José-guillermo Esteban
A population-based coprological study of human fascioliasis in a hyperendemic area of the Bolivian Altiplano
The community of Chijipata Alta, at an altitude of 3850 m, near the southern coast of Lake Titicaca in the Northern Altiplano of Bolivia, was surveyed for human fascioliasis. The global prevalence (66.7 %) and intensity (eggs per gram of faeces - epg: range: 24-4440; arithmetic mean: IooI; geometric mean: 390) proved to be the highest known in the world by means of coprological techniques. These results suggest the existence of highly hyperendemic subzones among the large human fascioliasis-endemic zone of the Bolivian Northern Altiplano. Despite the decrease in prevalence and intensity from children (75.0%, 24-4440 epg) to adults (41.7%, 144-864 epg), our findings show that in an hyperende…
The influence of adult worm age and definitive host on the transmission of Echinostoma caproni: egg hatchability and miracidial infectivity.
AbstractWe analysed the influence of different ages of Echinostoma caproni adult worms reared in different definitive host-species on egg hatchability and miracidial infectivity. Eggs obtained from 2-, 4- and 6-week-old adult worms collected from rats, hamsters and mice, hatched miracidia that were used to infect laboratory-reared specimens of Biomphalaria glabrata. Highest egg hatchability was obtained with eggs derived from hamsters and mice. Egg hatchability did not seem to be affected by the age of E. caproni adult worms. Miracidial infectivity was not affected by the definitive host species. However, miracidial infectivity was affected by the age of adult worms when they developed in t…
Analysis of climatic data and forecast indices for human fascioliasis at very high altitude
Human infection with Fasciola hepatica has recently been recognized as an important health problem worldwide, and particularly at very high altitudes in South America. The highest prevalences and intensities of human fascioliasis known are those of the northern Bolivian Altiplano, where infected Lymnaea truncatula occur at altitudes of 3800-4100 m. In the present study, the climatic data for this area of the Altiplano, which differ markedly from those of endemic areas in the lowlands, were analysed. There is no marked seasonality in temperature but there are large variations in temperature within a daily, 24-h period. Rainfall is seasonal, with a long dry season, coinciding with the lowest …
Misidentification ofDiphyllobothriumSpecies Related to Global Fish Trade, Europe
To the Editor: Diphyllobothriosis, infection by tapeworms of the genus Diphyllobothrium (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) (1), is a well-known disease of humans. In Europe, infections caused by 3 species of Diphyllobothrium have recently been reported in humans: D. latum is considered to be the principal species infecting persons in Europe (1); 4 cases of D. dendriticum infection and 6 cases of D. nihonkaiense infection have also been reported (2,3). Except for those caused by D. latum, which is autochthonous in northeastern Europe and subalpine lakes, most of the cases in Europe have been imported or caused by consumption of fish imported from areas to which the parasites are endemic (1,3,4). …
An experimental study of the reproductive success of Echinostoma friedi (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) in the golden hamster
Viable eggs produced weekly per infective stage was used as a measure of the reproductive success of Echinostoma friedi during the first 12 weeks of infection in hamsters. The weekly reproductive success was not constant during the experiment in relation to the egg output and the proportion of viable eggs produced. The egg release started during week 2 post-inoculation, attaining a maximum during week 3. A decline in egg output was observed from week 9. Viable eggs were only produced from week 3 post-inoculation and a maximum was attained at week 4 of the experiment. A decline in egg viability was observed from week 9. Considering together the egg output and the egg viability, the maximum w…
Kinetics of antibodies and antigens in serum of mice experimentally infected with echinostoma caproni (trematoda: echinostomatidae)
The present study reports on the kinetics of antibodies and antigens in serum of mice experimentally infected with 75 metacercariae of Echinostoma caproni during the first 12 wk postinfection (wpi). Antibody titers in the serum of mice were determined by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of E. caproni. The early detection of antibodies against ES antigens of E. caproni is feasible using indirect ELISA. Mice developed significant antibody responses at 2 wpi, and the values progressively increased until the end of the experiment. This may be related to the intestinal absorption of adult worm antigens that induces humoral responses. T…
Survival and infectivity of Hypoderaeum conoideum and Euparyphium albuferensis cercariae under laboratory conditions.
