Nerling F
First Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction of Λ→pμ−ν¯μ
The absolute branching fraction of Λ→pμ−ν¯μ is reported for the first time based on an e+e− annihilation sample of 10×109 J/ψ events collected with the BESIII detector at s=3.097 GeV. The branching fraction is determined to be B(Λ→pμ−ν¯μ)=[1.48±0.21(stat)±0.08(syst)]×10−4, which is improved by about 30% in precision over the previous indirect measurements. Combining this result with the world average of B(Λ→pe−ν¯e), we obtain the ratio {[Γ(Λ→pμ−ν¯μ)]/[Γ(Λ→pe−ν¯e)]} to be 0.178±0.028, which agrees with the standard model prediction assuming lepton flavor universality. The asymmetry of the branching fractions of Λ→pμ−ν¯μ and Λ¯→p¯μ+νμ is also determined, and no evidence for CP violation is fo…
Complete Measurement of the Λ Electromagnetic Form Factors.
The exclusive process e+e−→ΛΛ¯, with Λ→pπ− and Λ¯→p¯π+, has been studied at s=2.396 GeV for measurement of the timelike Λ electric and magnetic form factors, GE and GM. A data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 66.9 pb−1, was collected with the BESIII detector for this purpose. A multidimensional analysis with a complete decomposition of the spin structure of the reaction enables a determination of the modulus of the ratio R=|GE/GM| and, for the first time for any baryon, the relative phase ΔΦ=ΦE−ΦM. The resulting values are R=0.96±0.14(stat)±0.02(syst) and ΔΦ=37°±12°(stat)±6°(syst), respectively. These are obtained using the recently established and most precise value of …
Fast photon detection for particle identification with COMPASS RICH-1
Particle identification at high rates is an important challenge for many current and future high-energy physics experiments. The upgrade of the COMPASS RICH-1 detector requires a new technique for Cherenkov photon detection at count rates of several $10^6$ per channel in the central detector region, and a read-out system allowing for trigger rates of up to 100 kHz. To cope with these requirements, the photon detectors in the central region have been replaced with the detection system described in this paper. In the peripheral regions, the existing multi-wire proportional chambers with CsI photocathode are now read out via a new system employing APV pre-amplifiers and flash ADC chips. The ne…