Gioacchino Lavanco

Dal welfare state al community care: andare oltre la città assistita

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L'ombra del padre

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The Role of Internalized Transphobia, Loneliness, and Social Support in the Psychological Well-Being of a Group of Italian Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youths

Although transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) youth represent a highly resilient community capable of successfully overcoming adverse life circumstances, they still face social stigma that negatively impacts their health, being at risk of developing negative feelings toward their own TGNC identity (i.e., internalized transphobia). A poorly investigated dimension in TGNC health research is perceived loneliness. Thus, within the minority stress theory, the present study aimed to investigate the mediating role of loneliness and the moderating role of social support in the relationship between internalized transphobia and psychological well-being among 79 Italian TGNC youths aged 18 to …

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Cyberbullying as a new form of bullying demands new coping strategies. As a result of new technology there has been a constant growth in the spread of harmful online behavior. The instant project “Cyberbullying and new technology”, which started from cooperation between school and university, was planned for pupils in the third year at “Leonardo Da Vinci” secondary school in Palermo. The project was started and carried out within the school setting with a focus on students, parents and teachers. Objectives: the main aim was to identify useful actions and precautions to help face cyberbullying (on smartphone and mobile applications) using technology to create a campaign of peer to peer sensi…

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Il comportamento a rischio e la ricerca di sensazioni forti negli adolescenti

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Una nuova dipendenza: il "workaholism"

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La psicologia dinamica di comunità

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Minori e comunità: sviluppare il capitale sociale

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Anxiety in Older Adolescents at the Time of COVID-19

Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a catastrophic health risk, with psychological, emotional, social, and relational implications. From the early stages of the virus spread, the elderly population was identified as the most vulnerable, and health authorities have rightly focused on this frailer population. Conversely, less attention was given to the emotional and psychological dimensions of children and adolescents. Moreover, even though they were the subjects whose lives and health were at low risk, they, nevertheless, had to face a reality full of anxiety, fears, and uncertainties. The current study investigated the state of anxiety and emotional awareness in a sample of healthy older …

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Processi migratori e stereotipi: l'esperienza cinese

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La centralità del lavoro sociale: sviluppo di comunità e intervento

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Mutamenti psicosociali tra comunicazioni e azioni

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Résultats et hypothèses des recherches realiste ”dans les lieux où l’on joue”: remarques sur le pensée rationalle et le pensée magique

Saggio sui termi della convivneza multietnica, nella dimensione della fondazione di relazioni di comunità.

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Lo sviluppo di comunità

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La representacion social de la politica y de la partecipacion entre jovenes universitarios sicilianos

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Il benessere aziendale percepito: tra senso di appartenenza e soddisfazione lavorativa

Il presente contributo analizza alcune variabili ritenute dalla letteratura sull’argomento componenti fondamentali del benessere aziendale: l’orientamento al team, il senso di appartenenza aziendale, il senso di efficacia organizzativa, l’identificazione con l’azienda e la soddisfazione lavorativa. I partecipanti alla ricerca sono 58 dirigenti di aziende siciliane. I dati mostrano come il senso di appartenenza all’azienda sia centrale, essendo l’unica variabile tra quelle indagate che influisce sulla soddisfazione lavorativa. Inoltre, il senso di efficacia organizzativa, ossia il percepire che la propria azienda e in grado di affrontare le difficolta e di raggiungere i risultati attesi e fo…

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Acquisti (shopping compulsivo)

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Peer education fra prevenzione e intervento. Alcune esperienze di valutazione partecipata

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Giovani di mafia e piccoli omicidi

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La prospettiva psicodinamica

Il contributo che l’approccio psicodinamico porta alla lettura dei contesti, alla costruzione dei gruppi e all’azione politico-sociale per realizzare convivenza e partecipazione viene presentato richiamando, in apertura, i fondamenti teorici dei costrutti psicoanalitici e illustrando via via la complessità con cui questi si sono declinati, nella riflessione degli autori, in senso sociale. Le dimensioni legate alla soggettività, alla relazione, alle resistenze transferali e controtransferali sono infatti la cornice riflessiva psicodinamica da tenere presente ogni volta che si compiono scelte metodologiche e si utilizzano strumenti che, implicitamente o esplicitamente, guardano alla relazione.

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Narratives of pregnancy

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Effects of Aerobic and Anaerobic Fatigue Exercises on Postural Control and Recovery Time in Female Soccer Players

Sixteen female soccer players (age = 20.19 &plusmn

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Physical exercise and prevention of falls. Effects of a Pilates training method compared with a general physical activity program

Introduction Falls are the leading cause of injury-related mortality and morbidity in the elderly. Physical activity plays a key role in the prevention of falls and stimulates postural control. The aim of this study was to compare a general physical activity program for the elderly with a Pilates program to evaluate the effects on balance and on reducing the risk of falling. Materials and methods Forty-six subjects were enrolled in this study, but only 41 were included in the study. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: Pilates group (P-G) and a group following a nonspecific program of physical activity (Pa-G). Each subject underwent the hand grip test, Berg balance scale test, and postu…

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Acculturazione ed auto-emarginazione. Una ricerca-azione a Palermo

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Going Beyond Social Maternage.The Principle Of Brotherhood In The Community Psychology'S Intervention

The aim of this paper is to study in depth some methodological aspects of social interventation, focusing on desirable passage from social maternage method to peer advocacy method. For this purpose, we intend analyze social and organizative components, that affect operator's professional action and that are part of his psychological environment, besides the physical and social one. In fact, operator's interventation should not be limited to a pure supply of techniques, nor to take shape as improvised action, but “full of good purposes".

