Characterization of MRNP34, a novel methionine-rich nacre protein from the pearl oysters
9 pages; International audience; Nacre of the Pinctada pearl oyster shells is composed of 98% CaCO(3) and 2% organic matrix. The relationship between the organic matrix and the mechanism of nacre formation currently constitutes the main focus regarding the biomineralization process. In this study, we isolated a new nacre matrix protein in P. margaritifera and P. maxima, we called Pmarg- and Pmax-MRNP34 (methionine-rich nacre protein). MRNP34 is a secreted hydrophobic protein, which is remarkably rich in methionine, and which is specifically localised in mineralizing the epithelium cells of the mantle and in the nacre matrix. The structure of this protein is drastically different from those …
Deep conservation of bivalve nacre proteins highlighted by shell matrix proteomics of the Unionoida Elliptio complanata and Villosa lienosa.
The formation of the molluscan shell nacre is regulated to a large extent by a matrix of extracellular macromolecules that are secreted by the shell-forming tissue, the mantle. This so-called ‘calcifying matrix’ is a complex mixture of proteins, glycoproteins and polysaccharides that is assembled and occluded within the mineral phase during the calcification process. Better molecular-level characterization of the substances that regulate nacre formation is still required. Notable advances in expressed tag sequencing of freshwater mussels, such as Elliptio complanata and Villosa lienosa , provide a pre-requisite to further characterize bivalve nacre proteins by a proteomic approach. In this…
The skeletal proteome of the coral Acropora millepora: the evolution of calcification by co-option and domain shuffling.
14 pages; International audience; In corals, biocalcification is a major function that may be drastically affected by ocean acidification (OA). Scleractinian corals grow by building up aragonitic exoskeletons that provide support and protection for soft tissues. Although this process has been extensively studied, the molecular basis of biocalcification is poorly understood. Notably lacking is a comprehensive catalog of the skeleton-occluded proteins-the skeletal organic matrix proteins (SOMPs) that are thought to regulate the mineral deposition. Using a combination of proteomics and transcriptomics, we report the first survey of such proteins in the staghorn coral Acropora millepora. The or…
The shell organic matrix of the crossed lamellar queen conch shell (Strombus gigas)
10 pages; International audience; In molluscs, the shell organic matrix comprises a large set of biomineral-occluded proteins, glycoproteins and polysaccharides that are secreted by the calcifying mantle epithelium, and are supposed to display several functions related to the synthesis of the shell. In the present paper, we have characterized biochemically the shell matrix associated to the crossed-lamellar structure of the giant queen conch Strombus gigas. The acid-soluble (ASM) and acid-insoluble (AIM) matrices represent an extremely minor fraction of the shell. Both are constituted of polydisperse and of few discrete proteins among which three fractions, obtained by preparative SDS-PAGE …
Carbonic anhydrase and metazoan biocalcification: a focus on molluscs.
Carbonic anhydrase is a super-family of metallo-enzymes (containing α, β, γ, ζ and δ-CA families) that catalyse the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. Among their numerous functions, CAs - in particular that of the α-CA family - are known to play a key role in biocalcification processes, i.e., the ability to deposit calcium carbonate crystallites in a controlled manner to form exoskeletons. In the gastropod mollusc Haliotistuberculata – the European abalone – we identified two CA transcripts, htCA1 and htCA2, in the mantle, the calcifying organ responsible for shell formation from an extracellular organic matrix and a mixture of inorganic ions. Because these two transcripts are specifi…
The shell-forming proteome of Lottia gigantea reveals both deep conservations and lineage-specific novelties
19 pages; International audience; Proteins that are occluded within the molluscan shell, the so-called shell matrix proteins (SMPs), are an assemblage of biomolecules attractive to study for several reasons. They increase the fracture resistance of the shell by several orders of magnitude, determine the polymorph of CaCO(3) deposited, and regulate crystal nucleation, growth initiation and termination. In addition, they are thought to control the shell microstructures. Understanding how these proteins have evolved is also likely to provide deep insight into events that supported the diversification and expansion of metazoan life during the Cambrian radiation 543 million years ago. Here, we p…
Pmarg-pearlin is a matrix protein involved in nacre framework formation in the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera.
