Céline Martin
CD36 as a lipid sensor
International audience; CD36 is a multifunctional protein homologous to the class B scavenger receptor SR-B1 mainly found in tissues with a sustained lipid metabolism and in several hematopoieic cells. CD36 is thought to be involved in various physiological and pathological processes like angiogenesis, thrombosis, atherogenesis, Alzheimer's disease or malaria. An additive emerging function for CD36 is a role as a lipid sensor. Location of CD36 and orthologue molecules in plasma membrane of cells in contact with the external environment (e.g. gustatory, intestinal or olfactory epithelia) allows the binding of exogenous-derived ligands including dietary lipids, diglycerides from bacterial wal…
O24 Obésité et perception oro-sensorielle des lipides alimentaires : impact sur la triglycéridémie et le taux de cholécystokinine
Rhinocerotid tooth enamel 18O/16O variability between 23 and 12 Ma in southwestern France.
Abstract The relationship between the oxygen isotope ratio of mammal tooth enamel and that of drinking water was used to reconstruct changes in the Miocene oxygen isotope ratio of rainfall (meteoric water δ 18 O MW ). These, in turn, are related to climatic parameters (temperature, precipitation and evaporation rate). δ 18 O values of rhinocerotid teeth from the Aquitaine Basin (southwestern France) suggest a significant climatic change between 17 and 12 Ma, characterized by cooling together with precipitation increase, in agreement with other terrestrial and oceanic records. To cite this article: I. Bentaleb et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).
The Lipid-Sensor Candidates CD36 and GPR120 Are Differentially Regulated by Dietary Lipids in Mouse Taste Buds: Impact on Spontaneous Fat Preference
BACKGROUND: Recent studies in rodents and humans suggest that the chemoreception of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) in oral cavity is involved in the spontaneous preference for fatty foods and might contribute to the obesity risk. CD36 and GPR120 are LCFA receptors identified in rodent taste bud cells. The fact that CD36 or GPR120 gene inactivation leads to a decrease in the preference for lipids raises the question of the respective role(s) played by these gustatory lipid-sensor candidates. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a combination of biochemical, nutritional and behavioural studies in wild-type, CD36(+/-)and CD36(-/-) mice, it was found that: 1°) CD36 and GPR120 display different …
Is the taste of fat regulated?
Over the last decade, converging data have been accumulated both in rodents and humans, supporting the existence of a sixth taste modality devoted to the perception of dietary lipids. It is well known that the sense of taste is determinant for the food choice and that the overconsumption of highly palatable energy-dense foods contributes to the current obesity epidemic. Thus, an important issue in terms of Public Health is to understand the mechanisms by which the oro-sensory perception of fat is regulated. An overview of our current knowledge in this field of investigations is proposed in this mini-review.
Obesity alters the gustatory perception of lipids in the mouse: plausible involvement of lingual CD36. : Obesity decreases the fat preference
International audience; A relationship between orosensory detection of dietary lipids, regulation of fat intake, and body mass index was recently suggested. However, involved mechanisms are poorly understood. Moreover, whether obesity can directly modulate preference for fatty foods remains unknown. To address this question, exploration of the oral lipid sensing system was undertaken in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. By using a combination of biochemical, physiological, and behavioral approaches, we found that i) the attraction for lipids is decreased in obese mice, ii) this behavioral change has an orosensory origin, iii) it is reversed in calorie-restricted DIO mice, revealing an inverse …
Rôle des lipides dans la régulation du comportement alimentaire
Obesity constitutes a major public health problem for the 21 st Century, with its epidemic spread worldwide, particularly in children. The overconsumption of fatty foods greatly contributes to this phenomenon. Rodents and humans display a spontaneous preference for lipid-rich foods. But why are lipids so attractive? What are the molecular mechanisms involved? The purpose of this mini review is to explore few basic questions raised by recent data providing evidences on the relationships between dietary lipids and feeding behavior.
CD36 is regulated by dietary lipids in mouse circumvallate papillae. Impact on spontaneous fat preference
Plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: Progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification
This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.
Role of CD36 in Oral and Postoral Sensing of Lipids
Obesity and associated plethora of diseases constitute a major public health challenge worldwide. The conjunction of profound changes in our lifestyle and a thrifty genetic that evolved in an environment of food scarcity largely explains this epidemic situation. Food abundance promotes our specific appetite for the more palatable food generally rich in lipids. It is noteworthy that this attraction for fatty food is not specific to humans. Rats and mice also spontaneously prefer lipid-rich food in a free-choice situation. Detection of lipids in food requires the presence of specific sensors located in strategic places (e.g., oral cavity, small intestine, brain) whose activation results in a …
Lipid-mediated release of GLP-1 by mouse taste buds from circumvallate papillae: putative involvement of GPR120 and impact on taste sensitivity
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) signaling modulates sweet-taste sensitivity in the mouse. Because circumvallate papillae (CVPs) express both GLP-1 and its receptor, a local regulation has been suggested. However, whether dietary lipids are involved in this regulation, as shown in the gut, is unknown. By using a combination of biochemical, immunohistochemical, and behavioral approaches, the present data i) confirm the role of GLP-1 signaling in the attraction for sucrose, ii) demonstrate that minute quantities of long-chain FAs (LCFAs) reinforce the attraction for sucrose in a GLP-1 receptor-dependent manner, iii) suggest an involvement of the LCFA receptor GPR120 expressed in taste buds in …