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Moral Disengagement in Youth Athletes: A Narrative Review

The sports environment can be considered as a context characterized by interactions typical of social groups, where children have the chance to learn good values. Positive and negative behaviours in sports, also called prosocial and antisocial behaviours, have been studied according to a moral perspective, as has doping behaviour, taking into consideration the concept of moral disengagement. Moral disengagement in children has been associated with maladaptive behaviours later in life, even though it should disappear with growth. Concerning the sports environment, previous reviews on the topic have extensively illustrated the role of moral variables in sport and their relation to antisocial …

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The Narration to Take Care of Oneself in the Development of Educational Professions

This work aims to highlight the importance of narration and autobiographic practice in looking after oneself. The narration represents a technology of taking care of oneself (Foucault, 1992) and at the same time, facilitates the person in oneself recognition and self-training. The merit of narrating is extremely educational and formative for whoever is preparing to operate a practical training in the field of caring professions, including the educational ones (Zannini, 2003). An active methodology to work through the narration is the autobiographic practice which offers to the pedagogy and the educational research the opportunity to place subjects at the hearth, adding depth to the educatio…

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La famiglia nella comunità. Modelli operativi di intervento sociale

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Mobile addiction e prevenzione attraverso il gruppo dei pari

La dipendenza da cellulare, espressione dei profondi cambiamenti economici, sociali e culturali degli ultimi decenni, sta diventando un problema sempre piu diffuso, soprattutto fra gli adolescenti. L’articolo, nella prima parte si sofferma sull’analisi della letteratura relativa alla dipendenza tecnologica, in generale, e alla dipendenza da cellulare, nello specifico; nella seconda parte, presenta una ricerca-intervento che, da un lato, ha avuto l’obiettivo di esaminare la relazione tra fattori cognitivi (locus of control) e fattori emotivi (disregolazione emotiva) nei casi di abuso nell’utilizzo di telefoni cellulari; dall’altro, ha voluto avviare una riflessione circa l’influenza del grup…

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Time spent on the smartphone does not relate to manual dexterity in young adults.

Abstract Background The Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) is widely adopted to evaluate manual dexterity, it presents normative data but the test is influenced by different factors. The influence of time spent on smartphones has not been considered before, for this reason, the objective of this study was to evaluate if smartphone use influences the time to complete the GPT. A total of 38 (21 women; 17 men) young adults 20.7 (1.5) years participated in the study. The time spent on the smartphones during the last seven days was recorded through the device itself and the GPT performance was measured. A correlation analysis between the time spent on the smartphone and GPT was performed while the t-te…

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Educational Styles and Consequences of Birth of Children for Binational Couples

The paper examines the dynamics of bicultural couples in which one partner is autochthonous and the other is of foreign nationality. Referring to family dynamics, has taken into consideration two levels of analysis: the impact that the presence of children creates on the dynamic of couple and the educational styles adopted. According to the basic assumptions of qualitative research, 22 mixed couples living in Sicily were interviewed. To analyse the contents, which emerged from interviews, the Atlas.ti software was used. Through the narrative method we explored the meanings that partners assign to their daily lives and differences they experienced. The birth of children marks the passage fro…

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Etica del dono e fondamento della comunità

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La psicologia di comunità nel sud del mondo

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‘I Can’t Breathe’: Anxiety and Emotion Awareness in Older Adolescents at The Time of Covid-19

The COVID-19 appears as a catastrophic health risk with psychological, emotional, social and relational implications. From the early stages of the virus spread, the elderly population was identified as the most vulnerable and the health authorities have rightly focused on such frailest population. Conversely, less attention was paid to emotional and psychological dimension of children and adolescents. Actually, they were less at risk quoad vitam or quoad valetudinem, nevertheless they had to face a reality of anxiety, fears and uncertainties. The current study investigated state anxiety and emotion awareness in a healthy sample of older adolescents, 84 females and 64 males, aged 17 to 19, d…

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Un’introduzione. Psicodinamica del gioco d’azzardo

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Comunità e capitale sociale

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Aiutarsi ed aiutare via internet: un contributo di ricerca sul supporto sociale on line

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Psicologia del gioco d'azzardo e della scommessa

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Per non morire prima”. Strategie di coping in donne con sclerosi multipla

La sclerosi multipla, malattia infiammatoria-demielinizzante a decorso cronico, determina forti vissuti piscologici negativi ed è resa invalidante dall'imprevedibilità della sintomatologia, nonchè dalla progressiva disabilità. E' stata realizzata una ricerca-intervento finalizzata ad approfondire l'evoluzione delle condizioni di salute in donne con sclerosi multipla e a determinare il ruolo di variabili psicosociali come fattori di sostegno. L'analisi preliminare dei dati rileva l'importanza delle strategie di coping nella gestione della malattia.

