Rosario Fazio
Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superfluidity in one-dimensional optical lattices
Spin-polarized attractive Fermi gases in one-dimensional (1D) optical lattices are expected to be remarkably good candidates for the observation of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase. We model these systems with an attractive Hubbard model with population imbalance. By means of the density-matrix renormalization-group method we compute the pairing correlations as well as the static spin and charge structure factors in the whole range from weak to strong coupling. We demonstrate that pairing correlations exhibit quasi-long range order and oscillations at the wave number expected from FFLO theory. However, we also show by numerically computing the mixed spin-charge static struc…
When Casimir meets Kibble–Zurek
Verification of the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) in optical systems is still elusive due to the very demanding requirements for its experimental implementation. This typically requires very fast changes in the boundary conditions of the problem. We show that an ensemble of two-level atoms collectively coupled to the electromagnetic field of a cavity, driven at low frequencies and close to a quantum phase transition, stimulates the production of photons from the vacuum. This paves the way for an effective simulation of the DCE through a mechanism that has recently found experimental demonstration. The spectral properties of the emitted radiation reflect the critical nature of the system an…
Macroscopic entanglement in Josephson nanocircuits
We propose a scheme to generate and detect entanglement between charge states in superconducting nanocircuits. We discuss different procedures to discriminate such entanglement from classical correlations. The case of maximally entangled states of two and three coupled Josephson junctions is discussed as example.
Topological Devil's staircase in atomic two-leg ladders
Abstract We show that a hierarchy of topological phases in one dimension—a topological Devil’s staircase—can emerge at fractional filling fractions in interacting systems, whose single-particle band structure describes a topological or a crystalline topological insulator. Focusing on a specific example in the BDI class, we present a field-theoretical argument based on bosonization that indicates how the system, as a function of the filling fraction, hosts a series of density waves. Subsequently, based on a numerical investigation of the low-lying energy spectrum, Wilczek–Zee phases, and entanglement spectra, we show that they are symmetry protected topological phases. In sharp contrast to t…
Shortcut to Adiabaticity in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model
We study transitionless quantum driving in an infinite-range many-body system described by the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. Despite the correlation length being always infinite the closing of the gap at the critical point makes the driving Hamiltonian of increasing complexity also in this case. To this aim we develop a hybrid strategy combining shortcut to adiabaticity and optimal control that allows us to achieve remarkably good performance in suppressing the defect production across the phase transition.
Superfluid density and quasi-long-range order in the one-dimensional disordered Bose–Hubbard model
We study the equilibrium properties of the one-dimensional disordered Bose-Hubbard model by means of a gauge-adaptive tree tensor network variational method suitable for systems with periodic boundary conditions. We compute the superfluid stiffness and superfluid correlations close to the superfluid to glass transition line, obtaining accurate locations of the critical points. By studying the statistics of the exponent of the power-law decay of the correlation, we determine the boundary between the superfluid region and the Bose glass phase in the regime of strong disorder and in the weakly interacting region, not explored numerically before. In the former case our simulations are in agreem…
Shot noise for resonant Cooper pair tunneling
We study intrinsic noise of current in a superconducting single-electron transistor, taking into account both coherence effects and Coulomb interaction near a Cooper-pair resonance. Due to this interplay, the statistics of tunneling events deviates from the Poisson distribution and, more important, it shows even-odd asymmetry in the transmitted charge. The zero-frequency noise is suppressed significantly when the quasiparticle tunneling rates are comparable to the coherent oscillation frequency of Cooper pairs.
Geometric quantum computation with Josephson qubits
The quest for large scale integrability and flexibility has stimulated an increasing interest in designing quantum computing devices. A proposal based on small-capacitance Josephson junctions in the charge regime in which quantum gates are implemented by means of adiabatic geometric phases was discussed. The proposed works, are in the charge regime where the qubit is realized by two nearly degenerate charge states of a single electron box.
Effects of noise on spin network cloning
We analyze the effects of noise on quantum cloning based on the spin network approach. A noisy environment interacting with the spin network is modeled both in a classical scenario, with a classical fluctuating field, and in a fully quantum scenario, in which the spins are coupled with a bath of harmonic oscillators. We compare the realization of cloning with spin networks and with traditional quantum gates in the presence of noise, and show that spin network cloning is more robust.
Fidelity and leakage of Josephson qubits
The unit of quantum information is the qubit, a vector in a two-dimensional Hilbert space. On the other hand, quantum hardware often operates in two-dimensional subspaces of vector spaces of higher dimensionality. The presence of higher quantum states may affect the accuracy of quantum information processing. In this Letter we show how to cope with {\em quantum leakage} in devices based on small Josephson junctions. While the presence of higher charge states of the junction reduces the fidelity during gate operations we demonstrate that errors can be minimized by appropriately designing and operating the gates.
A scheme for entanglement extraction from a solid
Some thermodynamical properties of solids, such as heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility, have recently been shown to be linked to the amount of entanglement in a solid. However this entanglement may appear a mere mathematical artifact of the typical symmetrization procedure of many-body wave function in solid state physics. Here we show that this entanglement is physical demonstrating the principles of its extraction from a typical solid state system by scattering two particles off the system. Moreover we show how to simulate this process using present-day optical lattices technology. This demonstrates not only that entanglement exists in solids but also that it can be used for quantum…
Cloning transformations in spin networks without external control
In this paper we present an approach to quantum cloning with unmodulated spin networks. The cloner is realized by a proper design of the network and a choice of the coupling between the qubits. We show that in the case of phase covariant cloner the XY coupling gives the best results. In the 1->2 cloning we find that the value for the fidelity of the optimal cloner is achieved, and values comparable to the optimal ones in the general N->M case can be attained. If a suitable set of network symmetries are satisfied, the output fidelity of the clones does not depend on the specific choice of the graph. We show that spin network cloning is robust against the presence of static imperfection…
Quantum cloning in spin networks
We introduce an approach to quantum cloning based on spin networks and we demonstrate that phase covariant cloning can be realized using no external control but only with a proper design of the Hamiltonian of the system. In the 1 -> 2 cloning we find that the XY model saturates the value for the fidelity of the optimal cloner and gives values comparable to it in the genera N -> M case. We finally discuss the effect of external noise. Our protocol is much more robust to decoherence than a conventional procedure based on quantum gates.
