Yve Stöbel-richter

Binnenmigration und psychische Gesundheit in der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie – Relevante Faktoren 20 und 30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung

ZusammenfassungFragestellung Welche Faktoren spielen für die psychische Gesundheit von Binnenmigrierten im Vergleich zu Nichtmigrierten eine Rolle?Methode Daten der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie aus den Jahren 2010 und 2020 wurden benutzt, um mithilfe von Bootstrapping-basierten Mediationsanalysen Binnenmigrierte mit Nichtmigrierten in ihrem Grad der psychischen Belastung zu vergleichen.Ergebnisse Binnenmigrierte berichteten 2010, aber nicht 2020, weniger psychische Belastung. Dieser Effekt verschwand, nachdem Kovariaten und Mediatoren inkludiert wurden. Wichtige Mediatoren waren Lebenssituation, enge politische Verbundenheit mit der BRD, Gewinner der deutschen Einheit, Sicherheit am Arbei…

research product

Psychometrische Überprüfung der deutschen Version der Health Regulatory Focus Scale

Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Health Regulatory Focus Scale Objectives: This study examines the psychometric properties of the German version of the Health Regulatory Focus Scale (HRFS), which measures health-related promotion- and prevention-based motivation. METHODS The study is based on data from the 28th (N = 332) and 29th survey wave (N = 253) of the Saxony Longitudinal Study. It examines item characteristics, factorial, convergent and prognostic validity as well as the influence of sociodemographic variables. RESULTS The psychometric properties of the German version are excellent, after removal of Item 5. A two-factor structure as well as good validity were conf…

research product

Egg donation, surrogate mothering, and cloning: attitudes of men and women in Germany based on a representative survey

Objective To determine opinions and attitudes of the German general population toward the treatment methods of reproductive medicine: egg donation, surrogate mothering, and reproductive cloning. Design Representative survey. Setting German general population: face-to-face interviews at home with 2,110 persons, aged 18–50 years. Patient(s) Patients were not included. Intervention(s) No interventions took place. Main Outcome Measure(s) Approval and disapproval of treatment methods of reproductive medicine and preimplantation genetic diagnosis were assessed by questionnaires regarding medical, age, reasons, or general. Result(s) Overall, the diverse treatment methods of reproductive medicine f…

research product

Sexual desire and sexual activity of men and women across their lifespans: results from a representative German community survey

OBJECTIVES To present data on sexual desire and sexual activity from a representative survey of men and women covering the total age range of the adult German population, as previous studies have usually been based on samples selected for gender (either men or women) and age (ageing populations). SUBJECTS AND METHODS A representative sample of 2341 men and women aged 18-93 years were surveyed to determine frequency and intensity of sexual desire and sexual activity, and their social, individual and interpersonal characteristics. RESULTS Sexual desire declined with advancing age; overall, men reported more frequent and stronger sexual desire than women. However, there were important interact…

research product

Predicting presenteeism via effort-reward imbalance and dispositional optimism: Is it the interaction that matters? Results from The Saxony Longitudinal Study

BACKGROUND The importance of experienced work stress and individual traits as well as their interplay is analyzed with regard to dysfunctional coping behavior in case of sickness. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine the predictive capability of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) including overcommitment, meaning the intrinsic propensity in terms of excessive work-related expenditure (OC), in consideration of dispositional optimism/pessimism on presenteeism. METHODS A total of 353 men and women aged 38 from the 25th panel wave of The Saxony Longitudinal Study in 2011 were included in the analysis. Effort-reward imbalance (ERI) including overcommitment was assessed with the Effort-Rewar…

research product

Validating the German version of the Quality of Relationship Inventory: confirming the three-factor structure and report of psychometric properties.

Research on psychosocial influences such as relationship characteristics has received increased attention in the clinical as well as social-psychological field. Several studies demonstrated that the quality of relationships, in particular with respect to the perceived support within intimate relationships, profoundly affects individuals' mental and physical health. There is, however, a limited choice of valid and internationally known assessments of relationship quality in Germany. We report the validation of the German version of the Quality of Relationships Inventory (QRI). First, we evaluated its factor structure in a representative German sample of 1.494 participants by means of confirm…

research product

Dimensional Latent Structure of Relationship Quality: Results of Three Representative Population Samples

One central issue for every latent construct in psychology (e.g., relationship quality) is its latent nature: Differences in intelligence, for example, are traditionally considered to be dimensional (e.g., when quantifying intelligence by a standardized test score) rather than categorical (distinguishing different categories such as intelligent vs. unintelligent). When considering a categorical construct, such as Down syndrome, on the other hand, the characteristic is qualitative (groups are classified by existence or absence of an extra chromosome) rather than quantitative (varying degrees of Down syndrome). The group bound together by the possession of a certain characteristic (disease, d…

research product

Prevalence and determinants of online-sex use in the German population.

Introduction The unlimited access to sexual features in the World Wide Web has raised concerns about excessive and problematic online-sex use. However, little is known about antecedents of internet-sex use of different intensity. Based on a representative German sample of 2,522 participants between the ages of 14 and 97 years, the aims of the present study were (1) to determine the prevalence rates of online-sex users with the short version (ISSTGSV) of the Internet Sex Screening Test and (2) to associate online-sex use with anxious vs. avoidant partner attachment patterns and “Big Five” personality traits as potential antecedents. Results The ISST is a brief, one-dimensional and reliable m…

research product

The Core Self-Evaluation Scale: Psychometric properties of the German version in a representative sample

The Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES) is an economical self-reporting instrument that assesses fundamental evaluations of self-worthiness and capabilities. The broad aims of this study were to test the CSES's psychometric properties. The study is based on a representative survey of the German general population. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for different models with 1, 2, and 4 latent factors. The CSES was found to be reliable and valid, as it correlated as expected with measures of depression, anxiety, quality of life, self-report health status, and pain. A 2-factor model with 2 related factors (r = -.62) showed the best model fit. Furthermore, the CSES was measurement invar…

research product

Sind wir wirklich so glücklich, wie wir es glauben? Eine kritische Untersuchung der Arbeitszufriedenheit an einer Universitätskinderklinik

Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie Trotz zahlreich berichteter Defizite und einem zunehmend angespannten Arbeitsumfeld in deutschen Krankenhäusern wird die Arbeitszufriedenheit von den Mitarbeitern regelmäßig als hoch bis sehr hoch einschätzt. Damit fehlen wichtige Argumente zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen gegenüber den Vorständen. Aus dieser Diskrepanz zwischen Arbeitsbedingungen und subjektiver Zufriedenheit ergab sich die Motivation für die vorliegende Arbeit. Methodik Die Datenerhebung erfolgte mittels einer Mitarbeiterbefragung am Kinderzentrum des Universitätsklinikum Leipzig AöR. Unterteilt wurde nach ärztlichem, Pflege- und Funktionsdienst. Gemessen wurde die subje…

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