G. Bongiovì
Systems engineering activities supporting the heating & current drive and fuelling lines systems integration in the European DEMO breeding blanket
This paper describes the contribution given by the application of the systems engineering approach to the European DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) integration studies, focussing on the integration of Heating & Current Drive (H&CD) and Fuelling Lines (FL) systems. In particular, attention has been paid to the BB-H&CD and BB-FL interfaces identification, definition and capture of the proper interface requirements necessary to drive the integration process and, as a consequence, supply a feedback for the reciprocal design of the interconnected systems. The defined interfaces are synthetically described in the paper and the results of the interface requirements capture process are shown,…
Thermo-mechanical analysis of irradiation swelling and design optimization of the IFMIF target assembly with bayonet backplate
Abstract The availability of a high flux neutron source for testing candidate materials under irradiation conditions, which will be typically encountered in future fusion power reactors (ITER, DEMO, FPR), is a fundamental step towards the development of fusion energy. To this purpose, the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) represents the reference option to provide the fusion community with a DEMO-relevant neutron source capable of irradiating samples at a damage rate of up to 20 dpa/fpy (in steel) in a volume of 0.5 l. In the framework of the engineering design activities of IFMIF, ENEA is committed in the design of the lithium target assembly (TA) with removable (…
Study of the thermo-mechanical performances of the IFMIF-EVEDA Lithium Test Loop target assembly
Abstract Within the framework of the IFMIF R&D program and in close cooperation with ENEA-Brasimone, at the Department of Energy of the University of Palermo a research campaign has been launched to investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior of the target assembly under both steady state and start-up transient conditions. A theoretical approach based on the finite element method (FEM) has been followed and a well-known commercial code has been adopted. A realistic 3D FEM model of the target assembly has been set-up and optimized by running a mesh independency analysis. A proper set of loads and boundary conditions, mainly concerned with radiation heat transfer between the target assembly ex…
Optimization of the breeder zone cooling tubes of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket
Abstract The determination of an optimal configuration for the breeder zone (BZ) cooling tubes is one of the most important issues in the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) breeding blanket R&D activities, since BZ cooling tubes spatial distribution should ensure an efficient heat power removal from the breeder, avoiding hotspots occurrence in the thermal field. Within the framework of R&D activities supported by the HORIZON 2020 EUROfusion Consortium action on the DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design, a campaign of parametric analyses has been launched at the Department of Energy, Information Engineering and Mathematical Models of the University of Palermo (DEIM), in close cooperation with…
Start-up and shutdown thermomechanical transient analyses of the IFMIF European lithium target system
In the framework of the current IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (IFMIF/EVEDA) phase, ENEA is responsible for the design of the European concept of the IFMIF lithium target system which foresees the possibility to periodically replace only the most irradiated and thus critical component (i.e., the backplate) while continuing to operate the rest of the target for a longer period (bayonet backplate concept). With the objective of evaluating the performances of the system in terms of temperature, stress and displacement fields evolution during start-up and shutdown phases, an uncoupled thermomechanical transient analysis has been performed in close collaboration w…
Structural assessment of the EU-DEMO WCLL Central Outboard Blanket segment under normal and off-normal operating conditions
Abstract Within the framework of the EUROfusion design activities concerning the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) system, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo with the aim of investigating the structural behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Central Outboard Blanket (COB) segment. The assessment has been performed considering three different loading scenarios: the Normal Operation (NO), the Over-Pressurization (OP) and the Upward Vertical Displacement Event (VDE-up). In particular, NO scenario represents the loading case referring to the nominal operating conditions, whereas the OP scenario refers to the loading conditions due to an in-box LOCA…
On the thermo-mechanical behaviour of DEMO water-cooled lithium lead equatorial outboard blanket module
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activities an intense research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA Brasimone, in order to investigate the thermo-mechanical performances of the DEMO water-cooled lithium lead breeding blanket (WCLL). In particular, attention has been paid to the most recent geometric configuration of the DEMO WCLL outboard equatorial module, as designed by WCLL project team during 2015, endowed with an attachment system based on the use of radial pins, purposely outlined to connect the module back-plate to its back-supporting structure, that have been properly considered to simulate more realistically the …
Determination of a pre-heating sequence for the DONES Target Assembly
