R. Ananthakrishnan
Further studies on associations between leprosy and genetic markers in human serum.
Seven serum proteins were typed on a sample of 910 individuals from Angola, Africa. The sample consisted of both leprosy patients and healthy controls from the same geographical area. Significant associations with leprosy were found for the Hp and Pi systems. The results are discussed.
On the genetics of psoriasis
To elucidate the mode of inheritance in psoriasis, Falconer's model for estimating heritability which is under the assumption of multifactorial inheritance, was applied to the data of Hellgren (1967) from Sweden. The heritability estimates were based on both manifest and potential psoriasis since a clear separation of these two categories was impossible. These estimates were 64% for parents, 60% for siblings and 52% for all first degree relatives which included the children of psoriatic cases. For second degree relatives it was 48%. None of these differences are statistically significant. The results are discussed.
Elektrophoretische Untersuchungen der Glucose-6-phosphatdehydrogenase in Erythrocyten von Psoriatikern
Bei 103 manifesten Psoriatikern und 100 Kontrollpersonen ohne eigene oder familiar bekannte Psoriasisbelastung wurde die Erythrocyten-G-6-PDH elektrophoretisch bestimmt. In beiden Gruppen wiesen alle Personen mit einer Ausnahme bei den Psoriatikern eine einzige Bande auf, die dem Typ B entsprach, der im allgemeinen in jeder Population der haufigste ist. Bei einem Psoriatiker konnte eine Variante schnellerer elektrophoretischer Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit jedoch mit normaler Enzymaktivitat festgestellt werden, deren genaue Identifizierung bis jetzt noch nicht moglich war.
Studies on the Australia antigen
Australia antigen typings on leprosy and control samples from West Bengal (India) and Angola (Africa) showed a considerably higher incidence of this antigen in lepromatous lepers as compared with other types of this disease resp. controls. By this the findings of Blumberg et al. (1967) in the Philippines could be confirmed. The possible reasons for this observations are discussed.
Placental alkaline phosphatase types in Germany
The phenotypes of placental alkaline phosphatase were determined in a sample of 231 Germans and 109 non-Germans. The observed gene frequencies of the German sample were \({\text{Pl}}^{{\text{S}}_{\text{1}} } {\text{ = 0}}{\text{.654}}\), \({\text{Pl}}^{{\text{F}}_{\text{1}} } {\text{ = 0}}{\text{.247}}\), and \({\text{Pl}}^{{\text{I}}_{\text{1}} } {\text{ = 0}}{\text{.097}}\). No association could be found with placental weight. Lower birth weight was correlated with an increase of the \({\text{Pl}}^{{\text{I}}_{\text{1}} } \) gene frequency.
ABO blood groups and Australia antigen
The distribution of ABO blood in two groups of people with Australia antigen was studied (121 blood donors and 128 patients) and in 3,091 controls was investigated. There was a significant excess of A in comparison with o when the two groups were combined, and when the two groups were tested for (A + B): (AB +O) individually and together, both were found to be statistically significant. The results are discussed.
Is the PGM1 locus subject to selection?
The placental phosphoglucomutase phenotypes controlled by the first locus of 235 German and 119 non-German samples were determined. Both in the pooled material and in the sample containing German subjects only there was a significant deviation from the expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. A segregation analysis of 1174 families also revealed significant deviations in the phenotypes of the children, though the mating frequencies were as expected. The distribution of the children's phenotypes deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium though this was not found in the parent samples. The results are discussed.
Association between C′3 phenotypes and various diseases
The distribution of C′3 phenotypes in leprosy, rheumatism, diabetes, hyperlipedemia and hepatitis were studied. There was a significant excess of FF-phenotypes in patients with rheumatic factor while in hepatitis the SS-phenotype was significantly lower and a relatively high frequency of FF was stated. The results are discussed.
On the genetics of psoriasis
To elucidate the mode of inheritance in psoriasis, Falconer's model for estimating heritability which is under the assumption of multifactorial inheritance, was applied to the data of Hellgren (1967) from Sweden. The heritability estimates were based on both manifest and potential psoriasis since a clear separation of these two categories was impossible. These estimates were 64% for parents, 60% for siblings and 52% for all first degree relatives which included the children of psoriatic cases. For second degree relatives it was 48%. None of these differences are statistically significant. The results are discussed.
A mother-child combination analysis for AB0-Hp interaction
Tests for interaction between AB0 and Hp were performed in 1824 mother-child pairs. There was no significant difference in the Hp distribution between mothers and children. When the children were divided into AB0-compatible and AB0-incompatible with their mothers there was an excess of the Hp1 gene in the incompatible group. The results are discussed.
Enzyme polymorphisms and haemoglobin variants in Greeks
Several enzyme polymorphisms and hemoglobin variants were typed in a sample of n = 219 non-related Greek blood-donors. The following gene frequencies were observed: pa = 0.201, pb = 0.701, pc = 0.098;PGDA = 0.985, PGDc = 0.015; AK1 = 0.942, AK2 = 0.058; HbA = 0.988, HbS = 0.012. No polymorphic variation was seen in LDH, s-MDH, PHI, or SOD. The population genetical aspects of these results are discussed.
Red cell enzyme polymorphisms in Bulgaria.
7 human red cell enzyme polymophisms have been typed on a sample of n=138 unrelated adults from Bulgaria, which revealed the following gene frequencies: ADA1=0.8623. ADA2=0.1376; AK1=0.9637, AK2=0.0362; 6-PGDA=0.9891, 6-PGDC=0.0108; PGM11=0.8346, PGM12=0.1653; PA=0.1596, PB=0.7983, PC=0.0420. In the LDH-system one B-subunit variant was found, whilst no Peptidase A or B variant could be observed. The anthropological significance of these findings is discussed.
Polymorphism of phosphoglucomutase in a German breed cattle
Summary Haemolysates from cattle belonging to the Hochfleckvieh breed (N = 42), were studied for electrophoretic variation of phosphoglucomutase. Three phenotypes were observed which could be explained on the basis of two alleles PGMiA and PGMiB. The PGM'B frequency of 0.7325 is comparatively lower than in other breeds.
Some notes on the geographical distribution of the human red cell acid phosphatase phenotypes
Basing on the data of 65 populations the geographical variability of the human red cell acid phosphatase phenotypes resp. alleles was studied. We found a marked distribution gradient: The frequency of pB-alleles increases with the increase of the mean annual temperature of the various biotops, whereas the pA-allele frequencies show a clear decrease. For this allele we calculated a significant negative correlation between its frequency and the mean annual temperature: r=-0.71; P<0.001. We suppose that the pB-allele is in some way adaptive under the climatic conditions of tropical biotops. The possible reasons are discussed.