Donatella Cerniglia
Controllo per il rilievo di difetti con tecnica ad ultrasuoni laser
Autonomous 3D geometry reconstruction through robot-manipulated optical sensors
Abstract Many industrial sectors face increasing production demands and need to reduce costs, without compromising the quality. Whereas mass production relies on well-established protocols, small production facilities with small lot sizes struggle to update their highly changeable production at reasonable costs. The use of robotics and automation has grown significantly in recent years, but extremely versatile robotic manipulators are still not commonly used in small factories. Beside of the investments required to enable efficient and profitable use of robot technology, the efforts needed to program robots are only economically viable in case of large lot sizes. Generating robot programs f…
Modello numerico per la simulazione e l’ottimizzazione di controlli non distruttivi con ultrasuoni
I controlli non distruttivi basati sull’impiego di ultrasuoni sono ampiamente usati per la loro efficacia e affidabilità nel rilevamento di difetti. La generazione di onde ultrasonore e la propagazione in strutture di forma non regolare sono difficili da analizzare, soprattutto se la sorgente impiegata è un laser. Le tecniche numeriche per la simulazione del fenomeno reperibili in letteratura mostrano limiti di applicabilità per frequenze nel campo dei MHz e lunghezze d’onda molto corte. In questo lavoro presentiamo un metodo numerico in grado di risolvere accuratamente ed efficientemente problemi di generazione di onde ultrasonore tramite laser, con frequenze nel range dei MHz, e di propag…
Electronic properties of carbon nanotubes under torsion
A computationally-effective approach for calculating the electromechanical behavior of SWNTs and MWNTs of the dimensions used in nano-electronic devices has been developed. It is a mixed finite element-tight-binding code carefully designed to realize significant time saving in calculating deformation-induced changes in electrical transport properties of the nanotubes. The effect of the MWNT diameter and chirality on the conductance after mechanical deformation was investigated. In case of torsional deformation results revealed the conductance of MWNTs to depend strongly on the diameter, since bigger MWNTs reach much earlier the buckling load under torsion their electrical conductivity chang…
Development of a methodology for the detection of vertical split head defects in the rail
Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb wave technique
Abstract The use of air-coupled sensors to detect flaws in Al welded joints and the advantage of Lamb wave for their characterization has been proved. Ultrasonic waves were generated by a pulsed laser and by contact angle-beam transducer, and received by an air-coupled capacitive transducer. Laser-based configuration was used to quickly locate the defect, whereas the angle-beam contact probe configuration to characterize it thanks to the dispersive behavior of Lamb waves. Guided waves allow inspection of the complete thickness with only one scan, permitting to detect and to size both internal and surface defects; their high flexibility in the measurement is due to the various parameters cha…
Detection and characterisation of disbonds on Fibre Metal Laminate hybrid composites by flying laser spot thermography
Abstract In this work a novel data collection and processing is proposed for the Infrared Non-Destructive Testing (IR-NDT) of interlaminar disbonds on Fibre Metal Laminate (FML) hybrid composites. The adopted active IR-NDT scheme uses a pointwise laser heat source that is moved along a raster scanning trajectory over the object surface. A Focal Plane Array IR camera is employed to acquire the thermal field generated by the moving heat source. Disbonds defect signatures are then searched by analysing the perturbations of the temperature distribution over a reference area following the heat source. The proposed methodology has been implemented on a GLARE sample, since this class of FMLs has g…
Laser Ultrasonics Inspection of Train Wheel - Evaluation of Optimized Setup
In the railway field, the safety of passengers and the service life of train components are a crucial issue. For this reason, continuous periodic inspections by non-destructive techniques are required. Among these, ultrasonic tests are widely used in this field, even though the conventional ultrasound techniques have the disadvantage of requiring the disassembly of the wheels and of putting the train out of service. This procedure is expensive and time-consuming and can be neglected if non-contact ultrasonic techniques are used. In this work, the authors present an experimental research on some defects, artificially obtained on a railway wheel supplied by Trenitalia Spa, by adopting three d…
Evaluation of Clutch Plate Integrity with Non-Destructive Methods
Abstract Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) represents an important phase in the life cycle of a product to detect defects both in service and in production. NDE techniques most commonly used to detect surface defects are visual inspection and methods based on eddy current and ultrasound. Laser and non-contact sensors have been recently used to inspect ultrasonically without contact. Components with complex geometry are usually inspected combining several NDE techniques, or simply visually where analysis and evaluation of results are performed by an operator based on specific parameters of acceptance. This last method is currently used to inspect the clutch plates since their complex geometry,…
U-Rail laser-based ultrasonic inspection system prototype "system overview and status"
Non-contact ultrasonic inspection of skin/core bond in honeycomb with lamb waves
The assessment of skin/core bond in honeycomb samples was carried out by a bistatic ultrasonic non-contact system. Lamb waves were generated by a Nd:YAG pulsed laser and detected by an air-coupled capacitance transducer located in pitch-catch configuration. Periodically spaced line sources, generated on the sample surface using a four element lenticular array, allowed generation of narrow-band directional Lamb waves. Changes in amplitude of the transmitted signal permitted detection of skin/core disbonds.