11 pages; International audience; The shell of pearl oysters is organized in multiple layers of CaCO(3) crystallites packed together in an organic matrix. Relationships between the components of the organic matrix and mechanisms of nacre formation currently constitute the main focus of research into biomineralization. In this study, we characterized the pearlin protein from the oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Pmarg); this shares structural features with other members of a matrix protein family, N14/N16/pearlin. Pmarg pearlin exhibits calcium- and chitin-binding properties. Pmarg pearlin transcripts are distinctively localized in the mineralizing tissue responsible for nacre formation. More s…
Additional file 1 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file 1:Table S1: Summary of BlastX results of biomineralization-related protein in the EST P. margaritifera mantle database. A catalogue of 82 P. margaritifera mantle transcripts potentially implicated in the biomineralization process was constructed using BlastX (E-value < 10-3) with selected protein sequences identified from mollusks (bivalvia and gastropoda). (DOC 140 KB)
Characterization of molecular processes involved in the pearl formation in Pinctada margaritifera for the sustainable development of pearl farming industry in French Polynesia.
11 pages; International audience
Evolution des biominéralisations nacrées chez les mollusques : caractérisation moléculaire des matrices coquillières du céphalopode nautiloïde Nautilus macromphalus et du bivalve paléohétérodonte Unio pictorum
In metazoan, molluscan shells are one of the most fascinating examples for the investigation of the calcium carbonate biomineralization phenomenon. These exoskeletons are secreted by the outer epithelium of the calcifying mantle. They are composed of 95% of mineral – calcite and/or aragonite -, the rest of the shells being constituted by a mixture of proteins, glycoproteins and polysaccharides, called the organic matrix. This calcifying matrix is directly involved in biomineralization. This PhD work is focussed on the characterization of organic components associated to the nacreous layer. In molluscs, the nacre is observed in shells of extent species of bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods an…
Biochemical Characterization of the Soluble Organic Matrix of Gastroliths from Decapods.
10 pages; International audience; Gastroliths are disc-shaped calcium storage structures cyclically elaborated by some decapods in their stomach wall. In the present study, we extracted the gastrolith organic matrix from three different decapods, two crayfishes and one lobster, and began to characterize the soluble matrix obtained after decalcification by acetic acid. By using different staining (silver nitrate, Coomassie Blue, Stains-all) after SDS-PAGE, we evidenced that these soluble fractions are rich in polypeptides, some seems common, others are completely different. Among them, putative calcium binding proteins might be present and have to be further characterized. This soluble organ…
Nacre evolution: a proteomic approach.
AbstractFrom an evolutionary viewpoint, the molluscan nacre constitutes a fascinating object. This microstructure appeared early, in the Lower Cambrian period, about 530 million years ago, and since then, has been kept unchanged until today. Nacre is restricted to the conchiferan mollusks, where it occurs in t least three main classes, bivalves, gastropods and cephalopods. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether all nacres are built from the same “macromolecular tools”, proteins of the nacre matrix. To this end, we studied three new nacre models, the freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum, the cephalopod Nautilus macromphalus, and the gastropod Haliotis asinina, to which we applied…
Proteomics of CaCO3 biomineral-associated proteins: how to properly address their analysis.
8 pages; International audience; In a recent editorial (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2013 110, E2144-E2146) and elsewhere, questions have been raised regarding the experimental practices in relation to the proteomic analysis of organic matrices associated to the biomineralized CaCO3 skeletons of metazoans such as molluscan shells and coral skeletons. Indeed, although the use of new high sensitivity MS technology potentially allows to identify a greater number of proteins, it is also equally (or even more) sensitive to contamination of residual proteins from soft tissues, which are in close contact with the biomineral. Based on our own past and present experimental know-how-observations that are …
Molluscan Shell Proteins: Primary Structure, Origin, and Evolution
In the last few years, the field of molluscan biomineralization has known a tremendous mutation, regarding fundamental concepts on biomineralization regulation as well as regarding the methods of investigation. The most recent advances deal more particularly with the structure of shell biominerals at nanoscale and the identification of an increasing number of shell matrix protein components. Although the matrix is quantitatively a minor constituent in the shell of mollusks (less than 5% w/w), it is, however, the major component that controls different aspects of the shell formation processes: synthesis of transient amorphous minerals and evolution to crystalline phases, choice of the calciu…
Caspartin: thermal stability and occurrence in mollusk calcified tissues.
