Giorgio Vassallo

Una Comunità di Chatbot per i Beni Culturali

L'intuizione occupa un ruolo fondamentale nella capacità di ragionamento degli esseri umani. L'obiettivo del lavoro è la progettazione di un'infrastruttura in grado di fornire informazioni che oltre ad appoggiarsi ad un insieme di conoscenze basato su regole sia dotata anche di capacità intuitive. A tal fine è presentato un sistema preliminare che rappresenta il primo passo verso la realizzazione di tale infrastruttura. Il sistema permette ad un utente di interagire con una comunità di chat-bot aventi competenze specifiche in modo da navigare in uno spazio concettuale generato automaticamente con il paradigma di analisi della semantica latente (LSA). La base di conoscenza di ciascun chat-bo…

research product

Unified Field Theory and Occam's Razor: Simple Solutions to Deep Questions

Unified Field Theory was an expression first used by Einstein in his attempt to unify general relativity with electromagnetism. Unified Field Theory and Occam's Razor attempts to provide real answers to foundational questions related to this unification and should be of high interest to innovative scientists. A diverse group of contributing authors approach an old problem with an open-mindedness that presents a new and fresh perspective. The following topics are discussed in detail in the hope of a fruitful dialogue with all who are interested in this subject: The composition of electrons, photons, and neutrinos. The relationship of quantum mechanics to general relativity. The four-componen…

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Studio e Progettazione di un linguaggio ad alto livello per la costruzione automatica di basi di conoscenza AIML

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A word prediction methodology for automatic sentence completion

Word prediction generally relies on n-grams occurrence statistics, which may have huge data storage requirements and does not take into account the general meaning of the text. We propose an alternative methodology, based on Latent Semantic Analysis, to address these issues. An asymmetric Word-Word frequency matrix is employed to achieve higher scalability with large training datasets than the classic Word-Document approach. We propose a function for scoring candidate terms for the missing word in a sentence. We show how this function approximates the probability of occurrence of a given candidate word. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms non neural network lang…

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CliffoSor: A Parallel Embedded Architecture for Geometric Algebra and Computer Graphics

Geometric object representation and their transformations are the two key aspects in computer graphics applications. Traditionally, compute-intensive matrix calculations are involved to model and render 3D scenery. Geometric algebra (a.k.a. Clifford algebra) is gaining growing attention for its natural way to model geometric facts coupled with its being a powerful analytical tool for symbolic calculations. In this paper, the architecture of CliffoSor (Clifford Processor) is introduced. ClifforSor is an embedded parallel coprocessing core that offers direct hardware support to Clifford algebra operators. A prototype implementation on an FPGA board is detailed. Initial test results show more …

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GAPPCO: An Easy to Configure Geometric Algebra Coprocessor Based on GAPP Programs

Because of the high numeric complexity of Geometric Algebra, its use in engineering applications relies heavily on tools and devices for efficient implementations. In this article, we present a novel hardware design for a Geometric Algebra coprocessor, called GAPPCO, which is based on Geometric Algebra Parallelism Programs (GAPP). GAPPCO is a design for a coprocessor combining the advantages of optimizing software with a configurable hardware able to implement arbitrary Geometric Algebra algorithms. The idea is to have a fixed hardware easily and fast to be configured for different algorithms. We describe the new hardware design together with the complete tool chain for its configuration.

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Sentence Induced Transformations in Conceptual Spaces

The proposed work illustrates how "primitive concepts" can be automatically induced from a text corpus. The primitive concepts are identified by the orthonormal axis of a "conceptual" space induced by a methodology inspired to the latent semantic analysis approach. The methodology represents a natural language sentence by means of a set of rotations of an orthonormal basis in the "conceptual"space. The rotations, triggered by the sequence of words composing the sentence and realized by means of geometric algebra rotors, allow to highlight "conceptual" relations that can arise among the primitive concepts.

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Design Space Exploration of Parallel Embedded Architectures for Native Clifford Algebra Operations

In the past few decades, Geometric or Clifford algebra (CA) has received a growing attention in many research fields, such as robotics, machine vision and computer graphics, as a natural and intuitive way to model geometric objects and their transformations. At the same time, the high dimensionality of Clifford algebra and its computational complexity demand specialized hardware architectures for the direct support of Clifford data types and operators. This paper presents the design space exploration of parallel embedded architectures for native execution of four-dimensional (4D) and five-dimensional (5D) Clifford algebra operations. The design space exploration has been described along wit…

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Accelerating Clifford Algebra Operations using GPUs and an OpenCL Code Generator

Clifford Algebra (CA) is a powerful mathematical language that allows for a simple and intuitive representation of geometric objects and their transformations. It has important applications in many research fields, such as computer graphics, robotics, and machine vision. Direct hardware support of Clifford data types and operators is needed to accelerate applications based on Clifford Algebra. This paper proposes a mixed software-hardware system that exploits the computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate Clifford operations. A code generator, namely OpenCLifford, is presented that automatically generates Java and C libraries for the direct support of Clifford ele…

