Angel Rubio
Time-based Chern number in periodically driven systems in the adiabatic limit
To define the topology of driven systems, recent works have proposed synthetic dimensions as a way to uncover the underlying parameter space of topological invariants. Using time as a synthetic dimension, together with a momentum dimension, gives access to a synthetic two-dimensional (2D) Chern number. It is, however, still unclear how the synthetic 2D Chern number is related to the Chern number that is defined from a parametric variable that evolves with time. Here we show that in periodically driven systems in the adiabatic limit, the synthetic 2D Chern number is a multiple of the Chern number defined from the parametric variable. The synthetic 2D Chern number can thus be engineered via h…
Time-dependent density-functional theory of strong-field ionization of atoms by soft x rays
Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).-- et al.
The response of metal clusters toq- andL-dependent external fields
We have calculated the static polarizability and mean excitation energy of metal clusters submitted toq-andL-dependent external fields ofjL(qr)YL0(Ω) type. Use has been made of an Extended Random-Phase Approximation which includes exchange and correlation effects within a local model, and of the spherical jellium model to describe the neutralizing positive background.
Polycyclic aromatic chains on metals and insulating layers by repetitive [3+2] cycloadditions
The vast potential of organic materials for electronic, optoelectronic and spintronic devices entails substantial interest in the fabrication of π-conjugated systems with tailored functionality directly at insulating interfaces. On-surface fabrication of such materials on non-metal surfaces remains to be demonstrated with high yield and selectivity. Here we present the synthesis of polyaromatic chains on metallic substrates, insulating layers, and in the solid state. Scanning probe microscopy shows the formation of azaullazine repeating units on Au(111), Ag(111), and h-BN/Cu(111), stemming from intermolecular homo-coupling via cycloaddition reactions of CN-substituted polycyclic aromatic az…
Survival of Floquet–Bloch States in the Presence of Scattering
Floquet theory has spawned many exciting possibilities for electronic structure control with light, with enormous potential for future applications. The experimental demonstration in solids, however, remains largely unrealized. In particular, the influence of scattering on the formation of Floquet-Bloch states remains poorly understood. Here we combine time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with time-dependent density functional theory and a two-level model with relaxation to investigate the survival of Floquet-Bloch states in the presence of scattering. We find that Floquet-Bloch states will be destroyed if scattering-activated by electronic excitations-prevents the Bloch elec…
Identification of a gene-pathway associated with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
Background/Aims We have integrated gene expression profiling of liver biopsies of NASH patients with liver samples of a mouse model of steatohepatitis (MAT1A-KO) to identify a gene-pathway associated with NASH. Methods Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays were used to evaluate nine patients with NASH, six patients with steatosis, and six control subjects; Affymetrix MOE430A microarrays were used to evaluate wild-type and MAT1A-KO mice at 15 days, 1, 3, 5 and 8 months after birth. Transcriptional profiles of patients with NASH and MAT1A-KO mice were compared with those of their proficient controls. Results We identified a gene-pathway associated with NASH, that accurately distinguishes betwe…
Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO3
Recent experiments have demonstrated that light can induce a transition from the quantum paraelectric to the ferroelectric phase of SrTiO3. Here, we investigate this terahertz field-induced ferroelectric phase transition by solving the time-dependent lattice Schrödinger equation based on first-principles calculations. We find that ferroelectricity originates from a light-induced mixing between ground and first excited lattice states in the quantum paraelectric phase. In agreement with the experimental findings, our study shows that the nonoscillatory second harmonic generation signal can be evidence of ferroelectricity in SrTiO3. We reveal the microscopic details of this exotic phase transi…
Ab Initio Simulation of Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy in Two-Dimensional Materials
We extend the first-principles analysis of attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to two-dimensional materials. As an example of two-dimensional materials, we apply the analysis to monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and compute its transient optical properties under intense few-cycle infrared laser pulses. Nonadiabatic features are observed in the computed transient absorption spectra. To elucidate the microscopic origin of these features, we analyze the electronic structure of h-BN with density functional theory and investigate the dynamics of specific energy bands with a simple two-band model. Finally, we find that laser-induced intraband transitions play a significant role in…