8 pages; International audience; The fan mussel Pinna nobilis secretes a two-layered shell, the external layer of which is composed of long calcitic prisms. The dissolution of these prisms releases an assemblage of acidic intracrystalline proteins, among which caspartin, an Asp-rich protein (Marin et al., 2005). A polyclonal antibody raised against purified caspartin was used for estimating its thermal stability, and for investigating the presence of cross-reacting proteins in the shell matrices of several mollusks. In the first case, prisms of Pinna nobilis were heated at 100°C, for one to eleven days. The degradation of caspartin was followed on SDS-PAGE and on Western-blot. The experimen…
Heavy Metals in Mollusc Shells: A Quick Method for their Detection
It is known for a long time that calcified tissues secreted by aquatic or terrestrial invertebrates – such as mollusc shells – have the ability to concentrate large amounts of pollutants, in particular heavy metals. In the present paper, we have found an extremely rapid and easy procedure to qualitatively detect the putative presence of heavy metals in shells, without having to use sophisticated techniques such as Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy, atomic adsorption spectroscopy or ICP-MS. Our method rests on the capacity of the silver enhancement chemicals that are traditionally used in immunogold localization experiments to increase the size of heavy metal nanoparticles, whatever the che…
The evolution of metazoan α-carbonic anhydrases and their roles in calcium carbonate biomineralization
The carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC superfamily is a class of ubiquitous metallo-enzymes that catalyse the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. The ?-CA family, present in all metazoan clades, is a key enzyme involved in a wide range of physiological functions including pH regulation, respiration, photosynthesis, and biocalcification. This paper reviews the evolution of the ?-CA family, with an emphasis on metazoan ?-CA members involved in biocalcification. Phylogenetic analyses reveal a complex evolutionary history of ?-CAs, and suggest ?-CA was independently co-opted into a variety of skeleton forming roles (e.g. as a provider of HCO3? ions, a structural protein, a nucleation activ…
Nautilin-63, a novel acidic glycoprotein from the shell nacre of Nautilus macromphalus
In molluscs, and more generally in metazoan organisms, the production of a calcified skeleton is a complex molecular process that is regulated by the secretion of an extracellular organic matrix. This matrix constitutes a cohesive and functional macromolecular assemblage, containing mainly proteins, glycoproteins and polysaccharides that, together, control the biomineral formation. These macromolecules interact with the extruded precursor mineral ions, mainly calcium and bicarbonate, to form complex organo-mineral composites of well-defined microstructures. For several reasons related to its remarkable mechanical properties and to its high value in jewelry, nacre is by far the most studied …
Molecular modularity and asymmetry of the molluscan mantle revealed by a gene expression atlas
15 pages; International audience; Background: Conchiferan molluscs construct a biocalcified shell that likely supported much of their evolutionary success.However, beyond broad proteomic and transcriptomic surveys of molluscan shells and the shell-forming mantle tissue,little is known of the spatial and ontogenetic regulation of shell fabrication. In addition, most efforts have been focused onspecies that deposit nacre, which is at odds with the majority of conchiferan species that fabricate shells using acrossed-lamellar microstructure, sensu lato. Results: By combining proteomic and transcriptomic sequencing with in situhybridization we have identified a suite of gene products associated …
Biomineralization toolkit: the importance of sample cleaning prior to the characterization of biomineral proteomes.
In an interesting work published recently in PNAS, Drake et al. (1) presented a proteomic study of the skeleton from the stony coral Stylophora pistillata . This study identified proteins that are associated to the mineral phase (i.e., that potentially contribute to shape the skeleton). In other words, this set of proteins is supposed to represent the so-called “biomineralization toolkit.” Although some of the 36 proteins reported in Drake et al. (1) appear as genuine extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins related to biomineralization, such as coral acid-rich proteins or carbonic anhydrase, some others are obvious intracellular contaminants that should not be considered as skeletal organic mat…
Nacre calcification in the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum: carbonic anhydrase activity and purification of a 95 kDa calcium-binding glycoprotein.
