Raffaella Rubino
Thromboembolic events in patients with influenza. A scoping review.
Introduction: Influenza is an acute respiratory infection that usually causes a short-term and self-limiting illness. However, in high-risk populations, this can lead to several complications, with an increase in mortality. Aside from the well-known extrapulmonary complications, several studies have investigated the relationship between influenza and acute cardio and cerebrovascular events. Reviews of the thromboembolic complications associated with influenza are lacking. Objectives: the study aims to conduct a scoping review to analyze the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients suffering from influenza and thromboembolic complications. Materials and methods: A computerize…
Enterite da Noravirus nei bambini ospedalizzati a Palermo
Rickettsiosis with Pleural Effusion: A Systematic Review with a Focus on Rickettsiosis in Italy
Background: Motivated by a case finding of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) associated with atypical pneumonia and pleural effusion in which Rickettsia conorii subsp. israelensis was identified by molecular methods in the pleural fluid, we wanted to summarize the clinical presentations of rickettsiosis in Italy by systematic research and to make a systematic review of all the global cases of rickettsiosis associated with pleural effusion. Methods: For the literature search, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology was followed. We chose to select only the studies published in last 25 years and confirmed both with serological and molecular …
Caratteristiche cliniche e di laboratorio di 415 bambini siciliani con febbre bottonosa del Mediterraneo (FBM).
An emergent infectious disease: Clostridioides difficile infection hospitalizations, 10-year trend in Sicily
Abstract Background Clostridioides difficile is the most common cause of healthcare-associated diarrhoea worldwide and C. difficile infection is an emerging infectious disease. In the US, its rates are monitored trough an active surveillance system, but many European Union member states still lack this, and in Italy no epidemiological data on C. difficile infection are available except for a few single-centre data. Aim To provide data on the C. difficile infection incidence in Sicily (the biggest and 5th most populous region of Italy) during a 10-year period. Methods We revised all the regional standardized discharge forms between 2009 and June 2019 using the code ICD-9 00845 of the Interna…
A case of disseminated BCG infection in a daughter of Italian immigrants in Switzerland
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis and contains a live, attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis as its essential constituent. Being a live, attenuated strain with potential pathogenicity, BCG can cause different complications, both near the inoculation site and through blood dissemination, especially in patients with immunodeficiency. IFN-γR1 deficiency is an autosomal recessively inherited immunodeficiency characterized by predisposition to infections with intracellular pathogens, in particular mycobacteria.
 We report a rare case of chronic osteomyelitis lasting 30 years due to BCG in a woman with IFN-γR1 deficiency who had previous clinical history of …
Atrial fibrillation in Mediterranean spotted fever
Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) is a tick-borne acute febrile disease caused by Rickettsia conorii and characterized by fever, maculo-papular rash and a black eschar at the site of the tick bite (‘tache noir’). We describe the case of a 58-year-old man affected by MSF who developed atrial fibrillation. The patient presented himself to the hospital after 7 days of fever, malaise and severe headache. Cardiac auscultation revealed a chaotic heart rhythm and an electrocardiogram confirmed atrial fibrillation with a fast ventricular response. Diagnosis of MSF was made after the appearance of a maculo-papular skin rash, and treatment with oral doxycycline was started. An immunofluorescence anti…
Postpartum listeria meningitis
Highlights • Listeria monocytogenes is a rare cause of meningitis in immunocompetent patient. • Pregnancy and puerperium are accompanied by a decrease in cellular immunity. • Pregnancy and puerperium should be considered as risk factors for invasive listeriosis.
Disseminated tuberculosis in a patient treated with a JAK2 selective inhibitor: a case report
Abstract Background Primary myelofibrosis is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by bone marrow fibrosis, abnormal cytokine expression, splenomegaly and anemia. The activation of JAK2 and the increased levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Novel therapeutic agents targeting JAKs have been developed for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders. Ruxolitinib (INCB018424) is the most recent among them. Case presentation To our knowledge, there is no evidence from clinical trials of an increased risk of tuberculosis during treatment with JAK inhibitors. Here we describe the first case of tuberculosis in a…
Rhabdomyolysis associated with the co-administration of daptomycin and pegylated interferon -2b and ribavirin in a patient with hepatitis C
Severe Mediterranean spotted fever complicated by acute renal failure and herpetic oesophagitis
Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) is a tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia conorii. Recently, complicated cases have been more frequently reported, even in previously healthy patients. We describe a case of severe MSF complicated by acute renal failure and associated with herpetic oesophagitis. Acyclovir therapy resulted in remission of oesophageal symptoms within 48 h.