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Del comunitare La prospettiva della cura complessa, dal soggetto alla comunità

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Trust: the basis of the collaborative interaction

This contribution focuses on the role of trust in developing collaborative learning. Both in face-to-face and online environments, four types of learning interactions are required: interaction with resources, with teachers, with peers and with an interface. Collaborative interaction, and therefore collaborative learning, requires people to trust one another. Several factors, such as shared social norms, repeated interactions and shared experiences, have been suggested to facilitate the development of interpersonal trust; as far as temporary teams are concerned, the concept of "swift trust" has been proposed. It is suggested that collaborative online interactions - compared to face-to-face o…

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Il senso laico. Immanenza e contingenza contro teologia politica

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La peer education come strumento di prevenzione delle condotte autolesive

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Cultural identification, perceived discrimination and sense of community as predictors of life satisfaction among foreign partners of intercultural families in Italy and Spain: A transnational study

The  aim  of  this  paper  was  to  analyze  how  cultural  identification,  perceived  discrimination   and  the  sense  of  community  are  related  to  life  satisfaction  among  foreign  partners  in  intercultural   families.   The  study  compared  105  and  95  foreign  partners  in  mixed  families  resident  in  Italy  and  Spain,   respectively.  The  phenomenon  in  both  countries  displays  similar  sociodemographic  aspects.  In   contrast  to  Social  Identity  Theory,  the  results  show  that  in  both  groups  the  foreign  partner's   identification  with  their  own  ethnic-­‐cultural  group  is  not  associated  with  life  satisfaction,  nor  does  it   increase  perce…

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Le forme autodistruttive di gruppo. Narcisismo e autolesionismo fra gli emo. Vulnerabilità percepita e ottimismo irrealistico

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Aspetti psicosociali del gioco d’azzardo

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La relazione nel lavoro di comunità: sviluppare capitale sociale per realizzare il cambiamento

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L'approccio psicomotorio nella scuola come strategia formativa ed educativa

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Edu-social Algorithm: educare con i social network a scuola. Un modello operativo per il Mobile Learning

In questo lavoro si mostreranno i presupposti teorici e operativi per lo sviluppo di un Mobile Learning capace di coniugare didattica in presenza ed esperienze digitali, sfruttando Instagram come social media privilegiato per una proposta di un modello metodologico volto a strumentalizzare le funzioni multimediali e interattive interne all’applicazione. I risultati qualitativi del progetto di ricerca-azione Edu-social Algorithm mostrano una serie di contenuti mediaeducativi che evidenziano il potenziale pedagogico dentro il social media Instagram e la replicabilità del modello metodologico sviluppato.

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Il marketing sociale dei servizi alla persona

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Politics and mafia culture: a research on candidates in Sicily

Analisi del rsapporto fra forme di illegalità e percezione dei fenomeni politico sociali. Partciolare attenzione alla partecipazione ed alla formazione del senso di appartenenza.

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Problemi di distanza. I servizi a bassa soglia per le persone senza dimora

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L'altra. Giovani donne e pregiudizio etnico

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Premorbid Personality Traits as Risk Factors for Behavioral Addictions: A Systematic Review of a Vulnerability Hypothesis

The debate on personality structure and behavioral addictions is an outstanding issue. According to some authors, behavioral addictions could arise from a premorbid personality, while for others, it could result from a pathological use of technological tools. The current study aims to investigate whether, in the latest literature, personality traits have been identified as predictors of behavioral addictions. A literature search was conducted under the PRISMA methodology, considering the most relevant studies of the five-factor model from the past 10 years. Overall, most studies on addiction, personality traits, and personality genetics proved that behavioral addiction may be an epiphenomen…

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Il setting della ricerca-azione

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Elementi per una dimensione psicologica dello sviluppo di comunità

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Coppie miste: le differenze culturali e le reti di sostegno nel processo di acculturazione

Il volume raccoglie le riflessioni più interessanti emerse durante gli incontri seminariali e i workshop della sesta edizione della Summer School “Migranti, Diritti Umani e Democrazia”, svoltasi a Salina (Isole Eolie), dal 17 al 22 settembre 2012. Si discute la complessa questione delle donne migranti, approfondendo vari temi che le riguardano. In particolare, gli Autori hanno spaziato dall’autorganizzazione in altri contesti di vita all’identità di genere e solidarietà tra le donne immigrate, dal senso di comunità, rete sociale e sostegno sociale alla diaspora e mobilities, dalla gestione della salute, della maternità, delle strategie di cura dei figli alla comunicazione e mediazione cultu…

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La comunicazione. Dalla sua natura alle sue applicazioni in politica

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Identity, Couple and Intergroup Dynamics in Intercultural Families: Implications on Life Satisfaction of Partners

The current study analyzed how identity, couple, and intergroup dynamics are related to life satisfaction among 210 intercultural partners living in Italy. Three levels of analysis were considered: a micro level, taking into account the identity aspect of each partner in terms of self- or hetero-ethnic identification; a meso level, examining the passion, commitment, and intimacy of the couple sphere of the partners; a macro level investigating the discrimination that partners can perceive by the community as an effect of the relationship between dominant and minority groups. The results show that for both partners, foreign and Italian, the variables that have a predictive value on life sati…

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Tran de vie: una conclusione su convivenza e diversità

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Pathological gambling. Chinese community in Southern Italy

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Narrare la comunità orizzontale

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Learning and Relationships in the Cyberspace

The cyberspace is an instrument through which internet users could get new experiences. It could contribute to foster one-s own growth, widening cognitive, creative and communicative abilities and promoting relationships. In the cyberspace, in fact, it is possible to create virtual learning communities where internet users improve their interpersonal sphere, knowledge and skills. The main element of e-learning is the establishment of online relationships, that are often collaborative.

