Virginie Van Wymelbeke
Improving sensory quality of food product to meet the elderly’s preferences: which winning strategy?
Having a "good" diet counts as an important factor for healthy ageing. Beyond nutritional aspects, a "good" diet, also contributes to maintain “eating pleasure”, an essential component in food intake mechanism. The present study aims to assess the impact of changes related to texture, taste and flavor on food acceptance in the elderly. The adopted strategy was to orientate the products modifications based on elderly’s expectations. A qualitative approach (focus group and face-to-face interviews) was carried on with a first elderly panel (>65 yo) to collect suggestions about sensory improvements that can be made in a meat dish with a normal texture, in a meat dish with a modified texture and…
En EHPAD, repérer les petits mangeurs et adapter leur alimentation : quel coût, quel bénéfice ?
National audience; Des pesées alimentaires ont montré qu'une large majorité de personnes âgées vivant en EHPAD (Etablissement d'Hébergement pour Personne Âgée Dépendante) ne mange pas suffisamment pour couvrir ses besoins nutritionnels. Il s'ensuit un coût pour les personnes elles-mêmes (augmentation du risque nutritionnel), ainsi qu'un coût pour l'environnement (gaspillage alimentaire). Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de RENESSENS était de proposer aux résidents d'EHPAD une offre alimentaire adaptée à leurs capacités d'ingestion afin de couvrir leurs besoins nutritionnels. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une étude clinique de 6 mois dans deux maisons de retraite, l'une contrôle (n=43) et l'autr…
Le portage de repas est-il un levier pour prévenir la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées à domicile ? Résultats d'une étude clinique de 4 mois
National audience
Food selectivity and pickiness in adulthood: an age and gender-related behaviour?
Food pickiness –or selectivity- is a behavior which may lead to a lack of variety and an unbalanced diet. While this trait has been studied in children, pickiness in adults has been more rarely explored and only recently in French elderly1. The first aim of the present work was to identify if pickiness varies according to age and gender in adults. The second aim was to examine the link between the selectivity score and self-reported degree of pickiness. Four hundred French adults from 25 to 75 years old answered an online survey. Respondents were asked to tick each food they dislike among a list of 71 food items. The selectivity score was the number of disliked food items1. Moreover, partic…
Proximal versus distal contextual factors: which impact on meal pleasure and food intake in the elderly living in a nursing home?
Poster présenté lors de la conférence; Introduction: Several authors pointed out the importance of meal context on food intake in nursing home. Some authors assessed the impact of context improvement on food intake in nursing home, but they assessed ‘holistic’ strategies by improving physical environment, increasing choice level, changing staff organization… (Abbott et al. 2013). Despite some of these interventions were effective, these strategies are costly and thus difficult to be implemented in nursing home. The aim of the present experiment was to assess the impact of single contextual factors, three proximal factors (food contextual factors) and three distal factors (non-food contextua…
Evolution du Wanting et du Liking suite à la consommation de quatre petits déjeuners différents de part la composition du pain
National audience
Optimization of fat oxidation during exercise and recovery in overweight men: which is the best exercise intensity?
L'augmentation de la prise alimentaire liée à la variété chez l'humain ; rôle de la satiété sensorielle spécifique et du zapping alimentaire?
Satiété sensorielle spécifique liée à l'ingestion d'aliments simples: pas d'influence du BMI?