On the Finite Element Modeling of the Lumbar Spine: A Schematic Review
Finite element modelling of the lumbar spine is a challenging problem. Lower back pain is among the most common pathologies in the global populations, owing to which the patient may need to undergo surgery. The latter may differ in nature and complexity because of spinal disease and patient contraindications (i.e., aging). Today, the understanding of spinal column biomechanics may lead to better comprehension of the disease progression as well as to the development of innovative therapeutic strategies. Better insight into the spine’s biomechanics would certainly guarantee an evolution of current device-based treatments. In this setting, the computational approach appears to be a remarkable …
Autonomous robotic sensing for simultaneous geometric and volumetric inspection of free-form parts
Robotic sensing is used in many sectors to improve the inspection of large and/or complex parts, enhancing data acquisition speed, part coverage and inspection reliability. Several automated or semi-automated solutions have been proposed to enable the automated deployment of specific types of sensors. The trajectory to be followed by a robotic manipulator is typically obtained through the offline programmed tool paths for the inspection of a part. This method is acceptable for a part with known geometry in a well-structured and controlled environment. The part undergoing assessment needs to be precisely registered with respect to the robot reference system. It implies the need for a setup p…
Laser Ultrasonics Inspection for Defect Evaluation on Train Wheel
Abstract Passengers’ safety and in-service life of wheelset axles play an important role in railway vehicles. For this reason, periodic inspections are necessary. Among non-destructive techniques, ultrasonic ones are widely applied in this field. The main disadvantage of conventional ultrasonic techniques is that the overall inspection of wheels requires the train to be put out-of-service and disassembly each part, which is time-consuming and expensive. In this paper, a non-conventional non-contact laser ultrasonic inspection for train wheels is proposed. The proposed method uses a laser interferometer to receive the ultrasonic wave without contact. The receiving system allows choosing the …
Influence of seamless pipes wall thickness variation for the effectiveness of Automated Ultrasonic Testing
Offshore pipelines construction is a technological challenge. Increasing water depth, harsh environments, engineering and commercial constraints are just some of the existing issues. Material selection therefore plays a key role and, for several applications, seamless pipes offer both the best technical and commercial compromise. Typically, NDT inspection of girth welds is carried out using the phased array based automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) zonal discrimination approach. AUT, compared to other techniques, guarantees a higher probability of detection of flaws and it also allows a really accurate assessment of the indications. However, since one of the peculiarities of this technique i…
Simulazione di propagazione di onde ultrasonore con applicazione ai controlli non distruttivi
I metodi di controllo ad ultrasuoni sono noti per essere efficaci ed affidabili per il rilevamento di difetti. L'uso del laser nei sistemi di controllo ad ultrasuoni consente l'ispezione remota, realizzabile in dinamico e automatizzabile. Inoltre, poiché le onde acustiche generate con il laser sono nel campo dei MHz, si ha una buona risoluzione spaziale per il rilievo di difetti. La propagazione di onde ultrasonore generate tramite laser in strutture di forma non regolare è un fenomeno difficile da analizzare. Le tecniche numeriche reperibili in letteratura mostrano limiti di applicabilità per frequenze nel campo dei MHz e lunghezze d’onda molto corte. In questo lavoro presentiamo un metodo…
Detection, characterization and sizing of hydrogen induced cracking in pressure vessels using phased array ultrasonic data processing
Abstract Pressure vessels operating in sour service conditions in refinery environments can be subject to the risk of H₂S cracking resulting from the hydrogen entering into the material. This risk, which is related to the specific working conditions and to the quality of the steel used, shall be properly managed in order to maintain the highest safety at a cost-effective level. Nowadays the typical management strategy is based on a risk based inspection (RBI) evaluation to define the inspection plan used in conjunction with a fitness for service (FFS) approach in defining if the vessel, although presenting dangerous defects such as cracks, can still be considered “fit for purpose” for a giv…
Quantitative Evaluation of Defects in Adhesive-Bonded Joints by Non-contact Ultrasonic Techniques
Detection of disbonds in multilayer structures by laser-based ultrasonic technique
Adhesively bonded multi-layer structures are frequently used, mostly in the aerospace industry, for their structural efficiency. Nondestructive evaluation of bond integrity in these types of structures, both after manufacturing and for periodic inspection during service, is extremely important. A laser-based ultrasonic technique has been evaluated for non-contact detection of disbonds in aluminum multi-layer structures. Two configurations have been used to detect disbonded areas: pitch-catch with unidirectional guided wave scan and through-transmission with bidirectional scan. Guided wave scanning was done with a laser line source and air-coupled transducer sensing at 500 kHz, 1 ;MHz, and 2…
Laser-Generated Acoustic Signal Interaction with Surface Flaws on Rail Wheels