Abstract Within the activities promoted by the EUROfusion consortium in support of the design and construction of the DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (DONES), a mock-up of its Target Assembly (TA), based on the configuration with a “bayonet” Back-Plate (BP) and available at ENEA Brasimone labs, is being adopted for the execution of experimental activities aiming at the validation of specific aspects of the target design. Despite the “integral”-TA concept is the current reference, experimental tests concerning the TA pre-heating phase are not significantly affected by the TA concept and are still representative even though conducted on the bayonet-TA concept. Indeed, the main objective of the p…
On the thermomechanical behavior of the European target assembly design of IFMIF-EVEDA lithium test loop under start-up transient scenarios
Uncoupled thermomechanical transient analyses have been carried out to investigate the behavior of IFMIF-EVEDA lithium test loop bayonet backplate target assembly under two selected start-up transient operational scenarios. The first transient scenario considered foresees that the target assembly, starting from the initial uniform temperature of 50 C, is heated up uniquely by convective heat transfer with lithium, flowing from inlet to outlet nozzle at its reference nominal temperature and pressure, until its nominal steady state thermal field distribution is reached. The second transient scenario foresees, more realistically, that the target assembly, starting from the uniform temperature …
Preliminary structural assessment of the HELIAS 5-B breeding blanket
Abstract The European Roadmap to the realisation of fusion energy, carried out by the EUROfusion consortium, considers the stellarator concept as a possible long-term alternative to a tokamak fusion power plant. To this purpose a pivotal issue is the design of a HELIcal-axis Advanced Stellarator (HELIAS) machine equipped with a tritium Breeding Blanket (BB), considering the achievements and the design experience acquired in the pre-conceptual design phase of the tokamak DEMO BB. Therefore, within the framework of EUROfusion Work Package S2 R&D activity, a research campaign has been launched at KIT. The scope of the research has been the determination of a preliminary BB segmentation scheme …
Status of the EU DEMO HCLL breeding blanket design development
International audience; In the framework of the European “HORIZON 2020” innovation and research programme, the EUROfusion Consortium develops a design of a fusion power demonstrator (DEMO). One of the key components in the fusion reactor is the Breeding Blanket (BB) surrounding the plasma, ensuring tritium self-sufficiency, heat removal for conversion into electricity, and neutron shielding. CEA-Saclay, with the support of Wigner-RCP and Centrum výzkumu Řež, is in charge of the development of one of the four BB concepts investigated in Europe for DEMO: the Helium Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL) BB. The rationales of the HCLL are the use of Eurofer as structural material, eutectic liquid lithium-…
On the optimization of the first wall of the DEMO water-cooled lithium lead outboard breeding blanket equatorial module
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activities a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo in order to investigate the thermo-mechanical performances of the DEMO water-cooled lithium lead (WCLL) breeding blanket first wall (FW). The research campaign has been mainly focused on the optimization of the FW geometric configuration in order to maximize the heat flux it may safely withstand fulfilling all the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical requirements foreseen by safety codes. Attention has been focused on the FW flat concept endowed with square cooling channels and the potential influence of its four main geometrical parameters on its thermo-mechanical p…
Numerical thermo-mechanical analysis of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket conceptual design
Assessment of the Thermo-mechanical Performances of a DEMO Water-Cooled Liquid Metal Blanket Module
Within the framework of DEMO R&D activities, a research cooperation has been launched between ENEA-Brasimone, CEA-Saclay and the University of Palermo to investigate the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the outboard equatorial module of the DEMO1 Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) blanket, both under normal operation and over-pressurization steady state scenarios. The research campaign has been carried out following a theoretical-computational approach based on the finite element method (FEM) and adopting a qualified commercial FEM code. In particular, two different three-dimensional FEM models of the WCLL blanket module have been set-up to be used for normal operation and over-pressurization a…
Numerical assessment of the thermomechanical behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead inboard blanket equatorial module
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activity, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs, in order to assess the thermo-mechanical performances of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) inboard blanket equatorial module, whether properly integrated within its whole inboard segment. In particular, a detailed 3D model of this segment, including all the other modules, the back-supporting structure and the attachment system, has been considered in order to realistically simulate the boundary conditions affecting the equatorial module behaviour. The study has been focused on the investigation of the module thermo-mech…
Multi-Module vs. Single-Module concept: Comparison of thermomechanical performances for the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activity an intense research campaign has been performed at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs and KIT, in order to compare the thermomechanical performances of the Back Supporting Structure (BSS) of Multi-Module and Single-Module concepts of DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket (WCLL). To this purpose, detailed 3D models of the DEMO WCLL right inboard and central outboard segments, including detailed BSS and simplified First Wall and structures according to the two concepts, have been set-up. The study has been performed considering the Normal Operation and Central Major Disruption steady state loading s…
