La investigación cualitativa en las revistas españolas de ciencias del deporte (2007-2011)
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el estado de la investigación cualitativa en las ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte en España, a partir del análisis de 1057 artículos publicados entre 2007 y 2011 en revistas españolas del campo indexadas en Scopus. Los resultados indican que sólo el 3.5% de los trabajos recurre a la metodología cualitativa y que en su mayor parte utilizan la entrevista como técnica de recogida de datos. Se señala como conclusión que la investigación cualitativa en las ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte en España se encuentra todavía en estado embrionario. The aim of this study was to determine the status of qualitative research in sport scien…
Características de la práctica físico-deportiva del alumnado con discapacidad de la Universitat de València
En la actualidad, la actividad físico-deportiva es fundamental para las personas con discapacidad debido a los múltiples beneficios físicos, psicológicos y sociales que aporta (Patel y Greydanus, 2010; Slater y Meade, 2004). Estudiar las características de la práctica físico-deportiva de este colectivo puede ser útil para poder desarrollar estrategias y programas que mejoren y aumenten dicha práctica (Bragaru,van Wilgen, Geertzen, Ruijs, Dijsktra y Dekker, 2013). Pese a ello, apenas existen estudios de carácter cuantitativo sobre el tema. De acuerdo con las carencias señaladas, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la cuantía de la práctica físico-deportiva del alumnado con discapacida…
Validación de una versión reducida en español del instrumento Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments
Objetivo. Validar una versión reducida en español del instrumento Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments (BPAQ-MI), aplicable a diferentes tipos de discapacidad. Material y métodos. El cuestionario fue aplicado a 791 universitarios con discapacidad. La estructura factorial se validó mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y, para valorar la validez criterial, se llevaron a cabo correlaciones de Spearman. La fiabilidad se evaluó mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Resultados. El modelo propuesto reveló buenos índices de ajuste y una excelente consistencia interna (α=0.920). Surgieron relaciones negativas entre las barreras experimentada…
‘Como una chica’: un estudio provocativo sobre estereotipos de género en educación física (‘Like a girl’: a provocative study on gender stereotypes in physical education)
Visibilizar y combatir las desigualdades de género que se (re)producen en el deporte constituye uno de los retos principales de la educación física sociocrítica. Este estudio provocativo aborda la percepción del alumnado sobre los estereotipos de género en su engarce con la habilidad motriz. Para ello, analiza una experiencia pedagógica en educación física basada en el uso del edublog. Se recogieron 110 comentarios de un grupo de estudiantes de Bachillerato a través de una entrada que contenía un video de YouTube sobre estereotipos de género en el deporte y varias preguntas para estimular el debate. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un análisis temático flexible de los comentarios. Los result…
Facilitadores y barreras para la práctica físico-deportiva en alumnado universitario con discapacidad: un estudio cualitativo
Problema: a pesar de los numerosos beneficios que aporta la actividad física a las personas con discapacidad, la tasa de inactividad en este colectivo es muy elevada. Objetivo: explorar, desde un modelo socio-ecológico, los facilitadores y barreras que influyen en la actividad física en tiempo de ocio del alumnado universitario con discapacidad. Metodología: perspectiva metodológica cualitativa. Se entrevistó en profundidad a cinco alumnos universitarios con discapacidad que realizan actividad física en su tiempo de ocio. Resultados: el análisis categorial de contenido realizado muestra facilitadores como el apoyo social, la motivación o el reconocimiento de beneficios, tanto físicos como p…
The Physical Education curriculum design in Spain: A critical review from the LOGSE to the LOMCE
This paper analyses the curriculum framework of the different Education Acts through democracy in order to identify and compare their most distinctive features; their flexibility and the granted autonomy for schools and teachers, in order to materialise and develop the curriculum, is also dealt with in this contribution. The analysis concludes that the open and flexible curriculum of the first Education Acts in democracy has evolved towards a more closed and prescriptive curriculum, which indirectly leads into an objective-based pedagogy and places the teacher in a technical teaching role. The texts’ analysis confirms this trend in the Physical Education area, in which teachers will meet wi…
Predicting physical activity in university students with disabilities: The role of social ecological barriers in the theory of planned behaviour
Abstract Background Even though university students with disabilities are less active than their peers without disabilities, there is scarce knowledge on the predictors of physical activity (PA) in this population. Objectives To predict PA in Spanish university students with disabilities using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and to examine the role of social ecological barriers within this theoretical framework. Methods Participants (N = 1079; Mean age = 40.12) for this cross-sectional study were recruited through the disability care services of 55 Spanish universities. The TPB constructs were assessed using a questionnaire. The Spanish short form of the International Physical Activit…
Tinkering with the two-to-one interview: Reflections on the use of two interviewers in qualitative constructionist inquiry
Abstract Typically, qualitative interviews implicate a single interviewer. In this article, we consider an alternative comprising the simultaneous, active involvement of two interviewers. We base our considerations on experiences using the two-to-one interview in a nationwide research project on disability and physical activity. In addition to untapping and developing a qualitative interview method, the article provides an example in action of tinkering in qualitative inquiry. Tinkering entails a constant questioning of what to do, what is best, and what is appropriate within each moment of the research. Echoing social constructionist scholars, we argue that this flexible approach is useful…