Phonoritons as Hybridized Exciton-Photon-Phonon Excitations in a Monolayer h -BN Optical Cavity
[EN] A phonoriton is an elementary excitation that is predicted to emerge from hybridization between exciton, phonon, and photon. Besides the intriguing many-particle structure, phonoritons are of interest as they could serve as functional nodes in devices that utilize electronic, phononic, and photonic elements for energy conversion and thermal transport applications. Although phonoritons are predicted to emerge in an excitonic medium under intense electromagnetic wave irradiation, the stringent condition for their existence has eluded direct observation in solids. In particular, on-resonance, intense pumping schemes have been proposed, but excessive photoexcitation of carriers prevents op…
Modeling electron dynamics coupled to continuum states in finite volumes with absorbing boundaries
Light-Induced Renormalization of the Dirac Quasiparticles in the Nodal-Line Semimetal ZrSiSe
In nodal-line semimetals linearly dispersing states form Dirac loops in the reciprocal space, with high degree of electron-hole symmetry and almost-vanishing density of states near the Fermi level. The result is reduced electronic screening and enhanced correlations between Dirac quasiparticles. Here we investigate the electronic structure of ZrSiSe, by combining time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with ab initio density functional theory (DFT) complemented by an extended Hubbard model (DFT +U +V). We show that electronic correlations are reduced on an ultrashort timescale by optical excitation of high-energy electrons-hole pairs, which transiently screen the Coulomb interac…
Ab initio angle- and energy-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with time-dependent density-functional theory
We present a time-dependent density-functional method able to describe the photoelectron spectrum of atoms and molecules when excited by laser pulses. This computationally feasible scheme is based on a geometrical partitioning that efficiently gives access to photoelectron spectroscopy in time-dependent density-functional calculations. By using a geometrical approach, we provide a simple description of momentum-resolved photoemission including multiphoton effects. The approach is validated by comparison with results in the literature and exact calculations. Furthermore, we present numerical photoelectron angular distributions for randomly oriented nitrogen molecules in a short near-infrared…
Phonon-driven spin-Floquet magneto-valleytronics in MoS2
AbstractTwo-dimensional materials equipped with strong spin–orbit coupling can display novel electronic, spintronic, and topological properties originating from the breaking of time or inversion symmetry. A lot of interest has focused on the valley degrees of freedom that can be used to encode binary information. By performing ab initio time-dependent density functional simulation on MoS2, here we show that the spin is not only locked to the valley momenta but strongly coupled to the optical E″ phonon that lifts the lattice mirror symmetry. Once the phonon is pumped so as to break time-reversal symmetry, the resulting Floquet spectra of the phonon-dressed spins carry a net out-of-plane magn…
Unravelling the Intertwined Atomic and Bulk Nature of Localised Excitons by Attosecond Spectroscopy
The electro-optical properties of most semiconductors and insulators of technological interest are dominated by the presence of electron-hole quasi-particles, called excitons. The manipulation of excitons in dielectrics has recently received great attention, with possible applications in different fields including optoelectronics and photonics. Here, we apply attosecond transient reflection spectroscopy in a sequential two-foci geometry and observe sub-femtosecond dynamics of a core-level exciton in bulk MgF2 single crystals. Furthermore, we access absolute phase delays, which allow for an unambiguous comparison with theoretical calculations. Our results show that excitons surprisingly exhi…
First-principles simulations for attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy based on time-dependent density functional theory
We develop a first-principles simulation method for attosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. This method enables us to directly simulate the whole experimental processes, including excitation, emission and detection on equal footing. To examine the performance of the method, we use it to compute the reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions (RABBITT) experiments of gas-phase Argon. The computed RABBITT photoionization delay is in very good agreement with recent experimental results from [Klünder et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 143002 (2011)] and [Guénot et al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 053424 (2012)]. This indicates the significance of a fully-consiste…
Time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of strong-field light-dressed solids: prevalence of the adiabatic band picture