The survival characteristics of the cercariae of Hypoderaeumconoideum and Euparyphiumalbuferensis (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) at 20°C and 30°C are described, and the age dependency of their infectivity at 20°C is studied to determine their respective transmission efficiencies. Cercarial survival was found to be age-dependent and was higher at 20°C. For both cercariae, the maximum life-span was 26 h at 20°C and 16 h at 30°C, and their respective times to 50% mortality were similar at each temperature. Both cercariae seem to be well adapted to transmission in their natural habitat, though cercarial infectivity of H. conoideum was higher than that of E. albuferensis, this being correlated wi…
Molecular cloning and characterization ofEchinostoma caproniheat shock protein-70 and differential expression in the parasite derived from low- and high-compatible hosts
SUMMARYWe cloned and expressedEchinostoma caproniHSP70 inEscherichia coli. This molecule presents an open reading frame (ORF) of 655 amino acids, and a theoretical molecular weight of 71 kDa.E. caproniHSP70 protein showed a high homology to other helminth molecules, major differences being located in the C-terminal region of the molecule, with a hydrophobic portion. Studies of protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) expression revealed a distinct pattern, depending on the host (low- or high-compatible). Specific polyclonal antisera raised against the recombinant protein expressed inEscherichia colidemonstrated its selective presence in excretory/secretory products (ESP) of adult parasites obtained…
Strongyloidiasis with Emphasis on Human Infections and Its Different Clinical Forms
Strongyloidiasis (caused by Strongyloides stercoralis, and to a lesser extent by Strongyloides fuelleborni) is one of the most neglected tropical diseases with endemic areas and affecting more than 100 million people worldwide. Chronic infections in endemic areas can be maintained for decades through the autoinfective cycle with the L3 filariform larvae. In these endemic areas, misdiagnosis, inadequate treatment and the facilitation of the hyperinfection syndrome by immunosuppression are frequent and contribute to a high mortality rate. Despite the serious health impact of strongyloidiasis, it is a neglected disease and very little is known about this parasite and the disease when compared …
Soil-transmitted helminth infections at very high altitude in Bolivia
A cross-sectional study of soil-transmitted helminthiases in the Northern Bolivian Altiplano was carried out over the 6-year period 1992-97. Prevalences, intensities and associations were analysed from coprological results obtained in 31 surveys (28 in schools and 3 in individuals of all age-groups) performed in 24 Aymara communities located between the city of La Paz and Lake Titicaca, at an altitude of 3800-4200 m. Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura were detected, with local prevalences in the range 1.2-28.0% and 0.0-24.0%, respectively. Significant differences in prevalence rates of trichuriasis were detected, with highest prevalences in male schoolchildren and in subjects aged…
Sympatric and allopatric experimental infections of the planorbid snail Gyraulus chinensis with miracidia of Euparyphium albuferensis (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae).
AbstractAn experimental infection with echinostomatid miracidia in sympatric or ‘local’ vs. allopatric or ‘away’ snail combinations, as a model to examine parasite compatibility, was carried out. We employedEuparyphium albuferensismiracidia to infectGyraulus chinensissnails, from three different natural parks: Albufera (Valencia, Spain); the Ebro Delta (Tarragona, Spain) and Coto de Doñana (Huelva, Spain). Insignificant differences between the three snail strains were noted for the infection rate and the rhythm of daily cercarial production. However, a significantly higher total cercarial production per snail, patent period and life span were observed in local snails. The different infectio…
Miracidial infectivity of Hypoderaeum conoideum (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae): differential susceptibility of two lymnaeid species.
A study was made of the infectivity of Hypoderaeum conoideum miracidia to a range of laboratory-reared specimens of freshwater snail species (Lymnaea peregra, L. corvus, Physella acuta, and Gyraulus chinensis) that coexist with the parasite in the same natural habitat. L. peregra and L. corvus were found to be equally susceptible to the parasite when specimens of each snail species were singly exposed to miracidia. However, when miracidia could choose either lymnaeid species, they showed a high degree of specificity toward L. peregra. The results obtained suggest that H. conoideum miracidia are capable of distinguishing among these lymnaeids in their orientation to the host. This indicates …
Immunology and Pathology of Intestinal Trematodes in Their Definitive Hosts
This review examines the significant literature on the immunology and pathology of intestinal trematodes in their definitive hosts. We emphasize information on selected species in six families for which the literature on these topics is extensive. The families are Brachylaimidae, Diplostomidae, Echinostomatidae, Gymnophallidae, Heterophyidae, and Paramphistomidae. For most of these families, coverage is considered under the following headings: (i) background; (ii) pathology of the infection; (iii) immunology of the infection; (iv) immunodiagnosis; and (v) human infection. Some of these heading have been subdivided further, based on the literature available on a particular topic. Following t…
Production and chronobiology of emergence of the cercariae of Euparyphium albuferensis (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae).