Long- and short-range acoustic-signal interaction with surface-breaking cracks and geometric boundaries of the rail-wheel tread area are presented in this article. Ultrasonic signals are generated using a laser-line source of varying length and distance from a crack and are detected with a 1-MHz contact transducer to map the sound field behind the crack in the near, intermediate, and far fields of the insonified region. The factors that affect the behavior of a laser-generated surface acoustic wave propagating along the tread area of a rail wheel are discussed. A signal normalization method is proposed to help in sensing the presence of a crack from the transmitted signal unaffected by the …
Solving ultrasonic ray tracing in parts with multiple material layers through Root-Finding methods
Ultrasonic testing has been used for material analysis and inspection since 1930's. Nevertheless, the applicability of ultrasonic waves to new complex cases is still growing, thanks to the availability of powerful electronics and software. However, the complication that slows down the deployment of ultrasonic inspection to geometric complex parts and structures arises from the wave refraction phenomenon. A clear understanding of the ultrasound wave propagation, impacted by refractions, is crucial to interpret the data obtained from the inspection of multi-layered/multi-medium test subjects as it is not always possible to assume that mechanical waves travel in straight lines. This work prese…
Laser-air hybrid ultrasonic technique for dynamic railroad inspection applications
The Laser-Air Hybrid Ultrasonic Technique (LAHUT) combines laser generation with air-coupled detection of ultrasound. The technique is non-contact and has the characteristic of operating from remote distances. Acoustic wave laser-generation apparatus can be metres away from the interrogated surface, while air-coupled detection stand-off can be on the order of several centimetres. The technique has the unique capability of interrogating structural materials in their true industrial environment. Dynamic tests are performed on parts with complex geometry, limited accessibility and curved surfaces. Also, dark and rough finish surfaces, which significantly reduce the efficiency of optical detect…
Adhesively bonded joints: evaluation of integrity
Defect Detection in Additively Manufactured Components: Laser Ultrasound and Laser Thermography Comparison
Despite continuous technological advances in additive manufacturing, the lack of non-destructive inspection techniques during the manufacturing process is a limit for the industrial breakthroughs. Additive manufacturing is mainly used in industrial sectors where the zero defect target is crucial. The inclusion of the integrity assessment into the additive manufacturing process would allow corrective actions to be performed before the component is completed. To this end, the development of in-process monitoring and processing techniques is of great interest.This work proposes and compares two remote non-destructive inspection techniques: laser ultrasound and laser thermography. The two techn…
Inspection of additive-manufactured layered components
Laser powder deposition (LPD) is a rapid additive manufacturing process to produce, layer upon layer, 3D geometries or to repair high-value components. Currently there is no nondestructive technique that can guarantee absence of flaws in LPD products during manufacturing. In this paper a laser ultrasonic technique for in-line inspection of LPD components is proposed. Reference samples were manufactured from Inconel and machined flaws were created to establish the sensitivity of the technique. Numerical models of laser-generated ultrasonic waves have been created to gain a deeper understanding of physics, to optimize the set-up and to verify the experimental measurements. Results obtained on…
Guided Wave Propagation in a Plate Edge and Application to NDI of Rail Base
The analysis of guided wave propagation in a plate edge can be useful for some applications, such as for the inspection of the rail base. Here guided waves generated by a laser beam hitting, on the inclined surface, a solid media with trapezoidal cross-section have been studied. We have found that, for the geometry investigated, two guided waves propagate along both free surfaces of the plate, with same velocity and frequency. The analysis of the trajectories of the two material points, due to waves propagation, shows that the wave packets can be identified as Rayleigh waves. The presence of S0 Lamb mode, with low frequency and low amplitude, has been revealed too. As an example of a possib…
Progettazione concettuale di dispositivo paraincastro posteriore per veicoli industriali
A case study on the evaluation of friction stir welds by ultrasonic inspection technique
Friction stir welding (FSW) is an innovative process that has been successfully used in joining aluminum alloys, normally difficult to weld. Important advantages over fusion welding are better retention of baseline material properties, lower residual stresses and excellent mechanical properties. Defects that occur in FSW joints are due to improper tooling or setup. Non-destructive techniques used to inspect FSW joints are X-rays, eddy current, conventional ultrasonic testing and dye penetrant proper only for surface breaking defects. Currently there is no non-destructive technique that can guarantee absence of flaws in friction welds during manufacturing. In this work, non-destructive remot…
Influence of laser beam profile on the generation of ultrasonic waves
The different ultrasonic fields generated in metallic materials by a laser beam with flat and Gaussian profile are investigated experimentally and using the finite element method (FEM). A high power laser beam irradiating a solid surface produces elastic waves with a mechanics that depends on many parameters, including the profile of the laser beam. The influence of the beam profile is investigated with the FEM analysis, considering the temperature dependence of material properties.