In recent years, strong-field physics in condensed-matter was pioneered as a novel approach for controlling material properties through laser-dressing, as well as for ultrafast spectroscopy via nonlinear light-matter interactions (e.g. harmonic generation). A potential controversy arising from these advancements is that it is sometimes vague which band-picture should be used to interpret strong-field experiments: the field-free bands, the adiabatic (instantaneous) field-dressed bands, Floquet bands, or some other intermediate picture. We here try to resolve this issue by performing 'theoretical experiments' of time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (Tr-ARPES) for a strong-field…
Challenges in Truncating the Hierarchy of Time-Dependent Reduced Density Matrices Equations: Open Problems
In this work, we analyze the Born, Bogoliubov, Green, Kirkwood and Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy of equations for describing the full time-evolution of a many-body fermionic system in terms of its reduced density matrices (at all orders). We provide an exhaustive study of the challenges and open problems linked to the truncation of such hierarchy of equations to make them practically applicable. We restrict our analysis to the coupled evolution of the one- and two-body reduced density matrices, where higher order correlation effects are embodied into the approximation used to close the equations. We prove that within this approach, the number of electrons and total energy are conserved, regardless…
Attosecond control of dissociative ionization of O2molecules
We demonstrate that dissociative ionization of O(2) can be controlled by the relative delay between an attosecond pulse train (APT) and a copropagating infrared (IR) field. Our experiments reveal a dependence of both the branching ratios between a range of electronic states and the fragment angular distributions on the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) to IR time delay. The observations go beyond adiabatic propagation of dissociative wave packets on IR-induced quasistatic potential energy curves and are understood in terms of an IR-induced coupling between electronic states in the molecular ion.
A TDDFT-based Study on the Proton-DNA Collision
The interaction of heavy charged particles with DNA is of interest for several areas, from hadrontherapy to aero-space industry. In this paper, a TD-DFT study on the interaction of a 4 keV proton with an isolated DNA base pair was carried out. Ehrenfest dynamics was used to study the evolution of the system during and after the proton impact up to about 193 fs. This time was long enough to observe the dissociation of the target, which occurs between 80-100 fs. The effect of base pair linking to the DNA double helix was emulated by fixing the four O3' atoms responsible for the attachment. The base pair tends to dissociate into its main components, namely the phosphate groups, sugars and nitr…
Correlation-driven sub-3 fs charge migration in ionised adenine
Sudden ionisation of a relatively large molecule can initiate a correlation-driven process dubbed charge migration, where the electron density distribution is expected to rapidly change. Capturing this few-femtosecond/attosecond charge redistribution represents the real-time observation of the electron correlation in the molecule. So far, there has been no experimental evidence of this process. Here we report on a time-resolved study of the correlation-driven charge migration process occurring in the bio-relevant molecule adenine after ionisation by a 15-35 eV attosecond pulse . We find that, the production of intact doubly charged adenine - via a shortly-delayed laser-induced second ionisa…
Generation and Evolution of Spin-, Valley-, and Layer-Polarized Excited Carriers in Inversion-Symmetric WSe2
We report the spin-selective optical excitation of carriers in inversion-symmetric bulk samples of the transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$. Employing time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (trARPES) and complementary time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), we observe spin-, valley-, and layer-polarized excited state populations upon excitation with circularly polarized pump pulses, followed by ultrafast ($l100\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{fs}$) scattering of carriers towards the global minimum of the conduction band. TDDFT reveals the character of the conduction band, into which electrons are initially excited, to be two-dimensional and localized wit…
Dynamical Processes in Open Quantum Systems from a TDDFT Perspective: Resonances and Electron Photoemission
We present a review of different computational methods to describe time-dependent phenomena in open quantum systems and their extension to a density-functional framework. We focus the discussion on electron emission processes in atoms and molecules addressing excited-state lifetimes and dissipative processes. Initially we analyze the concept of an electronic resonance, a central concept in spectroscopy associated with a metastable state from which an electron eventually escapes (electronic lifetime). Resonances play a fundamental role in many time-dependent molecular phenomena but can be rationalized from a time-independent context in terms of scattering states. We introduce the method of c…
Real-space grids and the Octopus code as tools for the development of new simulation approaches for electronic systems.
This Open Access Article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Phonon Driven Floquet Matter.
