Pietro Columba

Le filiere agroalimentari in rapporto alle esigenze di sicurezza

Lo sviluppo economico e culturale conduce verso modelli di consumo tendenzialmente orientati al soddisfacimento di esigenze immateriali. Raggiunta la piena soddisfazione nutritiva (sazietà), infatti, il consumo si orienta alla soddisfazione di esigenze edonistiche e sociali ma può anche riservare maggiori risorse per la riduzione dei rischi alimentari. Più in genere si instaura un mercato della qualità alimentare che mostra, però, di fallire la sua funzione allocativa a causa dell’incapacità di valutare le esternalità e della presenza di comportamenti opportunistici. La domanda di sicurezza alimentare risulta fortemente condizionata dai valori culturali e sociali che differenziano le tipolo…

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Digital Influencers, Food and Tourism—A New Model of Open Innovation for Businesses in the Ho.Re.Ca. Sector

The choice of influencer marketing as an endorser for promoting products and services is becoming a more and more effective communication strategy of open innovation. Their use of social media platforms, such as Instagram, allows them to be reached by millions of followers all over the world. As a response to the economic crisis that affected Italy after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chiara Ferragni, one of the most endorsed influencers worldwide, started a communication campaign with the aim to promote Italian food and tourist destinations (cities of art, seaside, ski and countryside locations, thermal baths, museums, galleries, hotels, etc.). This study analyses Chiara Ferragni…

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Correttivi di sistema e di filiera

La politica agricola in Sicilia è risultata poco efficace. Si delineano possibili correttivi e strategie di valorizzazione.

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Lo stato attuale ed il mercato dell’agricoltura biologica nel mondo

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L’applicazione dell’OCM ortofrutta (Reg. CE 2200/96) in Sicilia. In Bertazzoli A., Petriccione G. OCM ortofrutta e processi di adattamento delle organizzazioni dei produttori: materiali e metodi per la valutazione". Collana INEA Studi e Ricerche, ESI, Napoli.

Valutazione della OCM ortofrutta (REG. 2200/96: la Sicilia. Il regolamento (Reg. CE 2200/96) avrebbe dovuto incentivare l'orientamento al mercato delle produzioni ortofrutticole fresche, i suoi effetti sono stati diversificati nelle diverse regioni italiane. Il caso siciliano evidenzia particolari carenze funzionali e limitata efficacia della norma.

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The Wine Influencers: Exploring a New Communication Model of Open Innovation for Wine Producers—A Netnographic, Factor and AGIL Analysis

Wine Influencers (WIs) represent a new type of independent third party endorsers that are progressively establishing themselves within social networks. This study analyzes the characteristics of the activity of WIs and the communication model used via Instagram. Netnographic Analysis, Factor Analysis and AGIL methods were applied. The results show five Key-findings within specific relationships established during discussions: advice from Wine Influencers and generalized reciprocity in relationships

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Brands of protection of olive oil in Sicily: Economic Reflections and Marketing.

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Cap. II, par. 2 La filiera cerealicola

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Analisi tecnico-economiche dell’olivicoltura meridionale

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La valorizzazione dell’agroalimentare di qualità e lo sviluppo del territorio

Obiettivo dello studio è indagare la capacità di valorizzazione del patrimonio territoriale in alcuni ambienti della Sicilia (ricadenti nelle province Trapani) posti a confronto con un contesto di riferimento, individuato in Toscana (nella provincia di Siena). Questo studio ha indagato entrambe le aree attraverso due approcci complementari: la relazione tra le attività agricole e l’ambiente – con l’applicazione del DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responses; Trisorio, 2004) – e il sistema relazionale degli operatori dei comprensori attraverso la SNA (Social Network Analysis). Si sono pertanto indagati gli aspetti relazionali del sistema produttivo del vino Alcamo DOC e del…

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Technological screening and application of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from fermented honey by-products for the sensory improvement of Spiritu re fascitrari, a typical Sicilian distilled beverage

