Luciano Consuegra
Papel del índice de Charlson en el pronóstico a 30 días y 1 año tras un infarto agudo de miocardio
Introduccion y objetivos.El indice de Charlson (iCh) ha sido utilizado como variable de ajuste en modelos multivariables como indicador de comorbilidad. Debido a que su valor pronostico per se para complicaciones cardiovasculares tras un infarto agudo de miocardio no ha sido ampliamente evaluado, nos propusimos determinar su valor predictivo para muerte de cualquier causa y/o reinfarto, a 30 dias y 1 ano del evento indice. Pacientes y metodo. Se incluyo a 1.035 pacientes con el diagnostico de infarto (508 con elevacion del segmento ST y 527 sin elevacion del segmento ST). La presencia de eventos se determino a 30 dias (13,9%) y a un ano (26,3%). El iCh se calculo junto con otras variables d…
Prognostic usefulness of white blood cell count on admission and one-year outcome in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute chest pain.
Little is known about the prognostic value of leukocyte count on admission for patients with chest pain. In total, 1,461 patients who presented to the emergency department with non–ST-segment elevation chest pain were studied by clinical history, electrocardiography, serial troponin I determination, and leukocyte count on admission. End points were 1-year mortality and major events (mortality or infarction). Overall patient distribution by quartiles of leukocyte count showed increased mortality (6%, 7%, 6%, and 17%, p = 0.0001) and major events (13%, 13%, 15%, and 24%, p = 0.0001) in the fourth quartile. After adjustment for other risk factors, the fourth quartile cut-off value (>10,000 cel…
An Invasive Strategy in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes. From Large Trials to the Real World
Introduction and objectives We report the impact on prognosis of an invasive strategy used at our center for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Patients and method We analyzed 504 consecutive patients with typical chest pain, electrocardiographic changes or increased troponin I serum values, who were divided into 2 cohorts: a ) conservative group, 272 patients admitted between October 2001 and September 2002 and managed with a conservative strategy, and b ) invasive group, 232 patients admitted between October 2002 and September 2003 for whom an invasive strategy was recommended. We recorded major events (death or reinfarction) and minor events (readmission or need for post-d…
Improvement in risk stratification with the combination of the tumour marker antigen carbohydrate 125 and brain natriuretic peptide in patients with acute heart failure.
Aim Elevated brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and tumour marker antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) levels have shown to be associated with higher risk for adverse outcomes in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). Nevertheless, no attempt has been made to explore the utility of combining these two biomarkers. We sought to assess whether CA125 adds prognostic value to BNP in predicting 6-month all-cause mortality in patients with AHF. Methods and results We analysed 1111 consecutive patients admitted for AHF. Antigen carbohydrate 125 (U/mL) and BNP (pg/mL) were measured at a median of 72 ± 12 h after instauration of treatment. Antigen carbohydrate 125 and BNP were dichotomized based on propos…
Prognostic Value of White Blood Cell Count in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Long-Term Mortality
Although traditionally an elevated white blood cell count (WBC), an indicator of systemic inflammation, has been accepted as part of the healing response following acute myocardial infarction (AMI), it has frequently been shown to be a predictor of adverse cardiovascular events. The present study was designed to assess the association between WBC and long-term mortality in AMI patients either with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) or without ST-segment elevation (non-STEMI). Patients and method. The study included 1118 consecutive patients who were admitted with the diagnosis of AMI: 569 non-STEMI and 549 STEMI. The WBC was measured in the 24 hours following admission. Patients were divided into…
Combination of clinical risk profile, early exercise testing and circulating biomarkers for evaluation of patients with acute chest pain without ST-segment deviation or troponin elevation
Objective: To investigate the combination of clinical data, exercise testing and biomarkers for the evaluation of patients with chest pain without ST-segment deviation or troponin elevation. Design: Prospective cohort design. Settting: Two teaching hospitals in Spain. Patients: 422 patients presenting to the emergency department were studied. Leukocyte count, C-reactive protein (CRP), pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) were determined. A validated clinical risk score (number of points according to pain characteristics and risk factors) was used for clinical evaluation and early exercise testing was performed. Main outcome m…
Estrategia invasiva en el síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento ST. De los grandes estudios al mundo real
Introduccion y objetivos Presentamos el impacto pronostico de una estrategia invasiva (EI) en el sindrome coronario agudo sin elevacion del segmento ST en nuestra institucion. Pacientes y metodo Se ha estudiado a 504 pacientes consecutivos con dolor toracico tipico, cambios electrocardiograficos y elevacion de la troponina I divididos en 2 cohortes: a) grupo conservador, 272 pacientes ingresados entre octubre de 2001 y septiembre de 2002, manejados con una estrategia conservadora (EC); b) grupo invasivo, 232 pacientes ingresados entre octubre de 2002 y septiembre de 2003 y en los que se recomendo una EI. Se recogieron los eventos mayores (defuncion o reinfarto) y menores (reingreso o necesi…
A practical approach with outcome for the prognostic assessment of non-ST-segment elevation chest pain and normal troponin.
