Janine Jongbloed

Patterns in NEET status during the school-to-work transition in France

International audience

research product

Quality of Life of Neet Youth across Europe: The Perceived Welfare of the 'out-of-School Jobless'

International audience; Youth who are 'not in employment, education or training' NEET have become a prominent population sub-group in European social policy discussions. Recent research has begun exploring the conceptual clarity of this social group (Furlong, 2006), predictors and outcomes of NEET membership (Bruno, Marelli, and Signorelli, 2014), and cross-national variations in group composition and characteristics (B?lan, 2015). Indeed, an emerging body of evidence points to the strong role played by institutional arrangements, such as national education systems and labour market policies, in predicting youth unemployment and joblessness (Breen and Buchmann, 2002). However, international…

research product

Higher learning for happiness? The non-economic benefits of higher education

International audience; This project examines the impact of higher education on wellbeing in Canada and internationally using the capability approach. The focus is theoretical and empirical: The conceptual conclusions and statistical results are compared to those of human capital and utilitarian approaches, and the implications for higher education research in Canada are explored.

research product

Conclusions and discussion

This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book attempts to go beyond existing research on young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs), addressing some of the important limitations that had remained largely unexplored to date. It attempts to tease out the heterogeneity in life-course patterns, individual and institutional correlates, and later consequences of prolonged NEET statuses. In the Netherlands, women were more likely than men to experience Long-term and Late NEET patterns than men. Women with children were not more likely to be Long-term NEET but were more likely to become Late NEET, …

research product

Mancession to Shecession: Higher Education, Employment, and Gender across Two Economic Recessions

A distance; International audience; In this paper we compare the longitudinal labour market activity of Canadian women and men across the spans of the 2008 ‘great’ recession and the 2020 pandemic recession to determine differential impacts by gender and education on labour market engagement, income, and family household tasks in these two time periods.

research product

Les systèmes éducatifs engendrent-ils des inégalités de bien-être ? : une recherche comparative internationale

This study investigates the association between post-secondary education and well-being in international comparative perspective, conceptualizing well-being as a capability-informed measure of flourishing. Based on a combined human capital–capability approach, post-secondary education, operationalized as highest post-secondary educational credential, is hypothesized to relate positively with well-being net of individual-level and country-level controls at both the micro and macro levels of analysis. Prominent critiques of these approaches, suggesting indirect effects through occupational sorting at the individual level and economic factors at the country level, are also explored.Beyond thes…

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Measuring educational participation and attainment over the life course

International audience

research product

Gendered “family care work” and employment during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of educational attainment

research product

Untangling the roles of low skill and education in predicting youth NEET statuses: negative signalling effects in comparative perspective

International audience; Education determines life chances across the globe, but human capital and skill formation offer context-specific advantages in the labour market during the transition from school to work. Our study focuses specifically on the varying effects of low skill on youth ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET) statuses via educational attainments. Using Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data, we estimate the extent to which country-specific relative low skill levels affect young people’s probability of reporting long-term NEET statuses across contexts. We find that low skill and education have differing effects on the probabil…

research product

Higher education for a better life: Canada in international context

International audience; This study examines the impact of higher education on the wellbeing of Canadians in international context using single- and multi-level models examined separately for women and men. The results indicate that the relationship between higher education and wellbeing differs substantially between countries, with Canada standing out as an unusual case.

research product

Jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan (NEET): el papel de las competencias básicas

Cuestión prioritaria para las políticas públicas nacionales y europeas, los jóvenes que no trabajan, no estudian ni reciben formación (NEET) corren un riesgo de exclusión más o menos importante según los países. Si bien el nivel de educación desempeña un papel central en estas situaciones, el enfoque de las competencias básicas permite afinar la mirada. En efecto, los datos internacionales muestran que el mismo nivel de diploma no certifica el mismo nivel de competencias en todas partes. ¿Cómo se explican estas diferencias? ¿Hasta qué punto estas competencias protegen contra las situaciones de NEET independientemente del título? Jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan (NEET): el papel de las co…

research product

The variable role of education in predicting youth NEET statuses: A 'gendered youth transition regimes' perspective

International audience

research product

Cross-country comparisons on the relative relationship between education and workplace task discretion

International audience

research product

: Une étude de trajectoires scolaires et professionnelles en Colombie-Britannique

