Ilja Fescenko
Robust optical readout and characterization of nuclear spin transitions in nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond
Nuclear spin ensembles in diamond are promising candidates for quantum sensing applications, including rotation sensing. Here we perform a characterization of the optically detected nuclear-spin transitions associated with the 14N nuclear spin within diamond nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers. We observe nuclear-spin-dependent fluorescence with the contrast of optically detected 14N nuclear Rabi oscillations comparable to that of the NV electron spin. Using Ramsey spectroscopy, we investigate the temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the nuclear spin transitions in the 77.5-420 K and 350-675 G range, respectively. The nuclear quadrupole coupling constant Q was found to vary with temperatu…
Diamond magnetometer enhanced by ferrite flux concentrators
Magnetometers based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are promising room-temperature, solid-state sensors. However, their reported sensitivity to magnetic fields at low frequencies (<1 kHz) is presently >10 pT s^{1/2}, precluding potential applications in medical imaging, geoscience, and navigation. Here we show that high-permeability magnetic flux concentrators, which collect magnetic flux from a larger area and concentrate it into the diamond sensor, can be used to improve the sensitivity of diamond magnetometers. By inserting an NV-doped diamond membrane between two ferrite cones in a bowtie configuration, we realize a ~250-fold increase of the magnetic field amplitude wi…
Imaging magnetic scalar potentials by laser-induced fluorescence from bright and dark atoms
We present a spectroscopic method for mapping two-dimensional distributions of magnetic field strengths (magnetic scalar potential lines) using charge-coupled device (CCD) recordings of the fluorescence patterns emitted by spin-polarized Cs vapour in a buffer gas exposed to inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The method relies on the position-selective destruction of spin polarization by magnetic resonances induced by multi-component oscillating magnetic fields, such that magnetic potential lines can be directly detected by the CCD camera. We also present a generic algebraic model allowing for the calculation of the fluorescence patterns and find excellent agreement with the experimental observa…
A magnetic source imaging camera
We describe a magnetic source imaging camera (MSIC) allowing a direct dynamic visualization of the two-dimensional spatial distribution of the individual components Bx(x,y), By(x,y) and Bz(x,y) of a magnetic field. The field patterns allow—in principle— a reconstruction of the distribution of sources that produce the field B→ by inverse problem analysis. We compare experimentally recorded point-spread functions, i.e., field patterns produced by point-like magnetic dipoles of different orientations with anticipated field patterns. Currently, the MSIC can resolve fields of ≈10 pT (1 s measurement time) range in a field of view up to ∼20 × 20 mm2. The device has a large range of possible appli…
Diamond Magnetic Microscopy of Malarial Hemozoin Nanocrystals.
Magnetic microscopy of malarial hemozoin nanocrystals was performed using optically detected magnetic resonance imaging of near-surface diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers. Hemozoin crystals were extracted from $Plasmodium$-$falciparum$-infected human blood cells and studied alongside synthetic hemozoin crystals. The stray magnetic fields produced by individual crystals were imaged at room temperature as a function of applied field up to 350 mT. More than 100 nanocrystals were analyzed, revealing the distribution of their magnetic properties. Most crystals ($96\%$) exhibit a linear dependence of stray field magnitude on applied field, confirming hemozoin's paramagnetic nature. A volume magneti…
Impact of Helium Ion Implantation Dose and Annealing on Dense Near-Surface Layers of NV Centers
A. Berzins acknowledges support from Latvian Council of Science project lzp-2021/1-0379, “A novel solution for high magnetic field and high electric current stabilization using color centers in diamond,” and LLC “MikroTik” donation project, administered by the UoL foundation, “Improvement of Magnetic field imaging system” for the opportunity to significantly improve experimental setup as well as “Simulations for stimulation of science” for the opportunity to acquire COMSOL license. I. Fescenko acknowledges support from ERAF project, and I.F. and A.B. acknowledge support from LLC “MikroTik” donation project “Annealing furnace for the development of new nanometer-sized sensor…
Magnetic field microscopy with concentrated bias field
Ultra-fast detection of the center frequency of a spectral line from amplitude-weighted average
Spectroscopy methods often require calculating the central frequency of a resonance line, that is usually implemented by finding a best fit to the spectrum by a line-shape function. Such an iterative procedure is slow and requires an initial guess. We report an analytical method for calculating the central frequency of a spectral line by using the mean value of its frequencies, which are weighted by corresponding normalized intensities. We use this method to calculate two-dimensional arrays of central frequencies from parallely measured magnetic resonance spectra, which are optically detected by a camera sensor in a thin layer of NV centers with superparamagnetic hemozoin crystals on top of…
Persistence of remnant boreal plants in the Chiricahua Mountains, southern Arizona
Abstract Boreal plants growing along the southern edge of their range on isolated mountains in a hot desert matrix live near the extreme of their physiological tolerance. Such plants are considered sensitive to small changes in climate. We coupled field observations (1974, 1993, 2019) about the abundance and vigor of small populations of ten remnant boreal plant species persisting in the uppermost elevations of spruce-fir forests of the Chiricahua Mountains, together with modeling of the species sensitivities to three stress factors associated with climatic change: warming, drought, and forest fire, in order to explore the persistence of frontier boreal plant species during climate change. …
Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetometry of Individual Fe-Triazole Spin Crossover Nanorods
[Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) (Fe-triazole) spin crossover molecules show thermal, electrical, and optical switching between high spin (HS) and low spin (LS) states, making them promising candidates for molecular spintronics. The LS and HS transitions originate from the electronic configurations of Fe(II), and are considered to be diamagnetic and paramagnetic respectively. The Fe(II) LS state has six paired electrons in the ground states with no interaction with the magnetic field and a diamagnetic behavior is usually observed. While the bulk magnetic properties of Fe-triazole compounds are widely studied by standard magnetometry techniques their properties at the individual level are missing. Here…
Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy with a femtotesla diamond magnetometer
Sensitive Radio-Frequency (RF) magnetometers that can detect oscillating magnetic fields at the femtotesla level are needed for demanding applications such as Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) spectroscopy. RF magnetometers based on Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have been predicted to offer femtotesla sensitivity, but published experiments have largely been limited to the picotesla level. Here, we demonstrate a femtotesla RF magnetometer based on an NV-doped diamond membrane inserted between two ferrite flux concentrators. The device operates in bias magnetic fields of 2-10 microtesla and provides a ~300-fold amplitude enhancement within the diamond for RF magnetic fields in the…
Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with a microfluidic diamond quantum sensor
Quantum sensors based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond have emerged as a promising detection modality for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy owing to their micron-scale detection volume and non-inductive based detection. A remaining challenge is to realize sufficiently high spectral resolution and concentration sensitivity for multidimensional NMR analysis of picoliter sample volumes. Here, we address this challenge by spatially separating the polarization and detection phases of the experiment in a microfluidic platform. We realize a spectral resolution of 0.65 +/- 0.05 Hz, an order-of-magnitude improvement over previous diamond NMR studies. We use the platform to perform …
Solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a nanostructured diamond chip
We demonstrate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of picoliter-volume solutions with a nanostructured diamond chip. Using optical interferometric lithography, diamond surfaces were nanostructured with dense, high-aspect-ratio nanogratings, enhancing the surface area by more than a factor of 15 over mm^2 regions of the chip. The nanograting sidewalls were doped with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers so that more than 10 million NV centers in a (25 micrometer)^2 laser spot are located close enough to the diamond surface (5 nm) to detect the NMR spectrum of 1 pL of fluid lying within adjacent nanograting grooves. The platform was used to perform 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy at room tempe…