“Spiritu re fascitrari” is a Sicilian alcoholic beverage obtained through distillation of a decoction of spontaneously fermented honey by-products (FHP). The production process often leads to sensorial defects due to the unstable alcoholic fermentation. The objective of this work was to select Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from FHP to be used as starter in decoction fermentation. Based on chemical, microbiological and technological data, from a total of 91 strains three S. cerevisae were selected for further testing to produce FHP at laboratory scale level. After FHP distillation, the analysis of volatile organic compounds showed a complex mixture of sensory active molecules, mainly alco…

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Soil Carbon Budget Account for the Sustainability Improvement of a Mediterranean Vineyard Area

Sustainable viticulture is suggested as an interesting strategy for achieving the objectives of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction in terms of mitigation and adaptation. However, knowledge and quantification of the contribution of sustainable vineyard management on climate change impact are needed. Although it is widely assessed by several authors that the agricultural stage has a great impact in the wine chain, very few studies have evaluated the greenhouse gas emission in this phase including the ability of soil to sequester carbon (C) or the off-farm C loss by erosion. This work aimed to provide a vineyard carbon budget (vCB) tool to quantify the impact of grape production on…

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Lo sviluppo rurale tra qualità agroalimentare e ambiente

The demand to the agriculture sector of products ever more diversified and with ever greater contents of quality, as well as the growing attention for health, environmental and ethical content has led to synergistic and enhancement actions between the various functions of agriculture and in particular between the environment and rural development. This can be transformed into a competitive advantage when it becomes a strategy to diversify the business activities, and determine a reallocation of production factors on agricultural production in favor of environmental and social functions that allow to generate additional incomes. Because business success goes hand in hand with that of the ter…

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Postfazione - Ci fu festa una notte nel bosco

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Assessment of bioenergy potential in Sicily: a GIS-based support methodology

Abstract A Geographical Information System (GIS) supported methodology has been developed in order to assess the technical and economic potential of biomass exploitation for energy production in Sicily. The methodology was based on the use of agricultural, economic, climatic, and infrastructural data in a GIS. Data about land use, transportation facilities, urban cartography, regional territorial planning, terrain digital model, lithology, climatic types, and civil and industrial users have been stored in the GIS to define potential areas for gathering the residues coming from the pruning of olive groves, vineyards, and other agricultural crops, and to assess biomass available for energy cu…

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The Brand-Land Identity of Etna Volcano Valley Wines: A Policy Delphi Study

This is the first study on the brand–land link for quality wines with a strong identity produced in extreme territories using the Policy Delphi methodology. The objective of this study is to assess the existence of a relationship between the wine brand and the territory of origin for wines produced in the Etna valley in Sicily (southern Italy). Awareness among producers and stakeholders of the recognizability of local wines by the market was investigated. Moreover, the forecasts/reliability, issues/importance, options/feasibility, and goals/desirability of development factors for wines with a brand–land link in the Etna valley were analyzed. The results were used to design a mod…

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Il settore della lavorazione e trasformazione delle piante officinali in Sicilia

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Indagine tecnica ed economica per lo sfruttamento ai fini energetici dei tralci di potatura della vite

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L’agricoltura biologica e lo sviluppo del territorio di qualità: un caso studio siciliano

Farming grows into an intense relationship with the territory; local products are the expression of local culture and environment. Territory itself is an attribute of the goods; at the same time, the consumer becomes a user of the same territory. It is possible to turn on a strategy that considers the territory a source of competitive advantage. Organic farming is paradigmatic of the relationship between agricultural production and the territory that is based on the pursuit of harmonious interaction between human activities and the environment

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Aspetti economici ed organizzativi delle imprese olivicole ed olearie in Sicilia

il lavoro, frutto di una indagine sugli aspetti tecnico economici della olivicoltura siciliana,analizza la competitività delle aziende olivicole ed olearie sicialiane, attraverso lo studio delle principalicaratteristiche strutturali e tecnico economiche (tipo di impresa,ampiezze aziendali età delle piantagioni,ecc)in tre provincie siciliane (trapani, palermo ed agrigento)

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Assessment of technical and economical potential of biomass exploitation in Sicily – A GIS based methodology

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Valutazione economica degli interventi

Illustrazione dei principali metodi di valutazione degli investimenti pubblici con particolare riferimento alle opere di sistemazione idraulica.