Structural assessment of a whole toroidal sector of the HELIAS 5-B breeding blanket
Abstract The European roadmap for the realization of fusion energy considers the stellarator line as a possible long-term alternative to a tokamak DEMO. In this context, from the plasma physics standpoint, the most promising option is a five-field period power plant called HELIcal-axis Advanced Stellarator (HELIAS) 5-B. In order to allow the electricity production, the HELIAS 5-B reactor must be endowed with a breeding blanket (BB). Hence, in this paper, the advancements in the HELIAS 5-B BB design are reported. In particular, the structural assessment of a whole BB period, extending along toroidal direction for 72 °, is depicted. A geometric configuration encompassing dummy BB segments has…
On the numerical assessment of the thermo-mechanical performances of the DEMO Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed breeding blanket module
Within the framework of the European DEMO Breeder Blanket Programme, a research campaign has been launched by University of Palermo, ENEA-Brasimone and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to theoretically investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior of the Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) breeding blanket module of the DEMO1 blanket vertical segment, under normal operation and over-pressurization loading scenarios. The research campaign has been carried out following a theoretical-computational approach based on the finite element method (FEM) and adopting a qualified commercial FEM code. A realistic 3D FEM model of the HCPB blanket module central poloidal-radial region has been developed, inclu…
Systems Engineering approach in support to the breeding blanket design
Abstract Nowadays the Systems Engineering (SE) methodology is applied in several fields of engineering and it represents a powerful interdisciplinary means to enable the realisation of complex systems taking into account the customer and Stakeholder´s needs. Also in the fusion community, this theme is becoming increasingly pressing and the implementation of the SE approach, from the early stage of design, is now a must. Indeed, within the framework of EUROfusion activities, SE method has been selected for capturing the system and interface requirements and for their management and verification with particular focus to the Breeding Blanket (BB) System of the European Demonstration Fusion Pow…
Engineering design and steady state thermomechanical analysis of the IFMIF European lithium target system
In the framework of the current IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (IFMIF/EVEDA) phase, ENEA is responsible for the design of the European concept of the IFMIF lithium target system which foresees the possibility to periodically replace only the most irradiated and thus critical component (i.e., the backplate) while continuing to operate the rest of the target for a longer period (bayonet backplate concept). In this work, the results of the steady state thermomechanical analysis of the IFMIF EU target assembly are briefly reported highlighting the relevant indications obtained with respect to the fulfillment of the design requirements. © 2013 IEEE.
Thermomechanical analysis supporting the preliminary engineering design of DONES target assembly
Abstract The design of the Demo Oriented NEutron Source (DONES) is the main objective of the Work Package Early Neutron Source (WPENS) of EUROfusion Power Plant Physics and Technology (PPPT) programme. DONES is an IFMIF-based neutron source with the goal of testing and qualifying candidate materials to be used in DEMO and future fusion power plants. In the framework of these activities, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs, in order to assess the thermomechanical performances of the DONES target system, endowed with an integrated Target Assembly (TA) when it undergoes the thermomechanical loads typical of its nominal oper…
Advancements in DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design and integration
Summary The water-cooled lithium–lead breeding blanket is a candidate option for the European Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) nuclear fusion reactor. This breeding blanket concept relies on the liquid lithium–lead as breeder–multiplier, pressurized water as coolant, and EUROFER as structural material. The current design is based on DEMO 2015 specifications and represents the follow-up of the design developed in 2015. The single-module-segment approach is employed. This is constituted by a basic geometry repeated along the poloidal direction. The power is removed by means of radial–toroidal (i.e., horizontal) water cooling tubes in the breeding zone. The lithium–lead flows in a radial–poloi…
Preliminary design of the top cap of DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket segments
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activity, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs, in order to preliminary design the top cap foreseen for the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) breeding blanket segments. Due to the high heat and pressure loads acting on such component, its design results particularly demanding and a specific multi-physics approach is needed, covering several aspects from thermal-hydraulics to structural assessments. Preliminary detailed CAD model of the cap integrated into the upper region of the WCLL breeding blanket outboard central segment has been set-up, equipped with proper cooling …
Analysis of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket module under normal operation steady state conditions