Improving meal context in nursing homes. Impact of four strategies on food intake and meal pleasure
In France, in most nursing homes, the composition of menus, the time and the place at which meals are served, the choice of one's place at the table are imposed on residents. Yet, the act of eating cannot be restricted to nutritional and sensory aspects alone. It also includes a psycho-affective dimension, which relates to the context in which the meal is served. We tested the impact of four contextual factors, considered individually, on food intake and meal pleasure in elderly people living in nursing homes: the way the main course was named on the menu, the size and the variety of portions of vegetables served to residents, the presence or not of condiments in the middle of the table and…
A new method to calculate external mechanical work using force-platform data in ecological situations in humans: Application to Parkinson's disease
Abstract Background and aim To accurately quantify the cost of physical activity and to evaluate the different components of energy expenditure in humans, it is necessary to evaluate external mechanical work ( W EXT ). Large platform systems surpass other currently used techniques. Here, we describe a calculation method for force-platforms to calculate long-term W EXT . Methods Each force-platform (2.46 × 1.60 m and 3.80 × 2.48 m) rests on 4 piezoelectric sensors. During long periods of recording, a drift in the speed of displacement of the center of mass (necessary to calculate W EXT ) is generated. To suppress this drift, wavelet decomposition is used to low-pass filter the source signal.…
Food behaviour and health patterns in the French elderly population
With an aging population in Europe, understanding why frailty occurs earlier or later depending on individual characteristics is a strong challenge. Few studies have investigated food behavior and the link with nutritional status among French elderly. In Aupalesens survey, we aimed to identify the link between malnutrition and health, sensory, sociological, psychological, food behavior and preferences. 559 women and men older than 65 years old were enrolled. Typical profiles were identified using a double clustering approach aiming to reduce both observations and variables complexity (CDPCA, Vichi & Saporta, 2009). A partition of the 55 multidisciplinary items into four groups was retained,…
Impact of dependance on the act of food: contributions of sociology
National audience
Sensory-specific satiety with simple foods in humans: no influence of BMI?
Olfacto-gustatory sensory-specific satiety plays an important role in the termination of food ingestion. A defect in this mechanism, by increasing food intake, could be a factor in development of overweight. The present study was conducted to explore whether sensory-specific satiety in the overweight may be different from that in normal-weight subjects. 144 subjects (half men, half women; age range: 17–62 years; BMI range: 17–39 kg m−2). Olfactory pleasure (OP) and flavor pleasure (FP) were evaluated before and after ingestion of a single chosen food. Six foods from three classes were offered: cucumber and tomato, pineapple and banana, and peanut and pistachio. According to the subjects' pr…
Augmentation du plaisir alimentaire des séniors
Colloque Régional Nutrition Santé Publique; absent
Adapter un portage de repas à l'appétit et à l'état nutritionnel de personnes âgées dépendantes : une étude clinique de 4 mois
Avec l'âge, la capacité des personnes âgées à réaliser les tâches du quotidien, notamment celles reliées à l'alimentation (courses, préparation des repas), peut être altérée. En France, face à cette situation, de plus en plus de personnes âgées font appel à des services de livraison de repas à domicile. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de caractériser le statut nutritionnel des personnes âgée, faisant appel à ce type de service et de mesurer l'impact d'une intervention nutritionnelle adaptée, en personnalisant leur livraison de repas à leurs besoins. 64 personnes âgées, bénéficiant d'une livraison de repas à domicile ont été recrutés et répartis au hasard dans un groupe expérimental (n=32 …
Guide Grand âge & petit appétit
Amélioration des repas et variété : Quel impact sur la prise alimentaire et le plaisir des seniors dépendants ?
National audience; Introduction et but de l'étude: S’alimenter est un acte indispensable à la vie qui fait intervenir l’ensemble de nos fonctions sensorielles. Au-delà de ces fonctions, nous apprécions, aussi, davantage un repas lorsque le plat est à notre goût ou lorsqu’il est présenté avec soin et avec de la variété. Au cours de l’avancée en âge, pathologies et dépendance constituent des facteurs de dénutrition importants (HAS 2007) et augmentent le risque de placement en institution. En collectivité, le libre choix disparait ce qui peut réduire sensiblement le plaisir des repas. L’objectif du travail était d’identifier des leviers pour lutter contre la problématique nutritionnelle du suj…
Influence of BMI on sensory-specific satiety with simple foods in humans
International audience
Les déterminants d'un apport protéique faible chez les personnes âgées
National audience
Evidence for different patterns of chemosensory alterations in the elderly population: impact of age versus dependency
The present experiment aimed to explore the interindividual variability in chemosensory abilities among the elderly population. The chemosensory abilities of 559 subjects, aged from 65 to 99 years, were evaluated. Various categories of the elderly, including people who were living at home either without or with assistance, and people who were living in a nursing home, were interviewed. The results revealed that 43% of the sample presented well-preserved chemosensory abilities, whereas 21% of the participants presented a moderate impairment. Of the sample, 33% presented well-preserved olfactory abilities but strong impairment in gustatory abilities and 3% were nearly anosmic but remained abl…
Le «zapping alimentaire» diminue la satiété sensorielle spécifique et augmente la prise alimentaire.