The effect of electron–phonon coupling in materials can be interpreted as a dressing of the electronic structure by the lattice vibration, leading to vibrational replicas and hybridization of electronic states. In solids, a resonantly excited coherent phonon leads to a periodic oscillation of the atomic lattice in a crystal structure bringing the material into a nonequilibrium electronic configuration. Periodically oscillating quantum systems can be understood in terms of Floquet theory, which has a long tradition in the study of semiclassical light-matter interaction. Here, we show that the concepts of Floquet analysis can be applied to coherent lattice vibrations. This coupling leads to p…
First-principles modelling for time-resolved ARPES under different pump-probe conditions
First-principles methods for time-resolved angular resolved photoelectron spectroscopy play a pivotal role in providing interpretation and microscopic understanding of the complex experimental data and in exploring novel observables or observation conditions that may be achieved in future experiments. Here we describe an efficient, reliable and scalable first-principles method for tr-ARPES based on time-dependent density functional theory including propagation and surface effects usually discarded in the widely used many-body techniques based on computing the non-equilibrium spectral function and discuss its application to a variety of pump–probe conditions. We identify four conditions, dep…
Direct Measurement of Electron-Phonon Coupling with Time-Resolved ARPES
Time- and angular- resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure electron dynamics in solids. Recent advances in this technique have facilitated band and energy resolved observations of the effect that excited phonons, have on the electronic structure. Here, we show with the help of ab initio simulations that the Fourier analysis of the time-resolved measurements of solids with excited phonon modes enables the determination of the band- and mode-resolved electron-phonon coupling directly from the experimental data without any additional input from theory. Such an observation is not restricted to regions of strong electron-phonon coupling and does not require strongl…
Cavity Control of Excitons in Two-Dimensional Materials
We propose a robust and efficient way of controlling the optical spectra of two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures by quantum cavity embedding. The cavity light-matter coupling leads to the formation of exciton-polaritons, a superposition of photons and excitons. Our first principles study demonstrates a reordering and mixing of bright and dark excitons spectral features and in the case of a type II van-der-Waals heterostructure an inversion of intra and interlayer excitonic resonances. We further show that the cavity light-matter coupling strongly depends on the dielectric environment and can be controlled by encapsulating the active 2D crystal in another dielectric m…
Floquet states in dissipative open quantum systems
Abstract We theoretically investigate basic properties of nonequilibrium steady states of periodically-driven open quantum systems based on the full solution of the Maxwell–Bloch equation. In a resonant driving condition, we find that the transverse relaxation, also known as decoherence, significantly destructs the formation of Floquet states while the longitudinal relaxation does not directly affect it. Furthermore, by evaluating the quasienergy spectrum of the nonequilibrium steady states, we demonstrate that Rabi splitting can be observed as long as the decoherence time is as short as one third of the Rabi-cycle. Moreover, we find that Floquet states can be formed even under significant …
Thermoelectric properties of atomic-thin silicene and germanene nano-structures
The thermoelectric properties in one- and two-dimensional silicon and germanium structures have been investigated using first-principles density functional techniques and linear response for the thermal and electrical transport. We have considered here the two-dimensional silicene and germanene, together with nanoribbons of different widths. For the nano ribbons, we have also investigated the possibility of nano structuring these systems by mixing silicon and germanium. We found that the figure of merit at room temperature of these systems is remarkably high, up to 2.5.
