Marie-luise Frey

Covalently Binding of Bovine Serum Albumin to Unsaturated Poly(Globalide-Co-ε-Caprolactone) Nanoparticles by Thiol-Ene Reactions.

When nanoparticles (NPs) are introduced to a biological fluid, different proteins (and other biomolecules) rapidly get adsorbed onto their surface, forming a protein corona capable of giving to the NPs a new "identity" and determine their biological fate. Protein-nanoparticle conjugation can be used in order to promote specific interactions between living systems and nanocarriers. Non-covalent conjugates are less stable and more susceptible to desorption in biological media, which makes the development of engineered nanoparticle surfaces by covalent attachment an interesting topic. In this work, the surface of poly(globalide-co-e-caprolactone) (PGlCL) nanoparticles containing double bonds i…

research product

Bio-orthogonal triazolinedione (TAD) crosslinked protein nanocapsules affect protein adsorption and cell interaction

Albumin-based protein nanocarriers have been widely exploited as drug delivery systems, since they show excellent degradability, low toxicity, but at the same time provide high loading capacity and relevant uptake into cells. For the formation of protein nanocapsules, bio-orthogonal reactions are important so that the material to be encapsulated is not affected by the shell formation. We show that protein nanocapsules with narrow size distributions and low protein adsorption upon contact with blood serum can be synthesized by inverse miniemulsion and interfacial crosslinking of the protein using triazolinediones (TADs) as powerful dienophiles and enophiles, which smoothly perform electrophi…

research product

Brush Conformation of Polyethylene Glycol Determines the Stealth Effect of Nanocarriers in the Low Protein Adsorption Regime

For nanocarriers with low protein affinity, we show that the interaction of nanocarriers with cells is mainly affected by the density, the molecular weight, and the conformation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains bound to the nanocarrier surface. We achieve a reduction of nonspecific uptake of ovalbumin nanocarriers by dendritic cells using densely packed PEG chains with a "brush" conformation instead of the collapsed "mushroom" conformation. We also control to a minor extent the dysopsonin adsorption by tailoring the conformation of attached PEG on the nanocarriers. The brush conformation of PEG leads to a stealth behavior of the nanocarriers with inhibited uptake by phagocytic cells, whi…

research product

Multivalency Beats Complexity: A Study on the Cell Uptake of Carbohydrate Functionalized Nanocarriers to Dendritic Cells.

Herein, we report the synthesis of carbohydrate and glycodendron structures for dendritic cell targeting, which were subsequently bound to hydroxyethyl starch (HES) nanocapsules prepared by the inverse miniemulsion technique. The uptake of the carbohydrate-functionalized HES nanocapsules into immature human dendritic cells (hDCs) revealed a strong dependence on the used carbohydrate. A multivalent mannose-terminated dendron was found to be far superior in uptake compared to the structurally more complex oligosaccharides used.

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