L Pellegrino
Intervento di restauro conservativo di un dipinto murale staccato, raffigurante la "Presentazione della Vergine al tempio", attribuito alla scuola del Novelli
Frammenti di mosaico riportati su calcestruzzo:le interazioni con il supporto e il progetto di conservazione
Proceeding Book of 12th European Symposium on Religious art, Restoration & Conservation
Fundamental contribution to filling out the condition reports of the work of arts involved in temporary exhibitions is provided by non-invasive investigation techniques. Investigation, carried out before and after the movement, allow to collect objective data to monitoring the surface or structural alterations and defining the state of conservation, representing an important moment of deepening of knowledge. Generally, these aspects often are left to photographic documentation and observations by conservators and curators. An example of good practice is represented by the case of the Saint Gregory Polyptych (Antonello da Messina, 1473) belonging to the Regional Museum of Messina (Italy). Th…
Il contributo delle indagini ottiche non invasive per la pulitura del statua marmorea di S. Michele Arcangelo di Palazzo Abatellis (Palermo)
Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery
Ileus is common after elective colorectal surgery, and is associated with increased adverse events and prolonged hospital stay. The aim was to assess the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for reducing ileus after surgery.A prospective multicentre cohort study was delivered by an international, student- and trainee-led collaborative group. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The primary outcome was time to gastrointestinal recovery, measured using a composite measure of bowel function and tolerance to oral intake. The impact of NSAIDs was explored using Cox regression analyses, including the results of a c…
A specific operative protocol set up during the restoration of the Grammichele's slate slab
Il cammino del sole, gli spazi del giorno. Piano urbanistico del comune di Grammichele (CT) su lastra di ardesia dipinta
Spettrofotometria per il monitoraggio degli interventi di restauro: valutazione tramite PCA
La realizzazione di indagini spettrofotometriche per il monitoraggio delle variazioni cromatiche pone la necessità di gestire un elevato numero di dati richiedendo l’utilizzo di analisi statistiche. A tale scopo, la PCA è stata applicata a dati spettrofotometrici relativi a diverse tipologie di superfici (musive, marmoree, etc). Tale metodologia permette di valutare in maniera efficace gli effetti generati a seguito del restau;ro, evidenziando la correlazione tra tutte variabili spettrofotometriche. La distribuzione in cluster dei dati consente di visualizzare la variabile che maggiormente contribuisce allo spostamento cromatico, permettendo il monitoraggio differenziato del comportamento d…
Investigation of biocenosis in a archaeological rock-cut settlements with relevant historic-artistic evidences. A case study in South-east of Sicily.
Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery
Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function.A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multiva…
Analisi statistica tramite PCA su dati colorimetrici di tessere musive pavimentali
Studio del cinabro: integrazione indagini XRF con SR-XRF e SR-XRD
Ad approfondimento ed integrazione dei risultati analitici già presentati, riguardanti la caratterizzazione in situ tramite fluorescenza a raggi X (XRF) dei materiali pittorici presenti su opere marmoree della collezione statuaria della Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Abatellis (Palermo), sono state effettuate ulteriori indagini su un campione di cinabro (HgS) caratterizzato da una colorazione nera. Tali analisi, condotte tramite misure XRF e XRD presso la beam line ID18 dell’European Syncroton Radiation Facility (Grenoble, Francia), hanno fornito informazioni complementari fondamentali per la corretta interpretazione dello stato di conservazione dello strato pittorico studiato.