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Sub-Symbolic Encoding of Words in WordNet Environment

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Knowledge Representation in Empathic Robots-Rappresentazione della conoscenza in robot empatici

In questo articolo si illustra l'architettura cognitiva di un robot umanoide basato sul paradigma della Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). L'approccio LSA consente la creazione e l'utilizzo di un spazio concettuale multi-dimensionale e data driven. Questo paradigma è un passo verso la simulazione di un comportamento emotivo di un robot che interagisce con gli umani. L'architettura è organizzata in tre aree principali: Subconcettuale, emotivo e comportamentale. La prima area elabora i dati percettivi provenienti dai sensori. La seconda area è lo "spazio concettuale di stati emotivi" che costituisce la rappresentazione sub-simbolica di emozioni. L'ultima area attiva un comportamento semantico la…

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Latent Semantic Description of Iconic Scenes

It is proposed an approach for the automatic description of scenes using a LSA–like technique. The described scenes are composed by a set of elements that can be geometric forms or iconic representation of objects. Every icon is characterized by a set of attributes like shape, colour and position. Each scene is related to a set of sentences describing their content. The proposed approach builds a data driven vector semantic space where the scenes and the sentences are mapped. A new scene can be mapped in this created space accordingly to a suitable metric. Preliminary experimental results show the effectiveness of the procedure.

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A brief introduction to Clifford algebra

Geometric algebra (also known as Clifford algebra) is a powerful mathematical tool that offers a natural and direct way to model geometric objects and their transformations. It is gaining growing attention in different research fields as physics, robotics, CAD/CAM and computer graphics. Clifford algebra makes geometric objects (points, lines and planes) into basic elements of computation and defines few universal operators that are applicable to all types of geometric elements. This paper provides an introduction to Clifford algebra elements and operators.

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Sub-symbolic Mapping of Cyc Microtheories in Data-Driven “Conceptual” Spaces

The presented work aims to combine statistical and cognitive-oriented approaches with symbolic ones so that a conceptual similarity relationship layer can be added to a Cyc KB microtheory. Given a specific microtheory, a LSA-inspired conceptual space is inferred from a corpus of texts created using both ad hoc extracted pages from the Wikipedia repository and the built-in comments about the concepts of the specific Cyc microtheory. Each concept is projected in the conceptual space and the desired layer of subsymbolic relationships between concepts is created. This procedure can help a user in finding the concepts that are "sub-symbolically conceptually related" to a new concept that he want…

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A Mobile Agent Based System for Documents Classification and Retrieval

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A Geometric Algebra Based Distributional Model to Encode Sentences Semantics

Word space models are used to encode the semantics of natural language elements by means of high dimensional vectors [23]. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) methodology [15] is well known and widely used for its generalization properties. Despite of its good performance in several applications, the model induced by LSA ignores dynamic changes in sentences meaning that depend on the order of the words, because it is based on a bag of words analysis. In this chapter we present a technique that exploits LSA-based semantic spaces and geometric algebra in order to obtain a sub-symbolic encoding of sentences taking into account the words sequence in the sentence. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidel…

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Experimental investigation on a cascode-based three-phase inverter for AC drives

High speed electrical drives and machines represent a promising solution to cope with the increasing electrification in several fields, e.g. industrial electronics and mobility. According to that, power electronics is going more and more towards innovative technologies of semiconductor devices, such as Gallium-Nitride (GaN) and Silicon-Carbide (SiC), providing the opportunity of faster switching transients and therefore of higher switching frequencies. A challenging perspective is represented by gaining higher and higher switching frequencies while keeping high voltage and low power losses. In this scenario, the Cascode (CC) configuration can represent a reliable solution in order to reach …

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Un Sistema ad Agenti Mobili per la Classificazione e il Recupero di Documenti - A Mobile Agent Based System for Documents Classification and Retrieval

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A Subsymbolic Approach to Word Modeling for Domain Specific Speech Recognition

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Word Mapping in Semantic Hyperspaces

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Sub-symbolic Encoding of Words

A new methodology for sub-symbolic semantic encoding of words is presented. The methodology uses the WordNet lexical database and an ad hoc modified Sammon algorithm to associate a vector to each word in a semantic n-space. All words have been grouped according to the WordNet lexicographers’ files classification criteria: these groups have been called lexical sets. The word vector is composed by two parts: the first one, takes into account the belonging of the word to one of these lexical sets; the second one is related to the meaning of the word and it is responsible for distinguishing the word among the other ones of the same lexical set. The application of the proposed technique over all…

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A Dual-Core Coprocessor with Native 4D Clifford Algebra Support