Strong-field physics in the molecular frame
XXI International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2018, UP 2018, Hamburg, Germany, 15 Jul 2018 - 20 Jul 2018; The European physical journal / Web of Conferences 205, 07002 (2019). doi:10.1051/epjconf/201920507002
The Ferroelectric Photo-Groundstate of SrTiO$_3$: Cavity Materials Engineering
Significance Controlling collective phenomena in quantum materials is a promising route toward engineering material properties on demand. Strong THz lasers have been successful at inducing ferroelectricity in S r T i O 3 . Here we demonstrate, from atomistic calculations, that cavity quantum vacuum fluctuations induce a change in the collective phase of S r T i O 3 in the strong light–matter coupling regime. Under these conditions, the ferroelectric phase is stabilized as the ground state, instead of the quantum paraelectric one. We conceptualize this light–matter hybrid state as a material photo ground state: Fundamental properties such as crystal structure, phonon frequencies, and the col…
Eliminating Artificial Boundary Conditions in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Using Fourier Contour Deformation
We present an efficient method for propagating the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations in free space, based on the recently introduced Fourier contour deformation (FCD) approach. For potentials which are constant outside a bounded domain, FCD yields a high-order accurate numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation directly in free space, without the need for artificial boundary conditions. Of the many existing artificial boundary condition schemes, FCD is most similar to an exact nonlocal transparent boundary condition, but it works directly on Cartesian grids in any dimension, and runs on top of the fast Fourier transform rather than fast algorithms for the application of …
Attosecond magnetization dynamics in non-magnetic materials driven by intense femtosecond lasers
Irradiating solids with ultrashort laser pulses is known to initiate femtosecond timescale magnetization dynamics. However, sub-femtosecond spin dynamics have not yet been observed or predicted. Here, we explore ultrafast light-driven spin dynamics in a highly non-resonant strong-field regime. Through state-of-the-art ab-initio calculations, we predict that a non-magnetic material can be transiently transformed into a magnetic one via dynamical extremely nonlinear spin-flipping processes, which occur on attosecond timescales and are mediated by a combination of multi-photon and spin-orbit interactions. These are non-perturbative non-resonant analogues to the inverse Faraday effect that buil…
Ultrafast dynamics of adenine following XUV ionization
JPhys photonics 4, 034003 (2022). doi:10.1088/2515-7647/ac6ea5 special issue: "Focus on Nanophotonics and Biophotonics for Biomedical and Environmental Applications"
Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in massless Dirac fermion systems and topological insulators with dissipation
Employing the quantum Liouville equation with phenomenological dissipation, we investigate the transport properties of massless and massive Dirac fermion systems that mimics graphene and topological insulators, respectively. The massless Dirac fermion system does not show an intrinsic Hall effect, but it shows a Hall current under the presence of circularly-polarized laser fields as a nature of a optically-driven nonequilibrium state. Based on the microscopic analysis, we find that the light-induced Hall effect mainly originates from the imbalance of photocarrier distribution in momentum space although the emergent Floquet–Berry curvature also has a non-zero contribution. We further compute…
Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems
Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging route toward engineering materials with tailored properties is to find ways to design or selectively manipulate materials, especially at the quantum level. To this end, having a state-of-the-art ab initio computer simulation tool that enables a reliable and accurate simulation of light-induced changes in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems is of utmost importance. The first principles real-space-based Octopus project was born with that idea in mind,…
How Circular Dichroism in Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Can Be Used to Spectroscopically Detect Transient Topological States in Graphene
Pumping graphene with circularly polarized light is the archetype of light-tailoring topological bands. Realizing the induced Floquet-Chern-insulator state and demonstrating clear experimental evidence for its topological nature has been a challenge, and it has become clear that scattering effects play a crucial role. We tackle this gap between theory and experiment by employing microscopic quantum kinetic calculations including realistic electron-electron and electron-phonon scattering. Our theory provides a direct link to the build up of the Floquet-Chern-insulator state in light-driven graphene and its detection in time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). This approac…
Floquet engineering the band structure of materials with optimal control theory
We demonstrate that the electronic structure of a material can be deformed into Floquet pseudo-bands with arbitrarily tailored shapes. We achieve this goal with a novel combination of quantum optimal control theory and Floquet engineering. The power and versatility of this framework is demonstrated here by utilizing the independent-electron tight-binding description of the $\pi$ electronic system of graphene. We show several prototype examples focusing on the region around the K (Dirac) point of the Brillouin zone: creation of a gap with opposing flat valence and conduction bands, creation of a gap with opposing concave symmetric valence and conduction bands -- which would correspond to a m…
The quantum paraelectric phase of SrTiO$_3$ from first principles
We demonstrate how the quantum paraelectric ground state of SrTiO$_3$ can be accessed via a microscopic $ab~initio$ approach based on density functional theory. At low temperature the quantum fluctuations are strong enough to stabilize the paraelectric phase even though a classical description would predict a ferroelectric phase. We find that accounting for quantum fluctuations of the lattice and for the strong coupling between the ferroelectric soft mode and lattice elongation is necessary to achieve quantitative agreement with experimental frequency of the ferroelectric soft mode. The temperature dependent properties in SrTiO$_3$ are also well captured by the present microscopic framework.