Gilding and pigments of Renaissance marble of Abatellis Palace: non-invasive investigation by XRF spectrometry
Most of the artworks constituting the collection of Renaissance statuary of Abatellis Palace in Palermo (Sicily) show evidence of colour layers and fragments of gold foil that probably once covered the whole marble surface. The restoration of some of these statues has allowed to carry out archaeometric studies about the painting technique and to highlight the original materials and inclusion present on the precious marbles by two famous Italian sculptors of the Renaissance, Francesco Laurana and Antonello Gagini. The measurements have been performed in situ through the integrated use of two non-invasive techniques: visible fluorescence stimulated by ultraviolet light and X-ray fluorescence.…
Microscopy and Molecular biology techniques for the study biocenosis diversity in semi-confined environments
This study is part of a wider conservation project of artistic and anthropological finds located in the Grotto of the Saints (Licodia Eubea, Alia, Sicily), and represents an opportunity for investigating the micro-and macro biological systems colonizing this particular environment. It is well-known that the bio-receptivity of surfaces is strongly related to its constituent materials and environmental parameters, whose effects promote the establishment of specific biotic communities. This is particularly true for caves, hypogea and semi-confined environments and, in particular for the Grotto of the Saints, where besides the presence of different nutrient sources, there are also high humidity…
A specific operative protocol set up during the restoration of the Grammichele slate slab
This work deals with the conservation of a slate slab, representing the map of Grammichele, a small town in the hinterland of South Eastern Sicily. The slab was engraved and painted in 1693, just after the tremendous earthquake that distroyed most of the towns in that area. The conservation process is illustrated through three steps: i) archive research; ii) physical chemical analysis of constitutive materials and degradation products; iii) planning and carrying out of the restoration and conservation operations.
Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study
PURPOSE As cancer surgery restarts after the first COVID-19 wave, health care providers urgently require data to determine where elective surgery is best performed. This study aimed to determine whether COVID-19–free surgical pathways were associated with lower postoperative pulmonary complication rates compared with hospitals with no defined pathway. PATIENTS AND METHODS This international, multicenter cohort study included patients who underwent elective surgery for 10 solid cancer types without preoperative suspicion of SARS-CoV-2. Participating hospitals included patients from local emergence of SARS-CoV-2 until April 19, 2020. At the time of surgery, hospitals were defined as having a …
Death following pulmonary complications of surgery before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Association of Surgeons in Training Surgical Summit, online, 17 Oct 2020 - 17 Oct 2020 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting / Surgical Research Society, online, 24 Mar 2021 - 25 Mar 2021, National Research Collaborative Meeting, online, 10 Dec 2020 - 10 Dec 2020, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Academic Surgery Conference, online, 5 Nov 2020 - 5 Nov 2020; The British journal of surgery : BJS 108(12), 1448-1464 (2021). doi:10.1093/bjs/znab336
Le statue rinascimentali di palazzo Abatellis: caratterizzazione delle dorature e dei pigmenti tramite spettrometria XRF.
Il serpente custode della Cappella Palatina di Palermo. Nuove tecnologie per la riconfigurazione di pavimenti in "Opus Alexandrinum"
Caratterizzazione della biodiversità della grotta dei santi a Licodia Eubea (Catania, Sicilia)
Il complesso rupestre, di cui fa parte la Grotta dei Santi, si sviluppa su due terrazzamenti nel territorio di Licodia Eubea, in Contrada Alia. Le testimonianze archeologiche e documentarie lasciano ipotizzare che il sito abbia subito, a partire dalla tarda antichità, varie frequentazioni. Rivestì un’importante ruolo sociale e religioso, fino almeno al XV secolo, quando fu completamente abbandonato, per essere riscoperto solo durante il secolo scorso. La denominazione della Grotta, è riconducibile alla presenza di tracce di pannelli raffiguranti una teoria di Santi, la quale doveva ornare le pareti dell’antro rivolto a nord-est, destinato in epoca paleocristiana alla sepoltura di importanti…
Outcomes after perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with proximal femoral fractures: an international cohort study