The production and the chronobiology of emergence of the cercariae of Euparyphium albuferensis from Gyraulus chinensis experimentally infected with a single miracidium were established during 28 consecutive days from the first day of cercarial shedding. Moreover, the effect of a sudden change in light-dark cycling was investigated. Although the daily cercarial shedding rates show great variability, a progressive increase in cercarial production was observed in the first weeks of the cercarial shedding periods, probably in relation to the demography of intramollusean larval stages. Under 12:12 light-dark cycling condition;, it, albuferensis cercariae emerged in the light, and the rhythm was …
Larval trematode infections in freshwater gastropods from the Albufera Natural Park in Spain
AbstractMalacological samplings were made from January 1994 to December 1996 in the Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain) to trace the dynamics of molluscan populations and the prevalence and intensity of infection by larval trematodes. A total of 10,533 freshwater gastropods belonging to seven species (Lymnaea auricularia, L. truncatula, L. palustris, L. peregra, Bithynia tentaculata, Physa acuta and Gyraulus chinensis) was examined, and 110 (1.04%) were found to harbour some of the nine distinguishable types of cercariae, namely four echinostome cercariae (Hypoderaeum conoideum, Echinoparyphium recurvatum, Euparyphium albuferensis, and Echinostoma sp.), four furcocercous cercariae, and …
Soil-transmitted Helminth Infections in Schoolchildren of Laguna de Perlas (Nicaragua).
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) prevalence, intensity, polyparasitism and co-infections in 425 children from 3 schools of Laguna de Perlas (Nicaragua) were investigated. Single stool samples were analysed by the formalin-ether method and the Kato-Katz. A total of 402 (94.6%) children were infected. Trichuris trichiura 308 (72.4%), Ascaris lumbricoides 115 (27.1%) and Hookworms 54 (12.7%) were the most prevalent STHs. Polyparasitism (322; 75.8%) with two species was most prevalent (109; 25.6%). T. trichiura with A. lumbricoides (19.3%) and T. trichiura with Hookworm (6.8%) were the most common combinations. Positive associations were observed between T. trichiura and A. lumbricoides and T. t…
High Cryptosporidium prevalences in healthy Aymara children from the northern Bolivian Altiplano.
The prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection was determined in four Aymara communities in the Bolivian Altiplano, between the city of La Paz and Lake Titicaca, at an altitude of 3,800-4,200 meters. Single stool specimens were randomly collected from 377 5-19-year-old students, all apparently asymptomatic. The total prevalence (31.6%) is possibly the highest reported among healthy humans (a maximum of 9.8% and 2.0% in coprologic surveys in underdeveloped and developed countries, respectively) and one of the highest even in symptomatic subjects. No significant age and sex differences were observed. Such an infection prevalence is probably related to the poor sanitation conditions, contaminated…
Balantidiasis in Aymara children from the northern Bolivian Altiplano.
Balantidium coli infection was coprologically studied in 2,124 Aymara children 5-19 years of age from the schools of 22 communities of the northern Bolivian Altiplano over a five-year period. Infection with B. coli was found in 11 of the communities surveyed, with prevalences of 1.0-5.3% (overall prevalence=1.2%). The prevalences observed are some of the highest reported and did not differ significantly among the various age groups or between boys and girls. These prevalences, the apparent absence of symptoms or signs of illness due to this parasite in the schoolchildren surveyed at the time of stool sampling, and the consistency of stool samples of the infected students suggest that they a…
Enteroparasites in Preschool Children on the Pacific Region of Nicaragua
The aim of this study was to determine for the first time the prevalence of enteroparasites in preschool children originating from the seven departments of the Pacific region in Nicaragua. One stool sample of each of 1,217 children, from 6 months to 5 years of age, was collected and personal data were recorded on delivery of the container. Samples fixed in 10% formalin were processed by a formol-acetate concentration and a modified Ziehl–Neelsen technique. The overall prevalence of enteroparasite infections was 68.2% with a total of at least 20 species. Blastocystis hominis (45.5%), Giardia intestinalis (31.7%), Trichuris trichiura (8.2%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (5.2%) were the most preva…
Analysis of the tegument of Zygocotyle lunata (Trematoda: Paramphistomidae) adults by scanning electron microscopy.
Paramphistomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by various species of the Paramphistomidae. These species mainly affect domestic and wild ruminants; the economic impact of these diseases is often underestimated. Traditionally, the identification of paramphistomes has been difficult and has been based on morphological aspects such as the body shape, the position of the esophagus and cecae, or the tegumental papillae. Despite the many investigations regarding the tegumental papillae for other paramphistomes, very few efforts have been made using Zygocotyle lunata, partly because many authors differ with respect to the importance of papillae in the classification of paramphistomids. Herein, we…
Hyperendemic fascioliasis associated with schistosomiasis in villages in the Nile Delta of Egypt.
Coprologic surveys were carried out in villages of the Behera Governorate in the Nile Delta region of Egypt to characterize the epidemiologic features of human fascioliasis caused by Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica in this lowland endemic area by comparison with fascioliasis caused by only F. hepatica in areas hyperendemic for human disease in the Andean highlands of South America. The fascioliasis prevalences detected (range = 5.2-19.0%, mean = 12.8%) are the highest obtained in Egypt. The comparison with previous results suggests that in the Nile Delta, fascioliasis is spreading from an original situation of sporadic human cases in well-known endemic foci for animal disease to an endem…
The genus Scaphiostomum Braun, 1901 (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae): A systematic review and description of Scaphiostomum palaearcticum n. sp.
A systematic review of the genus Scaphiostomum Braun, 1901 (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) is presented. Its diagnosis is emended and its position within the subfamily Brachylaiminae Joyeux & Foley, 1930 is established. The subfamily Scaphiostominae Yamaguti, 1958 is considered a synonym of the Brachy-laiminae. Scaphiostomum comprises the following species: S. illatabile Braun, 1901 (type species) from birds in South America, S. pancreaticum McIntosh, 1934 and S. microti (Kruidenier & Gallicchio, 1959) n. comb., both from rodents in North America, and S. palaearcticum n. sp. from rodents in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Scaphiostomum sp. of Lim, 1967 from rodents in Malaysia probably constitute…
Redescription ofPhysaloptera brevivaginata Seurat, 1917 (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) from the batMyotis blythii (Tomes) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Spain
Physaloptera brevivaginata Seurat, 1917 (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) is redescribed. Seurat's (1917) original description of this species was based on a single immature female. Detailed morphological study of several males, mature and, above all, immature females from the stomach of the lesser mouse-eared batMyotis blythii (Tomes) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Spain, has elucidated many new morphological characters. This physalopterid species is distinguished from other closely-related species by the lengths of the body and spicules, the equatorial position of the vulva, the morphology of the female reproductive system and by a small conical process on the tail of mature females.M. blyth…
Th17 responses in Echinostoma caproni infections in hosts of high and low compatibility.
In order to investigate the factors determining the expulsion of intestinal helminths, we have analyzed the in vivo expression of IL-17, TGF-β and IL-23 in several tissues of two host species displaying different compatibility with Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda). We did not observe upregulation of these cytokines in any of the tissues of the high compatible host (mice). In contrast, the responses in the host of low compatibility (rats) with the parasite were markedly different. Significant increases in the expression of IL-17 and TGF-β were observed in the Peyer's patches and the intestine from the 2 to 8 weeks post-infection. The expression of IL-23 was upregulated from 2 to 4 weeks post-…
Interactions related to non-host snails in the host-finding process of Euparyphium albuferensis and Echinostoma friedi (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) miracidia.