9 pages; International audience; The formation of the molluscan shell is finely tuned by macromolecules of the shell organic matrix. Previous results have shown that the acid-soluble fraction of the nacre matrix of the freshwater paleoheterodont bivalve Unio pictorum shell displays a number of remarkable properties, such as calcium-binding activity, the presence of extensive glycosylations and the capacity to interfere at low concentration with in vitro calcium carbonate precipitation. Here we have found that the nacre-soluble matrix exhibits a carbonic anhydrase activity, an important function in calcification processes. This matrix is composed of three main proteinaceous discrete fraction…
Proteomic analysis of the organic matrix of the abalone Haliotis asinina calcified shell.
Abstract Background The formation of the molluscan shell is regulated to a large extent by a matrix of extracellular macromolecules that are secreted by the shell forming tissue, the mantle. This so called "calcifying matrix" is a complex mixture of proteins and glycoproteins that is assembled and occluded within the mineral phase during the calcification process. While the importance of the calcifying matrix to shell formation has long been appreciated, most of its protein components remain uncharacterised. Results Recent expressed sequence tag (EST) investigations of the mantle tissue from the tropical abalone (Haliotis asinina) provide an opportunity to further characterise the proteins …
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Identification of Two Carbonic Anhydrases in the Mantle of the European Abalone Haliotis tuberculata (Gastropoda, Haliotidae): Phylogenetic Implications
Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) represent a diversified family of metalloenzymes that reversibly catalyze the hydration of carbon dioxide. They are involved in a wide range of functions, among which is the formation of CaCO(3) skeletons in metazoans. In the shell-forming mantle tissues of mollusks, the location of the CA catalytic activity is elusive and gives birth to contradicting views. In the present paper, using the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata, a key model gastropod in biomineralization studies, we identified and characterized two CAs (htCA1 and htCA2) that are specific of the shell-forming mantle tissue. We analyzed them in a phylogenetic context. Combining various approaches, inc…
Biochemical characteristics of the shell soluble organic matrix of some recent Rhynchonelliformea (Brachiopoda).
11 pages; International audience; To build up their shell, brachiopods secrete a mixture of proteins and polysaccharides, collectively called the shell organic matrix. This matrix is supposed to mediate the calcification process by allowing the crystal nucleation and elongation and finally, by stopping the crystal growth. The aim of this work is, firstly, to observe at nanoscale the close relationships between the mineral and the organic phases, and secondly, to characterize the acetic acid-soluble matrices extracted from different articulate brachiopods. Recent articulate brachiopod shells were observed according to a standard procedure, which emphasizes the microstructural details. For th…
Metazoan calcium carbonate biomineralizations: macroevolutionary trends – challenges for the coming decade
AbstractCalcium carbonate-based biominerals, also referred as biocalcifications, are the most abundant biogenic mineralized products at the surface of the Earth. In this paper, we summarize general concepts on biocalcifications and we sketch macro-evolutionary trends throughout the history of the Earth, from Archean to Phanerozoic times. Then, we expose five fundamental issues that represent key-challenges in biocalcification researches for the coming decade: the first one concerns the comprehension of the micro- and nano-structure of calcium carbonate biominerals from a mineral viewpoint, while the second one deals with the understanding of the dynamic process of their fabrication. The thi…
Additional file 3 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 2
Proteomic analysis of the acid-soluble nacre matrix of the bivalve Unio pictorum: detection of novel carbonic anhydrase and putative protease inhibitor proteins.