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La transizione verso l’età adulta dei MSNA. Percorsi di autonomia in un’ottica di lavoro di rete. In E. Di Giovanni & M. Garro (A cura di), Una possibile casa. Percorsi di autonomia e significatività operativa. Milano: Guerini e Associati.

Il presente contributo affronta il tema dell’accompagnamento nei percorsi di autonomia di coloro che arrivano in Italia come Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (MSNA) e che, prossimi alla maggiore età, entrano all’interno del sistema di accoglienza affrontando contestualmente la transizione verso l’età adulta. In questi casi, avendo a disposizione poco tempo per sviluppare e rafforzare gli obiettivi di inclusione, integrazione sociale, autonomia e indipendenza personale, possono emergere molte vulnerabilità, specie nel momento in cui lasciano il sistema di accoglienza; un percorso travagliato, che spesso avviene in maniera precoce rispetto ai propri coetanei che invece non hanno dovuto confr…

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Donne e lavoro nel trigenerazionale

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Far fronte alle illusioni moderne

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La progettazione sociale degli interventi. Probelmi metodologici ed esemplificazioni

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Work addiction: il lavoro come difesa

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La psicologia di comunità

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Educational styles, peers’ approval and adolescent self-injurious behaviours

The present research aims at understanding how the same body may became object of aggression and destruction by adolescents' self-injurious behaviours. Particularly, self-injurious behaviours are those finalised to destruction or deliberate alteration of one's body, even if without a conscious suicidal intention. The research aims at studying the relationship between educational styles, self-injurious behaviours and the social representation of the phenomenon in a group of adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years. Research has shown that on the basis of self-injurious behaviours there are the perception of an authoritarian educational style and approval by peers and brothers. (C) 2010 Elsev…

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Gruppi, costruzione e negoziazione dell'identità sessuale

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Il Physical Risk Assessment Inventory: uno strumento di misura della percezione del rischio psicofisico in adolescenza

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Burnout syndrome and type A behavior in nurses and teachers in Sicily.

Burnout and Type A behavior were studied in two groups of 50 teachers (26 working in high school and 24 in junior high school) and 50 nurses living and working in Sicily. Each group was composed of 19 men and 31 women. A revised version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Adult and Adolescent Type A Behavior Scale-Revised Form 1 were used to measure burnout and Type A behavior, and a scale of job satisfaction was given. Analysis shows higher scores on stress for nurses, related to the low social acknowledgment of their job. Among nurses, Type A scores were correlated positively with scores on burnout and negatively with ratings of job satisfaction. The teachers showed greater compatib…

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Dal maternage sociale alla peer advocacy. Due modelli a confronto per un intervento sociale efficace.

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Marginalia. Psicologia di comunità e ricerche intervento sul disagio giovanile

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Maternal Competence, Maternal Burnout and Personality Traits in Italian Mothers after the First COVID-19 Lockdown

This study aimed to investigate the maternal sense of competence and maternal burnout in Italian mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was composed of 278 mothers of children/adolescents aged 4 to 17 years old. Participants were recruited after the end of the first spring total Italian lockdown (June–October 2020) through online advertisements on websites and social media. We hypothesized a model in which a specific personality trait, such as neuroticism, affected maternal competence by the mediating role of maternal burnout. Results showed that neuroticism was directly and negatively predictive of perception of maternal competence, and it was negatively associated with maternal …

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Teachers' Representations on Adoptive Families and Educational Practices: New Challenges in Teachers' Preparation

ABSTRACTIn Italy, as in Europe, the number of internationally adopted school-aged children is increasing. The school is the first place where they can meet their new context, enabling good achievement of the whole integration and adoption processes. The research uses a qualitative method to explore the representations and the strategies that guide the educational work of 268 teachers of eight primary schools in relation to the adoptive family. ATLAS.ti 7.0 software was used. The results show an ambivalent representation of the adoptive family, which is reflected in the contents and strategy used by teachers to address issues of adoption.

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Lo scemo "nel" villaggio. Percorsi dinamici tra gruppi e comunità

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Group Analysis and the Self: The Political-Environmental-Transpersonal

In this paper the authors try to put the basis for a new sense of group analysis, meant as the psychology of the field and the future, able to unblock saturated sets of meanings. Their work with groups has shown that there is a time in the group analytic process in which the individual explores the possibility of changeover. That time is also the space for the foundation of a new Self: the space for the difference, the space for the fight for giving and receiving'.

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Formare il capitale sociale fra educazione e convivenza

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End of life pedagogy and empathetic guidance

The scientific progress has recently provoked profound physical and conceptual changes related to the end of life (EOL), and it has been necessary an intense debate about EOL and euthanasy. It is significant to define death as the absence of life qualities and not as a physical end. Hence, the end stage of our life is a crucial and meaningful moment. For this reason, it is essential to try to integrate the purely technical perspective with an ethic of guidance, which allows patients to live in dignity their death. For this reason, it urges to engage a continue and deep educational and experiential co-construction on the end of life, aware of its precariousness.

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Social Dreaming e dimensione sociale del sognare.