In order to determine whether the miracidia of Euparyphium albuferensis and Echinostoma friedi are sensitive to their host snail (HS) and capable of discriminating between HS and non-host snails (NHS), or whether these NHS can interfere and thus reduce the infection rates (decoy effect), a total of three experiments were conducted with HS, NHS and snail-conditioned water (SCW). Gyraulus chinensis is the HS for E. albuferensis miracidia, while Physa acuta, Radix peregra and Lymnaea fuscus are considered NHS. For E. friedi miracidia R. peregra, G. chinensis and L. fuscus are the HS, while P. acuta is the NHS. The NHS R. peregra produces the greatest decoy effect on Euparyphium albuferensis mi…
Proteomic analysis of Strongyloides stercoralis L3 larvae
SUMMARYStrongyloidiasis can be perpetuated by autoinfection with the filariform larvae L3, causing asymptomatic chronic infections and creating a population of carriers, affecting not only developing countries. So far, very little is known about the proteins that interact with the human host, and few proteins from the infective Strongyloides stercoralis L3 have been characterized. Here, we report results obtained from a proteomic analysis of the proteins from S. stercoralis L3 larvae obtained from patients. Since the genome of S. stercoralis is not yet available, we used proteomic analysis to identify 26 different proteins, 13 of them released by short digestion with trypsin, which could re…
Effects of Nonschistosome Larval Trematodes on Biomphalaria Snails
This chapter examines the most salient literature on the development of nonschistosome larval digeneans in Biomphalaria spp. (members of the superfamilies Clinostomoidea, Diplostomoidea, Echinostomatoidea, Paramphistomoidea, and Pronocephaloidea). For this purpose, the general biology of the nonschistosome trematode species that use Biomphalaria spp. as intermediate hosts are analyzed. Thereafter, the main features of these parasitic infections are studied with particular emphasis on topics such as the effect of the infections on the snail, the antagonism and/or competition between different digenean species in the snail, the immunology of the infection, and the genomic and proteomic a…
Leucine aminopeptidase is an immunodominant antigen of Fasciola hepatica excretory and secretory products in human infections.
ABSTRACT The liver fluke Fasciola hepatica parasitizes humans and ruminant livestock worldwide, and it is now being considered a reemerging zoonotic disease, especially in areas in which it is endemic, such as South America. This study investigates the immune response to excretory and secretory products produced by F. hepatica in a group of patients from the Peruvian Altiplano, where the disease is highly endemic. Using a proteomic approach and immunoblotting techniques, we have identified the enzymes leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase as immunodominant antigens recognized by sera from fasciolosis patients. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using …
Chapter 3 Recent Advances in the Biology of Echinostomes
This chapter examines the significant literature on the biology of echinostomes. The members of the family Echinostomatidae are medically and veterinary-important parasitic flatworms that invade humans, domestic animals and wildlife and also parasitize in their larval stages numerous invertebrate and cold-blooded vertebrate hosts. All echinostomes possess a complicated lifecycle expressed by: (i) alternation of seven generations known as the adult, egg, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria and metacercaria, and (ii) inclusion of three host categories known as the definitive host and first and second intermediate hosts. Moreover, echinostomes have served as experimental models in parasitol…
Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda): differential in vivo mucin expression and glycosylation in high- and low-compatible hosts.
Enhanced mucus production and release appears to be a common mechanism for the clearance of intestinal helminths, and this expulsion is normally mediated by Th2-type immune responses. To investigate the factors determining the expulsion of intestinal helminths, we have analysed in vivo expression of mucin genes at the site of infection in two host species displaying different compatibility with Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda). Surprisingly, a general down-regulation on mucin mRNA expression was detected in low-compatible hosts (rats) coinciding with the development of Th2/Th17 responses and the early rejection of the worms from the intestinal lumen. This suggests the existence of a mechanis…
Echinostoma friedi: the effect of age of adult worms on the infectivity of miracidia.
AbstractThe effect of ageing of adults ofEchinostoma friedi(Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) on the infectivity of miracidia yielded was analysed. Miracidia were obtained after hatching of eggs obtained from adult worms ofE. friedicollected weekly during the course of experimental infections in golden hamsters. Miracidial infectivity, measured in terms of percentage of infection inLymnaea peregra, was significantly influenced by the age of the adult worms from which the miracidia were derived. Infective miracidia only were obtained from adult worms in the age range from 4 to 9 weeks post-infection. Infectivity was maximal in those miracidia derived from adults collected 8 and 9 weeks post-infec…
The Northern Bolivian Altiplano: a region highly endemic for human fascioliasis.
