolled was 11,676. Alcohol-related CLD was more frequently observed in northern/central areas (25.0% vs. 20.7%, p < .001), while HBV-related (15.4% vs. 13.3%, p =…
Epidemiological and clinical scenario of chronic liver diseases in Italy: Data from a multicenter nationwide survey
The last Italian prevalence survey on chronic liver diseases (CLD) was performed in 2001. The present study evaluated the changes occurring over thirteen years. Background The last Italian prevalence survey on chronic liver diseases (CLD) was performed in 2001. The present study evaluated the changes occurring over thirteen years. Methods We enrolled 2,557 CLD consecutive patients in 16 Italian liver units in 2014. Results HBV etiology accounted for 513 (20.2%) cases, alone in 439 and associated with HCV and/or alcohol abuse in 74. Of these 513, 11.9% were anti-HDV-positive and 7.2% HBeAg-positive. HCV alone was responsible for 50.3% of CLD and with alcohol abuse for 5.9%. HCV RNA was detec…
Sex difference in the interaction of alcohol intake, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus on the risk of cirrhosis
Background The joint effect of the interaction of alcohol intake, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) on the risk of cirrhosis is still unexplored because a large sample size is required for this investigation. Objective Evaluation of interaction of HBV, HCV and alcohol abuse on the risk of cirrhosis. Design We analysed 12,262 consecutive patients with chronic liver disease of various aetiologies referring to 95 Italian liver units in 2001 or 2014. To evaluate the interaction between alcohol abuse, HBV infection, and HCV infection, patients unexposed to either factors were used as reference category. Adjustment for BMI and age was done by multiple logistic regression analysi…
Influence of universal HBV vaccination on chronic HBV infection in Italy: Results of a cross-sectional multicenter study
Background and Aim The universal hepatitis B vaccination for infants and 12-year-old adolescents (the latter limited to the first 12 years of application) was launched in Italy in 1991. Twenty-three years later we evaluated the impact of the vaccination campaign on the burden of HBsAg-positive chronic liver diseases (CLD). Material and Methods 513 HBsAg-positive chronic carriers referring to 16 Italian liver units were investigated and compared with HBsAg carriers enrolled in previous surveys. Results The proportion of inactive carriers decreased from 20.0% in 2001 to 3.3% in 2014, while that of cirrhotic patients increased from 22.6 to 33.2%. Regarding the age class 0–33 (fully covered by …