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Bicultural couples from Family to Community: Educational Styles and Place Identity

The paper examines the dynamics of bicultural couples in which one partner is autochthonous and the other is of foreign nationality. Two levels of analysis were considered: a macro level studying the place identity in reference to the general social context and the residential neighbourhood, in particular; the second level refers to the dynamics of the couple and examines the strategies for managing differences between partners and the educational styles adopted in the presence of children. According to the basic assumptions of qualitative research, 22 mixed couples living in Sicily were interviewed. To analyse the contents which emerged from interviews the Atlas.ti software was used. Throu…

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Quale politica per la comunità. Una strategia per la rete dei servizi sociali

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Social dreaming as a way to social unconscious

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La reciprocità del dono a fondamento del nuovo welfare

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La rete... un supporto relazionale?

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Peer or poor education. Quando il lavoro con i pari non basta

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Lucciole nella notte. Prostituzione di strada e interventi di prevenzione

Glow-worms in the night. Street prostitutions and prevention projects - Traditionaly, sexual-work conflict and street partnership have been studied separately. This study examined the impact of sexual-work conflict and health. The results show that there are a significant relationship between sexual-work conflict and health especially with inter-role conflict. The scale have been applied to a Sicilian sample of 114 prostitutes in a social project of prevention. Key words: Sexual-work conflict, helath, health belief, partnership.

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Governare il cambiamento. Teoria e tecniche di governance e sviluppo di comunità

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Le forme autodistruttive di gruppo . Narcisismo e aulolesionismo fra gli emo: invulnerabilità percepita e ottimismo irrealistico

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Comunità e cambiamento: educare al bene comune

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Senza fissa dimora e senza comunità: l'intervento di psicologia di comunità

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Giovani e nuove rofme di addiction

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Peer education, caregivers e prevenzione del suicidio

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Il non suicidio adolescenziale: il corpo come luogo del disagio

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I luoghi della legalità

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Shopping on-line: il confine fra comodità e rischio

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Quando la chirurgia estetica diventa teen

La ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di indagare alcune variabili psicosociali ritenute dalla letteratura sull’argomento elementi importanti dell’interesse per la chirurgia estetica, come la percezione corporea e l’Ego-resiliency, in un gruppo di 210 adolescenti e giovani donne del territorio paler-mitano. I dati mostrano come la percezione di sé abbia un ruolo centrale, essendo l’unica variabile tra quelle indagate che influisce sull’interesse per la chirurgia estetica. Inoltre, l’Ego-resiliency, ossia la capacità di gestire in modo flessibile i propri impulsi e le proprie emozioni e di adattarsi efficacemente alle richieste dell’ambiente, è fortemente legato alla percezione di sé, che, a sua vo…

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Elementi di psicologia di comunità. Progettare, attuare e partecipare il cambiamento sociale

La terza edizione di un manuale i cui approfondimenti tematici sono esemplari del carattere d’interdisciplinarietà che la psicologia di comunità è riuscita a conservare dal suo nascere a oggi, pur essendo chiaro che essa è una disciplina a sé, con riconosciuta compattezza scientifica tra i suoi esponenti. Approfondimenti che possono considerarsi degli “affondi” che, verticalmente, rendono la disciplina ricca di linguaggi diversi, di modelli tra loro ancora in cerca di dialogo, di strumenti il cui utilizzo è inerente alla sintesi “ricerca-azione” e mai solo all’una o all’altra. Il format del volume è “pensato per pensarsi” psicologi di comunità e operatori sociali (operatori di strada, proge…

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Management and Human Factors: Exploratory Research With Focus Groups

The article analyzes the training needs of managers belonging to public and private companies in the Region of Sicily, Italy, using focus groups. Fifty-two managers took part in the research—32 executives and 20 employees with intermediate positions in collaboration with senior management. This is a qualitative research with explorative purposes whose approach is part of the symbolic interactionism paradigm. Data analysis, supported by the Atlas.ti software, has permitted the coding of the meanings underlying the text of the narratives and identifying four “code families” as key themes of the observed reality. A managerial profile emerges that, moving between critical issues and resources, …

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Matrimoni misti: la discriminazione sociale come muro all'integrazione

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I volontari come agenti di cambiamento: efficacia collettiva e bene comune

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Predective relation between educational styles and adolescent self-injurious behaviors

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Sistema mafioso e anticomunità. Percorsi per leggere le comunità criminali.

The studies on to mafia feeling take sprout from reflections, bibliographical searches and workshop conducted by a group teachers of the athenaeum of Palermo at the end of the years ’80. The incipit from which the authors have departed is that in Sicily the attitude towards the mafia crime it constitutes a ‘cultural theme’, consequential from the inner of transpersonal relationships typical of the social context and above all family in which the subjects in evolutionary age are found. This contribution get up from the psyco-pedagogic theme of the education and the development of community in criminal contexts, in a society without values that it loses the same sense of community and affilia…

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Il lavoro di strada con i senza fissa dimora

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Obbedienza criminale e peer education

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A definition of peer education

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Perché e come formare educatori nella gestione dell’umanizzazione pediatrica.