Patients with non-ST-elevation chest pain constitute a heterogeneous population. Our aim is to compare the outcome of patients with chest pain, non-ST-segment deviation, and normal troponin, categorized using a risk score, with that of patients with ST depression or troponin increase. A total of 1,449 patients with non-ST-elevation chest pain were evaluated. A validated risk score (using pain characteristics and risk factors) was applied to patients without ST depression or troponin increase. Accordingly, 4 risk categories were defined: group 1, no troponin increase, no ST depression, and risk score3 points (n = 633); group 2, no troponin increase, no ST depression, but risk scoreor = 3 poi…
Carbohydrate antigen 125: an emerging prognostic risk factor in acute heart failure?
To assess whether circulating levels of carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) predict subsequent 6-month all-cause mortality in patients after the index hospitalisation for acute heart failure (HF).Prospective cohort study at a single teaching centre in Spain.529 consecutive patients with acute HF admitted in a single university centre were analysed. In addition to the traditional clinical information, CA125 (U/ml) was measured during the early course of hospitalisation. The independent association between baseline CA125 and mortality was assessed with Cox regression analysis. The follow-up was limited to 6 months.349 (66%) patients showed serum levels of CA12535 U/ml (established cut-off point …
Prognostic Value of Charlson Comorbidity Index at 30 Days and 1 Year After Acute Myocardial Infarction
Introduction and objectives. The Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), an indicator of comorbidity, has been used as an adjusting variable in multivariate models. Because of its prognostic value per se for cardiovascular complications after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), we sought to determine the predictive value of the CCI for allcause mortality and recurrent AMI 30 days and 1 year after the index event. Patients and method. We analyzed 1035 consecutive patients admitted with the diagnosis of AMI (ST elevation=508 and non-ST elevation=527). The composite endpoint was determined after 30 days (13.9%) and 1 year (26.3%) of follow-up. The CCI was calculated on admission, and other variables …
Prognostic differences between routine invasive and conservative strategies for the management of high-risk, non-ST segment acute coronary syndromes: Experience from two consecutive periods in a single center
Abstract Background The optimal revascularization strategy for non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS) remains controversial, especially in a real world context. The objective of this work was to assess differences at 1 year in all-cause mortality and the composite endpoint of mortality or acute myocardial infarction (MI) between two management strategies for NSTE-ACS: a conservative strategy (CS) versus a routine invasive strategy (RIS). Methods Of 799 consecutive patients admitted to our institution, 369 were treated with CS (from January 2001 to October 2002); 430 patients admitted with the same diagnosis were treated with RIS (from November 2002 to November 2004). A propens…
New Risk Score for Patients With Acute Chest Pain, Non-ST-Segment Deviation, and Normal Troponin Concentrations
Objectives The purpose of this research was to develop a risk score for patients with chest pain, non-ST-segment deviation electrocardiogram (ECG), and normal troponin levels. Background Prognosis assessment in this population remains a challenge. Methods A total of 646 consecutive patients were evaluated by clinical history (risk factors and chest pain score according to pain characteristics), ECG, and early exercise testing. ST-segment deviation and troponin elevation were exclusion criteria. The primary end point was mortality or myocardial infarction at one year. The secondary end point was mortality, myocardial infarction, or urgent revascularization at 14 days (similar to the Thrombol…
A non-valvular infective endocarditis in an HIV patient with myocardiopathy
A 37-year-old woman presented in the emergency department revealing a history of HIV infection and C virus hepatitis diagnosed 15 years ago, acquired after a period of intravenous drug abusing. The patient was receiving triple antiHIV therapy and was in an A1 stage (last lymphocite recount of CD4: 0.63 10/l and no AIDS disease manifestation to the present moment). She described episodes, starting 20 days before, of torathic pain coexisting with shivers. There were no symptoms or signs of any focal infection. In the physical examination the only findings were a temperature of 38.4 8C, a 4 cm hepatomegaly and lipodystrophy. We found in the electrocardiogram a sinus rhythm, 96 bpm and no ST se…
Valor pronóstico del recuento leucocitario en el infarto agudo de miocardio: mortalidad a largo plazo
Introduccion y objetivos. Publicaciones recientes respaldan el papel pronostico del recuento leucocitario (RL) en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM). El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el valor predictivo atribuible al RL, con independencia de otras variables de contrastado valor pronostico, para predecir mortalidad a largo plazo en pacientes con IAM sin elevacion del segmento ST (IAMSEST) y con elevacion del segmento ST (IAMEST). Pacientes y metodo. Analizamos a 1.118 pacientes admitidos de forma consecutiva con el diagnostico de IAM (IAMSEST = 569; IAMEST = 549). El RL se obtuvo en la primera determinacion analitica. Se utilizaron modelos de regresion de Cox para deter…