Annabelle Larmure

Grain legume seed filling in relation to nitrogen acquisition: A review and prospects with particular reference to pea

International audience; Seed filling depends not only on the instantaneous supply of C and N, but also on their remobilisation from vegetative organs. C supply during seed filling depends mostly on current photosynthesis, but N assimilation and N$_2$ fixation decline during seed filling, with newly acquired N generally insufficient for the high seed demand. As seeds are strong sinks for mobilised nutrients, seed growth becomes metabolically closely associated with N remobilisation. N remobilisation from vegetative tissues to filling seeds interacts with photosynthesis since it induces senescence, which reduces the seed filling period. Hence improved grain legume seed filling requires either…

research product

Taking into account soils and climate change in assessing the production potential of a legume crop of interest: pea

In the current context of climate change and increasing pressure on resources, the agricultural production model isbeing questioned. The challenge of a more autonomous, efficient and sustainable production of proteins must bemet by increasing the use of legumes in French cropping systems. The pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop model “AzodynPea” will be used to identify zones and management techniques favorable to the crop in Burgundy-Franche-Comté(eastern France), taking into account abiotic stresses, such as winter frost or water deficit. The first step in this processis the mapping of current soil properties and current and future climate characteristics of the region. Regionalizeddaily climate …

research product

Évolution retrospective du risque gélif hivernal en climat tempéré suite au réchauffement climatique

An abrupt warming shift of the surface temperature around 1987/1988 has been documented for the western part ofEurope. The arising of two consecutive surface temperature climates offers opportunity to assess the warming impactsover the Bourgogne Franche-Comté area. Few studies focus on the winter warming effects on vegetation and crops. Recentstudies suggest however a paradoxical increase of frost damage in a warming climate. Based on the combination of aMeteo-France climate dataset with a winter frost stress model calibrated for pea, we assessed the winter frost damageevolution along from 1958-2015. Even if frost stress is decreasing at a whole after the temperature shift, subtle and oppos…

research product

Regional projection of winter frost risk on a legume crop due to warming in a temperate climate

International audience; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is an important annual legume crop grown in temperate regions for its high seed nitrogenconcentration and environmental benefits. In the recent climate warming, a subtle evolution of the winter cropfrost risk was observed: a paradoxical increase of frost stress events and a frost stress intensity decrease (Castel etal. 2017). Such results are questioning the future winter frost risk for peas. We assessed the winter frost damageevolution along 2006 to 2100 in Burgundy-Franche-Comté (a French region - western part of Europe). The approachis based on the combination of i) a dynamical downscaled climate data of two RCP trajectories (4.5 and 8.5) (B…

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Estimation de l’indice foliaire et de la biomasse du blé et des adventices par imagerie visible et machine learning : vers un nouvel indicateur non destructif de la compétition culture-adventices ?

National audience; Cette étude propose d’estimer précocement par imagerie deux variables clés dans la gestion des cultures et dans la compétition culture-adventices : l’indice foliaire (LAI) et la biomasse aérienne sèche (BM). Une expérimentation a été conduite au champ pendant la phase végétative d’une culture de blé. Pour chaque peuplement (culture de blé, adventices), les taux de couverture du sol par la végétation (TCc, TCw) ont été déduits du traitement d’image basé sur une technique de machine learning. LAI et BM ont été mesurés de façon destructive. Puis, une calibration a été réalisée entre TC et LAI d’une part et entre TC et BM d’autre part. Ce travail pourrait, à terme, faciliter …

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Impacts du réchauffement climatique en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté sur le stress gel hivernal et la date de floraison du pois d’hiver (ProSys)

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Ecophysiological processes underlying mineral nutrition of soybean under individual or combined heat and water stresses

In a context of climate change, with more frequent drought events and heatwaves, it is predicted that soybean yields will drastically decrease in the near future. Soybean being the most widely grown legume crop in the world, there is an urgent need to improve its ability to sustain its growth under such conditions in order to guarantee high levels of productivity. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of heat and/or water stress on soybean growth and its water and mineral nutritions. Two soybean genotypes, displaying contrasted root architectures during their vegetative stage were grown under controlled conditions in the 4PMI high-throughput phenotyping platform where either op…

research product

Prise en compte des sols pour l’évaluation du potentiel de production d’une légumineuse d’intérêt : le pois

National audience; Dans le contexte actuel de changements climatiques et de pression croissance sur les ressources, le modèle de production agricole est remis en cause et se pose donc le défi d’une production de protéines plus autonome, performante et durable. Le projet PSDR 4 ProSys a pour objectif de développer la production des protéines végétales dans les systèmes de culture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (BFC), via notamment l’intégration des légumineuses. Un des résultats de l’axe 1 du projet est l’acquisition de références régionales sur le potentiel de production actuel et en contexte de changement climatique, sur une légumineuse d’intérêt : le pois. Le modèle de culture de po…

research product

Évolution du stress gélif et idéotypes de pois d'hiver dans le contexte de changement climatique, à une échelle régionale.