Geometric or Clifford Algebra (CA) is a powerful mathematical tool that is attracting a growing attention in many research fields such as computer graphics, computer vision, robotics and medical imaging for its natural and intuitive way to represent geometric objects and their transformations. This paper introduces the architecture of CliffordCoreDuo, an embedded dual-core coprocessor that offers direct hardware support to four-dimensional (4D) Clifford algebra operations. A prototype implementation on an FPGA board is detailed. Experimental results show a 1.6× average speedup of CliffordCoreDuo in comparison with the baseline mono-core architecture. A potential cycle speedup of about 40× o…

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An FPGA Implementation of a Quadruple-Based Multiplier for 4D Clifford Algebra

Geometric or Clifford algebra is an interesting paradigm for geometric modeling in fields as computer graphics, machine vision and robotics. In these areas the research effort is actually aimed at finding an efficient implementation of geometric algebra. The best way to exploit the symbolic computing power of geometric algebra is to support its data types and operators directly in hardware. However the natural representation of the algebra elements as variable-length objects causes some problems in the case of a hardware implementation. This paper proposes a 4D Clifford algebra in which the variable-length elements are mapped into fixed-length elements (quadruples). This choice leads to a s…

research product

An Embedded, FPGA-based Computer Graphics Coprocessor with Native Geometric Algebra Support

The representation of geometric objects and their transformation are the two key aspects in computer graphics applications. Traditionally, computer-intensive matrix calculations are involved in modeling and rendering three-dimensional (3D) scenery. Geometric algebra (aka Clifford algebra) is attracting attention as a natural way to model geometric facts and as a powerful analytical tool for symbolic calculations. In this paper, the architecture of Clifford coprocessor (CliffoSor) is introduced. CliffoSor is an embedded parallel coprocessing core that offers direct hardware support to Clifford algebra operators. A prototype implementation on a programmable gate array (FPGA) board is detailed…

research product

Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam's Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions

We introduce and use the space-time Clifford algebra, showing that only one fundamental physical entity is sufficient to describe the origin of electromagnetic fields, charges and currents: the electromagnetic four-potential. This simplified electromagnetic model turns out to be an improved understanding of electromagnetism. The obtained electromagnetic Lagrangian is the simplest possible relativistic Lagrangian formulation. Quantum mechanical relations follow naturally from this model, and we derive the electromagnetic formulation of the Dirac equation. The spinor field is shown to correspond to electromagnetic energy-momentum, and the complex-valued probability density is shown to corresp…

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Automatic Image Annotation Using Random Projection in a Conceptual Space Induced from Data

The main drawback of a detailed representation of visual content, whatever is its origin, is that significant features are very high dimensional. To keep the problem tractable while preserving the semantic content, a dimen- sionality reduction of the data is needed. We propose the Random Projection techniques to reduce the dimensionality. Even though this technique is sub-optimal with respect to Singular Value Decomposition its much lower computational cost make it more suitable for this problem and in par- ticular when computational resources are limited such as in mobile terminals. In this paper we present the use of a "conceptual" space, automatically induced from data, to perform automa…

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Tecniche LSA e Chat-bot per il recupero automatico di informazioni

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Self-organizing maps: A new digital architecture

An original hardware architecture implementing the self-organizing feature maps, which is one of the most powerful and efficent neural network algorithm, is presented. The architecture, contrary to the most investigated hardware implementations of neural networks, is a full digital one and it may be easily built by using the standard VLSI techniques.

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Neural Classification of HEP Experimental Data

High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments require discrimination of a few interesting events among a huge number of background events generated during an experiment. Hierarchical triggering hardware architectures are needed to perform this tasks in real-time. In this paper three neural network models are studied as possible candidate for such systems. A modified Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) architecture and a E alpha Net architecture are compared against a traditional MLP Test error below 25% is archived by all architectures in two different simulation strategies. E alpha Net performance are 1 to 2% better on test error with respect to the other two architectures using the smaller network topol…

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Geometric Algebra Rotors for Sub-Symbolic Coding of Natural Language Sentences

A sub-symbolic encoding methodology for natural language sentences is presented. The procedure is based on the creation of an LSA-inspired semantic space and associates rotation operators derived from Geometric Algebra to word bigrams of the sentence. The operators are subsequently applied to an orthonormal standard basis of the created semantic space according to the order in which words appear in the sentence. The final rotated basis is then coded as a vector and its orthogonal part constitutes the sub-symbolic coding of the sentence. Preliminary experimental results for a classification task, compared with the traditional LSA methodology, show the effectiveness of the approach.