Guided wave non-contact ultrasonic for NDE
Simulation of laser generated ultrasound with application to defect detection
Laser generated ultrasound holds substantial promise for use as a tool for defect detection in remote inspection thanks to its ability to produce frequencies in the MHz range, enabling fine spatial resolution of defects. Despite the potential impact of laser generated ultrasound in many areas of science and industry, robust tools for studying the phenomenon are lacking and thus limit the design and optimization of non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques. The laser generated ultrasound propagation in complex structures is an intricate phenomenon and is extremely hard to analyze. Only simple geometries can be studied analytically. Numerical techniques found in the literature have pr…
Inspection of Laser Powder Deposited Layers
2D size, position and shape definition of defects by B-scan image analysis
The non-destructive evaluation of defects by automatic procedures is of great importance for structural components. Thanks to the developments of the non-contact ultrasonic techniques, the automation of the inspections is gaining a progressively important role. In this work, an automatic inspection technique for the evaluation of defects by the analysis of B-scan images obtained by a laser ultrasonic system is presented. The data are extracted directly from a B-scan map obtained for a panel with internal defects, and are used to build an image of the cross section of the panel. The proposed automatic procedure allows the definition of size, position and shape of defects in panels of known t…
Contact between the components of a knee prosthesis: numerical and experimental study
The aim of this work is the analysis of the contact area in a knee prosthesis using two different approaches. In particular, the interface between the femoral component and the polyethylene insert has been studied both numerically and experimentally. The interest in studying the contact area is related to the fact that the wear of the polyethylene insert, due to the high contact pressures, represents one of the major causes of failure of the total knee prosthesis. The possibility to evaluate the contact area at different loads and mutual position between femur and tibia is, therefore, of fundamental importance to study the service life of a prosthesis and to improve its performance. The fin…
A Population-Based 3D Atlas of the Pathological Lumbar Spine Segment
The spine is the load-bearing structure of human beings and may present several disorders, with low back pain the most frequent problem during human life. Signs of a spine disorder or disease vary depending on the location and type of the spine condition. Therefore, we aim to develop a probabilistic atlas of the lumbar spine segment using statistical shape modeling (SSM) and then explore the variability of spine geometry using principal component analysis (PCA). Using computed tomography (CT), the human spine was reconstructed for 24 patients with spine disorders and then the mean shape was deformed upon specific boundaries (e.g., by ±3 or ±1.5 standard deviation). Results dem…
Laser Ultrasonic Technique for Laser Powder Deposition Inspection
Fractional Calculus as a New Perspective in the Viscoelastic Behaviour of the Intervertebral Disc
The spinal column is the load-bearing structure of the human being along with its components, which together build a strong, resistant, and stable structure, but there are a few different pathologies from which it can suffer, such as herniated discs. The intervertebral disc acts as a shock absorber and ensures the spine’s great capacity to support high loads and different states of stress, thanks to its viscoelastic properties. Some studies have attempted to describe the viscoelastic behaviour of the intervertebral disc using classical rheological models, such as the Kelvin-Voigt, or multi-parameter models. Even if these models partially describe the viscoelastic response of disc, all visco…
A Numerical Study on Interlaminar Defects Characterization in Fibre Metal Laminates with Flying Laser Spot Thermography
This work describes a numerical study on non-destructive evaluation of interlayer disbond defects in aerospace grade Fibre Metal Laminate sheets (FMLs). A recently proposed infrared non-destructive testing setup is considered, where a continuous laser is moved over the material surface, while the thermal footprint of the moving heat source is acquired, e.g. by an infrared thermal camera. Interlayer disbonds are then detected by analysing the features of the acquired thermograms. The experimental feasibility of this approach has been recently proved. The present work proposes a numerical simulation of the NDT approach, where the material thermal response is analysed and correlated to defects…
laser-based ultrasonic rail flaw inspection prototype: system overview and status
Rail-falw detetion using a laser-based ultrasonic approach
B-Scan image analysis for position and shape defect definition in plates