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Personal end national perceived threat after 11 september

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Relazionarsi nella comunità: quale formazione per un’etica della solidarietà

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La precarizzazione della mente. Quale benessere nel precariato tra senso di comunità e insoddisfazione lavorativa

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Il suicidio di massa: la sofferenza dentro la comunità

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Il Mediterraneo nella mente: costruire la convivenza

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Lo stalking nella scuola

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I servizi per i senza fissa dimora in Sicilia: un’analisi dell’esistente

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Cyberbullismo e videopeer education

Lo scopo di questo articolo – attraverso un processo di ricerca-azione che coinvolge un cam-pione di 243 soggetti pre-adolescenti ed adolescenti – è quello di sottolineare come il mezzo in-formatico può essere causa di aggressioni, molestie, offese; ma allo stesso tempo, utilizzato come fonte di nuove strategie comunicative, di interazione gruppale e di intervento educativo in comunità virtuali. Il cyberbullismo si materializza nella vita delle vittime in ogni momento della giornata e at-traverso diverse realtà (video, foto, mail, chatroom, sms, chiamate telefoniche, ecc). Uno dei metodi di prevenzione, che guarda alle dinamiche di gruppo ed alle tecnologie mediali come fonte educative, è l…

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Writing. Narrazione dei non luoghi urbani

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Psicologia della dipendenza da lavoro

Il volume affronta la dimensione della dipendenza socialmente incentivata, correlando la dipendenza da lavoro ai temi della diagnosi, della cura, della terapia, dell'intervento di prevenzione. Si tratta dell'unico volume realizzato ad oggi in lingua italiana.

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Giocarsi il disagio. Giovani e videopoker

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Famiglie interculturali da una prospettiva eco-dimensionale: questioni d’identità, coppia e discriminazione

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La favola come narrazione sociale

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Social intervention from social maternage to peer advocay

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Dalla dispersione all'integrazione

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The role of sexting in couple wellbeing for Italian women during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

The social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the sexuality and quality of life of people around the world. A particularly negative effect was detected on women’s sexual health. As a consequence, many women began to use social media not only to stay in touch with their social networks, but as a way of maintaining sexual contact. The main aim of this research is to observe the positive effects of sexting in women’s wellbeing as a strategy to manage the negative effects of a condition of forced isolation. We collected all our data between November 2020 and March 2021 during a period of strict restrictions in Italy due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Study …

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Per una psicologia di comunità

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L'irrompere del sentire politico nel setting di comunità:componenti emozionali e percorsi trasformativi

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Una comunità che pone al centro le domande. Ricostruire uno “spazio comune” fra cittadini

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Internet fra risorsa e dipendenza

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Il setting della ricerca-azione: quadro epistemologico, riflessività e analisi della domanda

Setting of Action Research - The paper is focused on the relationship between theoretical and interventions of actionresearch in community psychology. The authors analyzed some action-researches applying the commitment question analisys model. Keywords: community, participation, question analisys

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Anticomunità: costrutto, cultura e strumento di intervento

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Multiethnic cohabitation between social categories and collective imaginary world

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The New COVID-19 Related Psychological Distress Pandemic.

Although a few years have passed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large body of scientific literature is already present on the impact that the worldwide spread of the virus has had on people’s quality of life [...]

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All'ombra del gioco: patologie e azzardo "socialmente consentito"

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Aspetti psiologici del tifo ultrà: appartenenza e violenza in due gruppi palermitani

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Mas alla del juego: addicion a Internet, al celular, compras compulsiva. Nueva formas de dependencia y riesgos

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Dirigenti scolastici fra stress e burnout

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Psicologia del gioco

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Il lavoro di soccorso

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Soft air: giochi di guerra

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Mafia e sentire mafioso

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Fughe nella dipendenza: la work addiction

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Self-esteem, quality of life, and physical activity in women with diagnosed endometriosis: a pilot study in an Italian sample

Purpose. Endometriosis is a painful pathology impairing women's daily life. Several studies have shown that patients report low mental and physical quality of life, but no general evaluation of their self-esteem has been found. Studies concerning physical activity frequency present inconsistent results. Therefore, the current paper aims to compare life quality and selfesteem in women with endometriosis with the Italian normative data of the measures used. Methods. Overall, 36 women with diagnosed endometriosis treated in hospital completed a questionnaire detecting physical activity frequency, self-esteem, quality of life, and socioeconomic information. One sample t-test served to compare t…

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Dalla criminalità organizzata al "sentire mafioso"

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La partecipazione politica dei giovani: dalla disaffezione al ritiro della partecipazione possibile

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Ammazzarsi di lavoro: la work addiction

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What Are the Success Factors of Multilingual Families? Relationships Between Linguistic Attitudes and Community Dynamics

The research focuses on the influence of emotional, cognitive, and social climate on the language choices of multilingual families, and the impact they can have on their general well-being, intergenerational relationships, and the community context. The methodological framework of reference is Grounded Theory. Collected data concern language practices, attitudes, emotions, and generational, trigenerational, and social interactive dynamics of multilingual families. The results include key insights into the variables underlying the linguistic attitudes of multicultural families. Two Network Views suggest that linguistic attitudes, such as the conscious management of specific and complex dynam…

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Una riflessione pedagogica sulla qualità nel fare scuola-ricerca (Riferimenti bibliografici), in Gaetano Venza(a cura di), La qualità dell'Università. Un approccio psicosociale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008 Codice ISBN 13: 9788856802160

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Participation and politics: an investigation research about young