Stark ionization of atoms and molecules within density functional resonance theory
We show that the energetics and lifetimes of resonances of finite systems under an external electric field can be captured by Kohn–Sham density functional theory (DFT) within the formalism of uniform complex scaling. Properties of resonances are calculated self-consistently in terms of complex densities, potentials, and wave functions using adapted versions of the known algorithms from DFT. We illustrate this new formalism by calculating ionization rates using the complex-scaled local density approximation and exact exchange. We consider a variety of atoms (H, He, Li, and Be) as well as the H2 molecule. Extensions are briefly discussed.
Setting the photoelectron clock through molecular alignment
The interaction of strong laser fields with matter intrinsically provides a powerful tool for imaging transient dynamics with an extremely high spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we study strong-field ionisation of laser-aligned molecules, and show a full real-time picture of the photoelectron dynamics in the combined action of the laser field and the molecular interaction. We demonstrate that the molecule has a dramatic impact on the overall strong-field dynamics: it sets the clock for the emission of electrons with a given rescattering kinetic energy. This result represents a benchmark for the seminal statements of molecular-frame strong-field physics and has strong impact on the interpreta…
Challenges in truncating the hierarchy of time-dependent reduced density matrices equations
In this work, we analyze the Born, Bogoliubov, Green, Kirkwood, and Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy of equations for describing the full time evolution of a many-body fermionic system in terms of its reduced density matrices (at all orders). We provide an exhaustive study of the challenges and open problems linked to the truncation of such a hierarchy of equations to make them practically applicable. We restrict our analysis to the coupled evolution of the one- and two-body reduced density matrices, where higher-order correlation effects are embodied into the approximation used to close the equations. We prove that within this approach, the number of electrons and total energy are conserved, regardl…
Microscopic theory for the light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene
We employ a quantum Liouville equation with relaxation to model the recently observed anomalous Hall effect in graphene irradiated by an ultrafast pulse of circularly polarized light. In the weak-field regime, we demonstrate that the Hall effect originates from an asymmetric population of photocarriers in the Dirac bands. By contrast, in the strong-field regime, the system is driven into a non-equilibrium steady state that is well-described by topologically non-trivial Floquet-Bloch bands. Here, the anomalous Hall current originates from the combination of a population imbalance in these dressed bands together with a smaller anomalous velocity contribution arising from their Berry curvature…
Tailored pump-probe transient spectroscopy with time-dependent density-functional theory: controlling absorption spectra
Recent advances in laser technology allow us to follow electronic motion at its natural time-scale with ultra-fast time resolution, leading the way towards attosecond physics experiments of extreme precision. In this work, we assess the use of tailored pumps in order to enhance (or reduce) some given features of the probe absorption (for example, absorption in the visible range of otherwise transparent samples). This type of manipulation of the system response could be helpful for its full characterization, since it would allow us to visualize transitions that are dark when using unshaped pulses. In order to investigate these possibilities, we perform first a theoretical analysis of the non…
Dynamical amplification of electric polarization through nonlinear phononics in 2D SnTe
Ultrafast optical control of ferroelectricity using intense terahertz fields has attracted significant interest. Here we show that the nonlinear interactions between two optical phonons in SnTe, a two-dimensional in-plane ferroelectric material, enables a dynamical amplification of the electric polarization within subpicoseconds time domain. Our first-principles time-dependent simulations show that the infrared-active out-of-plane phonon mode, pumped to nonlinear regimes, spontaneously generates in-plane motions, leading to rectified oscillations in the in-plane electric polarization. We suggest that this dynamical control of ferroelectric material, by nonlinear phonon excitation, can be ut…
Simulating pump-probe photo-electron and absorption spectroscopy on the attosecond time-scale with time-dependent density-functional theory
Molecular absorption and photoelectron spectra can be efficiently predicted with real-time time-dependent density functional theory. We show herein how these techniques can be easily extended to study time-resolved pump-probe experiments, in which a system response (absorption or electron emission) to a probe pulse is measured in an excited state. This simulation tool helps with the interpretation of fast-evolving attosecond time-resolved spectroscopic experiments, in which electronic motion must be followed at its natural timescale. We show how the extra degrees of freedom (pump-pulse duration, intensity, frequency, and time delay), which are absent in a conventional steady-state experimen…