Definition of size, shape and location of defects into a mechanical component is of extreme importance in the manufacturing industry in general and particularly in high-tech applications, and in applications that can become dangerous due to the structural failure of mechanical components. In this paper, a laser-UT system has been used to define position and shape of internal defects in aluminum plates. An infrared pulsed laser is used to generate ultrasonic waves in a point of the plate and a CW laser interferometer is used as receiver to acquire the out-of-plane displacements due to the ultrasonic waves in another point of the plate. The method consists of acquiring a B-Scan map on which s…
Il fenomeno della propagazione delle onde di superficie lungo confini rettilinei (superfici piane) è stato studiato adeguatamente. Tuttavia le indagini riguardanti la loro propagazione in superfici cilindriche sono limitate e risultano insufficienti ai fini di un loro utilizzo nelle tecniche d’ispezione non distruttive (NDE), nonostante possano essere di grande interesse per svariate applicazioni. E’ stato dimostrato sperimentalmente che l’onda superficiale subisce un cambiamento di fase durante la sua propagazione lungo una superficie cilindrica. Un approccio numerico è stato sviluppato per studiare questi effetti per diversi materiali, curvature e frequenze. I risultati numerici e sperime…
Quantitative subsurface defect detection in composite materials using a non-contact ultrasonic system
The results of an experimental study conducted to detect subsurface defects in a thick Gr/PPS composite test sample using a noncontact ultrasonic system are presented. Surface waves are generated by a pulsed laser and detected by an air-coupled capacitance transducer. By controlling the surface wave wavelength through a shadow mask, it is possible to control surface wave penetration depth in the sample. Surface wave peak-to-peak amplitude is related to the near-surface material condition. Results indicate that signal amplitude decreases as the width of the defect increases and an approximately linear relation can be deduced.
The Development and Commissioning of a Laser-Based Ultrasonic Rail Inspection System
Simulation of laser-generated ultrasonic wave propagation in solid media and air with application to NDE
Ultrasonic methods are well known as powerful and reliable tool for defect detection. In the previous decades focus and interest have been directed to non-contact sensors and methods, showing many advantages over contact techniques where inspection depends on contact conditions (pressure, coupling medium, contact area). The non-contact hybrid ultrasonic method described here is of interest for many applications, requiring periodic inspection in service or after manufacturing. Despite the potential impact of laser-generated ultrasound in many areas of industry, robust tools for studying the phenomenon are lacking and thus limit the design and optimization of non-destructive testing and evalu…
Laser-air, hybrid, ultrasonic testing of railroad tracks
Fine Alignment of Thermographic Images for Robotic Inspection of Parts with Complex Geometries
Increasing the efficiency of the quality control phase in industrial production lines through automation is a rapidly growing trend. In non-destructive testing, active thermography techniques are known for their suitability to allow rapid non-contact and full-field inspections. The robotic manipulation of the thermographic instrumentation enables the possibility of performing inspections of large components with complex geometries by collecting multiple thermographic images from optimal positions. The robotisation of the thermographic inspection is highly desirable to improve assessment speed and repeatability without compromising inspection accuracy. Although integrating a robotic setup fo…
Proof of concept of wayside railroad wheel inspection using a laser-air hybrid ultrasonic technique
Non-destructive inspection of railroad wheels is performed in maintenance shops, where wheels are removed and inspected individually. No technique is yet available to the railroad industry to perform wayside inspections of wheels on a moving train. The characteristics of laser and air-coupled ultrasound are discussed to justify the use of a laser-air hybrid ultrasonic technique. Laser generation of ultrasound is combined with air-coupled detection to provide a flexible non-contact and remote technique that would enable the railroad industry to perform wayside inspections of moving railroad wheels. The present paper describes Proof of Concept set-up and results of the experiments performed a…
Sviluppo del prototipo basato su tecnologia laser ultrasuoni per l'ispezione dinamica delle rotaie
Novel non-destructive inspection techniques for laser powder deposition inspection
A novel non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for inspection of parts and components manufactured by Additive Manufacturing Processes (AMP), in particular Laser Metal Deposition (LMD), has been developed. LMD is a technology that has been maturing over the last 20 years and has found application in repair, coatings, hybrid build and 3D near net shape manufacture of small intricate parts that can be used in aero and automobile engines to improve efficiency. Currently this technology cannot be used to supply some of these parts because absence of flaws, which might be left in the component during manufacture, cannot be guaranteed. Today, quality is assessed by sample destructive testing, w…
