K. Jung
Nutrient intake of endurance runners with ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet and regular western diet
During an endurance run (1,000 km in 20 days) it was investigated whether an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet (OLVD) could cover the nutritional requirements of endurance athletes. A regular western diet (RWD) was used as reference. Both diets were offered with an energy content of 4,500 kcal per day and an energy percentage of carbohydrate:fat:protein of 60:30:10. The runners were divided into two dietary groups according to their usual dietary habits. The results of the 55 participants who completed the race show that runners from both groups had the same intake of energy, carbohydrate, fat and protein. Runners of the OLVD group consumed more dietary fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids as well…
Ultra-long-distance running and the liver.
During an ultra-long-distance race (1000 km in 20 days) the influence of running was examined on the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT), and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) with regard to their release from the liver cells or their induction. Furthermore the liver synthetic capacity was assayed by measuring the enzyme activity of cholinesterase and the concentration of serum albumin during the race. Of the 110 participants, 55 finished the race and only the results of these runners were used in our study. AP increased continuously from day 0 (mean = 102 U/L) to day 19 (mean = 120 U/L). A fivefo…
Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs
We report results from searches for anisotropic stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from the first three observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. For the first time, we include Virgo data in our analysis and run our search with a new efficient pipeline called {\tt PyStoch} on data folded over one sidereal day. We use gravitational-wave radiometry (broadband and narrow band) to produce sky maps of stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds and to search for gravitational waves from point sources. A spherical harmonic decomposition method is employed to look for gravitational-wave emission from spatially-extended sources. Neither technique found eviden…
Effects of an ultra-long-distance (1000 km) race on lipid metabolism
The influence was examined of ultra-long-distance running (1000 km race lasting 20 days) on changes in serum lipids. The 110 participants received two types of diet, a conventional Western diet and a wholesome vegetarian diet. Of the 55 finishers the serum concentration of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides decreased significantly during the first 8 days of the run, but rose again towards the end of the race without reaching pre-race levels. The high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol increased initially but decreased in the final days of the run. The values for apolipoprotein A-I were not correlated with HDL-cholesterol. The …
Die Änderungen der Fußmaße unter einem extremen Ausdauerlauf
55 (including 13 women) of 110 starters of a 1000-km-ultra long distance run reached their goal after 20 days of daily running 50 km. As a consequence of the burden of running 500 km the flat feet form is diminished, which might be caused by an increased reactive muscular tonus. The increase of foot length and breadth measures between the 9th and 16th day, however, demonstrates the opposite effect, when a "physiological limit" of circa 500 km is exceeded.
Das Körpermuskelkompartiment und seine Beziehungen zu Nahrungsaufnahme und Blutchemie unter einer extremen Ausdauerbelastung
Untersuchungsgegenstand sind die Veranderungen des anthropometrisch erfasten Muskelkompartiments und seiner Beziehungen zu den korrelierenden blutchemischen und ernahrungsphysiologischen Kenngrosen bei 42 Teilnehmern und 13 Teilnehmerinnen eines 1000-km-Ultralangstreckenlaufs, der in 20 Tagesetappen von jeweils 50 km zu bewaltigen war. Differenziert nach Korperfraktionen folgt auf einen initialen Muskelmasseanstieg eine Abflachung bis zum 12. Tag und bleibt dann stabil. Die aktive Korpersubstanz nimmt zunachst geringfugig ab und steigt nach Laufmitte wieder an. Bei Abnahme samtlicher korrigierter Muskeldurchmesser zeigte lediglich der Oberschenkeldurchmesser eine anabole Entwicklung, dessen…
MOESM1 of Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5)
Additional file 1. IPCRG scaling up activities.
