

Complete Measurement of the Λ Electromagnetic Form Factors.

Ablikim MAchasov M NAdlarson PAhmed SAlbrecht MAlekseev MAmoroso AAn F FAn QBai YBakina OBaldini Ferroli RBan YBegzsuren KBennett J VBerger NBertani MBettoni DBianchi FBiernat JBloms JBoyko IBriere R ACai HCai XCalcaterra ACao G FCao NCetin S AChai JChang J FChang W LChelkov GChen D YChen GChen H SChen J CChen M LChen S JChen Y BCheng WCibinetto GCossio FCui X FDai H LDai J PDai X CDbeyssi ADedovich DDeng Z YDenig ADenysenko IDestefanis MDe Mori FDing YDong CDong JDong L YDong M YDou Z LDu S XFan J ZFang JFang S SFang YFarinelli RFava LFeldbauer FFelici GFeng C QFritsch MFu C DFu YGao QGao X LGao YGao YGao Y GGao ZGarillon BGarzia IGersabeck E MGilman AGoetzen KGong LGong W XGradl WGreco MGu L MGu M HGu SGu Y TGuo A QGuo L BGuo R PGuo Y PGuskov AHan SHao X QHarris F AHe K LHeinsius F HHeld THeng Y KHou Y RHou Z LHu H MHu J FHu THu YHuang G SHuang J SHuang X THuang X ZHuesken NHussain TIkegami Andersson WImoehl WIrshad MJi QJi Q PJi X BJi X LJiang H LJiang X SJiang X YJiao J BJiao ZJin D PJin SJin YJohansson TKalantar-nayestanaki NKang X SKappert RKavatsyuk MKe B CKeshk I KKhan TKhoukaz AKiese PKiuchi RKliemt RKoch LKolcu O BKopf BKuemmel MKuessner MKupsc AKurth MKurth M GKühn WLange J SLarin PLavezzi LLeithoff HLenz TLi CLi ChengLi D MLi FLi F YLi GLi H BLi H JLi J CLi J WLi KeLi L KLi LeiLi P LLi P RLi Q YLi W DLi W GLi X HLi X LLi X NLi X QLi Z BLi Z YLiang HLiang HLiang Y FLiang Y TLiao G RLiao L ZLibby JLin C XLin D XLin Y JLiu BLiu B JLiu C XLiu DLiu D YLiu F HLiu FangLiu FengLiu H BLiu H MLiu HuanhuanLiu HuihuiLiu J BLiu J YLiu K YLiu KeLiu QLiu S BLiu TLiu XLiu X YLiu Y BLiu Z ALiu ZhiqingLong Y FLou X CLu H JLu J DLu J GLu YLu Y PLuo C LLuo M XLuo P WLuo TLuo X LLusso SLyu X RMa F CMa H LMa L LMa M MMa Q MMa X NMa X XMa X YMa Y MMaas F EMaggiora MMaldaner SMalde SMalik Q AMangoni AMao Y JMao Z PMarcello SMeng Z XMesschendorp J GMezzadri GMin JMin T JMitchell R EMo X HMo Y JMorales Morales CMuchnoi N YuMuramatsu HMustafa ANakhoul SNefedov YNerling FNikolaev I BNing ZNisar SNiu S LOlsen S LOuyang QPacetti SPan YPapenbrock MPatteri PPelizaeus MPeng H PPeters KPettersson JPing J LPing R GPitka APoling RPrasad VQi MQi T YQian SQiao C FQin NQin X PQin X SQin Z HQiu J FQu S QRashid K HRedmer C FRichter MRipka MRivetti ARodin VRolo MRong GRosner ChRump MSarantsev ASavrié MSchoenning KShan WShan X YShao MShen C PShen P XShen X YSheng H YShi XShi X DSong J JSong Q QSong X YSosio SSowa CSpataro SSui F FSun G XSun J FSun LSun S SSun X HSun Y JSun Y KSun Y ZSun Z JSun Z TTan Y TTang C JTang G YTang XThoren VTsednee BUman IWang BWang B LWang C WWang D YWang H HWang KWang L LWang L SWang MWang M ZWang MengWang P LWang R MWang W PWang XWang X FWang X LWang YWang YWang Y FWang ZWang Z GWang Z YWang ZongyuanWeber TWei D HWeidenkaff PWen H WWen S PWiedner UWilkinson GWolke MWu L HWu L JWu ZXia LXia YXiao S YXiao Y JXiao Z JXie Y GXie Y HXing T YXiong X AXiu Q LXu G FXu J JXu LXu Q JXu WXu X PYan FYan LYan W BYan W CYan Y HYang H JYang H XYang LYang R XYang S LYang Y HYang Y XYang YifanYang Z QYe MYe M HYin J HYou Z YYu B XYu C XYu J SYuan C ZYuan X QYuan YYuncu AZafar A AZeng YZhang B XZhang B YZhang C CZhang D HZhang H HZhang H YZhang JZhang J LZhang J QZhang J WZhang J YZhang J ZZhang KZhang LZhang S FZhang T JZhang X YZhang YZhang Y HZhang Y TZhang YangZhang YaoZhang YiZhang YuZhang Z HZhang Z PZhang Z YZhao GZhao J WZhao J YZhao J ZZhao LeiZhao LingZhao M GZhao QZhao S JZhao T CZhao Y BZhao Z GZhemchugov AZheng BZheng J PZheng YZheng Y HZhong BZhou LZhou L PZhou QZhou XZhou X KZhou X RZhou XiaoyuZhou XuZhu A NZhu JZhu JZhu KZhu K JZhu S HZhu W JZhu X LZhu Y CZhu Y SZhu Z AZhuang JZou B SZou J H


Multi-dimensional analysisElectron–positron annihilationRelative phaseHadronAnalytical chemistryGeneral Physics and AstronomyHadronsOBSERVABLESLambdaBaryon01 natural sciencesArticleNOHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentSubatomär fysikGermanium compoundsElectromagnetic form factorsSubatomic Physics0103 physical sciencesMagnetic form factorTwo-photon exchangePiddc:530010306 general physicsAsymmetry parameterProton Scattering; Nucleons; HydrogenPhysicsIntegrated luminosityDecompositionPhysicsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyApproximation theoryPhysics multidisciplinaryPhotonHigh Energy Physics - Experiment; High Energy Physics - ExperimentBaryonLuminanceSpin structuresHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentMagnetic form factorMulti dimensional analysisBar (unit)


The exclusive process e+e−→ΛΛ¯, with Λ→pπ− and Λ¯→p¯π+, has been studied at s=2.396 GeV for measurement of the timelike Λ electric and magnetic form factors, GE and GM. A data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 66.9 pb−1, was collected with the BESIII detector for this purpose. A multidimensional analysis with a complete decomposition of the spin structure of the reaction enables a determination of the modulus of the ratio R=|GE/GM| and, for the first time for any baryon, the relative phase ΔΦ=ΦE−ΦM. The resulting values are R=0.96±0.14(stat)±0.02(syst) and ΔΦ=37°±12°(stat)±6°(syst), respectively. These are obtained using the recently established and most precise value of the asymmetry parameter αΛ=0.750±0.010 measured by BESIII. In addition, the cross section is measured with unprecedented precision to be σ=118.7±5.3(stat)±5.1(syst) pb, which corresponds to an effective form factor of |G|=0.123±0.003(stat)±0.003(syst). The contribution from two-photon exchange is found to be negligible. Our result enables the first complete determination of baryon timelike electromagnetic form factors.