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6. Consumption of pasta in Italy: factors affecting preferences

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Study of Wine Producers' Marketing Communication in Extreme Territories - Application of the AGIL Scheme to Wineries Websites Features

This study measures the communication ability of wineries in two extreme territories of Southern Italy, Mount Etna and the island of Pantelleria. The evaluation of four dimensions of web communication was carried out by the AGIL Scheme (i.e. adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latent pattern maintenance). The study provides a generalizable model to be applied in other similar studies. Also, focus groups of experts were carried out. The method proved to be suitable to measure the communication effectiveness of wineries through websites. Extreme territories may add value to the wine, regardless of the brand. The heroic wines may become the symbol of these territories helping environment…

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Introduzione e Conclusioni; coordinamento indagine

Il comparto della carne bovina in Sicilia è stato travagliato da recenti fenomeni di intensa criticità, come la diffusione tra i consumatori di gravi patologie (BSE), che hanno causato profonde perturbazioni nel sistema produttivo e commerciale, in conseguenza di un allarme sanitario di grande impatto sui consumi. La normativa riguardante la sicurezza alimentare, proprio come reazione al verificarsi di minacce alla salute umana provenienti da contaminazioni degli alimenti, ha avuto una decisa evoluzione ed ha visto il settore delle carni anticipare, rispetto agli altri comparti alimentari, l’introduzione dei sistemi di controllo ed i provvedimenti finalizzati alla tracciabilità. A distanza …

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Circular economy and agritourism: a sustainable behavioral model for tourists and farmers in the post-COVID era.

Introduction: In recent years, issues related to environmental and ecosystem protection have been given greater consideration than in the past. The goal of adopting sustainable development models is vigorously pursued in the European Union and is reflected concretely in the new Common Agricultural Policy 20232027. The circular economy can certainly be an emerging economic response that can eectively replace growth models centered on a linear view. Agriculture and tourism are two crucial sectors where the “green transition” should be encouraged to help achieve sustainability goals through economic circularity. Agritourism’s activity may be relevant in contributing to a behavioral change based…

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Use of sequentially inoculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Hanseniaspora uvarum strains isolated from honey by-products to improve and stabilize the quality of mead produced in Sicily

Mead is a beverage produced by alcoholic fermentation of honey-must. The starter yeasts that are commonly used for the alcoholic fermentation of honey-must are oenological Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. The objective of the present work was, for the first time, to apply yeasts of honey by-products origin to evaluate the influences the taste-olfactory attributes of mead. For this purpose, three experimental productions were set up, which included: (i) single inoculation of S. cerevisiae; (ii) single inoculation of Hanseniaspora uvarum; (iii) sequential inoculation of H. uvarum/S. cerevisiae. Two control trials were performed, using a commercial strain of S. cerevisiae of oenological origi…

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Non-conventional yeasts from fermented honey by-products: Focus on Hanseniaspora uvarum strains for craft beer production

The increasing interest in novel beer productions focused on non-Saccharomyces yeasts in order to pursue their potential in generating groundbreaking sensory profiles. Traditional fermented beverages represent an important source of yeast strains which could express interesting features during brewing. A total of 404 yeasts were isolated from fermented honey by-products and identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Wickerhamomyces anomalus, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Hanseniaspora uvarum. Five H. uvarum strains were screened for their brewing capability. Interestingly, Hanseniaspora uvarum strains showed growth in presence of ethanol and hop and a more rapid growth…

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Traceability and Labelling of Food Products from the Consumer Perspective

