Sun exposure and PDZK1 genotype modulate PDZK1 gene expression in normal skin
Human skin pigmentation results from the enzymatically controlled synthesis of melanin pigments in specialized organelles (melano‐somes) produced within epidermal melanocytes, followed by their transfer to neighboring keratinocytes and their distribution through‐out the epidermis.1 Constitutive skin pigmentation seems to be mostly genetically determined,2 being altered by numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the epidermal melanin unit
Genetic 3’UTR variation is associated with human pigmentation characteristics and sensitivity to sunlight
Sunlight exposure induces signalling pathways leading to the activation of melanin synthesis and tanning response. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can regulate the expression of genes involved in pigmentation pathways by binding to the complementary sequence in their 3'untranslated regions (3'UTRs). Therefore, 3'UTR SNPs are predicted to modify the ability of miRNAs to target genes, resulting in differential gene expression. In this study, we investigated the role in pigmentation and sun-sensitivity traits, as well as in melanoma susceptibility, of 38 different 3'UTR SNPs from 38 pigmentation-related genes. A total of 869 individuals of Spanish origin (526 melanoma cases and 343 controls) were analysed.…
Inflammation, muscle damage and post-race physical activity following a mountain ultramarathon
BACKGROUND: The study aimed at exploring whether muscle membrane disruption, as a surrogate for muscle damage, and inflammation recovery following a mountain ultramarathon (MUM) was related with race performance and post-race physical activity. METHODS: Blood samples were obtained from thirty-four athletes (29 men and 5 women) before a 118-km MUM, immediately after and three and seven days post-race. Creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were compared between faster (FR) and slower (SR) runners. Physical activity performed during the week following the MUM was objectively analyzed using accelerometers and compared between FR and SR. RESULTS: CK was s…
Renal Function Recovery Strategies Following Marathon in Amateur Runners
Long distance races have a physiological impact on runners. Up to now, studies analyzing these physiological repercussions have been mainly focused on muscle and cardiac damage, as well as on its recovery. Therefore, a limited number of studies have been done to explore acute kidney failure and recovery after performing extreme exercises. Here, we monitored renal function in 76 marathon finishers (14 females) from the day before participating in a marathon until 192 h after crossing the finish line (FL). Renal function was evaluated by measuring serum creatinine (sCr) and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). We randomly grouped our cohort into three intervention groups to compare three dif…
Inspiratory and Lower-Limb Strength Importance in Mountain Ultramarathon Running. Sex Differences and Relationship with Performance
The study was aimed at comparing lower-limb strength and respiratory parameters between male and female athletes and their interaction with performance in a 107 km mountain ultramarathon. Forty seven runners (29 males and 18 females
Effect of mountain ultramarathon distance competition on biochemical variables, respiratory and lower-limb fatigue
The study aimed at assessing the acute physiological effects of running a 65-km vs a 107- km mountain ultramarathon. Nineteen athletes (15 males and 4 females) from the shorter race and forty three athletes (26 males and 17 females) from the longer race were enrolled. Body weight, respiratory and lower limb strength were assessed before and after the race. Blood samples were obtained before, after and 24-h post-race. Body weight loss did not differ between races. A decrease in squat jump height (p<0.01; d = 1.4), forced vital capacity (p<0.01; d = 0.5), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (p<0.01; d = 0.6), peak inspiratory flow (p<0.01; d = 0.6) and maximal inspiratory pressure (p<0.01; d = 0.…
Ultra Trail Performance is Differently Predicted by Endurance Variables in Men and Women
AbstractThe study aimed to assess the relationship between peak oxygen uptake, ventilatory thresholds and maximal fat oxidation with ultra trail male and female performance. 47 athletes (29 men and 18 women) completed a cardiopulmonary exercise test between 2 to 4 weeks before a 107-km ultra trail. Body composition was also analyzed using a bioelectrical impedance weight scale. Exploratory correlation analyses showed that peak oxygen uptake (men: r=–0.63, p=0.004; women: r=–0.85, p < 0.001), peak speed (men: r=–0.74, p < 0.001; women: r=–0.69, p=0.009), speed at first (men: r=–0.49, p=0.035; women: r=–0.76, p=0.003) and second (men: r=–0.73, p < 0.001; women: r=–0.76, p=0.003) vent…
Additional file 1: of Sex-specific genetic effects associated with pigmentation, sensitivity to sunlight, and melanoma in a population of Spanish origin
This contains Tables S1–S3 and Figures S1–S2. Table S1. List of 363 successfully genotyped SNPs, Minor allele frequencies for all samples, males and females, and HWE P value. Table S2. List of SNPs associated with pigmentation traits in females and males. Table S3. List of SNPs associated with sun response traits in females and males. Figure S1. Comparison of minor allele frequencies, female versus male individuals. Figure S2. A selection of genetic factors affecting pigmentation and sun sensitivity in humans. (PDF 417 kb)
Influence of Female Sex Hormones on Ultra-Running Performance and Post-Race Recovery: Role of Testosterone
In recent years, increasing numbers of women have participated in extremely long races. In adult males, there is a clear association between physiological levels of endogenous sex hormones and physical performance. However, the influence of plasmatic sex hormones and the effects of different types of hormonal contraception (HC) on the modulation of physical performance in adult females remain to be fully clarified. Eighteen female ultra-endurance athletes were recruited to participate in the study. Different variables were studied, including hematological parameters, body mass index, and body composition. Strength measurements were obtained using the squat-jump and hand-grip test. A repeate…
Establishing cut-points for physical activity classification using triaxial accelerometer in middle-aged recreational marathoners
The purpose of this study was to establish GENEA (Gravity Estimator of Normal Everyday Activity) cut-points for discriminating between six relative-intensity activity levels in middle-aged recreational marathoners. Nighty-eight (83 males and 15 females) recreational marathoners, aged 30-45 years, completed a cardiopulmonary exercise test running on a treadmill while wearing a GENEA accelerometer on their non-dominant wrist. The breath-by-breath V̇O2 data was also collected for criterion measure of physical activity categories (sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous, very vigorous and extremely vigorous). GENEA cut-points for physical activity classification was performed via Receiver Operatin…