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La sostenibilità della coppia mista fra familiare e sociale

La ricerca analizza sia i processi macrosociali, riferiti alla comunità, sia i processi micro, propri della dinamica di coppia. Per i primi abbiamo esaminato la percezione di diversità che può scaturire dalle dinamiche intergruppali e l’identità di luogo (intesa come radicamento nel nuovo contesto di accoglienza); per le dinamiche di coppia si sono prese in esame l’impatto che la presenza dei figli genera sulla dinamica di coppia e gli stili educativi adottati. Coerentemente con il metodo d’indagine della ricerca qualitativa, sono state intervistate 22 coppie miste residenti in Sicilia. Il contenuto emerso è stato analizzato con l’ausilio del software Atlas.ti. Tra gli aspetti più salienti …

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Gioaco d'azzardo

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Bingo e videopoker: le nuove forme dell’azzardo

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Community Development and Social Participation

The paper presents the reslt of the action research project issued in Palermo (Southern Italy), in disadvantaged urban suburbs, methodologically based on Kurt Lewin's field theory - that is a three-step spiral process of planning which involves recoinnaissance; talking actions; and fact-finding about the results of the action - in order to develop the social participation and the social change. The principal aim of the project was the empowerment of participants, obtaining their collaboration through participation, giving them acquisition of knowledge for a real social change.

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Giovani e videopoker

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Le donne tra lavoro e maternità

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Terrorism'S Fear : Perceived Personal And National Threats

Terrorism represents an unexpected and unwanted change which challenges one-s social identity. We carried out a study to explore the demographic variables- role on the perception of personal and national threat, and to investigate the effects of perceived terrorist threat on people-s ways of life, moods, opinions and hopes. 313 residents of Palermo (Italy) were interviewed. The results pointed out that the fear of terrorism affects three areas: the cognitive, the emotional and the behavioural one.

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Lo sviluppo di comunità nel sud del mondo: ipotesi, modelli, strumenti, peculiarità

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Il ponte o il guado: quale metafora per una sanità transculturale?

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Provocare l'empowerment

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Partecipazione e politica. Una ricerca esplorativa sui giovani universitari siciliani

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Le strutture psicologiche della comunità. Inconscio sociale e anticomunità

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Le dipendenze socialmente incentivate

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Le forme autodistruttive di gruppo. Narcisismo e autolesionismo fra gli emo: invulnerabilitŕ percepita e ottimismo irrealistico

La cultura(o) nasce - ma il dibattito č molto aperto - all'interno del punk rock, come una realtŕ musicale in crescente evoluzione, in grado di mixare sonoritŕ e modelli a prima vista vicini all'area punk, ma nei fatti fortemente differenziati. Nell'ultimo decennio, l'evoluzione che ha condotto ad esperienze sonore come l'ha mostrato una forte capacitŕ di aggregare gruppi e stili di vita, intessuti dai due tratti psicologici caratterizzanti: narcisismo e autolesionismo, influenzati dalla cultura musicale delloe del. La cattedra di Psicologia di comunitŕ dell'Universitŕ di Palermo ha avviato una serie di ricerche sugli stili comportamentali e la percezione del rischio nel mondo adolescenzial…

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Teacher's organizational experience: an analysis of phenomenon's dimensionality.

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Gioco d'azzardo e minori

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La relación con los otros en el barrio, como indicador de bienestar de las parejas mixtas

Introducción y objetivos La investigación, analiza los procesos propios de las dinámicas internas a las parejas mixtas y examina la identidad con el lugar en relación al contexto social, en general, y con el barrio de residencia en particular. Método Coherentemente con la metodología cualitativa, se entrevistaron 22 parejas mixtas formadas por italianos y extranjeros: 17 casadas y 5 parejas de hecho, con una duración media de relación sentimental de 6,6 y 3 años respectivamente. Todas las parejas llevaban residiendo en Sicilia 13,05 años (DS= 10.4), de las cuales 11 parejas declaran tener hijos, con una edad media de 13,9 años (DS= 8.9). Los miembros extranjeros de las parejas procedían, de…

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Old age is characterized by great changes that become real challenges that the person must overcome in order to effectively end his evolutionary process. Particulary, the most stressful events for the elderly are the social economic decline, the deterioration of health and the loss of loved ones. It is therefore important to consider the strategies chosen by the elderly person to cope with such tasks; these strategies, if not effective, result in a developmental failure. The objective of this research was to analyze the relantionship among geriatric depression, coping strategies and levels of problematic shopping in elderly male subjects. The research involved 120 men over 60’. The choice o…

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The welfare of immigrants: Resilience and sense of community

The accessibility to national health services by immigrants residing in our country has produced a widespread improve- ment of health indicators and health prevention for the entire population. The main goal of this study is to investigate the welfare conditions of immigrants, alongside two fundamental sources of psychological resources. In particular, the role of resilience and sense of community as protective factors against the risk of developing negative welfare outcomes, including life satisfaction and the perception of general health (physical and mental), were considered as indicators. The following self- report questionnaires were sent to a sample of 354 immi- grants, stratified by …

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Heroic Education: An Educational Project that Helps NEET People Orient Themselves to the Future, Work, and Training with the Skills They Need to Be Successful in Life

Heroic education is an educational model that helps young people orient them selves towards the future, work, and training. It provides them with the skills they need to be successful in life. The program offers a variety of courses and activities that help participants learn about themselves and their world. It’s a great way for young people to get started on their path to success. The program is designed to help participants learn about their strengths and weaknesses. It also helps them learn about their options for the future. Heroic education is based on the principle that every young person has the potential to be a hero in their community. The program is offered in partnership with lo…

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Additional file 1 of Time spent on the smartphone does not relate to manual dexterity in young adults

Additional file1.