Dynamic rail inspection by vision system
Innovative quality controls on cold forged pieces
Inspection of laser powder deposited layers
Conceptual Design by Triz: an Application to a Rear Underrun Protective Device for Industrial Vehicle
Ispezione dinamica delle rotaie: un caso pratico
FEM and experimental analysis of a total knee prosthesis
In this study, a comparison between two different approaches used to study a total knee prosthesis is presented. In particular, the contact area of the components of knee prosthesis has been evaluated using both a numerical and an experimental approach. The numerical analysis has been performed by FEM Models, whereas the experimental study has been conducted using an ultrasonic-based method. To setup the FEM simulations, CAD Models of the components of the prosthesis have been reconstructed using a classic reverse engineering approach. Obtained results has allowed evaluating the contact area of the components of the prosthesis and demonstrated a very good level of correlation between numeri…
Surface waves on cylindrical solids: numerical and experimental study.
The use of Rayleigh waves enables the solution of several important inspection problems. Propagation of surface waves along straight boundaries has been properly studied but investigations about their propagation on cylindrical surfaces are not sufficient, despite they can be still of interest for NDE applications. It has been proved experimentally that a surface wave pulse suffers a phase shift during its propagation along a cylindrical surface. A numerical approach has been developed to efficiently study these effects for different materials, curvatures and frequencies. This study can help the scientific community to better understand the phenomenon, quite complex and not yet fully explor…
Generalised bisection method for optimum ultrasonic ray tracing and focusing in multi-layered structures
Ultrasonic testing has been used for many decades, proving itself very efficient for detecting defects in many industrial sectors. The desire to apply ultrasonic testing to geometrically complex structures, and to anisotropic, inhomogeneous materials, together with the advent of more powerful electronics and software, is constantly pushing the applicability of ultrasonic waves to their limits. General ray tracing models, suitable for calculating the proper incident angle of single element probes and the proper time delay of phased array, are currently required. They can support the development of new imaging techniques, as Full Matrix Capture and Total Focusing Method, and the execution of …
Use of the KSVM-based system for the definition, validation and identification of the incisional hernia recurrence risk factors
BACKGROUND: Incisional hernia is one of the most common complications after abdominal surgery with an incidence rate of 11 to 20% post laparotomy. Many different factors can be considered as risk factors of incisional hernia recurrence. The aim of this study is to confirm and to validate the incisional hernia recurrence risk factors and to identify and to validate new ones. METHODS: In the period from July 2007 to July 2017, 154 patients were selected and subjected to incisional hernia repair. The surgical operations were conducted under general anaesthesia. Patients received antibiotic prophylaxis when indicated, according to the hospital prophylaxis scheme. Inclusion criteria of the study…
Trials start with non-contact rail inspection
Defect detection in laser powder deposition components by laser thermography and laser ultrasonic inspections
Laser Powder Deposition (LDP) techniques are being adopted within aerospace and automotive manufacturing to produce innovative precision components. Non-destructive techniques (NDT) for detecting and quantifying flaws within these components enables performance and acceptance criteria to be verified, improving product safety and reducing ongoing maintenance and product repair costs. In this work, software enabled techniques are presented for in-process analysis of NDT laser ultrasonic signals and pulsed laser thermography images of sequential metallic LPD layers. LPD tracks can be as thin as 200μm while deposited at a rate of 500 mm/min, requiring ultrafast inspection and processing times. …
Evaluation of interlaminar delaminations in titanium-graphite fibre metal laminates by infrared NDT techniques
Abstract Fibre Metal Laminates (FMLs) describe a number of aerospace-grade layered structural materials where thin metal alloy foils are interleaved with Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) plies. Such material hybridisation at the layer meso-scale poses a challenge for non-destructive testing (NDT). On the other hand, the need for NDT inspection of FMLs arises due to the potential development of interlayers disbonds, both during fabrication or in-service. This work describes the successful implementation of two Infrared-NDT approaches to evaluate a defected FML panel made of Titanium/Graphite (Ti-Gr). One technique is based on the modulation of the deployed heat from a low-cost halogen lamp, to…
Real-time non-contact ultrasonic detection of surface defects on objects moving at high speed