Coherent coupling between vortex bound states and magnetic impurities in 2D layered superconductors
Bound states in superconductors are expected to exhibit a spatially resolved electron-hole asymmetry which is the hallmark of their quantum nature. This asymmetry manifests as oscillations at the Fermi wavelength, which is usually tiny and thus washed out by thermal broadening or by scattering at defects. Here we demonstrate theoretically and confirm experimentally that, when coupled to magnetic impurities, bound states in a vortex core exhibit an emergent axial electron-hole asymmetry on a much longer scale, set by the coherence length. We study vortices in 2H-NbSe2 and in 2H-NbSe1.8S0.2 with magnetic impurities, characterizing these with detailed Hubbard-corrected density functional calcu…
Are there universal signatures of topological phases in high harmonic generation? Probably not
High harmonic generation (HHG) has developed in recent years as a promising tool for ultrafast materials spectroscopy. At the forefront of these advancements, several works proposed to use HHG as an all-optical probe for topology of quantum matter by identifying its signatures in the emission spectra. However, it remains unclear if such spectral signatures are indeed a robust and general approach for probing topology. To address this point, we perform here a fully ab-initio study of HHG from prototypical two-dimensional topological insulators in the Kane-Mele quantum spin-Hall and anomalous-Hall phases. We analyze the spectra and previously proposed topological signatures by comparing HHG f…
Floquet engineering of magnetism in topological insulator thin films
Dynamic manipulation of magnetism in topological materials is demonstrated here via a Floquet engineering approach using circularly polarized light. Increasing the strength of the laser field, besides the expected topological phase transition, the magnetically doped topological insulator thin film also undergoes a magnetic phase transition from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism, whose critical behavior strongly depends on the quantum quenching. In sharp contrast to the equilibrium case, the non-equilibrium Curie temperatures vary for different time scale and experimental setup, not all relying on change of topology. Our discoveries deepen the understanding of the relationship between topology…
Floquet engineering with quantum optimal control theory
Abstract Floquet engineering consists in the modification of physical systems by the application of periodic time-dependent perturbations. The search for the shape of the periodic perturbation that best modifies the properties of a system in order to achieve some predefined metastable target behavior can be formulated as an optimal control problem. We discuss several ways to formulate and solve this problem. We present, as examples, some applications in the context of material science, although the methods discussed here are valid for any quantum system (from molecules and nanostructures to extended periodic and non periodic quantum materials). In particular, we show how one can achieve the…
Unraveling materials Berry curvature and Chern numbers from real-time evolution of Bloch states
Materials can be classified by the topological character of their electronic structure and, in this perspective, global attributes immune to local deformations have been discussed in terms of Berry curvature and Chern numbers. Except for instructional simple models, linear response theories have been ubiquitously employed in calculations of topological properties of real materials. Here we propose a completely different and versatile approach to get the topological characteristics of materials by calculating physical observables from the real-time evolving Bloch states: the cell-averaged current density reveals the anomalous velocities whose integration leads to the conductivity quantum. Re…
Creating stable Floquet–Weyl semimetals by laser-driving of 3D Dirac materials
Nature Communications 8, 13940 (2017). doi:10.1038/ncomms13940
Femtosecond exciton dynamics in WSe2 optical waveguides
Van-der Waals (vdW) atomically layered crystals can act as optical waveguides over a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from Terahertz to visible. Unlike common Si-based waveguides, vdW semiconductors host strong excitonic resonances that may be controlled using non-thermal stimuli including electrostatic gating and photoexcitation. Here, we utilize waveguide modes to examine photo-induced changes of excitons in the prototypical vdW semiconductor, WSe2, prompted by femtosecond light pulses. Using time-resolved scanning near-field optical microscopy we visualize the electric field profiles of waveguide modes in real space and time and extract the temporal evolution of the op…
Modelling the effect of nuclear motion on the attosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectra of ethylene