National audience
Impact de la dépendance liée à l’âge sur l’alimentation des personnes âgées
Impact de la dépendance liée à l’âge sur l’alimentation des personnes âgées. 32. journées annuelles de la Société française de gériatrie et gérontologie (SFGG)
Increase food-intake in relation to food variety in humans: is sensory-specific satiety diminished by 'alimentary zapping'?
De l'indépendance à la dépendance, que se passe-t-il lors du vieillissement ?
Revue; De l'indépendance à la dépendance, que se passe-t-il lors du vieillissement ?
Satiété sensorielle spécifique pour des aliments simples chez l'humain : absence d'influence du BMI ?
Tell me what you are eating, I will tell you who you are: The different eater styles among the elderly population
National audience; Fish or rare steak? Fruit or pastry? Soup and ham or roast and dessert?... In order to explore the favourite meal of the elderly, a large survey was conducted including 559 people older than 65 (AUPALESENS survey). Different categories of elderly were interviewed, including people who are living at home either without any assistance or with assistance, and people who are living in a nursing home.Each respondent completed a questionnaire designed to explore three dimensions, namely meal content, eater style and pickiness. Regarding meal content, respondents were asked to choose among broad categories of dishes (e.g., salad, soup, roast, stew, veggies, cheese, fruit, pastry…
Le plaisir à manger en EHPAD : point de vue du senior consommateur
Revue; Le plaisir à manger en EHPAD : point de vue du senior consommateur
Assessment of cardiac autonomic nervous activity in frail elderly people with postural abnormalities and in control subjects
Heart rate variability (HRV), which is considered to reflect the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), has been shown to decline with age. The aim of the present study was to explore cardiac ANS in older patients showing frontal-subcortical dysfunction with "Psychomotor Disadaptation Syndrome" (PDS), through the 24-h HRV. We enrolled 14 patients with PDS (mean age: 84.5+/-6.9 years), they were compared to 13 frail control subjects (mean age: 80.6+/-6.7 years). Cardiac ANS activity was assessed by 24-h ECG recordings from three leads with a Holter digital monitor. The decrease in cardiac ANS activity observed in PDS subjects was greater than the alteration found in normally aging s…
Improving pleasure of elderly people for fighting against malnutrition
National audience
Hormonal and psychological factors linked to the increased thermic effect of food in malnourished fasting anorexia nervosa
In patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), weight gain is lower than that expected from the energy content of the meals. Thus we investigated the thermic effect of food (TEF) in relation to subjective feelings and plasma hormone levels in a group of AN patients.TEF, feelings (14 items), and plasma release of beta-endorphin, ACTH, cortisol, dopamine, and catecholamines were evaluated in 15 AN patients (body mass index, 13.6 +/- 1.2 kg.m(-2)) and in 15 healthy women after three gastric loads (0, 300, 700 kcal) infused by a nasogastric tube in a blind design.In AN, the blind loads induced an energy-dependent increase in TEF (P0.001), which was higher than that observed in healthy women (P0.001). …
En EHPAD, repérer les petits mangeurs et adapter leur alimentation : quel impact sur la prise alimentaire et l'état nutritionnel ?
National audience