Traceability of food products plays an important role in improving value chain processes of businesses and their reputation in the marketplace. In the past few years, consumers' concerns about food quality and personal health have been closely related to a continuous improvement of traceability systems and government regulation. Labeling of food products is a very important tool for consumers to acquire information about the quality of food, particularly at the purchase decision stage of the buying process. The objective of this research is to know consumers' preferences in regards to information contained in food labels. More particularly, this study focuses on what information is required…

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Il “sistema energetico” tra sostenibilità e tutela: come usare le biomasse locali

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L’AGROALIMENTARE TRA GLOBALE E LOCALE: dall’Italian sounding ai mercati storici di Palermo

Il tema dell'italian sounding e della tutela delle tipicità è oggi di grande importanza nel quadro della valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari con valenza territoriale e tipica. L'approvvigionamento alimentare delle città avviene tramite i grandi circuiti globali della distribuzione mentre i mercati storici costituiscono un'attrazione turistica e una manifestazione della cultura mediterranea. Si ipotizza un loro ruolo nel consentire la valorizzazione locale dei prodotti regionali.

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Italian Consumers’ Preferences for Pasta and Consumption Trends: Tradition or Innovation?

The aim of this study is to know Italian consumers’ preferences for Pasta and consumption habits. Food culture and concerns about food security and product innovation were investigated. A sample of Italian consumers was interviewed. Consumer’ profile, motivations and purchasing behavior were described. Relationships between observed variables and the latent constructs that explain the preferences were highlighted. There is asymmetric information between consumers and producers. Consumers believe Pasta is made with Italian grains, and therefore it is healthy and safe, although that’s not always the case. Intrinsic and extrinsic high quality, which derives from growing and production technolo…

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Il ruolo della DM nella distribuzione dei prodotti biologici nell’area metropolitana di Palermo: una indagine esplorativa

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Indagine sui principali formaggi storici siciliani che si considerano suscettibili di fornire un contributo all'agroalimentare di qualità e allo sviluppo socio economico del territorio rurale siciliano.

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La valorizzazione dei prodotti agro-alimentari: alcune considerazioni sulle specificità delle produzioni mellifere italiane

Le produzioni mellifere costituiscono un segmento assai ridotto dell'attività e dell'economia agricola ma rappresentano fortemente il valore del territorio e sono suscettibili di valorizzazione nell'ambito di una strategia di sviluppo basata sulla qualità agroalimentare e territoriale.

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Cibo, salute e stili di vita per la rigenerazione rur-urbana

La dieta mediterranea si basa sulla tradizionale composizione alimentare e sui prodotti che sono stati per secoli indissolubilmente connessi ai paesaggi agricoli e marini del mediterraneo, con le loro dimensioni ecologiche, culturali sociali ed economiche della biodiversità. Nella nostra regione abbiamo sviluppato programmi regionali per attuare strategie di prevenzione primaria delle malattie croniche non trasmissibili ad alta prevalenza attraverso l'educazione e la consulenza comportamentale e nutrizionale (FED), insieme a progetti di ricerca e innovazione finalizzati al recupero dell'identità territoriale attraverso il consumo e la produzione sostenibili del cibo prossimale e sua trasfor…

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Food, health and society: the town meets the countryside

It is not long time that food culture has undertaken a process of renewal started when severe food safety problems did reveal through the “food scandals”: the so called mad cow disease (BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) or the swine flu and bird flu, and other various contaminations occurred in the late 20th century. The first development in food culture, so long, was due to safety needs but was the beginning of a new consciousness about the importance of food and diet on human health. Quickly, the demand for quality food oriented itself towards qualitative – local, traditional, organic – food features. This was a great challenge and a new opportunity for agriculture: to supply valuabl…

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Is Environmental Sustainability Also “Economically Efficient”? The Case of the “SOStain” Certification for Sicilian Sparkling Wines

