Co-creation in hotel–disable customer interactions
This study employs analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to develop a methodology that allows researchers to select factors for new measures in value co-creation analysis. AHP shows that successful factors for co-creation relate to the sequential stages of the relationship between hotels and disabled customers, which derives from co-creation processes. The resulting model highlights the principal factors affecting value co-creation when hotel/disabled customers interact, have a dialogue, and collaborate with staff to innovate and create new products and services at booking and stay encounters. These interactions may allow hotels to develop a strong foundation of common knowledge on value managem…
A review of entrepreneurship education research and practice
El emprendimiento ha acaparado cada vez más la atención del legislador debido a la necesidad de promover el desarrollo económico y la creación de empleo. Entre los factores que impulsan el emprendimiento, la educación emprendedora reviste especial importancia. Este artículo aborda la educación emprendedora desde la perspectiva de la investigación y la práctica. En primer lugar, se discute si el talento emprendedor nace o se cultiva. En segundo lugar, se revisan los diferentes enfoques de la educación emprendedora, especificando sus características distintivas. A continuación, se examina la investigación en torno al potencial de la educación emprendedora a la hora de despertar las intencione…
A comprehensive conceptual and bibliometric study of person-centered methodologies
AbstractPerson-centered approaches, such as latent profile analysis (LPA) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), have gained in popularity in organizational scholarship because of their ability to provide insight into how interrelations between a group of conditions can lead to a particular outcome. Despite the growing acceptance of person-centered approaches in social science research, traditional variable-centered approaches continue to prevail, although their dominance is increasingly questioned. This paper offers in-depth analysis of the current state of QCA and LPA from both a conceptual and a bibliometric perspective. This study thus aims to contextualize the role of person-cente…
Entrepreneurial competencies and motivations to enhance marketing innovation in Europe
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) country profile variables were analyzed using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). This analysis identified which combinations of entrepreneurs’ competencies and motivations boost marketing innovation. Marketing innovation contributes to defining and reinforcing competitive advantages, goal setting, and business performance. The findings of this study can help policymakers design strategies to foster regional marketing innovation and economic growth.
Exploring the relationship between co-creation and satisfaction using QCA
Abstract Customer behavior is one of the key components of value co-creation. Several authors believe that co-creation generates satisfaction. However, few studies exist that focus on that relationship. This study explores the relationship between value co-creation and customer satisfaction in spa services through a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). QCA analysis allows exploring the relations between the variables. The main contribution of this article is going beyond identifying the concrete co-creation variables that relate to satisfaction. The sample consists of hotel clients that use the spa service.
Marketing capabilities and innovation. How do they affect the financial results of hotels?
C2C interactions creating value in the Route of Santiago
The role of interaction between customers (customer-to-customer; C2C) is a key factor when extracting value from a touristic experience. Several studies incorporate quantitative and qualitative aspects referring to interactions and can provide a holistic view about C2C experiences, being therefore more capable of predicting the effects of C2C interaction on customer behavior. This study analyzes C2C interactions in backpackers’ experience and their effect on the cruise experience and vacation satisfaction. The study uses fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to explore a causal relationship with dichotomous outcomes, both the presence and the absence of the variables. The study…
Cross‑country diferences in drivers of female necessity entrepreneurship
This paper analyzes the drivers of female necessity entrepreneurship using a sample of 59 countries, with data sourced from the 2018-2019 global entrepreneurship monitor (GEM). It develops a theoretical framework describing how post-secondary education, startup skills, fear of failure, knowing another entrepreneur, entrepreneurial intentions, and hiring expectations act as drivers of female necessity entrepreneurship. Using qualitative comparative analysis, two models are tested to explain the presence and absence of female necessity entrepreneurship. This outcome is measured using the GEM indicator of total early-stage entrepreneurial activity
Knowledge assets for internationalization strategy proposal
[EN] Lack of trust, lack of references and the confidential nature of cybersecurity projects make internationalization in companies from the cybersecurity sector a great challenge. The development of lean methodologies over recent years has presented a method to reduce time and effort, measure performance in each step and pivot when it is necessary to apply a process to a different field. Considering that internationalization resembles entrepreneurship, because of uncertainty and risk in a new market where the value proposition should be validated, the Lean Start-up philosophy will serve as a theoretical framework in which to operate. The study of international challenges of cybersecurity c…