ObjectivesStudies have demonstrated high rates of mortality in people with proximal femoral fracture and SARS-CoV-2, but there is limited published data on the factors that influence mortality for clinicians to make informed treatment decisions. This study aims to report the 30-day mortality associated with perioperative infection of patients undergoing surgery for proximal femoral fractures and to examine the factors that influence mortality in a multivariate analysis.SettingProspective, international, multicentre, observational cohort study.ParticipantsPatients undergoing any operation for a proximal femoral fracture from 1 February to 30 April 2020 and with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infec…
A specific operative protocol set up during the restoration of San Michele Arcangelo’s marble statue
Questo lavoro descrive le diverse fasi dell’intervento di conservazione di una statua di marmo del XVI secolo, raffigurante San Michele Arcangelo, custodita presso la Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Abatellis di Palermo. Inizialmente è stata effettuata un’indagine di archivio per inquadrare l’opera dal punto di vista storico artistico ed iconografico. Quindi sono stati effettuati: un rilievo grafico e digitale 3D, una mappatura di tutte le forme di degrado rilevate e dei segni di interventi precedenti, le analisi dei materiali costitutivi e dello stato di conservazione, mediante tecniche non distruttive o microdistruttive. Infine è stato progettato ed eseguito l’intervento di conservazione, a…
Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection
With at least 28 elective million operations delayed during the first three months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of patients who will require surgery after a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is likely to increase rapidly1. Operating on patients with an active perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection is now known to carry a very high pulmonary complication and mortality rate2. Urgent information is needed to guide whether postponing surgery in patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to a clinical benefit, and the optimal length of delay.
Ori e cromie dei marmi rinascimentali di Palazzo Abatellis: indagine non invasiva tramite spettrometria XRF.
Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis.
Background Appendicitis is the most common general surgical emergency worldwide, but its diagnosis remains challenging. The aim of this study was to determine whether existing risk prediction models can reliably identify patients presenting to hospital in the UK with acute right iliac fossa (RIF) pain who are at low risk of appendicitis. Methods A systematic search was completed to identify all existing appendicitis risk prediction models. Models were validated using UK data from an international prospective cohort study that captured consecutive patients aged 16–45 years presenting to hospital with acute RIF in March to June 2017. The main outcome was best achievable model specificity (pro…
Ulteriori valutazioni sull’impiego della Principal Component Analysis su dati colorimetrici di tessere musive pavimentali
Study and restoration of a stucco decorative cycle with figures, attributable to the Serpotta family
The article describes the innovative restoration of a decorative figured stucco, attributed to Giacomo Serpotta or to his family, with winged putti and a female figure sitting on a triumphal chariot. The work, in the past at the former Museo Nazionale and today at the Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Abatellis, can be dated between the late seventeenth century and the beginning of eighteenth century and is a testimony of the Baroque in Palermo.
L’analisi colorimetrica a supporto dell’intervento di restauro sui mosaici della Villa romana del casale di Piazza Armerina
Integrated three-dimensional models for noninvasive monitoring and valorization of the Morgantina silver treasure (Sicily)
The Morgantina silver treasure belonging to the Archaeological Museum of Aidone (Sicily) was involved in a three-dimensional (3-D) survey and diagnostics campaign for monitoring the collection over time in anticipation of their temporary transfer to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York for a period of 4 years. Using a multidisciplinary approach, a scientific and methodological protocol based on noninvasive techniques to achieve a complete and integrated knowledge of the precious items and their conservation state, as well as to increase their valorization, has been developed. All acquired data, i.e., 3-D models, ultraviolet fluorescence, x-ray images, and chemical information, will be…
Indagini 3D di dettaglio per l’analisi dell’integrità del busto di Eleonora d’Aragona (F. Laurana, 1468
The wall paintings of the Roman Villa at Piazza Armerina in Sicily
This case study shows the application of viable bacterial cells for removing undesired deposits from the surface of a stone polychrome bas-relief, exhibited at the Interdisciplinary Gallery of Sicily Palazzo Abatellis (Palermo). Diagnostic studies carried out during the restoration were aimed at characterizing the technique of execution and understanding the degradation processes. The results of the XRF and FTIR investigations showed that on large areas of the artifact’s surface, stratified deposits with a significant presence of sulfates were present. For bioremoval of the deposits, viable bacterial cells belonging to the species Desulfovibrio vulgaris, were utilized in gelled solution for…
