Timo Saloviita

Outcomes of primary teacher education in Finland : an exit survey

Seven final year cohorts of Finnish pre-service primary teachers (N = 384) were given an exit survey, which measured their estimated attainment of knowledge and experience in the 10 domains of professional activity considered critical for new teachers in the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards. The results indicated that the profile of the graduates was uneven, showing low levels of satisfaction in the fields of special education and cooperation but high levels of satisfaction in the fields of reflective practice and planning. The satisfaction with the estimated knowledge and experience achieved was divided into three components of pedagogic, instruct…

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The structure and correlates of self-injurious behavior in an institutional setting

The prevalence of self-injurious behavior (SIB) in an institution for people with mental retardation was investigated. The relationship between SIB and age, sex, level of retardation, length of institutionalization, adaptive behavior, and probable causes of mental retardation was examined. A factor analysis on the topographies of SIB indicated the existence of two forms of SIB, stereotyped and social. The results are discussed in terms of probable causes of SIB.

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Mitä erityinen tarkoittaa?

Käsite ”erityinen” on koulumaailmassa luonut oman sanaperheensä: erityistarve, erityisopetus, erityisopettaja. Näihin käsitteisiin liittyvät mielikuvat määräävät tavan, jolla erityisopetusta koulumaailmassa ymmärretään ja oikeutetaan. ”Erityisen” käsite kuuluu kuitenkin niihin sanoihin, jotka kätkevät sisäänsä yllätyksiä. Yleiskäsitteenä se tarkoittaa poikkeamista siitä, mikä on normaalia. Erityisopetuksesta puhuttaessa sana on alkanut saada myös muita sisältöjä. Lainsäädännössä siihen liitetään jopa outoja määritteitä. Erityispedagogiikassa se on repeytynyt irti suhteestaan ”normaaliin” ja alkanut merkitä absoluuttista erityisyyttä. Tämä reifikaatioksi kutsuttu ilmiö on antanut erityispeda…

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Policy-practice gap in participation of students with disabilities in the education and training programme of Ethiopia: policy content analysis

This study explores the extent to which the issue of special educational and training needs for persons with disabilities is addressed in the education and training policy of Ethiopia, with a specific focus on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Focus group discussions and interviews were used to assess the content of the policy and related strategic documents, as well as legal frameworks and implementation instruments, in terms of the principle of inclusion. A pair of focus group discussions involved 22 members of the management and governance of four networks and eight indigenous, disability-focused, non-governmental organisations. Moreover, 14 high-profile experts fro…

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Explaining the parental stress of fathers and mothers caring for a child with intellectual disability: a Double ABCX Model.

Background  Twenty variables based on the Double ABCX Model of adaptation and selected on the basis of previous research were chosen to explain the parental stress of the mothers (n = 116) and fathers (n = 120) of children with an intellectual disability (age range = 1– 10 years). Methods  Principal component analysis, rotated into varimax-criterion, was done separately for mothers and fathers. The solution containing eight factors was considered best for both groups. They accounted for more than 70% of the total variance of the original variables. These eight orthogonal components were then entered into a stepwise regression analysis that was done separately for mothers and fathers. Result…

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Mikä on paras luokkakoko peruskouluun?

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What happens at the lesson start?

AbstractTransitional periods, such as lesson starts, are necessary steps from one activity to another, but they also compete with time for actual learning. The aim of the present study was to replicate a previous pilot study on lesson starts and explore possible disturbances. In total, 130 lesson starts in Finnish basic education in grades 1–9 were studied using systematic observation performed by 79 preservice teachers. The results corresponded with a previous pilot study indicating that lesson starts were generally orderly and teachers used effective means to manage events. However, lessons started 5 min late on average. Male teachers were evaluated to have better classroom order than fem…

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The treatment of severe self-injurious behavior through sensory stimulation: A case report

Self-injurious behavior of an institutionalized man with profound intellectual disability was treated with a daily 15-min sensory stimulation program, which consisted of moving the arms and hands of the participant, swinging his body, and massage. The frequency of self-injurious behavior was measured in 10-min sessions. Using a reversal design, it was shown that sensory stimulation decreased the participant’s self-hitting behavior significantly, both in intensity and in frequency. Sensory stimulation is recommended for use in those cases in which functional analysis has shown that self-injury may be reinforced by its sensory consequences.