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Chatbots as Interface to Ontologies

Chatbots are simple conversational agents using 'pattern matching rules' to carry out the dialogue with the user and various expedients to improve their credibility. However, the rules on which they are based on are too restrictive and their language understanding capability is very limited. Nevertheless chatbots are widespread in several applications, especially to provide information to users in a new and enjoyable way. In this chapter we describe different chatbot architectures, exploiting the use of ontologies in order to create clever information suppliers overcoming the main limits of chatbots: The knowledge base building and the rigidness of the dialogue mechanism. © Springer Interna…

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Geometric Algebra Rotors for Sub-symbolic Coding of Natural Language Sentences

A sub-symbolic encoding methodology for natural language sentences is presented. The procedure is based on the creation of an LSA-inspired semantic space and associates rotation operators derived from Geometric Algebra to word bigrams of the sentence. The operators are subsequently applied to an orthonormal standard basis of the created semantic space according to the order in which words appear in the sentence. The final rotated basis is then coded as a vector and its orthogonal part constitutes the sub-symbolic coding of the sentence. Preliminary experimental results for a classification task, compared with the traditional LSA methodology, show the effectiveness of the approach.

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Sub-Symbolic Knowledge Representation for Evocative Chat-Bots

A sub-symbolic knowledge representation oriented to the enhancement of chat bot interaction is proposed. The result of the technique is the introduction of a semantic sub-symbolic layer to a traditional ontology-based knowledge representation. This layer is obtained mapping the ontology concepts into a semantic space built through Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique and it is embedded into a conversational agent. This choice leads to a chat-bot with “evocative” capabilities whose knowledge representation framework is composed of two areas: the rational and the evocative one. As a standard ontology we have chosen the well-founded WordNet lexical dictionary, while as chat-bot the ALICE a…

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An architecture with a mobile phone interface for the interaction of a human with a humanoid robot expressing emotions and personality

In this paper is illustrated the cognitive architecture of a humanoid robot based on the proposed paradigm of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). This paradigm is a step towards the simulation of an emotional behavior of a robot interacting with humans. The LSA approach allows the creation and the use of a data driven high-dimensional conceptual space. We developed an architecture based on three main areas: Sub-conceptual, Emotional and Behavioral. The first area analyzes perceptual data coming from the sensors. The second area builds the sub-symbolic representation of emotions in a conceptual space of emotional states. The last area triggers a latent semantic behavior which is related to the h…

research product

Embedded Coprocessors for Native Execution of Geometric Algebra Operations

Clifford algebra or geometric algebra (GA) is a simple and intuitive way to model geometric objects and their transformations. Operating in high-dimensional vector spaces with significant computational costs, the practical use of GA requires dedicated software and/or hardware architectures to directly support Clifford data types and operators. In this paper, a family of embedded coprocessors for the native execution of GA operations is presented. The paper shows the evolution of the coprocessor family focusing on the latest two architectures that offer direct hardware support to up to five-dimensional Clifford operations. The proposed coprocessors exploit hardware-oriented representations o…

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A Specialized Architecture for Color Image Edge Detection Based on Clifford Algebra

Edge detection of color images is usually performed by applying the traditional techniques for gray-scale images to the three color channels separately. However, human visual perception does not differentiate colors and processes the image as a whole. Recently, new methods have been proposed that treat RGB color triples as vectors and color images as vector fields. In these approaches, edge detection is obtained extending the classical pattern matching and convolution techniques to vector fields. This paper proposes a hardware implementation of an edge detection method for color images that exploits the definition of geometric product of vectors given in the Clifford algebra framework to ex…

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Clifford Algebra based Edge Detector for Color Images

Edge detection is one of the most used methods for feature extraction in computer vision applications. Feature extraction is traditionally founded on pattern recognition methods exploiting the basic concepts of convolution and Fourier transform. For color image edge detection the traditional methods used for gray-scale images are usually extended and applied to the three color channels separately. This leads to increased computational requirements and long execution times. In this paper we propose a new, enhanced version of an edge detection algorithm that treats color value triples as vectors and exploits the geometric product of vectors defined in the Clifford algebra framework to extend …

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Semantic Word Error Rate for Sentence Similarity

Sentence similarity measures have applications in several tasks, including: Machine Translation, Paraphrase Iden- tification, Speech Recognition, Question-answering and Text Summarization. However, measures designed for these tasks are aimed at assessing equivalence rather than resemblance, partly departing from human cognition of similarity. While this is reasonable for these activities, it hinders the applicability of sentence similarity measures to other tasks. We therefore propose a new sentence similarity measure specifically designed for resemblance evaluation, in order to cover these fields better. Experimental results are discussed.