Physical Activity and Accomplishment of Recommendations in University Students with Disabilities: A Longitudinal Study
University settings are socio-environmental contexts that can reduce health disparities in students with disabilities. Therefore, the aim of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the longitudinal physical activity (PA) changes of Spanish university students with disabilities during a three-year period
Barriers to physical activity in university students with disabilities: Differences by sociodemographic variables
Abstract Background Despite the positive effects of regular physical activity (PA), university students with disabilities are less active than their able-bodied peers, which could be due to the wide range of barriers to PA that these individuals face across all social ecological levels. Objective To identify the barriers to PA experienced by university students with disabilities at the different social ecological levels and to examine the differences in these barriers by sociodemographic variables. Methods The reduced Spanish version of the Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments was administered to a sample of 1219 Spanish university students with d…
Screen time among Spanish university students with disabilities: a self-organizing maps analysis
Abstract Background:Screen time can play a significant role in the health and quality of life of people with disabilities.However, there is a lack of studies on this issue among people with disabilities, and even fewer in the universitysetting. Thus, the aim of our study was to explore the relationships between screen time, disability grade, bodymass index (BMI), physical activity and sociodemographic variables (gender and socioeconomic status) in universitystudents with different disabilities. Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 1091 students with disabilities from 55 Spanishuniversities. Instruments used for data gathering were the Adolescent Sedentary Activity Qu…
Physical activity of university students with disabilities: accomplishment of recommendations and differences by age, sex, disability and weight status.
Abstract Objectives This article aims to study physical activity and the achievement of World Health Organization physical activity recommendations in university students with disabilities, and to examine differences by sex, age, disability characteristics and weight status. Study design Cross-sectional data from a wider research project conducted at the Spanish universities from Autumn 2016 to Autumn 2017 were analysed. Methods The International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form was administered to 1103 Spanish university students with different disabilities. Nonparametric tests were performed to examine the differences in physical activity based on the interest variables. Results…
Redefiniendo la competitividad desde el fair play y la justicia social
espanoln este articulo se analizan, desde una perspectiva humanistica, los mensajes predominantes acerca de la competitividad en los ambitos economico y deportivo. El proposito del trabajo es identificar , destacar y valorar aquellos discursos sobre la competitivi dad que pueden favorecer relaciones sociales mas justas. Partiendo de una caracterizacion de la competitividad desde el neoliberalismo, generadora de desigualdad, se ofrece una alternativa para conseguir una competicion mas justa. Para ello , se aporta una perspectiva de la competicion, desde el deporte, basada en el fair play que atiende a los principios de igualdad, participacion y colaboracion. Ademas, se introducen algunas con…
Directrices científicas de ejercicio para personas adultas con lesión medular: proceso de desarrollo, resultados y recomendaciones para su implementación
espanolEl presente articulo describe el proceso sistematico seguido para desarrollar unas directrices cientificas de ejercicio para personas con lesion medular, asi como sus resultados. Para mejorar la condicion fisica, las personas adultas con lesion medular deben realizar al menos 20 minutos de ejercicio aerobico de intensidad moderada-vigorosa, dos veces por semana, combinados con tres series de ejercicios de fuerza de intensidad moderada-vigorosa por cada grupo muscular con funcionalidad, dos veces por semana. Para mejorar la salud cardiometabolica, se sugiere que las personas adultas con lesion medular realicen al menos 30 minutos de ejercicio aerobico de intensidad moderada-vigorosa t…
Development and validation of the Barriers to Physical Activity and Sport Questionnaire for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning persons
Abstract Objective The objective of the study was to develop the Barriers to Physical Activity and Sport Questionnaire for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (BPASQ-LGBTQ+ [encompassing all spectrums of sexuality and gender]) persons (BPASQ-LGBT), which measures barriers using a socio-ecological model, and to validate it through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Study design Validation study. Methods First, content validity was achieved by (a) developing a bank of items, (b) discussing the adequacy of the items in a committee of experts and classifying the selected ones under three socio-ecological levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, environmental) and (…
Gender differences in theory-based predictors of physical activity in university students with disabilities
Abstract University students with disabilities engage in physical activity to a lesser extent than their able-bodied peers, with women reporting less physical activity than men. The present study aimed to examine gender differences in theory-based predictors of physical activity in this population. Spanish university students with different disabilities (n = 1076) completed measures of the Theory of Planned Behaviour constructs and the reduced Spanish version of the Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments. Self-efficacy and controllability were significantly lower in women and gender differences on the barriers predicting controllability were obtaine…
Environmental Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity among University Students with Physical Disability—A Qualitative Study in Spain
This paper qualitatively examines environmental factors operating as barriers and/or facilitators to participation in physical activity (PA) of people with physical disabilities. Interview data were collected from 27 Spanish university students through the innovative method of two-on-one interviews. Thereafter, data were subject to a flexible thematic analysis. Three themes were constructed: associations