The Italian wine industry is strongly committed to sustainability. Among the numerous sustainability certifications and programs implemented in Italy for the wine sector, SOStain is the oldest at the regional level. The SOStain Foundation promotes the voluntary application of a sustainability program, developed in 2010 in Sicily (Southern Italy). The requirements of the SOStain specifications are connected to the new CAP 2023–2027 objectives; therefore, companies preparing for the new challenges of future winemaking might be interested in joining the SOStain Foundation for greening production practices. The objective of this study was to learn producers’ and consumers’ opinions about motiva…

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La filiera siciliana della pasta: un'applicazione della netchain analysis

The system of Sicilian durum wheat is facing, as indeed is happening to the entire food system, the evolution of consumption patterns toward higher quality requirements: health-wise, primarily, but also including some intangible requirements. Recent acquisitions in the field of healthy food, have called attention to some specific characteristics of Sicilian durum wheat. The durum wheat sector represents a major landmark for regional agriculture, being by far the most widespread arable crop in Sicily; a crop that, over the past 30 years, has evolved considerably, due to the impact of EU regulations. Currently, the whole Sicilian cereal-pasta chain shows shortcomings in organization and size,…

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Cap. 2 - Analisi tecnico-economiche delle aziende pistacchicole in Sicilia

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La valorizzazione dell’agoralimentare di qualità e lo sviluppo del territorio

Obiettivo dello studio è indagare la capacità di valorizzazione del patrimonio territoriale in alcuni ambienti della Sicilia (ricadenti nelle province Trapani) posti a confronto con un contesto di riferimento, individuato in Toscana (nella provincia di Siena). Questo studio ha indagato entrambe le aree attraverso due approcci complementari: la relazione tra le attività agricole e l’ambiente – con l’applicazione del DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responses; Trisorio, 2004) – e il sistema relazionale degli operatori dei comprensori attraverso la SNA (Social Network Analysis). Si sono pertanto indagati gli aspetti relazionali del sistema produttivo del vino Alcamo DOC e del…

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Visitor’s Motivational Framework and Wine Routes’ Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and Tourism

Wine Routes develop inside the larger context of wine tourism (WT), which is increasingly important for rural communities. Italy is one of the most important countries in the world for wine production and tourism. Sicily is one of the leading regions in Italy for wine production and wine tourists. This study focuses on the Sicilian wine routes (SWRs) and gives an excursus of their development during the last ten years, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the study wants to make an attempt to bridge the existing gap in the literature and highlight the nature and extent of the contribution of the SWR to the development of the WT ‘product’ from the perspective of the increasingly …

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Production of the Sicilian distillate “ Spiritu re fascitrari ” from honey by-products: An interesting source of yeast diversity

The “Spiritu re fascitrari” (SRF) is a typical Sicilian distillate obtained from the by-products of traditional process of honey production. Although some alcoholic fermentation of honey based products have been described, the present research represents the first investigation on the yeast ecology and the physico-chemical characteristics of honey by-products subjected to an alcoholic fermentation followed by distillation. All samples collected during manufacturing process were analysed for the count of total, osmophilic and osmotolerant yeasts. The honeycombs and equipment surfaces showed the presence of yeasts that was 1.7 and 1.1 Log (CFU/mL), respectively. After enrichment, yeast popula…

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Cap. II, par. 1 - la metodologia dell'indagine aziendale

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Produzione e diffusione delle macchine agricole in Italia: un profilo storico. In R. Bianchi, P. Columba, M. Crescimanno, P. De Castro: La politica agricola comunitaria e lo sviluppo della meccanizzazione agricola: un profilo storico-evolutivo

La meccanizzazione agricola in Italia: fattore di crescita e di miglioramento delle condizioni socio economiche del territorio e della popolazione rurale.