Probing phonon dynamics with multidimensional high harmonic carrier-envelope-phase spectroscopy
We explore pump-probe high harmonic generation (HHG) from monolayer hexagonal-Boron-Nitride, where a terahertz pump excites coherent optical phonons that are subsequently probed by an intense infrared pulse that drives HHG. We find, through state-of-the-art ab-initio calculations, that the structure of the emission spectrum is attenuated by the presence of coherent phonons, and is no longer comprised of discrete harmonic orders, but rather of a continuous emission in the plateau region. The HHG yield strongly oscillates as a function of the pump-probe delay, corresponding to ultrafast changes in the lattice such as bond compression or stretching. We further show that in the regime where the…
Light-Driven Extremely Nonlinear Bulk Photogalvanic Currents
We predict the generation of bulk photocurrents in materials driven by bichromatic fields that arc circularly polarized and corotating. The nonlinear photocurrents have a fully controllable directionality and amplitude without requiring carrier-envelope-phase stabilization or few-cycle pulses, and can be generated with photon energies much smaller than the band gap (reducing heating in the photoconversion process). We demonstrate with ab initio calculations that the photocurrent generation mechanism is universal and arises in gaped materials (Si, diamond, MgO, hBN), in semimetals (graphene), and in two- and three-dimensional systems. Photocurrents are shown to rely on sub-laser-cycle asymme…
Strong chiral dichroism and enantiopurification in above-threshold ionization with locally chiral light
We derive here a highly selective photoelectron-based chirality-sensing technique that utilizes “locally chiral” laser pulses. We show that this approach results in strong chiral discrimination, where the standard forwards/backwards asymmetry of photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) is lifted. The resulting dichroism is larger and more robust than conventional PECD (especially in the high-energy part of the spectrum), is found in all hemispheres, and is not symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to any symmetry operator. Remarkably, chiral dichroism of up to 10% survives in the angularly integrated above-threshold ionization (ATI) spectra, and chiral dichroism of up to 5% survives in the…
Femtosecond laser pulse shaping for enhanced ionization
El pdf del artículo es la versión post-print: arXiv:0906.1938v1
Engineering quantum materials with chiral optical cavities.
Nature materials 20, 438 – 442 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41563-020-00801-7
Out-of-plane transport of 1T-TaS2/graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures
Due to their anisotropy, layered materials are excellent candidates for studying the interplay between the in-plane and out-of-plane entanglement in strongly correlated systems. A relevant example is provided by 1T-TaS2, which exhibits a multifaceted electronic and magnetic scenario due to the existence of several charge density wave (CDW) configurations. It includes quantum hidden phases, superconductivity and exotic quantum spin liquid (QSL) states, which are highly dependent on the out-of-plane stacking of the CDW. In this system, the interlayer stacking of the CDW is crucial for the interpretation of the underlying electronic and magnetic phase diagram. Here, thin-layers of 1T-TaS2 are …
Efficient and accurate modeling of electron photoemission in nanostructures with TDDFT
We derive and extend the time-dependent surface-flux method introduced in [L. Tao, A. Scrinzi, New J. Phys. 14, 013021 (2012)] within a time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) formalism and use it to calculate photoelectron spectra and angular distributions of atoms and molecules when excited by laser pulses. We present other, existing computational TDDFT methods that are suitable for the calculation of electron emission in compact spatial regions, and compare their results. We illustrate the performance of the new method by simulating strong-field ionization of C60 fullerene and discuss final state effects in the orbital reconstruction of planar organic molecules.
Local Berry curvature signatures in dichroic angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy from two-dimensional materials
Orbital polarization and Berry curvature signatures are mapped out by circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission.
Infrared plasmons propagate through a hyperbolic nodal metal
Metals are canonical plasmonic media at infrared and optical wavelengths, allowing one to guide and manipulate light at the nanoscale. A special form of optical waveguiding is afforded by highly anisotropic crystals revealing the opposite signs of the dielectric functions along orthogonal directions. These media are classified as hyperbolic and include crystalline insulators, semiconductors, and artificial metamaterials. Layered anisotropic metals are also anticipated to support hyperbolic waveguiding. However, this behavior remains elusive, primarily because interband losses arrest the propagation of infrared modes. Here, we report on the observation of propagating hyperbolic waves in a pr…