KIR2DL3 and the KIR ligand groups HLA-A-Bw4 and HLA-C2 predict the outcome of hepatitis B virus infection.
Killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) regulate the activation of Natural Killer cells through their interaction with human leukocyte antigens (HLA). KIR and HLA loci are highly polymorphic and certain HLA-KIR combinations have been found to protect against viral infections. In this study we analyzed whether the KIR/HLA repertoire may influence the course of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Fifty-seven subjects with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), 44 subjects with resolved HBV infection, and 60 healthy uninfected controls (HC) were genotyped for KIR and their HLA ligands. The frequency of the HLA-A-Bw4 ligand group was higher in CHB (58%) than subjects with resolved infection (23%) (crude…
MIS-C and co-infection with P. vivax and P. falciparum in a child: a clinical conundrum.
Abstract Background The ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic represents an unprecedented global health challenge. Many COVID-19 symptoms are similar to symptoms that can occur in other infections. Malaria should always be considered in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection returning from endemic areas. Case presentation We present the first case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) and Plasmodium vivax-falciparum and SARS-CoV2 coinfection in children. Despite clearance of parassitaemia and a negative COVID-19 nasopharyngeal PCR, the patient’s clinical conditions worsened. The World Health Organization (WHO) criteria were used to make the diagnosis of MIS-C. Treatment wi…
Third Case of Visceral Leishmaniasis in COVID-19: Mini Review Article.
Background: In the currently ongoing coronavirus pandemic, coinfections with unrelated life-threatening febrile conditions may pose a particular challenge to clinicians. Leishmaniasis is a zoonosis that may present general symptoms, including fever, malaise, and arthralgia, rendering it indistinguishable from COVID-19. Methods: In this paper, we aim to draw attention to this issue and analyze the clinical characteristics of the coinfection SARS-CoV-2/Leishmania through a systematic review of the literature. We were motivated by the observation of the first case of visceral leishmaniasis and COVID-19 in a paediatric patient. Conclusion: Our case is a reminder for healthcare providers to cons…
A severe case of Israeli spotted fever with pleural effusion in Italy
Abstract Background The most common Italian rickettsiosis is Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF). MSF is commonly associated with a symptom triad consisting of fever, cutaneous rash, and inoculation eschar. The rash is usually maculopapular but, especially in severe presentations, may be petechial. Other typical findings are arthromyalgia and headache. Herein, we describe for the first time an unusual case of Israeli spotted fever (ISF) associated with interstitial pneumonia and pleural effusion in which R. conorii subsp. israelensis was identified by molecular methods in the blood, as well as in the pleural fluid. Case presentation A 72-year-old male presented with a 10-day history of remitt…
Mediterranean spotted fever: clinical and laboratory characteristics of 415 Sicilian children
Abstract Background Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) is an acute febrile, zoonotic disease caused by Rickettsia conorii and transmitted to humans by the brown dogtick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Nearly four hundred cases are reported every year (mainly from June to September) on the Italian island of Sicily. The aim of the study was to analyze the clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with MSF and the efficacy of the drugs administered. Methods Our study was carried out on 415 children with MSF, during the period January 1997 – December 2004, at the "G. Di Cristina" Children's hospital in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. On admission patients' clinical history, physical and laboratory e…
Superinfections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: a multicentre observational study from Italy (CREVID Study)
Abstract Objectives To describe clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients who developed secondary infections due to carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE). Methods Retrospective observational study including COVID-19 patients admitted to 12 Italian hospitals from March to December 2020 who developed a superinfection by CRE. Superinfection was defined as the occurrence of documented bacterial infection >48 h from admission. Patients with polymicrobial infections were excluded. Demographic, clinical characteristics and outcome were collected. Isolates were classified as KPC, metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) and OXA-48-producing CRE. A Cox regression analysis was performe…
Probable disseminated Mycobacterium abscessus subspecies bolletii infection in a patient with idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia: a case report.