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Food between Health and Society

Food culture has undertaken a process of renewal due to severe food safety problems occurred in the late 20th century: the so called mad cow disease (BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) or the swine flu and bird flu. So long, safety needs were the beginning of a new consciousness about food and diet influence on human health. The demand for quality food is moving toward qualitative food features. This is a great challenge and a new opportunity for agriculture: to supply valuable goods and new services, to a wide range of consumers, searching for local, ecological, ethical, healthy requisites, from food and country. A new sensibility is also growing about urban life quality; overcrowded c…

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Situazione attuale e prospettive della domanda nel comparto delle officinali in Sicilia

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Pasta experience: Eating with the five senses - a pilot study

Dried pasta is the Italian food “par excellence”. Traditional foods have characteristics that can stimulate or evoke in the consumer sensorial stimuli and experiences, especially when these foods are consumed in a typical-traditional restaurant. Traditional restaurants can use sensory marketing as a promotional advantage, creating a unique and original atmosphere that can represent their main way of differentiation. The aims of this paper are to know consumer liking with regard to two high quality types of Sicilian pasta, common dried pasta, and whole-wheat pasta, consumed in three different venues of a typical-traditional Italian franchised restaurant, and to measure the influence of envir…

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Consumption of spices and ethnic contamination in the daily diet of Italians - consumers’ preferences and modification of eating habits

AbstractCurrently, consumers appear to have diversified characteristics with regard to food tastes and consumption habits. The globalization of markets and the migration phenomenon contributed to the modification of food preferences of consumers who gradually introduce into their eating habits foods and recipes typical of the tradition of foreign countries. In this scenario, also in Italy, it is going to increase the use of “foreign products” with the consequent fusion of traditional cuisine techniques and recipes with ingredients that are typical of foreign countries and cultures. Foods and ingredients originally consumed in Asian or South American countries are increasingly consumed by It…

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The communicative power of an extreme territory – the Italian island of Pantelleria and its passito wine

Purpose This paper aims to examine how Pantelleria’s wineries communicate the extreme territory of Pantelleria through its passito wine and whether this may be a value added for consumers. Specifically examines which dimensions of communication are effectively used by wineries to stimulate, in wine consumers, emotions that link passito wine with the territory of Pantelleria. Design/methodology/approach All websites of wineries producing passito wine in Pantelleria were analyzed using the adaptation, goal-attainment, integration and latent pattern maintenance (AGIL) scheme for measuring communication dimensions. Findings Results suggest that wineries and stakeholders should apply territory-…

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In sicilia, la coltura dell'olivo presenta connotazioi particolari connesse a fattori paesagistici e ad una plurisecolare tradizione. Il presente lavoro studia appunto gli aspetti socio-economici ed agronomici di tale produzione nell'isola.

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Stato attuale e potenzialità di mercato del Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) coltivato in Sicilia

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Wine and Its Legality-A Survey to Know the Consumer Opinions on the Activities of Sicilian Wine Companies Operating on Lands Confiscated from the Mafia

The current guidelines of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy face the agricultural sector in the position of the backbone for the economic development of rural areas and regions with difficult economic differentiation. The EU Common Agricultural Policy defines agriculture as “multifunctional” and among the different roles and functions expected, there is also the “social function”, defined as the ability that the farm has to generate services with respect to a population with risk of social exclusion. This paper investigated all the agricultural initiatives with social impacts that were carried in the lands confiscated from the organized crime (called mafia), mainly in the South …

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La dieta Mediterranea come stile di vita e rapporto col territorio

La dieta mediterranea si basa su un modello di vita salubre: igiene alimentare, attività fisica, qualità dell'ambiente quale presupposto della qualità alimentare. Il modello della dieta mediterranea costituisce quindi un modello di sviluppo alternativo alla crescita e focalizzato sul benessere, sulla qualità della vita.