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Autosabotaggio e procrastinazione: strategie di prevenzione del sentire mafioso

Nell’analisi della dispersione scolastica il fenomeno della procrastination è stato spesso sottovalutato. La nostra ricerca ha correlato i processi di selfhandicapping con quelli connessi all’abbandono del percorso di studio. La procrastination è stata studiata come processo di co-stante rinvio degli impegni scolastici e delle occasioni di recupero. Lo studio è stato condotto su di un gruppo di 956 studenti delle scuole superiori, distin-guendo due diverse aree: quella delle strategie di studio e di coping nella gestione delle prove scolastiche; quella delle relazioni sociali e delle priorità in esse. Queste variabili sono state correlate con il locus of control e con le strategie di self e…

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Giocatori d'azzardo, familiari e caregivers: quali interventi

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Peer or poor education

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Aspetti psicologici del tifo ultrà

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The psycho-physical risk and the Rasch model application

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The Playing Brain. The Impact of Video Games on Cognition and Behavior in Pediatric Age at the Time of Lockdown: A Systematic Review

A growing number of children and adolescents play video games (VGs) for long amounts of time. The current outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic has significantly reduced outdoor activities and direct interpersonal relationships. Therefore, a higher use of VGs can become the response to stress and fear of illness. VGs and their practical, academic, vocational and educational implications have become an issue of increasing interest for scholars, parents, teachers, pediatricians and youth public policy makers. The current systematic review aims to identify, in recent literature, the most relevant problems of the complex issue of playing VGs in children and adolescents in order to provide sugges…

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Una comunità che pone al centro le domande

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Terrorismo e giovani. Percezione della minaccia nazionale e personale.

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Gli adolescenti: metafora del cambiamento

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Parental Distress and Perception of Children’s Executive Functioning after the First COVID‐19 Lockdown in Italy

The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and the consequential first italian lockdown to minimize viral transmission, have resulted in many significant changes in the every-day lives of families, with an increased risk of parental burnout. This study explores the impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown in Italy on parental distress and parental perceptions of children’s executive functions (EFs). Participants were 308 Italian parents with children between 4 and 17 years of age; they were recruited through online advertisements on websites and social media, and they were given an online survey. The measures were: the balance between risks and resources (BR2) and the executive functionin…

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Gioco d'azzardo

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The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdown Measures on Quality of Life among Italian General Population

The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world in the year 2020 has put a strain on our ability to cope with events and revolutionized our daily habits. On 9 March, Italy was forced to lockdown to prevent the spread of the infection, with measures including the mandatory closure of schools and nonessential activities, travel restrictions, and the obligation to spend entire weeks in the same physical space. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures on quality of life (QoL) in a large Italian sample, in order to investigate possible differences in QoL levels related to both demographic and pandemic-specific variables. A total of 2251 Italian a…

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Shopping problematico e strategie di coping

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Comportamento prosociale e variabili di contesto: un confronto tra Palermo e Malaga

Diversi studi confermano il ruolo che le variabili di contesto, come la coesione e il rispetto delle norme nei quartieri, giocano nel promuovere il comportamento prosociale, inteso qui come l’insieme dei comportamenti e sentimenti spontanei relativi a condivisione, aiuto, prendersi cura di, empatia verso altre persone (Caprara et al. 2005). Il presente studio, promosso da una convenzione tra le Università di Palermo e di Malaga, allarga il focus di osservazione a variabili psicosociali che riflettono l’ambiente di vita nel suo complesso comunitario includendo la fiducia sociale, il senso di comunità, l’equità e la reciprocità come variabili indipendenti. Obiettivo è valutare la capacità pre…

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Sulla comunicazione. Un percorso tra autori e riflessioni

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Contesti e condizioni della nuova paternità nell'era della globalizzazione

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Il Prai: Phisical Risk Assessment Inventory. Uno strumento di misura della percezione del rischio psicofisico nell’adolescenza

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Per un’etica delle buone compagnie

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Le nuove migrazioni. La dimensione socio-culturale della comunità cinese

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Elementi di psicologia di comunità. Dalla teoria all’intervento (seconda edizione)

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Aspetti psicosociali del pregiudizio etnico

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Cohabiting in Multiethnic Community: Forms, Representations and Images of the Diversity

Modern culture, based on disinhibition of cultural trends and on heterodirection, is promoting openmindedness attitudes towards ethnic diversity, but on the other hand also new forms of social representations of the foreigner. Social representation is situated between the psychic field and the social one; it is the representation of oneself and of the other one, hanging between social categories and individual inner world. We will produce the results of a research on the representation of the foreigner, built on the type of prejudice prevailing among middle-low or middle-high educational qualification subjects, in which prejudicial attitudes seem to descend from precise mental images of the…

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Andare oltre il sicilian welfare: la risorsa capitale sociale

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Il cambiamento di spazi e gruppi nel mondo digitale

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