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In this paper we illustrate the cognitive architecture of a humanoid robot based on the proposed paradigm of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). The LSA approach allows the creation and the use of a data driven high-dimensional conceptual space. This paradigm is a step towards the simulation of an emotional behavior of a robot interacting with humans. The Architecture is organized in three main areas: Sub-conceptual, Emotional and Behavioral. The first area processes perceptual data coming from the sensors. The second area is the “conceptual space of emotional states” which constitutes the sub-symbolic representation of emotions. The last area activates a latent semantic behavior related to the…

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Using the Hermite Regression Formula to Design a Neural Architecture with Automatic Learning of the “Hidden” Activation Functions

The value of the output function gradient of a neural network, calculated in the training points, plays an essential role for its generalization capability. In this paper a feed forward neural architecture (αNet) that can learn the activation function of its hidden units during the training phase is presented. The automatic learning is obtained through the joint use of the Hermite regression formula and the CGD optimization algorithm with the Powell restart conditions. This technique leads to a smooth output function of αNet in the nearby of the training points, achieving an improvement of the generalization capability and the flexibility of the neural architecture. Experimental results, ob…

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ConformalALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical Image Processing

Medical imaging involves important computational geometric problems, such as image segmentation and analysis, shape approximation, three-dimensional (3D) modeling, and registration of volumetric data. In the last few years, Conformal Geometric Algebra (CGA), based on five-dimensional (5D) Clifford Algebra, is emerging as a new paradigm that offers simple and universal operators for the representation and solution of complex geometric problems. However, the widespread use of CGA has been so far hindered by its high dimensionality and computational complexity. This paper proposes a simplified formulation of the conformal geometric operations (reflections, rotations, translations, and uniform …

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A Study of Perceptron Mapping Capability to Design Speech Event Detectors

Event detection is a fundamental yet critical component in automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems that attempt to extract knowledge-based features at the front-end level. In this context, it is common practice to design the detectors inside well-known frameworks based on artificial neural network (ANN) or support vector machine (SVM). In the case of ANN, speech scientists often design their detector architecture relying on conventional feed-forward multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with sigmoidal activation function. The aim of this paper is to introduce other ANN architectures inside the context of detection-based ASR. In particular, a bank of feed-forward MLPs using sinusoidal activation f…

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CliifoSor: a Parallel embedded architecture for Geometric Algebra and Computer Graphics

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Clifford Rotors for Conceptual Representation in Chatbots

In this abstract we introduce an unsupervised sub-symbolic natural language sentences encoding procedure aimed at catching and representing into a Chatbot Knowledge Base (KB) the concepts expressed by an user interacting with a robot. The chatbot KB is coded in a conceptual space induced from the application of the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) paradigm on a corpus of documents. LSA has the effect of decomposing the original relationships between elements into linearly-independent vectors. Each basis vector can be considered therefore as a "conceptual coordinate", which can be tagged by the words which better characterize it. This tagging is obtained by performing a (TF-IDF)-like weighting…

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An Architecture for Humanoid Robot Expressing Emotions and Personality

In this presentation we illustrate the cognitive architecture of a humanoid robot based on the proposed paradigm of Latent Semantic Behavior (LSB). LSB is based on the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) approach that allow the creation and the use of a data driven high-dimensional conceptual space. This paradigm is a step towards the simulation of an emotional behavior of a robot interacting with humans. The Architecture is organized in three main areas: Sub-Conceptual, Emotional and Behavioral. The first area processes perceptual data coming from the sensors. The second area is the "conceptual space of emotional states" which constitutes the sub-symbolic representation of emotions. The last ar…

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TSVD as a Statistical Estimator in the Latent Semantic Analysis Paradigm

The aim of this paper is to present a new point of view that makes it possible to give a statistical interpretation of the traditional latent semantic analysis (LSA) paradigm based on the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) technique. We show how the TSVD can be interpreted as a statistical estimator derived from the LSA co-occurrence relationship matrix by mapping probability distributions on Riemanian manifolds. Besides, the quality of the estimator model can be expressed by introducing a figure of merit arising from the Solomonoff approach. This figure of merit takes into account both the adherence to the sample data and the simplicity of the model. In our model, the simplicity…

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An Emphatic Humanoid Robot with Emotional Latent Semantic Behavior

In this paper we propose an Entertainment Humanoid Robot model based on Latent Semantic Analysis, that tries to exhibit an emotional behavior in the interaction with human. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), based on vector space allows the coding of the words semantics by specific statistical computations applied to a large corpus of text. We illustrate how the creation and the use of this emotional conceptual space can provide a framework upon which to build “Latent Semantic Behavior” because it simulates the emotionalassociative capabilities of human beings. This approach integrates traditional knowledge representation with intuitive capabilities provided by geometric and sub-symbolic infor…

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An Optimized Architecture for CGA Operations and Its Application to a Simulated Robotic Arm

Conformal geometric algebra (CGA) is a new geometric computation tool that is attracting growing attention in many research fields, such as computer graphics, robotics, and computer vision. Regarding the robotic applications, new approaches based on CGA have been proposed to efficiently solve problems as the inverse kinematics and grasping of a robotic arm. The hardware acceleration of CGA operations is required to meet real-time performance requirements in embedded robotic platforms. In this paper, we present a novel embedded coprocessor for accelerating CGA operations in robotic tasks. Two robotic algorithms, namely, inverse kinematics and grasping of a human-arm-like kinematics chain, ar…