Mosaic floors of roman Villa del Casale: Principal component analysis on spectrophotometric and colorimetric data
Abstract Spectrophotometric and colorimetric data obtained during a measurement campaign aimed at supporting the Roman "Villa del Casale" (Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy) conservation activities, are presented. Special attention was paid to the possible variation of the chromatic coordinates, possibly due to the interventions of cleaning, consolidation, and protection. Data have been analyzed by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistical technique, with the attempt to investigate its role in data variability reduction and verify its effectiveness in interpreting the phenomena occurring on the mosaic surface of the Villa, through grouping the observations into homogenous clusters. Ef…
Spectrophotometric investigations at the museum: monitoring of colour changes during differentiated cleaning of the marble statues
The spectrophotometric investigations carried out during the cleaning treatments on the marble surface provide an useful support for choosing the best method to employ by monitoring, before and after the tests, both the chromatic coordinates and the spectral reflectance. Moreover, the colorimetric measurements allow us to evaluate the goodness of the chromatic level and the uniformity of the cleaned areas. The Laboratory of Physics and Indoor Environment of the Regional Center for Planning and Restoration has carried out the spectrophotometric investigations on the marble statues belonging to the Renaissance statuary collection of the Regional Gallery of Sicily Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo …
Gilding and pigments of Renaissance marble of Abatellis Palace: non-invasive investigation by XRF spectrometry
Most of the artworks constituting the collection of Renaissance statuary of Abatellis Palace in Palermo (Sicily) show evidence of colour layers and fragments of gold foil that probably once covered the whole marble surface. The restoration of some of these statues has allowed to carry out archaeometric studies about the painting technique and to highlight the original materials and inclusion present on the precious marbles by two famous Italian sculptors of the Renaissance, Francesco Laurana and Antonello Gagini. The measurements have been performed in situ through the integrated use of two non-invasive techniques: visible fluorescence stimulated by ultraviolet light and X-ray fluorescence.…
Monitoring of the decorative ornaments of the roman villa del casale at Piazza Armerina (Enna)
La tesi di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico, in "Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali", della Dottoressa Nicoletta Chiparo, riguarda l'intervento di restauro di un lacerto di dipinto murale staccato, di età paleocristiana, raffigurante un'orante; l’approccio alle problematiche di conservazione del dipinto murale ha suggerito l’avvio di una ricerca bibliografica e di laboratorio sui materiali per la realizzazione degli strati di sacrificio per i dipinti murali staccati. Il dipinto murale, di provenienza incerta e delle dimensioni di cm. 60 di h, cm. 41.5 di larg. mm. 1-3 di sp., rappresenta una figura femminile orante che, per la resa del volto, dei particolari dell’acconciatura e la c…
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study
This international, prospective, cohort study enrolled 20 006 adult (≥18 years) patients from 466 hospitals in 61 countries with 15 cancer types, who had a decision for curative surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic and were followed up until the point of surgery or cessation of follow-up (Aug 31, 2020). Average national Oxford COVID-19 Stringency Index scores were calculated to define the government response to COVID-19 for each patient for the period they awaited surgery, and classified into light restrictions (index 60). The primary outcome was the non-operation rate (defined as the proportion of patients who did not undergo planned surgery). Cox proportional-hazards regression models wer…
Preoperative nasopharyngeal swab testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Abstract Background Surgical services are preparing to scale up in areas affected by COVID-19. This study aimed to evaluate the association between preoperative SARS-CoV-2 testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective cancer surgery. Methods This international cohort study included adult patients undergoing elective surgery for cancer in areas affected by SARS-CoV-2 up to 19 April 2020. Patients suspected of SARS-CoV-2 infection before operation were excluded. The primary outcome measure was postoperative pulmonary complications at 30 days after surgery. Preoperative testing strategies were adjusted for confounding using mixed-effects models. Results Of 8…