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Mediterranean Diet, Sustainability, and Tourism—A Study of the Market’s Demand and Knowledge

Globalization intensified competitiveness among agribusinesses worldwide in recent years. The European Commission focused on enhancing sustainable agriculture and food products’ territorial uniqueness for competing in the international market. The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a model of feeding and lifestyle belonging to the ancient Mediterranean culture, which also embodies a sustainable food system. Therefore, in 2010, UNESCO recognized the MD as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and Sicily (southern Italy) is its official physical site. Despite its worldwide fame, the notion of the MD runs the risk of being mystified because it is described most often as something that does not cor…

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Commoning of territorial heritage and tools of participated sustainability for the production and enhancement of agro-environmental public goods

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze how the commoning heritage processes find application for the production of agro-environmental public goods in contexts of high socio-economic marginality and environmental vulnerability, characterized by abandonment and from the consumption of agricultural land for food use. The purpose is to understand how these processes are able to influence, at local level, the governance processes for the implementation of environmental protection strategies. The survey made it possible to verify how the commoning processes aimed at the production of agro-environmental goods generate territorial resilience, understood as a community competence able to st…

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Influence of Coherent Context for Positioning Distinctive and Iconic Sicilian Sparkling Wines: Effect of a Sensorial Experience on a Gulet

Spumante wines produced in Sicily region (southern Italy) have sensorial characteristics significantly different from those produced in other Italian regions, because of the great differences of terroir. Offering a product included in a coherent and consistent context allows consumers to differentiate in the marketplace. The aim of this study is to propose solutions for Sicilian wineries for positioning Sicilian Spumante in the market, based on empirical data. Moreover, it was investigated whether a positive experience in a context consistent with the Sicilian sparkling wines could influence consumers’ consumption intentions. A blind sensory test was performed by 146 expert wine tasters. Op…

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Il grano duro nel sistema agroalimentare di qualità in Sicilia

Il grano duro è alla base della dieta mediterranea. Si traccia un profilo storico della Sicilia alimentare e si inquadra nella teoria economica della qualità.

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Study of product repositioning for the Marsala Vergine DOC wine

Italian production of wine is very diversified and Sicily is one of the major regions with regards to quality and quantity of wine. The Marsala is the oldest fortified Sicilian wine, which is very valuable because of its organoleptic qualities and its production process. Marsala wine has been gaining for over a century in the Italian and foreign market, but, after a century of fame, it entered a long phase of decline because of inappropriate producers' decisions and new competitors. The objective of this study is to investigate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats of Marsala Vergine DOC wine for repositioning the product in the market. The focus group and factor analysis were car…

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Ruolo della meccanizzazione nell'economia agricola europea. In R. Bianchi, P. Columba, M. Crescimanno, P. De Castro: La politica agricola comunitaria e lo sviluppo della meccanizzazione agricola: un profilo storico-evolutivo

La meccanizzazione agricola in Italia e in Europa un'evoluzione tecnica, sociale ed economica di grande impatto.

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Study of Wine Producers’ Marketing Communication in Extreme Territories–Application of the AGIL Scheme to Wineries’ Website Features

This study measures the communication ability of wineries in two extreme territories of Southern Italy, Mount Etna and the island of Pantelleria. The evaluation of four dimensions of web communication was carried out by the AGIL Scheme (i.e., adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latent pattern maintenance). The study provides a generalizable model to be applied in other similar studies. Additionally, focus groups of experts were carried out. The method proved to be suitable to measure the communication effectiveness of wineries through websites. Extreme territories may add value to the wine, regardless of the brand. The heroic wines may become the symbol of these territories, helping e…

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Aspetti economici della produzione di grano duro biologico in Sicilia

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IRRIGAZIONE E SVILUPPO AGRICOLO: evoluzione dell’uso dell’acqua ed effetti sul valore del prodotto

In Italia l'agricoltura, adattandosi ai diversi ambienti ha sviluppato colture e tecniche con forti caratteri di specificità locali, tanto da originate distinti sistemi agricoli nei quali la pratica irrigua assume anch'essa caratteristiche assai differenziate. Da decenni si osserva una contrazione della superficie agricola che negli anni più recenti ha interessato anche le superfici irrigue. Pur in un contesto profondamente mutato che si caratterizza per un nuovo ruolo dell'agricoltura (multifunzionale), l'importanza dell'irrigazione nell'attivare processi di sviluppo non sembra declinare. In particolare le aree meridionali trovano nella disponibilità di acque irrigue l'elemento cruciale de…

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