Effects of wearing a full body compression garment during recovery from an ultra-trail race
In sport disciplines with high levels of muscle damage such as an ultra-trail competition, full body compression garments (FBCG) may have an ergogenic effect during the recovery process. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of FBCG worn for 24 h immediately after a 107-km ultra-trail on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle damage, inflammatory and renal response. Thirty-two athletes (19 males and 13 females; VO2peak: 54.1 ± 5.2 ml O2/kg/min) participated in the study. The following blood markers were analysed before, immediately after, at 24 and 48 h post-race: lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, C-reactive protein and creatinine. The glomerular filtration rate was a…
The effect of long-term ultra-endurance exercise and SOD2 genotype on telomere shortening with age
Telomere shortening, a well-known biomarker of aging, is a complex process influenced by several intrinsic and lifestyle factors. Although habitual exercise may promote telomere length maintenance, extreme endurance exercise has been also associated with increased oxidative stress—presumed to be the major cause of telomere shortening. Therefore, the pace of telomere shortening with age may also depend on antioxidant system efficiency, which is, in part, genetically determined. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the impact of ultra-endurance exercise and oxidative stress susceptibility (determined by the rs4880 polymorphism in the superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) gene) on telomere length. Geno…
Using Accelerometry for Evaluating Energy Consumption and Running Intensity Distribution Throughout a Marathon According to Sex
The proportion of females participating in long-distance races has been increasing in the last years. Although it is well-known that there are differences in how females and males face a marathon, higher research may be done to fully understand the intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting sex differences in endurance performance. In this work, we used triaxial accelerometer devices to monitor 74 males and 14 females, aged 30 to 45 years, who finished the Valencia Marathon in 2016. Moreover, marathon split times were provided by organizers. Several physiological traits and training habits were collected from each participant. Then, we evaluated several accelerometry- and pace-estimated para…
Sex and MC1R variants in human pigmentation: Differences in tanning ability and sensitivity to sunlight between sexes
Impact of Plasma Oxidative Stress Markers on Post-race Recovery in Ultramarathon Runners: A Sex and Age Perspective Overview
Oxidative stress has been widely studied in association to ultra-endurance sports. Although it is clearly demonstrated the increase in reactive oxygen species and free radicals after these extreme endurance exercises, the effects on the antioxidant defenses and the oxidative damage to macromolecules, remain to be fully clarified. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate the impact of an ultramarathon race on the plasma markers of oxidative stress of 32 runners and their post-race recovery, with especial focused on sex and age effect. For this purpose, the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) activity, as well as the lipid peroxidation prod…
Sex-Specific Genetic Effects Associated with Pigmentation, Sensitivity to Sunlight, And Melanoma in a Population of Spanish Origin
Background Human pigmentation is a polygenic quantitative trait with high heritability. In addition to genetic factors, it has been shown that pigmentation can be modulated by oestrogens and androgens via up- or down-regulation of melanin synthesis. Our aim was to identify possible sex differences in pigmentation phenotype as well as in melanoma association in a melanoma case-control population of Spanish origin. Methods Five hundred and ninety-nine females (316 melanoma cases and 283 controls) and 458 males (234 melanoma cases and 224 controls) were analysed. We genotyped 363 polymorphisms (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) from 65 pigmentation gene regions. Results When samples were…
Estimation of energy consumed by middle-aged recreational marathoners during a marathon using accelerometry-based devices
AbstractAs long-distance races have substantially increased in popularity over the last few years, the improvement of training programs has become a matter of concern to runners, coaches and health professionals. Triaxial accelerometers have been proposed as a one of the most accurate tools to evaluate physical activity during free-living conditions. In this study, eighty-eight recreational marathon runners, aged 30–45 years, completed a marathon wearing a GENEActiv accelerometer on their non-dominant wrist. Energy consumed by each runner during the marathon was estimated based on both running speed and accelerometer output data, by applying the previously established GENEActiv cut-points f…
Hydration Status, Executive Function, and Response to Orthostatism After a 118-km Mountain Race: Are They Interrelated?
Martínez-Navarro, I, Chiva-Bartoll, O, Hernando, B, Collado, E, Porcar, V, and Hernando, C. Hydration status, executive function and response to orthostatism after a 118-km mountain race: are they interrelated? J Strength Cond Res 32(2): 441-449, 2018-The present study aimed to explore whether blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) responsiveness to orthostatism, jointly with executive function (EF) performance, was diminished after an ultra-endurance mountain race. Besides, we wanted to assess whether hydration status was related to either performance or the abovementioned alterations. Fifty recreational ultra-endurance athletes participating in the Penyagolosa Trails CS…
Muscle cramping in the marathon: dehydration and electrolyte depletion vs. muscle damage
Martinez-Navarro, I, Montoya-Vieco, A, Collado, E, Hernando, B, Panizo, N, and Hernando, C. Muscle Cramping in the marathon: Dehydration and electrolyte depletion vs. muscle damage. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2020-Our aim was to compare dehydration variables, serum electrolytes, and muscle damage serum markers between runners who suffered exercise-associated muscle cramps (EAMC) and runners who did not suffer EAMC in a road marathon. We were also interested in analyzing race pacing and training background. Nighty-eight marathoners took part in the study. Subjects were subjected to a cardiopulmonary exercise test. Before and after the race, blood and urine samples were collected and…