Stéphanie Chambaron

Implicit learning of a repeated segment in continuous tracking: A reappraisal

Several prior studies (e.g., Shea, Wulf, Whitacre, & Park, 2001; Wulf & Schmidt, 1997) have apparently demonstrated implicit learning of a repeated segment in continuous-tracking tasks. In two conceptual replications of these studies, we failed to reproduce the original findings. However, these findings were reproduced in a third experiment, in which we used the same repeated segment as that used in the Wulf et al. studies. Analyses of the velocity and the acceleration of the target suggests that this repeated segment could be easier to track than the random segments serving as control, accounting for the results of Wulf and collaborators. Overall these experiments suggest that lea…

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Impact of olfactory and auditory priming on the attraction towards foods with high energy density

\]\Recent research suggests that non-attentively perceived stimuli may significantly influence consumers' food choices. The main objective of the present study was to determine whether an olfactory prime (a sweet-fatty odour) and a semantic auditory prime (a nutritional prevention message), both presented incidentally, either alone or in combination can influence subsequent food choices. The experiment included 147 participants who were assigned to four different conditions: a control condition, a scented condition, an auditory condition or an auditory-scented condition. All participants remained in the waiting room during15 min while they performed a 'lure' task. For the scented condition,…

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Capacités olfactives face à des odeurs alimentaires et non-alimentaires chez des adultes de statuts pondéraux différents

Introduction et but de l’etude L’olfaction est un sens intrinseque a la prise alimentaire. En tant que determinant des choix alimentaires, sa relation avec l’obesite est encore mal comprise a ce jour. En effet, des etudes montrent que les capacites olfactives (detection et identification) sont plus faibles chez les individus en obesite (Peng, 2019) que chez les individus normo-ponderaux. D’autres auteurs ont montre au contraire que les individus en obesite pouvaient avoir une sensibilite accrue aux indices olfactifs alimentaires (Stafford, 2015). L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer les capacites olfactives globales d’individus normo-ponderaux (N), en surpoids (S) et en obesite (O) fac…

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Priming effects of an olfactory food cue on subsequent food-related behaviour

International audience; Studies in cognitive psychology have highlighted a link between perception and action, by revealing the non-conscious influence that a cue can have on thinking and doing. The present study aimed at exploring whether an olfactory food cue could have an impact on food choices. We chose fruity odours as olfactory food cues, in order to examine if this kind of olfactory cue could lead individuals to choose fruit and vegetables. In the first experiment, 58 participants were assigned randomly to either a control or a melon-scent condition. In the melon-scent condition, they were unobtrusively exposed to a melon odorant in a waiting room, while in the control condition the …

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Impact d'une odeur non consciemment perçue sur des choix alimentaires

Présentation orale (résumé de 2 p.); Bien qu'il ait été longtemps considéré que nous étions pleinement conscients des motivations guidant nos comportements, les recherches actuelles en psychologie et en économie suggèrent qu'en matière de choix, nous ne sommes pas les êtres rationnels que nous pensons être (Dijksterhuis et al., 2006; Kahneman & Tversky, 2000). Les choix correspondent en fait à des processus complexes d'intégration, qui ne sont pas seulement rationnels, mais surtout basés sur des sentiments, des émotions et des souvenirs (Loewenstein et al., 2001). En outre, il est maintenant bien établi en psychologie qu'une part significative des comportements et choix sont influencés par …

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Quelle information accompagne la distribution des Compléments Nutritionnels Oraux (CNO) à l’hôpital : un état des lieux

Introduction et but de l’etude Bien que l’efficacite des Complements Nutritionnels Oraux (CNO) ait ete prouvee dans de nombreuses situations cliniques, leur utilisation en milieu hospitalier se heurte a des problematiques de prescription, de distribution et d’observance. L’objectif de l’etude etait de faire un etat des lieux des informations donnees par le personnel soignant aux patients lors de la distribution des CNO et d’etudier les representations des patients vis-a-vis de ces produits. Materiel et methodes Au cours d’une premiere phase, un observateur neutre a suivi les equipes de service et consigne tous les echanges verbaux entre soignant et patient lors de la distribution des CNO. A…

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Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children

International audience; Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children. 40. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

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Learning from Implicit Learning Literature: Comment on Shea, Wulf, Whitacre, and Park (2001)

International audience; In their analysis of complex motor skill learning, Shea, Wulf, Whitacre, and Park (2001) have overlooked one of the most robust conclusions of the experimental studies on implicit learning conducted during the last decade--namely that participants usually learn things that are different from those that the experimenter expected them to learn. We show that the available literature on implicit learning strongly suggests that the improved performance in Shea et al.'s Experiments 1 and 2 (and similar earlier experiments, e.g., Wulf & Schmidt, 1997) was due to the exploitation of regularities in the target pattern different from those on which the postexperimental intervi…

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Impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on subsequent food choices

International audience; Current research in psychology suggests that unconscious processes influence a significant proportion of choices and decisions. To study the impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on food choices, we used a priming paradigm. We had previously shown that non-attentively perceived fruity odours could impact food choice intentions (on a menu card), guiding participants toward items containing more fruit and/or vegetables. The present study was designed to extend these findings, in a real-life consumption setting. One hundred and fifteen participants took part in this study, and were assigned randomly to either a control or a scented condition. On arrival in the lab…

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Motivational roots of sustainable diets: food choice motives associated to the different facets of diet sustainability in French adults

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Explicit and implicit tasks for assessing hedonic-versus nutrition-based attitudes towards food in French children

Attitudes are important precursors of behaviours. This study aims to compare the food attitudes (i.e., hedonic- and nutrition-based) of children using both an implicit pairing task and an explicit forced-choice categorization task suitable for the cognitive abilities of 5- to 11-year-olds. A dominance of hedonically driven attitudes was expected for all ages in the pairing task, designed to elicit affective and spontaneous answers, whereas a progressive emergence of nutrition-based attitudes was expected in the categorization task, designed to involve deliberate analyses of the costs/benefits of foods. An additional exploratory goal was to evaluate differences in the attitudes of normal and…

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