Abstract Introduction Rapidly growing mycobacteria are opportunistic pathogens in patients with underlying risk factors. Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii is a newly recognized member of rapidly growing mycobacteria, isolated from respiratory tract and cutaneous infections. Case presentation We describe a case of chronic disseminated infection caused by M. abscessus subsp. bolletii in a 38-year-old Sri Lankan man with idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia. Idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia is a rare cause of immunodysfunction that, similar to human immunodeficiency virus infection, causes a depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes. M. abscessus subsp. bolletii infection was diagnosed by culture is…
Enterite da Norovirus nei bambini ospedalizzati a Palermo
Infezione criptica da Leishmania Infantum in pazienti italiani con infezione da HIV
The Use of Intravenous Fosfomycin in Clinical Practice: A 5-Year Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Hospital in Italy
Fosfomycin in intravenous (IV) formulation has re-emerged as a valuable tool in the treatment of multi-drug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) infections because of its broad spectrum of antibacterial action and pharmacokinetic characteristics. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate how fosfomycin was used in patients admitted to the Polyclinic of Palermo between January 2017 and July 2022. Clinical indications, therapeutic associations, clinical outcomes, and any side effects were analyzed. Intravenous fosfomycin was used in 343 patients, 63% male, with a mean age of 68 years (range 15–95). Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) were the…
Sarcoma di Kaposi: recidiva o espressione di IRIS?
Sindrome nefrosica e sepsi da Gram negativi in corso di strongiloidiasi: considerazioni su un caso in immigrato imunocompetente
Strongyloidiasis is caused by a small intestinal nematode with a complex life cycle. In Italy the infection is endemic in rural areas of the Po Valley. The clinical syndrome of S. stercoralis encompasses a broad spectrum of symptoms and signs and, in the immunocompromised host, larvae can migrate to different organs and tissues. Also immune response seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease. We report a case of strongyloidiasis complicated by Gram-negative sepsis and nephrotic syndrome in an immigrant from South America with a normal immune response. Whereas sepsis cleared up quickly, parasitic clearance was obtained only after treatment with ivermectin and nephrotic syndrome …
Background: The Natural Killer (NK) cells provide a major defense against several infections and their activity is regulated partially through inhibitory and activating killer cell immunoglobulin - like receptors (KIRs) interacting with human leukocyte antigens (HLA) class I molecules. The aim of this study is to assess whether the KIR and HLA repertoire may influence the course of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Methods: Till now, twenty – four patients with chronic HBV infection have been genotyped for KIRs and their HLA ligands, along with non-exposed subjects (HBsAg negative, anti - HBcAb positive with or without anti - HBsAb) as controls. Results: All the KIR haplotypes are represen…
A case of Brucella endocarditis in association with subclavian artery thrombosis.
Brucellosis is a common zoonosis, endemic in Mediterranean countries, and caused by bacteria ofBrucellagenus. Brucellosis is a systemic infection and the clinical presentation varies widely from asymptomatic and mild to severe disease. Cardiovascular complications are extremely rare. We present a case of arterial thrombosis in a previously healthy young patient withBrucellaendocarditis. Careful attention must be paid to any sign or symptom of thrombosis in patients affected by brucellosis, regardless of the presence of endocarditis and cardiovascular risk factors.
Cryptic Leishmania infantum infection in Italian HIV infected patients.
Abstract Background Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a protozoan diseases caused in Europe by Leishmania (L.) infantum. Asymptomatic Leishmania infection is more frequent than clinically apparent disease. Among HIV infected patients the risk of clinical VL is increased due to immunosuppression, which can reactivate a latent infection. The aims of our study were to assess the prevalence of asymptomatic L. infantum infection in HIV infected patients and to study a possible correlation between Leishmania parasitemia and HIV infection markers. Methods One hundred and forty-five HIV infected patients were screened for the presence of anti-Leishmania antibodies and L. infantum DNA in peripheral blo…
The Downside of an Effective cART: The Immune Restoration Disease
The prognosis of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 has dramatically improved since the advent of the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which have enabled sustained suppression of HIV replication and recovery of CD4+ T cells count [1-3]. However, many patients in resource-poor settings still start HAART at a late stage of HIV infection when they already have advanced immunodeficien‐ cy [4,5]. Immune reconstitution in HIV infected patients is characterized by replenishment of immune cells depleted directly or indirectly by HIV infection, by regeneration of primary and secondary lymphoid organs, by restoration of pathogen-specific T, B and NK cells an…