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A Family of Embedded Coprocessors with Native Geometric Algebra Support

Clifford Algebra or Geometric Algebra (GA) is a simple and intuitive way to model geometric objects and their transformations. Operating in high-dimensional vector spaces with significant computational costs, the practical use of GA requires, however, dedicated software and/or hardware architectures to directly support Clifford data types and operators. In this paper, a family of embedded coprocessors for the native execution of GA operations is presented. The paper shows the evolution of the coprocessor family focusing on the latest two architectures that offer direct hardware support to up to five-dimensional Clifford operations. The proposed coprocessors exploit hardware-oriented represe…

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A New Embedded Coprocessor for Clifford Algebra based Software Intensive Systems

Computer graphics applications require efficient tools to model geometric objects and their transformations. Clifford algebra (also known as geometric algebra) is receiving a growing attention in many research fields, such as computer graphics, machine vision and robotics, as a new, interesting computational paradigm that offers a natural and intuitive way to perform geometric calculations. At the same time, compute-intensive graphics algorithms require the execution of million Clifford operations. Clifford algebra based software intensive systems need therefore the support of specialized hardware architectures capable of accelerating Clifford operations execution. In this paper the archite…

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A Robotic Humanoid for Information Exploration on Cultural Heritage Domain

The work presented here illustrates an humanoid robot capable of interacting with an human user within the Cultural Heritage domain. Two different and complementary AI approaches, namely sub-symbolic and symbolic, have been implemented and combined together to design the framework of a robot having both rational and intuitive capabilities. Furthermore, the robot is capable of providing information expressively and of adapting its behavior according to the emotional content of the artworks descriptions. This could make the robot more effective in providing information and entertaining the users.

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Una comunità di Chat-bot per i beni culturali - Expert Chat-Bots for Cultural Heritage

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A Geometric Approach to Automatic Description of Iconic Scenes

It is proposed a step towards the automatic description of scenes with a geometric approach. The scenes considered are composed by a set of elements that can be geometric forms or iconic representation of objects. Every icon is characterized by a set of attributes like shape, colour, position, orientation. Each scene is related to a set of sentences describing its content. The proposed approach builds a data driven vector semantic space where the scenes and the sentences are mapped. Sentences and scene with the same meaning are mapped in near vectors and distance criteria allow retrieving semantic relations.

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Towards a Semantic Information Encoding and Retrieval in Relational Database

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A Sub-Symbolic Approach to Word Modelling for Domain Specific Speech Recognition

In this work a sub-symbolic technique for automatic, data driven language models construction is presented. Such a technique can be used to arrange a language-modelling module, which can be easily integrated in existing speech recognition architectures, such as the well-found HTK architecture. The proposed technique takes advantages from both the traditional LSA approach and from a novel application of a probability space metric known as "Hellinger's distance". Experimental trials are also presented, in order to validate the proposed approach.

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FOC with Resolver Implementation for PMSM Drives by Using a Low Cost Atmel SAM3X8E Microcontroller

The aim of this paper is the low-cost experimental implementation of a field oriented control strategy for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) by using an Atmel SAM3X8E microcontroller, mounted on an Arduino DUE board. In this electrical drive for PMSM, a resolver is used in order to measure the rotor position and speed: Therefore, the low-cost Arduino DUE performs not only FOC algorithm and phase currents data acquisition, but also a resolver-To-digital converter process, rotor position and speed data acquisition, and resolver signals management. The code has been implemented in the open source Arduino IDE, using C language, whereas the control and plot visualization interfaces hav…

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A Semantic Layer on Semi-structured Data Sources for Intuitive Chatbots

The main limits of chatbot technology are related to the building of their knowledge representation and to their rigid information retrieval and dialogue capabilities, usually based on simple "pattern matching rules". The analysis of distributional properties of words in a texts corpus allows the creation of semantic spaces where represent and compare natural language elements. This space can be interpreted as a "conceptual" space where the axes represent the latent primitive concepts of the analyzed corpus. The presented work aims at exploiting the properties of a data-driven semantic/conceptual space built using semi-structured data sources freely available on the web, like Wikipedia. Thi…

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GAPP Compiler for Hardware Accelerated Geometric Algebra Computing

Because of the high numeric complexity of Geometric Algebra, its use in engineering applications relies heavily on tools for ecient implementations. In this article, we introduce a new quality of Geometric Algebra Computing solutions based on a new compiler for Geometric Algebra Parallelism Programs (GAPP). These programs are already optimized in a sense that only the really needed computations are left. The GAPP compiler is able to generate two output formats leading to advanced hardware accelerated Geometric Algebra Computing. On one hand, there is the direct generation of HSAIL code, in order to more eciently support the solutions of the broad range of heterogeneous computing architectur…

