Zöllner Ej
Notizen: Unterschiedliche Desoxyribonuclease-Aktivitäten im Seminalplasma von Bullen/Different Deoxyribonuclease-Activities in Bull Seminal Plasma
By means of the in situ assay of deoxyribonucleases in DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels after separation by micro-disc-electrophoresis different deoxyribonucleases are detectable in bull seminal plasma. There are two groups of acid deoxyribonuclease-activities with a pH optimum at pH 5.0, one with a pH optimum at pH 7.4 and an additional one with a pH optimum at pH 8.5.
A Sensitive Method for Identification of DNA Dependent DNA Polymerases in Acrylamide Gels after Seperation by Micro Disc Electrophoresis
Abstract DNA polymerase, disc electrophoresis, template affinity Two sensitive methods are described for detection of DNA dependent DNA polymerase activities in polyacrylamide gels after their fractionation by micro-disc electrophoresis. One technique is based on the increase in fluorescence of the ethidium bromide complex with template polydeoxyribonucleotides brought about by the action of the polymerases. The sensitivity of the previously described technique has been enhanced. Another method, 14 fold as sensitive, uses radioactive precursors in the enzyme assay after electrophoretic separation; washing, slicing and counting allows to evaluate incorporation into acid insoluble polymer, re…
Möglichkeiten zur gezielten Diagnose durch Bestimmung der sauren Desoxyribonucleasen im Urin gesunder Kontrollpersonen und Xeroderma pigmentosum-Patienten
Das Verteilungsmuster der DNase-Aktivitat1 im Urin von Normalpersonen und X.p.-Patienten wurde mit einem mikro-disk-elektrophoretischen Verfahren untersucht. Bei saurer Inkubation sind 4 distinkte Aktivitatsbanden im Normalurin nachweisbar. Urin von X.p.-Patienten zeigt eine deutliche Verminderung der 2.–4. Bande, wobei die Veranderung der 3. Bande besonders auffallig ist. Es wurde ferner untersucht, wie sich das Verhalten verandert, wenn statt nativer DNA denaturierte als Substrat angeboten und wenn die zweiwertigen Ionen durch EDTA komplexiert wurden. Eine Aktivitatsverminderung ist nicht auf das Auftreten von Inhibitoren zuruckzufuhren, sondern wahrscheinlich durch eine Konzentrationsver…
Deoxyribonucleases in Herpes simplex Virus Type 1 and 2 Infected Primary Rabbit Kidney Cells
Abstract In primary rabbit kidney cells infected with herpes simplex virus four different neutral deoxyribonuclease activities can be detected by means of the deoxyribonuclease assay in DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels following their separation by discelectrophoresis. The method is suitable to follow independently the change in each activity of the different enzymes using only about 5 × 105 cells for each assay during the time-course of infection. Under these conditions one enzyme activity is constant, two disappear while the activity of a fourth one present only in infected cells, increases.
Characterization of Different Deoxyribonucleases in Human Lymphocytes
Abstract Deoxyribonucleases, Disc Electrophoresis, Lymphocytes Four groups of deoxyribonuclease activities from human lymphocytes have been characterized by deoxyribonuclease assay in DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels following their separation by disc-electrophoresis. All activities hydrolyse DNA endonucleolytically. One neutral deoxyribo nuclease found in the cytoplasmic fraction prefers native or UV-irradiated DNA over denatured DNA as substrate and is a 5′-monoester former. Two groups of acid deoxyribonuclease activities are detectable in the nuclear fraction. Both are 3′-monoester formers. One is as well active with denatured DNA as with native DNA, the other one shows the same activ…