The worldwide importance of human infection by Fasciola hepatica has been recognized in recent years. The endemic region between Lake Titicaca and the valley of La Paz, Bolivia, at 3800-4100 m altitude, presents the highest prevalences and intensities recorded. Large geographical studies involving Lymnaea truncatula snails (malacological, physico-chemical, and botanic studies of 59, 28 and 30 water bodies, respectively, inhabited by lymnaeids; environmental mean temperature studies covering a 40-year period), livestock (5491 cattle) and human coprological surveys (2723 subjects, 2521 of whom were school children) were conducted during 1991-97 to establish the boundaries and distributional c…
Partial resistance to homologous challenge infections of the digenean Echinostoma caproni in ICR mice
AbstractIn the present paper, we analyse the effect of a primary infection of ICR mice with Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) on the generation of resistance against homologous challenge infections. In ICR mice, E. caproni induces chronic infections concomitantly with strong responses characterized by the development of T-helper 1 (Th1)-type local immune responses with elevated levels of local interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and inflammatory and antibody responses. Here, the effect of the response generated against a primary infection with E. caproni in the generation of resistance against subsequent homologous infections was analysed. For this purpose, ICR mice were challenged wit…
The life cycle and transmission dynamics of the larval stages ofHypoderaeum conoideum
AbstractThe morphology of the different larval stages and life cycle ofHypoderaeum conoideum(Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) are described. The freshwater snail speciesLymnaea peregra(Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) serves as the natural first intermediate host and this andL. corvusserve as experimental first intermediate hosts. These and other freshwater snails, such asPhysella acutaandGyraulus chinensis, in turn serve as second intermediate hosts. Adult worms were obtained from chicks and ducks, but not from rats, mice and golden hamsters. The morphology of the larval stages is compared with previous work onH. conoideum. Several aspects of the biology of the life history stages are described with em…
High endemicity of human fascioliasis between Lake Titicaca and La Paz valley, Bolivia.
Over a 6-year period, an epidemiological study of human infection by Fasciola hepatica in the Northern Bolivian Altiplano was carried out. Prevalences and intensities were analysed from coprological results obtained in 31 surveys performed in 24 localities and proved to be the highest known so far. The global prevalence was 15.4%, with local prevalences ranging from 0% to 68.2%. Significant differences between prevalence rates were detected and the highest prevalences were in subjects aged20 years. However, prevalences showed no gender difference. The global intensity (eggs per gram of faeces, epg) ranged from 24 to 5064 epg and showed arithmetic and geometric means respectively of 446 and …
Worm-like artifacts in exfoliative cytology.
The presence of worms in cytological smears is occasionally reported, although various other structures exist that may be confused with such parasites. We present eight worm-like artifacts observed in routine Papanicolaou smears. Recognition of these structures is important to avoid overvaluation or confusion with true worms. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2006;34:636–639. © 2006 Wiley–Liss, Inc.
Identification of antigenic proteins from Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda) recognized by mouse immunoglobulins M, A and G using an immunoproteomic approach.
Antigenic proteins of Echinostoma caproni (Trematoda) against mouse IgM, IgA, IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a were investigated by immunoproteomics. Excretory/secretory products (ESP) of E. caproni separated by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes and probed with the different mouse immunoglobulin classes. A total of four proteins (enolase, 70 kDa heat-shock protein (HSP-70), actin and aldolase) were accurately identified. Enolase was recognized in eight different spots of which seven of them were detected in the expected molecular weight and were recognized by IgA, IgG or IgG and IgG1. Another spot identified as enolase at 72 kDa was only recognized by …
Presence of very high prevalence and intensity of infection with Fasciola hepatica among Aymara children from the Northern Bolivian Altiplano.
Abstract Coprological studies of school children from four communities in the Northern Bolivian Altiplano were carried out in order to estimate the prevalences and intensities of Fasciola hepatica infection. Single stool specimens were collected at random from 558 school children (308 boys and 250 girls) aged 5–19 years old. Nineteen different parasite species (13 protozoan and six helminths) were detected. Of the children examined, 98.7% (96.5–100%) presented infection with at least one parasite species. The mean prevalence of 27.6% by Fasciola hepatica (range, 5.9–38.2%) was the highest not only with respect to the helminth species found in the Northern Bolivian Altiplano but also among t…