Auswirkungen regelmäßiger körperlicher Ertüchtigung auf die Rehabilitation nach Herzinfarkt — Longitudinalstudie über 12 Jahre
Wenige Studien untersuchten bisher den Einflus regelmasiger korperlicher Ertuchtigung auf die Lang-zeitrehabilitation nach Herzinfarkt. In der vorliegenden Studie gelang es dem damals verantwortlichen Arzt einer Rehabilitationsklinik, mit allen 81 Myokardinfarkt-Patienten, die neben bewegungstherapeu-tischen Masnahmen an einem Lauftraining teilgenommen hatten, nach der Klinikentlassung 1972 in Kontakt zu bleiben, sie zu fuhren und durch gemeinsame Veranstaltungen zur Fortfuhrung der aktiven Bewegungstherapie anzuleiten. Die jahrliche Mortalitatsrate mit 2,17% gehort zu den niedrigsten Raten der Literatur fur die Langzeitprognose nach uberlebtem Herzinfarkt. 78% der Patienten waren 1983, im …
Worldwide comparison of ovarian cancer survival: Histological group and stage at diagnosis (CONCORD-2)
Abstract Objective Ovarian cancer comprises several histological groups with widely differing levels of survival. We aimed to explore international variation in survival for each group to help interpret international differences in survival from all ovarian cancers combined. We also examined differences in stage-specific survival. Methods The CONCORD programme is the largest population-based study of global trends in cancer survival, including data from 60 countries for 695,932 women (aged 15–99years) diagnosed with ovarian cancer during 1995–2009. We defined six histological groups: type I epithelial, type II epithelial, germ cell, sex cord-stromal, other specific non-epithelial and non-sp…
Kontinenzverhalten nach Anal- und Rektumatresie und Lebensqualität
Inkontinenz, auch in partiellem Ausmas bedeutet immer eine Einschrankung der Lebensqualitat. In den verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten verandert sich die Leidensart. Beim Kleinkind steht der lokale Wundschmerz, im Schulalter die Beziehung zur Umwelt im Vordergrund. Beim Adoleszenten sind Berufsaussichten und Partnerschaftsbeziehungen eingeschrankt. Dem Kinderchirurgen kommt die Aufgabe zu, in einer subtilen Erstoperation, durch geeignete Korrekturverfahren und durch Forderung der psychologischen Entwicklung die Lebensqualitat entscheidend zu beeinflussen.
The effect of an 1100 km run on testicular, adrenal and thyroid hormones
Although endocrine effects of physical or psychological stress are well documented, it is not known to what extent adaptation to prolonged exertion occurs. We therefore investigated the impact of an 1100 km run of 20 days' duration on selected pituitary, testicular, adrenal and thyroid hormones. Blood samples were obtained from five male athletes prior to and after the day's run on the 1st, 5th, 9th, 14th and 19th day. Results show that adrenal and thyroid function soon adapt to the daily strain. Testosterone levels, however, were markedly decreased throughout the 20 days while LH levels remained unchanged. Thus it appears that the reproductive endocrine system is more susceptible to long-t…
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO-Virgo Run O3a
Abbott, R., et al. (LIGO and VIRGO Collaboration)
Akupunktur und körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit – Der Einfluss der Nadelung einzelner Akupunkturpunkte auf Parameter der Fahrrad-Spiroergometrie
Zusammenfassung Zielsetzung Untersuchung der Auswirkung der Nadelung einzelner Akupunkturpunkte auf die korperliche Leistungsfahigkeit. Kollektiv 12 mannliche Probanden im Alter von 21–26 Jahren Methodik Fahrrad-Spiroergometrie mit Laktat-Messung Setting insgesamt 6 Testwiederholungen, davor jeweils eine Verum-Akupunktur an verschiedenen Punkten oder eine Placebo-Akupunktur an 5 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen Design einfach-blinde, Placebo-kontrollierte Studie mit sechsfachem Cross-over Ergebnisse Die Nadelung der Punkte Ma 36 und Di 4 fuhrte in der Tendenz zu einer erhohten maximalen Leistung, jedoch signifikant zu einer erhohten Wattzahl und Sauerstoffaufnahme an der anaeroben Schwelle. Schlu…
Der Einfluß von extremen Ausdauerbelastungen auf den Eiweißstoffwechsel des Menschen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Immunsystems
In summer 1981, six long-distance runners covered a 1100-km-course across the Federal Republic of Germany within 20 days. Four of them were on a more or less ovo-lacto-vegetable and two a vegetarian diet. In spite of a high absolute but indeed low relative protein supply, a continuous decrease of the total protein content could be noticed in the serum. The alterations of the protein fractions corresponded to those of an acute-phase reaction. The Immunoglobulin-G and the Immunoglobulin-A content decreased continuously. The cortisol level was always above the norm, the insulin level always below. The glucagon level increased continuously in the course of the day. The urea-N-level moved around…