Il rilievo di difetti superficiali durante le ispezioni periodiche è importante poiché in genere le sollecitazioni sono maggiori in superficie e possono accelerare la crescita delle discontinuità. I difetti superficiali possono essere rilevati utilizzando alcuni metodi tradizionali di controllo non distruttivo, quali correnti indotte, liquidi penetranti, polveri magnetiche ed ultrasuoni. Alcuni tra questi metodi possono essere usati solo in condizioni statiche; gli altri presentano delle limitazioni per l’ispezione dinamica. I progressi recenti nel campo dei sensori ultrasonori senza contatto ci hanno permesso di sviluppare un sistema semplice per l’ispezione in tempo reale di corpi in movi…
Evaluation of Vertical Fatigue Cracks by Means of Flying Laser Thermography
The present paper proposes a new procedure to analyze the temperature field distribution during Flying Laser Spot and Laser Line Thermographic scanning (FLST, FLLT) of metallic components, in order to detect vertical surface cracks. The methodology exploits the changes in the temperature field produced by a vertical crack, acting as a barrier towards heat diffusion, when the laser approaches the defect. A number of small regions of interests (ROIs) is placed nearby and around the laser source. The average temperature from each ROI is then monitored during the laser scanning. Vertical cracks can be detected by analyzing and comparing the temperature fluctuations from each ROI when the laser …
Studio numerico e sperimentale sulla generazione degli ultrasuoni tramite sorgente laser puntiforme
An experimental and numerical study on the ultrasonic fields generated in metals by a point laser source has been done. Energy and profile of the beam, pulse duration, extent and shape of the irradiated area affect amplitude, frequency and directionality of the ultrasonic waves. The study has been developed for the thermoelastic regime, where the laser radiation with low energy density limits the amplitude of ultrasounds and therefore the sensitivity in detecting the defects in extended bodies. By controlling some parameters the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased. The experimental study has been conducted by varying the impact area, the distribution of the beam energy in the impact area…
Laser ultrasonics for defect evaluation on coated railway axles
Abstract This scientific paper focuses on the application of an advanced non-destructive technique for an effective inspection of railway axles. The method pertains to ultrasonic techniques, which are widely used in the railway field. The experimental investigation was carried out on simulated defects tooled near the cross section reduction of the axle, in order to simulate fatigue cracks which, due to notch effect, can trigger crack propagation and axle failure. The aim of this research activity is to evaluate how efficiently the proposed technique detects defects and to verify its applicability to axles with a black coating for protection. In view of the experimental setup, comprising a p…
Laser-air hybrid ultrasonic technique for dynamic railroad inspeection applications
Flying Laser Spot Thermography technique for the NDE of Fibre Metal Laminates disbonds
Abstract The present work investigates the features of an active Infrared-NDT Thermography technique derived from a Flying Laser Spot set-up for the analysis of interlaminar disbonds in layered structures in general and Fibre Metal Laminates in particular. The presented technique uses a laser-spot heat source, which moves at a constant speed, raster scanning the object surface. Interlaminar defects parallel to the surfaces act as barriers towards through-the-thickness heat diffusion. This produces some modifications over the surface thermal field which are well identified in the Standard Deviation calculated over a Reference Area following the heat source. The mechanisms leading to such def…
Misura della riduzione di spessore per corrosione in lamiere di alluminio mediante tecnica laser
Numerical study for a new methodology of flaws detection in train axles
Train loads and travel speeds have increased over time, requiring more efficient non-destructive inspection methods. Railway axles are critical elements; despite being designed to last more than 20 years several cases of premature failure have been recorded. Train axles are inspected regularly, but the limits associated to the traditional inspection technologies create a growing interest towards new solutions. Here a novel non-destructive inspection method of in-service axles based on non-contact data collection is presented. The propagation of surface waves, generated by a thermo-elastic laser source, is investigated using a finite element method based on dynamic explicit integration. Coup…
Metodo ed apparecchiatura per l'ispezione dinamica non a contatto delle rotaie ferroviarie
Adding Autonomy to Robotic Enabled Sensing
The capabilities of most non-destructive testing methods have been combined with some degree of automation in recent years, to enhance data acquisition speed, part coverage and inspection reliability. A plethora of automated or semi-automated inspection systems have been engineered to enable the robotic manipulation of specific types of sensors. Robotic inspection systems are usually operated through off-line programmed tool-paths. This approach works well when an accurate model of the part is available and the robotic inspection takes place in a well-structured environment, where the part position is precisely registered with respect to the robot reference system. However, it makes the ins…