En ligne sur : http://www.cereq.fr/index.php/content/download/7936/71610/file/Relief50.pdf; National audience; Bien que le système éducatif donne beaucoup d'options aux étudiants, il y a des avantages et désavantages inhérents aux différents types de trajectoires. Les études, souvent chères, obligent les étudiants à choisir entre deux options : travailler pendant des études prolongées ou faire un prêt étudiant.Mais les deux options présentent des risques. Après que les individus soient entrés dans le marché du travail, ils ont toujours la possibilité de se réinscrire dans l'enseignement supérieur pour obtenir un diplôme plus élevé. La flexibilité donne de la liberté, mais une liberté limité…

research product

Les jeunes en situation de NEET : le rôle des compétences de base

International audience; Enjeu prioritaire des politiques publiques nationales et européennes, les jeunes qui ne sont ni en emploi, ni en études, ni en formation connaissent un risque d’exclusion plus ou moins marqué selon les pays. Si le niveau d'éducation joue un rôle central dans ces situations, l’approche par les compétences de base permet d’affiner la focale. Les données internationales montrent en effet qu’un même niveau de diplôme ne certifie pas partout le même niveau de compétences. Comment s’expliquent ces écarts ? Dans quelle mesure ces compétences protègent-elles des situations de NEET indépendamment du diplôme ?

research product

The Challenge of Conducting Longitudinal Research during COVID-19 : Educational Research in the Time of COVID

research product

Elucidating the constructs happiness and wellbeing: A mixed-methods approach

International audience; In this study we examine the constructs "happiness" and "wellbeing" in a sample of Canadian women and men in mid-adulthood. Through a sequential mixed-methods approach, we utilize Sen and Nussbaum's conceptualizations of capabilities to inform the themes generated from semi-structured interviews. We find that participants understand happiness and wellbeing as two distinct constructs that are illuminated in the metaphors happiness as balance and the gears of wellbeing. Second, we corroborate these constructs through a principal component analysis of questionnaire data. We conclude that happiness and wellbeing are not static entities, but rather iterative processes tha…

research product

The relative relationship between education and workplace task discretion: an international comparative perspective

International audience; Through analyses of Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data, the following study considers the direct and indirect association between education and workplace task discretion in 30 countries. By focusing on cross-national comparison, it considers the ways in which these findings are dependent on both the overall level and the range of task discretion across occupational sectors within a country. Theoretically, individual-agency and critical-institutional hypotheses are compared, two perspectives that provide divergent explanations for the indirect association between education and task discretion. The findings partially support b…

research product

Quels effets du dispositif « oui-si » sur la persévérante étudiante à l’université ?

research product

Book review "Mindful Teaching and Learning: Developing a Pedagogy of Well-Being" by K. Ragoonaden, Ed.

En ligne sur http://journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe/article/view/187781/pdf; Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur, vol. 46, n°1, 2016

research product

Quality of life of NEET youth in comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition to adulthood

In this study, we examine the self-reported subjective well-being (SWB) of youth who are ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET) across 24 countries in Europe. Theorizing from a youth tra...

research product

The long arm of education? A 28-year perspective on the consequences of education for job quality and wellbeing over adulthood

International audience

research product

L'éloignement des études et de l'emploi pour les situations jeunes en situation de NEET : une comparaison européenne

International audience; Les jeunes en situation de NEET (ni en études, ni en emploi, ni en formation) sont au centre des préoccupations des politiques de formation, d'emploi et de jeunesse en Europe. Ces situations de NEET rassemblent néanmoins dans les différents pays, des situations hétérogènes en termes de rapports à la formation et l'emploi (Furlong, 2006). En France, par exemple, les décrocheurs de l'enseignement secondaire sont particulièrement concernés par ces situations de NEET alors que dans d'autres pays, la population de NEET est composée de jeunes plus diplômés qui ne restent que temporairement éloignés du marché du travail. Nous proposons d'expliquer ces différences à partir "…

research product

Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET): the role of basic competencies

A top priority for public policies at both national and European levels, young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) face a risk of exclusion that varies in intensity from country to country. While education level plays a central role in these situations, viewing them through the lens of basic competencies sharpens the focus. After all, the international data show that the same level of qualification does not guarantee the same level of competencies everywhere. How can these differences be explained? To what extent do these basic competencies protect young people from becoming not in employment, education or training regardless of their level of qualification?

research product

Discretion, capabilities and autonomy: The role of education from an international comparative perspective

International audience

research product