Photon Production from the Vacuum Close to the Superradiant Transition: Linking the Dynamical Casimir Effect to the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism
The dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) predicts the generation of photons from the vacuum due to the parametric amplification of the quantum fluctuations of an electromagnetic field. The verification of such an effect is still elusive in optical systems due to the very demanding requirements of its experimental implementation. We show that an ensemble of two-level atoms collectively coupled to the electromagnetic field of a cavity, driven at low frequencies and close to a quantum phase transition, stimulates the production of photons from the vacuum. This paves the way to an effective simulation of the DCE through a mechanism that has recently found experimental demonstration. The spectral prop…
Entanglement detection in Josephson nanocircuits
We describe a possible experimental scheme to generate and detect entanglement between charge states in superconducting nanocircuits, discriminating such entanglement from classical correlations. The case of maximally entangled singlet and GHZ states of two and three coupled Josephson junctions is discussed as an example.
Detection of Geometric Phases in Superconducting Nanocircuits
When a quantum mechanical system undergoes an adiabatic cyclic evolution it acquires a geometrical phase factor in addition to the dynamical one. This effect has been demonstrated in a variety of microscopic systems. Advances in nanotechnologies should enable the laws of quantum dynamics to be tested at the macroscopic level, by providing controllable artificial two-level systems (for example, in quantum dots and superconducting devices). Here we propose an experimental method to detect geometric phases in a superconducting device. The setup is a Josephson junction nanocircuit consisting of a superconducting electron box. We discuss how interferometry based on geometrical phases may be real…
Geometric-phase backaction in a mesoscopic qubit-oscillator system
We illustrate a reverse Von Neumann measurement scheme in which a geometric phase induced on a quantum harmonic oscillator is measured using a microscopic qubit as a probe. We show how such a phase, generated by a cyclic evolution in the phase space of the harmonic oscillator, can be kicked back on the qubit, which plays the role of a quantum interferometer. We also extend our study to finite-temperature dissipative Markovian dynamics and discuss potential implementations in micro- and nanomechanical devices coupled to an effective two-level system. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Transitionless quantum driving in open quantum systems
Abstract We extend the concept of superadiabatic dynamics, or transitionless quantum driving, to quantum open systems whose evolution is governed by a master equation in the Lindblad form. We provide the general framework needed to determine the control strategy required to achieve superadiabaticity. We apply our formalism to two examples consisting of a two-level system coupled to environments with time-dependent bath operators.
Dynamics of entanglement in one-dimensional spin systems
We study the dynamics of quantum correlations in a class of exactly solvable Ising-type models. We analyze in particular the time evolution of initial Bell states created in a fully polarized background and on the ground state. We find that the pairwise entanglement propagates with a velocity proportional to the reduced interaction for all the four Bell states. Singlet-like states are favored during the propagation, in the sense that triplet-like states change their character during the propagation under certain circumstances. Characteristic for the anisotropic models is the instantaneous creation of pairwise entanglement from a fully polarized state; furthermore, the propagation of pairwis…
Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing in one-dimensional optical lattices
Spin-polarized attractive Fermi gases in one-dimensional (1D) optical lattices are expected to be remarkably good candidates for the observation of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase. We model these systems with an attractive Hubbard model with population imbalance. By means of the density-matrix renormalization-group method, we compute the pairing correlations as well as the static spin and charge structure factors in the whole range from weak to strong coupling. We demonstrate that pairing correlations exhibit quasi-long-range order and oscillations at the wave number expected from the FFLO theory. However, we also show by numerically computing the mixed spin-charge static …
Entanglement production by quantum error correction in the presence of correlated environment
We analyze the effect of a quantum error correcting code on the entanglement of encoded logical qubits in the presence of a dephasing interaction with a correlated environment. Such correlated reservoir introduces entanglement between physical qubits. We show that for short times the quantum error correction interprets such entanglement as errors and suppresses it. However for longer time, although quantum error correction is no longer able to correct errors, it enhances the rate of entanglement production due to the interaction with the environment.
Steady-state entanglement activation in optomechanical cavities
Quantum discord, and a number of related indicators, are currently raising a relentless interest as a novel paradigm of non-classical correlations beyond entanglement. Beside merely fundamental aspects, various works have shown that discord is a valuable -- so far largely unexplored -- resource in quantum information processing. Along this line, quite a striking scheme is {entanglement activation}. An initial amount of discord between two disentangled parties of a multipartite system affects the dynamics so as to establish entanglement across a bipartition, which would not arise otherwise. To date, such a process was proven to be achievable only dynamically, i.e., with no guarantee of a sta…
Can entanglement be extracted from many body systems?
Some thermodynamical properties of solids, such as heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility, have recently been shown to be linked to the amount of entanglement in a solid. Until now, however, it was not clear whether this entanglement can be used as a resource in quantum information theory. Here we show that this entanglement is physical, demonstrating the principles of its extraction from a typical spin chain by scattering two particles off the system. Moreover, we show how to simulate this process using present-day optical lattice technology. © 2007 World Scientific Publishing Company.