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Teacher attitudes in Italy after 40 years of inclusion

In 1977, Italy adopted a policy to fully include students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms. This study surveyed the attitudes of Italian teachers towards inclusive education 40 years after this reform. The data were collected from 153 basic school teachers using the Teachers' Attitudes towards Inclusion Scale (TAIS). The results indicate that the Italian teachers had a high level of commitment to inclusive education. Approximately 90% of the respondents agreed that students with special educational needs should be educated in mainstream classrooms, and only 7% felt that they should be transferred to special education classrooms instead. To improve the quality of inclusive educatio…

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Outcomes of teacher education in Finland: subject teachers compared with primary teachers

An exit survey performed for graduating students is an economical way to assess the outcomes of teacher education. In this study, exit survey data were collected from eight cohorts of Finnish student teachers who graduated between the years 2008 and 2015. A final sample consisted of 1102 preservice primary and subject teachers. A 10-item scale based on INTASC standards of teacher competency was used to measure graduates’ satisfaction regarding the knowledge and experience they had attained. This paper concentrates especially on the results of subject teachers and comparisons between the two teacher categories. The profile of the participants was uneven across domains. The highest means were…

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Does Linguistic Analysis Confirm the Validity of Facilitated Communication?

Facilitated communication (FC) has been interpreted as an ideomotor phenomenon, in which one person physically supports another person’s hand and unconsciously affects the content of the writing. Despite the strong experimental evidence against the authenticity of FC output, several studies claim to support its validity based on idiosyncrasies found in the texts produced. A review of these studies showed that, because of the logical circularity of the reasoning proposed in the studies, no decisive evidence that validated FC was presented. In addition, the idiosyncrasies found were better explained as by-products of the unusual writing process itself. Finally, the studies did not fulfill th…

research product

Measuring pre-service teachers' attitudes towards inclusive education: Psychometric properties of the TAIS scale

The Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education (TAIS) scale was designed to measure pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion, as defined in the Salamanca Statement of UNESCO. The 10-item scale was developed using a sample of 185 final-year pre-service subject teachers. It was validated in four subsequent studies with various samples of teachers and pre-service teachers. The unidimensionality of the scale was established in all samples except the first-year students, and its validity was confirmed in psychometric analyses. The scale is suggested for use in intervention studies aiming to develop positive attitudes towards inclusion among teachers and pre-service teachers. peerRe…

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Erityispedagogiikan taskuraamattu täytti 20 vuotta

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Authorship in Facilitated Communication: A Re-Analysis of a Case of Assumed Representative Authentic Writing

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Behavioural treatment of improper eating by an institutionalised woman with profound intellectual disability—description of a successful intervention

Intensive 11-day behavioural training of an institutionalised woman with profound intellectual disability was used to teach proper eating by reducing her eating errors. The methods used included an increased number of learning opportunities, graduated guidance, the use of social reinforcement, and mild punishment through simple correction of eating errors. The treatment was faded into a maintenance phase. After the intensive training phase, the participant ceased to eat with her fingers from a plate, and her eating changed to a more tidy habit. She was also released from having her hand tied during the meals. The results were maintained during an informal follow-up 4 years later.

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Teachers’ Changing Attitudes and Preferences around Inclusive Education

Inclusive education as an alternative to traditional separate special education has gained recognition since the approval of the Salamanca Statement in 1994. The success of inclusion is considered to be highly dependent on the teachers’ positions on inclusion. In this study Finnish comprehensive school teachers’ opinions were investigated in order to evaluate the prospects of inclusion in Finland, and also to study the variables associated with these attitudes. A total of 2,276 teachers and principals participated in the email survey. The final sample contained 1,041classroom teachers, 755 subject teachers and 445 special education teachers. The results confirmed the existence of a large va…

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Improving institutions: Effects of small unit size on quality of care of people with severe intellectual disabilities

Two studies analysed the effects of small unit size of six to eight residents on the quality of care in institutions for people with intellectual disabilities. The results showed improvements in small units when compared with larger wards with 10 to 20 residents. Overall, the outcomes were small or modest, and the quality of care remained below standards typically achieved in community environments.