Within the framework of DEMO R&D activities, a research cooperation has been launched between ENEA, the University of Palermo and CEA to investigate the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the outboard equatorial module of the DEMO1 Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) blanket under normal operation steady state scenario. The research campaign has been carried out following a theoretical-computational approach based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and adopting a qualified commercial FEM code. In particular, two different 3D FEM models (Model 1 and Model 2), reproducing respectively the central and the lateral poloidal-radial slices of the WCLL blanket module, have been set up. A particular attent…
WCLL breeding blanket design and integration for DEMO 2015: status and perspectives
Abstract Water-cooled lithium-lead breeding blanket is considered a candidate option for European DEMO nuclear fusion reactor. ENEA and the linked third parties have proposed and are developing a multi-module blanket segment concept based on DEMO 2015 specifications. The layout of the module is based on horizontal (i.e. radial-toroidal) water-cooling tubes in the breeding zone, and on lithium lead flowing in radial-poloidal direction. This design choice is driven by the rationale to have a modular design, where a basic geometry is repeated along the poloidal direction. The modules are connected with a back supporting structure, designed to withstand thermal and mechanical loads due to norma…
Structural analysis of the back supporting structure of the DEMO WCLL outboard blanket
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activities an intense research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA Brasimone, in order to investigate the thermo-mechanical performances of the outboard segment Back-Supporting Structure (BSS) of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket (WCLL). In particular, the configuration of the outboard segment BSS, purposely set-up by the WCLL project team during 2015 according to the blanket “multi-module system” concept, has been taken into account in order to study its steady state thermo-mechanical behaviour, paying attention to the simulation of both modules-BSS and BSS-vacuum vessel…
Advancements in DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design and integration
The water-cooled lithium-lead breeding blanket is a candidate option for the European Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) nuclear fusion reactor. This breeding blanket concept relies on the liquid lithium-lead as breeder-multiplier, pressurized water as coolant, and EUROFER as structural material. The current design is based on DEMO 2015 specifications and represents the follow-up of the design developed in 2015. The single-module-segment approach is employed. This is constituted by a basic geometry repeated along the poloidal direction. The power is removed by means of radial-toroidal (i.e., horizontal) water cooling tubes in the breeding zone. The lithium-lead flows in a radial-poloidal dire…
Analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of the IFMIF bayonet target assembly under design loading scenarios
In the framework of the IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (IFMIF/EVEDA) phase, ENEA is responsible for the design of the European concept of the IFMIF lithium target system which foresees the possibility to periodically replace only the most irradiated and thus critical component (i.e., the backplate) while continuing to operate the rest of the target for a longer period (the so-called bayonet backplate concept). In this work, the results of the steady state thermomechanical analysis of the IFMIF bayonet target assembly under two different design loading scenarios (a "hot" scenario and a "cold" scenario) are briefly reported highlighting the relevant indications…
Recent Progress in the WCLL Breeding Blanket Design for the DEMO Fusion Reactor
The water-cooled lithium-lead (PbLi) breeding blanket is one of the candidate systems considered for the implementation in the European Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) nuclear fusion reactor. This concept employs PbLi liquid metal as tritium breeder and neutron multiplier, water pressurized at 15.5 MPa as the coolant, and EUROFER as the structural material. The current design is based on the single module segment approach and follows the requirements of the DEMO-2015 baseline design. The module is constituted by a basic toroidal-radial cell that is recursively repeated along the poloidal direction where the liquid metal flows along a radial-poloidal path. The heat generated by the fusion r…
On the effect of stiffening plates configuration on the DEMO Water Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket module thermo-mechanical behaviour
Abstract Within the framework of the pre-conceptual design of the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) supported by EUROfusion action, results of the research activities carried out in the last years have highlighted that changes in the proposed Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB design have to be considered, especially as to the liquid breeder circulation path within the BB module. Therefore, in view of the definition of a final WCLL BB module layout, a parametric campaign of numerical analyses has been carried out at the University of Palermo in order to assess the impact of different SPs configurations on the module thermo-mechanical performances. To this purpose, attention has been focussed o…
On the thermal and thermomechanical assessment of the “Optimized Conservative” helium-cooled lithium lead breeding blanket concept for DEMO
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activities a research campaign has been performed at CEA-Saclay, in close collaboration with the University of Palermo, in order to investigate thermal and thermomechanical performances of the “Optimized Conservative” concept of DEMO Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket (HCLL). Attention has been paid to the HCLL outboard equatorial module (OEM) when subjected to the steady state nominal loading scenario. To this purpose three simplified 3D models, characterized by an increasing level of detail, have been set-up taking into account, firstly, a single radial-toroidal slice, then a basic module geometric unity composed by two adjacent sli…