3D simulations and experiments of guided wave propagation in adhesively bonded multi-layered structures
Understanding guided wave propagation in multi-layered plates and interaction with discontinuities can be difficult, as well as the interpretation of the ultrasonic signals. Propagation of guided waves can be studied analytically solving the equations of motion with the proper boundary conditions; nevertheless analytical models can be difficult to solve for complex multi-layered structures or having inner discontinuities. The problem can be efficiently studied using numerical techniques. Simulation of guided wave propagation in multi-layered structures, for ultrasonic waves in the MHz range, is solved here with the finite element analysis based on an explicit integration rule to solve the e…
Novel non-destructive evaluation technique for the detection of poor dispersion of carbon nanotubes in nanocomposites
Abstract A wide use of advanced carbon nanotube polymer composites can be boosted by new non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques that can test the quality of the products to ensure that their specifications are met. It is well known in literature that the parameter that far more than others can affect the enhancing capabilities of the carbon nanotubes is their dispersion. Here we have presented a novel NDE technique based on infrared thermography able to evaluate the dispersion of the added nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites. The NDE technique was used to compare pairs of samples whose difference is represented only by the level of dispersion. It was found a significant difference …
Laser-air, hybrid, ultrasonic testing of railroad wheels
Application of laser induced ultrasound for rail inspection
A numerical and experimental study through laser thermography for defect detection on metal additive manufactured parts
Additive manufacturing has been recently employed in industrial sectors with the fundamental requirement for zero defect parts. Technological developments in additive manufacturing notwithstanding, there continues to be a scarcity of non-destructive inspection techniques to be exploited during the manufacturing process itself, thus limiting industrial advancements and extensive applications. Therefore, being able to integrate the defect inspection phase within the additive manufacturing process would open the way to enabling corrective actions on the component in itinere, that is, before reaching the final product. For this reason, new methods of in-process monitoring are gaining more and m…
Defect detection in additively manufactured titanium prosthesis by flying laser scanning thermography
Abstract Metal additive manufacturing is nowadays a well-established technology for cutting edge applications in the automotive, aerospace, defense and medical sectors. Since additive metal deposition is basically a welding method, which creates parts by successively adding layers of material, there is a chance for defects like pores, cracks, inclusions and lack of fusion to develop. As a matter of fact, interlayer and intralayer defects are often observed in additive manufactured components. However, if one considers the typical end applications along with the high costs involved in metal additive manufactured components, a “zero defect” target is close to mandatory for this technology. Pl…
Friction Stir Welding Inspection by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Technique
Nondestructive testing applications for the railroad
Dynamic railroad inspection using the laser-air hybrid ultrasonic technique
Laser-Air Hybrid Ultrasonic Technique (LAHUT) combines laser generation with air-coupled detection of ultrasound. The technique is non-contact and has the characteristic of operating from remote distances. Acoustic wave laser-generation apparatus can be metres away from the interrogated surface while air-coupled detection standoff can be on the order of several centimetres. The technique has the unique capability of interrogating structural materials in their true industrial environment. Dynamic tests are performed on parts with complex geometry, limited accessibility and curved surfaces. Also, dark and rough finish surfaces, which significantly reduce the efficiency of optical detection te…
A Non-Contact Automated Vision and Positioning System for In-Field Rail NDE
Ultrasonic detection by photo-EMF sensor and by wideband air-coupled transducer
Two non-contact remote ultrasonic detection systems are compared. The first consists of a continuous wave (CW) Nd:YVO4 laser operating at 532 nm used in conjunction with a photo-induced electromotive-force (EMF) sensor. The second system employs an air-coupled capacitance transducer that has a bandwidth from 100 kHz up to 2 MHz. Both systems exhibit higher sensitivity to out-of-plane than in-plane measurements of stress wave signals. Ultrasound generation is carried out by an Nd:YAG pulsed laser at 532 nm in the thermoelastic regime in a 1.6 mm aluminum plate. A0 Lamb mode is generated at frequency-thickness product with strong out-of-plane displacements. Ultrasonic waveforms acquired are r…