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Preliminary test on a cascode switch for high-frequency applications

Nowadays, an increasing electrification level is being addressed towards different sectors, such as transportation and industrial electronics. To bear that, high speed electrical machines represent a mature technology in different application fields, e.g. avionics, automotive, compressors and spindles. In order to guarantee high speed while keeping high power quality without adopting bulky filtering circuits, DC-AC converters shall be controlled by means of high Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequencies. In addition to the emerging switching device technologies, such as those based on Silicon-Carbide (SiC) and Gallium-Nitride (GaN), alternative circuital topologies are crucial in order to co…

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LSA-Enhanced Ontologies for Information Exploration System on Cultural Heritage

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LSA for Intuitive Chat-Agents Tutoring System

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4D Clifford algebra based on fixed-size representation

Geometric algebra (also known as Clifford algebra) is a powerful mathematical tool that offers a natural and direct way to model geometric objects and their transformations. It is gaining growing attention in different research fields as physics, robotics, CAD/CAM and computer graphics. In particular, 4D geometric algebra implements homogeneous coordinates, which are used to model 3D scenery in most computer graphics applications. The research work on Clifford algebra is actually aimed at finding efficient implementations of the algebra. This paper wants to give a contribution to this research effort by proposing a direct hardware support for geometric algebra operators. The paper introduce…

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Investigation on Cascode Devices for High Frequency Electrical Drives Applications

In the last years a widespread development in the market of electrical drives employing high-speed electrical machines has occurred in various industrial fields, due to the extremely high power density that can be reached. Nevertheless, to maintain output power quality without using bulky filtering networks, DC-AC converters should be controlled by means of higher PWM switching frequencies. New switching device technologies, such as Field Effect Transistors based on SiC and GaN, are therefore gathering momentum in order to comply with the higher working frequencies. To operate under high frequencies and at the same time at high voltage levels, alternative circuital configurations for switch…

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Experimental Implementation of an Enhanced Field Oriented Control Strategy for Induction Motors Using a Low-Cost ATSAM3X8E Microcontroller

This paper presents a low-cost Micro Controller Unit (MCU) implementation of an enhanced Field Oriented Control (FOC) technique that takes into account the non-linearity of the ferromagnetic material. The algorithm is applied to a three-phase 5.5 kW Induction Motor (IM) and experimentally carried out by means of an ATMEL ATSAM3X8E microcontroller. The effectiveness of the enhanced control strategy is verified by comparing the dynamic performances of the electric drive with those obtained by means of a traditional FOC technique. For this purpose, an experimental test bench is set up for the implementation of the enhanced FOC technique. Finally, the technical and economic features of the simp…

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Fixed-size Quadruples for a New, Hardware-Oriented Representation of the 4D Clifford Algebra

Clifford algebra (geometric algebra) offers a natural and intuitive way to model geometry in fields as robotics, machine vision and computer graphics. This paper proposes a new representation based on fixed-size elements (quadruples) of 4D Clifford algebra and demonstrates that this choice leads to an algorithmic simplification which in turn leads to a simpler and more compact hardware implementation of the algebraic operations. In order to prove the advantages of the new, quadruple-based representation over the classical representation based on homogeneous elements, a coprocessing core supporting the new fixed-size Clifford operands, namely Quad-CliffoSor (Quadruple-based Clifford coproces…

research product

A Conversational Agent Based on a Conceptual Interpretation of a Data Driven Semantic Space

In this work we propose an interpretation of the LSA framework which leads to a data-driven “conceptual” space creation suitable for an “intuitive” conversational agent. The proposed approach allows overcoming the limitations of traditional, rule-based, chat-bots, leading to a more natural dialogue.

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Application of EαNets to Feature Recognition of Articulation Manner in Knowledge-Based Automatic Speech Recognition

Speech recognition has become common in many application domains. Incorporating acoustic-phonetic knowledge into Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems design has been proven a viable approach to rise ASR accuracy. Manner of articulation attributes such as vowel, stop, fricative, approximant, nasal, and silence are examples of such knowledge. Neural networks have already been used successfully as detectors for manner of articulation attributes starting from representations of speech signal frames. In this paper, a set of six detectors for the above mentioned attributes is designed based on the E-αNet model of neural networks. This model was chosen for its capability to learn hidden acti…

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EHeBby: An evocative humorist chat-bot

A conversational agent, capable to have a "sense of humor" is presented. The agent can both generate humorous sentences and recognize humoristic expressions introduced by the user during the dialogue. EHeBby is an entertainment oriented conversational agent implemented using the ALICE framework embedded into an Yahoo! Messenger client. It is characterized by two areas: a rational, rule-based area and an evocative area. The first one is based on well founded techniques of computational humor and a standard AIML KB. The second one is based on a conceptual space, automatically induced by a corpus of funny documents, where KB items and user sentences are mapped. This area emulates an associativ…

research product

An Innovative Similarity Measure for Sentence Plagiarism Detection

We propose and experimentally assess Semantic Word Error Rate (SWER), an innovative similarity measure for sentence plagiarism detection. SWER introduces a complex approach based on latent semantic analysis, which is capable of outperforming the accuracy of competitor methods in plagiarism detection. We provide principles and functionalities of SWER, and we complement our analytical contribution by means of a significant preliminary experimental analysis. Derived results are promising, and confirm to use the goodness of our proposal.