11 pages; International audience; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is an important crop in temperate regions for its high seed protein concentration that is particularly sensitive to abiotic stresses. The abrupt temperature increase known as the “1987/1988 temperature regime shift” that occurs over Europe is questioning how winter pea will perform in the changing climate. This study assessed the winter frost damage evolution along from 1961 to 2015 in Burgundy-Franche-Comté by using: (1) daily observed and gridded regional temperature data and (2) a validated crop winter frost stress model calibrated for pea. This study shows a global decrease of the frost stress nevertheless resulting from a subtle …

research product

Pourquoi le stress gel hivernal ne disparaît pas chez le pois dans un climat qui se réchauffe ? Comment s’y adapter ? Projet PSDR ProSys, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

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Le changement climatique et son impact sur la culture du pois

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La teneur en protéines des graines de pois

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Risques gélifs sur grandes cultures dans un contexte de changement climatique

International audience

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Variabilité des extrêmes thermiques et impacts sur la viticulture : l’évolution du risque de gel de printemps en Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

Publication de la Chaire UNESCO "Culture et Traditions du Vin" de l'Université de Bourgogne et du Centre Georges Chevrier UMR CNRS/uB 7366.; National audience

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Le changement climatique et son impact sur la culture du pois. Emission WebTV Agrosup canal Eduter sur la polyculture-élevage, organisée dans le cadre des projets PSDR Prosys et POEETE. Des experts parlent des "Protéines végétales pour l'homme et l'élevage". 1er avril 2021

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Les défis de l'adaptation au changement climatique pour la culture de pois

International audience

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ILS3 highlighted nice results and challenging opportunities for innovative research on grain legume. Legume Perspective

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Aide à la sélection : modèles de culture Azodyn et Florsys

National audience

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Evolution rétrospective du risque gélif hivernal en climat tempéré suite au réchauffement climatique

Prod 2019-139 BAP POLE EA GEAPSI INRA AGROSUP; National audience; Les modalités du réchauffement climatique sur l’Europe de l’ouest montrent pour les températures une rupture nette en 1987/1988. Deux régimes distincts de température ont eu cours de part et d’autre de cette rupture. Cela offre une opportunité pour évaluer un impact du réchauffement en Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Peu de travaux documentent néanmoins les conséquences du réchauffement hivernal sur la végétation en général et les cultures en particulier. Pourtant, ces dernières années, des travaux suggèrent une augmentation du risque gélif présentée comme un effet paradoxal du réchauffement climatique. En combinant, sur la période …

research product

Évolution rétrospective du risque gélif hivernal en climat tempéré suite eu réchauffement climatique.

10 pages; National audience

research product

Digital tools for a biomass prediction from a plant-growth model. Application to a weed control in wheat crop

International audience; Weed control is essential for crop quality and yield. Usually, the main factors affectingdecision-making of farmers in weeding are based on the presence of certain weedvarieties and their density (plants/m2). However, the weed management at the scale ofthe crop cycle refers to other competition indicators, more reliable, such as plantbiomass or leaf area index (LAI). Classically, plant biomass measurements are obtainedby a destructive method of sampling, time consuming and it turns out to be unworkablein practice for farmers. This project proposes to study an innovative method of biomassevaluation which is based on the acquisition of plot images to determine the leaf…

research product

Analyse spatiale de l’évolution du risque de gel sur la vigne en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

The warming undergone by the global climate does not necessarily entail a decrease in frost risk in agriculture/viticulture. Since both plant and climate are likely to evolve under changing environmental conditions, plant vulnerability and the meteorological phenomenon (frost) should be considered jointly when assessing the evolution of frost risk. This study aims at documenting the spatial and temporal frost risk changes in the winegrowing subregions of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. The period between budburst and the last spring frost occurrence date has been considered as the most vulnerable for grapevines. We considered a plant as being stressed by a frost event when the temperature drops be…

research product

Le réchauffement climatique diminue-t-il le risque de dégâts par le gel pour les cultures de climat tempéré ?

Does global warming reduce the freezing injury risk to temperate climate crops? Winter crop response to a temperature increase is complex. Recent works point out, for cold climate vegetation, a paradoxical increase in freezing injury in a warming climate. Complementary works are needed to support these results for winter crops in temperate areas. To achieve this goal, five climatic records spanning a fifty years-long period for both daily minimum and maximum temperatures were analyzed with a model predicting frost hardiness and freezing damage for the winter pea crop. The methodological approach was based on three main steps: 1) the climate warming analysis of the 1987/1988 temperature shif…

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