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Teacher satisfaction at the educational placement of students with special educational needs

This study conducted a large-scale survey to investigate the satisfaction of Finnish primary school teachers toward the current educational placement of their students with special educational needs (SEN). Teachers were asked to recommend the most suitable educational placement for each of their SEN students from a pool of six alternatives: a mainstream classroom, part-time special education, a special classroom in the mainstream school, a special school, a state special school, or an institution. Data were obtained from 980 students representing 68 schools. The results showed that, in the majority of cases, teachers recommended a different level to the current level of placement for their …

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School Detention in Finland : A Pilot Study

Although detention is one of the most popular methods of punishment in schools, it is being met with increasing criticism as an educational intervention. Few studies have explored its use to date; therefore, the present pilot study was planned to survey the popularity of detention. By analyzing a representative sample of comprehensive school teachers (N = 2,276) in Finland at grade levels 1-9, it was found that 30% of Finnish school teachers regularly use this punishment. Differences in use were observed across gender, age, and teacher category. These results provide a baseline against which future follow-up studies can be compared. peerReviewed

research product

Attitudes of Teachers Towards Inclusive Education in Finland

Positive teacher attitudes are essential for success when children with special educational needs (SEN) are placed into mainstream classrooms. The present study surveyed teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion by using a large national sample and Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusion Scale (TAIS). A total of 1,764 Finnish basic-school teachers participated in the e-mail survey. They included 824 classroom teachers, 575 subject teachers and 365 special-education teachers. The classroom teachers scored below and the subject teachers significantly below, the neutral midpoint of the scale. The special-education teachers’ mean scores were above the midpoint. About 20% of teachers were strong oppon…

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Surveying Supported Employment in Finland: A Follow-up

The longitudinal status of supported employment in Finland was examined via a 2003 nationwide survey sent to job coaches involved in supporting workers with intellectual and other disabilities. Sustained supported employment, defined as "paid work in integrated settings with ongoing supports that contained at least two on-site visits per month at the worksite" was identified at 22 organizations that supported 52 workers. The results of the current survey were compared with those gained from similar surveys conducted in 1998, 1999, and 2001. Comparison of data over a 6-year period showed a decline in the provision of intensive employment supports and appeared to reflect both a change in Euro…

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The closure of Nastola care home: A longitudinal study on deinstitutionalisation

The Nastola Care Home, an institution housing 95 people with intellectual disability, was closed in 1989, with residents moving out into small community group homes of five people each. An intensive process of reorganization, including unitisation and staff training, occurred within the institution before its closure. The adaptive behaviour of 66 residents was measured a total of seven times, with the first phase beginning two and half years before the move, and the second phase extending to two years after the move. The results indicated an increase in adaptive skills of the residents in both phases. Challenging behaviour of the residents decreased before the move, but not afterwards. Comm…

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Classroom Management and Loss of Time at the Lesson Start: A Preliminary Study

<p style="text-align:justify">Lesson starts are transitional events which may cause management problems for teachers. In this study 131 lesson starts of equally many teachers were observed in primary and secondary schools in Finland. The results indicated that, in general, the problems were minimal. However, for various reasons lesson starts were delayed by an average of about six minutes. Calculated on this basis, the total loss of instructional time in the whole school year was about five weeks of schooling. No statistically significant relationships were observed between disturbances in the classroom and any background variable studied including grade level, classroom type,(special…

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Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment Package for Teaching Grooming Skills to a Man with an Intellectual Disability

A combination of health education, use of picture cues based on task analyses, a system of least prompts and social reinforcement was applied to teach various grooming skills to a man with a moderate intellectual disability. A multiple baseline design across behaviours was employed to show the effects. The results indicated rapid learning of lacking skills such as tooth brushing, shaving, showering and washing of arms and face.

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Opettajankoulutuksen suunta hukassa

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Teacher burnout explained : teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables

Understanding the factors related to teacher burnout helps in creating schools which foster teachers’ job satisfaction and the delivery of high-quality education. We studied teacher burnout and its three subdomains across several teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables, including teacher category, class size, number of students with support needs, attitudes towards inclusive education, and availability of support. The participants were 4567 Finnish primary school teachers consisting of 2080 classroom teachers, 1744 subject teachers, 438 special-class and 305 resource room teachers. Several associations between teacher burnout and the background variables were observed and recom…

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Children with Down syndrome in Finland and Italy: comparing adaptive behavior and services

Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare a sample of Italian (n = 29) and Finnish children (n = 32) with Down syndrome for possible differences emerging from diverse educational surroundings. Besides the level of adaptive and challenging behaviors, some other issues were compared, including teacher satisfaction. Methods: We used the children’s teachers as informants. They were interviewed using standardized scales. Results: No differences in adaptive behavior or challenging behavior were observed between the samples. All children from the Italian sample were fully included in mainstream classes, while in the Finnish sample, 92% of all the school years were spent in self-contained sp…

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Explaining classroom teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education

Teacher attitudes have been identified as an important resource when striving towards inclusive education as defined in the Salamanca Statement (1994). This study surveyed some key factors associated with teacher attitudes towards inclusion. The participants were 1,456 classroom teachers in Finnish primary schools who were asked about their readiness to include in their classrooms a student with a specified special educational need (SEN). The results were reviewed in association with some background variables, including workload concerns, evaluation of professional skills and the opportunity to get extra support if needed. The results show that classroom teachers’ positive attitudes towards…

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Teacher Educators’ Views on Inclusive Education and Teacher Preparation in Ghana

The crucial role of initial teacher education programmes and teacher educators in preparing effective inclusive practitioners has been universally acknowledged. This study explored the attitudes of 125 teacher educators from four colleges of education towards inclusive education, their views and concerns about teacher preparation and the implementation of inclusive education in Ghana. The study found positive attitudes and considerable support for inclusive education. However, the majority of teacher educators were of the view that Ghana was inadequately prepared for the implementation of inclusive education. Their reasons and concerns were generally found to include: inadequate teacher pre…

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How common are inclusive educational practices among Finnish teachers?

Several instructional strategies have been recommended for use in heterogeneous classrooms, but the frequency of their actual use has remained largely unknown. Therefore, an electronic survey was sent to Finnish comprehensive school teachers (N = 2276) in order to assess the prevalence of three selected inclusive strategies: co-teaching, group work, and differentiation. The results showed that co-teaching was used by 42% and group work by 43% of the teachers at least on a weekly basis, while differentiation was used regularly by 83% of teachers. The application of all strategies was strongly associated with teacher category, with subject teachers using them less frequently than classroom te…

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Teaching hand-washing with pictorial cues

<p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: medium;">Applied behavior analysis has been shown to be an effective means to teach daily living skills to individuals with intellectual disability. In the present study pictorial cues based on task analysis, system of least prompts, and social reinforcement were used to teach a man with mild intellectual disability to wash his hands correctly. An ABAB reversal design was used with follow-up after two weeks. The results show a rapid increase in hand-washing skills.</span></p>

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Teacher Educators’ and Teacher Trainees’ Perspective on Teacher Training for Sustainable Development

Abstract In accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), countries across the globe are striving to ensure equitable access to inclusive, quality and lifelong educational opportunities for all children, youth and adults by 2030. Teacher education has been identified as one of the key factors in the achievement of the SDG 4 targets. As part of the effort to ensure sustainable teacher education for the achievement of SDG 4 in Ghana, this study applied the four key concepts in the SDG 4: quality, equity, inclusion and lifelong learning, to determine the progress with regards to SDG 4 in the context of teacher education in Ghana. The specific objectives of this study were to determin…

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Teacher attitudes towards inclusive education in Finland and Brandenburg, Germany and the issue of extra work

Positive teacher attitudes are considered an important prerequisite for the successful inclusion of students with special educational needs in the mainstream classrooms. This study surveyed teacher opinions about inclusion in Finland (N = 298) and Brandenburg, Germany (N = 163), two educational systems in which the number of students transferred to segregated special education is exceptionally high in international comparison. For the measurement of attitudes, a 10-item scale, teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education, was used. The results showed that Finnish teachers were more positive towards inclusion than Brandenburg teachers (d = 0.46). The Brandenburg teachers were especially w…

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Klaaniuskonto islam

Islam sai alkunsa arabipaimentolaisten perustamassa Lähi-idän jättivaltakunnassa yli tuhat vuotta sitten. Länsimaissa islam on koettu vieraaksi ja ei-rationaaliseksi opiksi. Islamin eri puolia yhdistävä järkiperäisyys on kuitenkin löydettävissä, kun islamia tarkastelee uskontososiologisesti eli suhteessa siihen yhteiskuntaan, jonka tarpeita se syntyi palvelemaan. nonPeerReviewed

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