research product

A neural multi-agent based system for smart html pages retrieval

A neural based multi-agent system for smart HTML page retrieval is presented. The system is based on the EalphaNet architecture, a neural network capable of learning the activation function of its hidden units and having good generalization capabilities. System goal is to retrieve documents satisfying a query and dealing with a specific topic. The system has been developed using the basic features supplied by the Jade platform for agent creation, coordination and control. The system is composed of four agents: the trainer agent, the neural classifier mobile agent, the interface agent, and the librarian agent. The sub-symbolic knowledge of the neural classifier mobile agent is automatically …

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A Semantic Information Retrieval in a Robot Museum Guide Application

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Subsymbolic Approach to Word Modeling for Domain Specific Speech Recognition

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A Concurrent Neural Classifier for HTML Documents Retrieval

A neural based multi-agent system for automatic HTML pages retrieval is presented. The system is based on the EαNet architecture, a neural network having good generalization capabilities and able to learn the activation function of its hidden units. The starting hypothesis is that the HTML pages are stored in networked repositories. The system goal is to retrieve documents satisfying a user query and belonging to a given class (i.e. documents containing the word “football” and talking about “Sports”). The system is composed by three interacting agents: the EαNet Neural Classifier Mobile Agent, the Query Agent, and the Locator Agent. The whole system was successfully implemented exploiting t…

research product

Design and implementation of an embedded coprocessor with native support for 5D, quadruple-based Clifford algebra

Geometric or Clifford algebra (CA) is a powerful mathematical tool that offers a natural and intuitive way to model geometric facts in a number of research fields, such as robotics, machine vision, and computer graphics. Operating in higher dimensional spaces, its practical use is hindered, however, by a significant computational cost, only partially addressed by dedicated software libraries and hardware/software codesigns. For low-dimensional algebras, several dedicated hardware accelerators and coprocessing architectures have been already proposed in the literature. This paper introduces the architecture of CliffordALU5, an embedded coprocessing core conceived for native execution of up t…

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Wordnet and semidiscrete decomposition for sub-symbolic representation of words

A methodology for sub-symbolic semantic encoding of words is presented. The methodology uses the standard, semantically highly-structured WordNet lexical database and the SemiDiscrete matrix Decomposition to obtain a vector representation with low memory requirements in a semantic n-space. The application of the proposed algorithm over all the WordNet words would lead to a useful tool for the sub-symbolic processing of texts.

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WordNet and SemiDiscrete Decomposition for Sub-symbolic Encoding of Words

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A Conceptual Probabilistic Model for the Induction of Image Semantics

In this paper we propose a model based on a conceptual space automatically induced from data. The model is inspired to a well-founded robotics cognitive architecture which is organized in three computational areas: sub-conceptual, linguistic and conceptual. Images are objects in the sub-conceptual area, that become "knoxels" into the conceptual area. The application of the framework grants the automatic emerging of image semantics into the linguistic area. The core of the model is a conceptual space induced automatically from a set of annotated images that exploits and mixes different information concerning the set of images. Multiple low level features are extracted to represent images and…

research product

A New Humanoid Architecture for Social Interaction between Human and a Robot Expressing Human-Like Emotions Using an Android Mobile Device as Interface

In this paper we illustrate a humanoid robot able to interact socially and naturally with a human by expressing human-like body emotions. The emotional architecture of this robot is based on an emotional conceptual space generated using the paradigm of Latent Semantic Analysis. The robot generates its overall affective behavior (Latent Semantic Behavior) taking into account the visual and phrasal stimuli of human user, the environment and its personality, all encoded in his emotional conceptual space. The robot determines its emotion according by all these parameters that influence and orient the generation of his behavior not predictable from the user. The goal of this approach is to obtai…

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Convergence of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web: A Semantic Tagging and Searching System for Creating and Searching Blogs

The work presented in this paper aims to combine Latent Semantic Analysis methodology, common sense and traditional knowledge representation in order to improve the dialogue capabilities of a conversational agent. In our approach the agent brain is characterized by two areas: a "rational area", composed by a structured, rule-based knowledge base, and an "associative area", obtained through a data- driven semantic space. Concepts are mapped in this space and their mutual geometric distance is related to their conceptual similarity. The geometric distance between concepts implicitly defines a sub-symbolic relationship net, which can be seen as a new "sub- symbolic semantic layer" automaticall…

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