10 pages; International audience; The matrix extracted from mollusc shell nacre is a mixture of proteins and glycoproteins that is thought to play a major role in controlling biomineral synthesis and in increasing its mechanical properties. We investigated the nacreous shell of the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum, to which we applied a proteomics approach adapted to mollusc shell proteins. On one hand, the acid-soluble nacre matrix was fractionated by SDS-PAGE and the five main protein bands (P95, P50, P29, P16, and P12) were digested with trypsin and analyzed by nanoLC-MS/MS followed by de novo sequencing. On the other hand, the acid-soluble nacre matrix was analyzed in a similar manner, w…
Supplementary figures from Deep conservation of bivalve nacre proteins highlighted by shell matrix proteomics of the Unionoida Elliptio complanata and Villosa lienosa
figures S1-S3
Characterization of molecular processes involved in the pearl formation in Pinctada margaritifera for a sustainable development of pearl farming industry in French Polynesia
Tahiti’s pearl farming industry plays a major socio-economic role in French Polynesia. In an increasingly competitive market where the production of high quality pearls becomes essential, research can help secure and ensure sustainable production. In that context, Ifremer, in close collaboration with the “direction des resources marines” (French Polynesian government agency) has developed research projects on the “sustainable development of pearl farming”. This program is organized along 3 axes: (1) understanding the animal physiology and initiating a genetically selective breeding program of donor oysters; (2) understanding pearl oyster larvae dispersal and recruitment; (3) understanding t…
The formation and mineralization of mollusk shell.
27 pages; International audience; In the last years, the field of mollusk biomineralization has known a tremendous mutation. The most recent advances deal with the nanostructure of shell biominerals, and with the identification of several shell matrix proteins: on one hand, the complex hierarchical organization of shell biominerals has been deciphered in few models, like nacre. On the other hand, although proteins represent a minor shell component, they are the major macromolecules that control biocrystal synthesis. Until recently, the paradigm was to consider that this control occurs by two antagonist mechanisms: crystal nucleation and growth inhibition. Emerging models try to translate a …
Calcification in the Shell of the Freshwater Bivalve Unio pictorum.
8 pages; International audience; The scope of the present study is to elucidate the primary structure of the shell proteins of the mollusk Unio pictorum. This freshwater bivalve exhibits an aragonitic shell with nacro-prismatic microstructures. The acetic acid-soluble matrix of the nacreous layer has been extracted, and analyzed on standard polyacrylamide gel under denaturing conditions. Five main proteins can be observed. Their respective apparent molecular weight is 95, 50, 29, 14 and 10 kDa. The three high molecular weight bands are acidic, glycosylated and bind calcium in vitro. These proteins are purified by preparative SDSPAGE. In addition, these fractions are tested to check their ab…
Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Abstract Background The shell of the pearl-producing bivalve Pinctada margaritifera is composed of an organic cell-free matrix that plays a key role in the dynamic process of biologically-controlled biomineralization. In order to increase genomic resources and identify shell matrix proteins implicated in biomineralization in P. margaritifera, high-throughput Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) pyrosequencing was undertaken on the calcifying mantle, combined with a proteomic analysis of the shell. Results We report the functional analysis of 276 738 sequences, leading to the constitution of an unprecedented catalog of 82 P. margaritifera biomineralization-related mantle protein sequences. Component…
'Shellome': Proteins involved in mollusk shell biomineralization - diversity, functions.
18 pages; International audience
The shell matrix of the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum (Paleoheterodonta, Unionoida). Involvement of acidic polysaccharides from glycoproteins in nacre mineralization.
13 pages; International audience; Among molluscs, the shell biomineralization process is controlled by a set of extracellular macromolecular components secreted by the calcifying mantle. In spite of several studies, these components are mainly known in bivalves from only few members of pteriomorph groups. In the present case, we investigated the biochemical properties of the aragonitic shell of the freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum (Paleoheterodonta, Unionoida). Analysis of the amino acid composition reveals a high amount of glycine, aspartate and alanine in the acid-soluble extract, whereas the acid-insoluble one is rich in alanine and glycine. Monosaccharidic analysis indicates that the in…
Shell repair process in the green ormer Haliotis tuberculata: a histological and microstructural study.
In the present paper, juvenile and adult shells of the green ormer Haliotis tuberculata ('Oreille de Saint-Pierre') were perforated in a zone close to the shell edge and the shell repair process was followed at two levels: (1) by observing the histology of the calcifying mantle in the repair zone and (2) by analyzing with SEM the microstructure of the shell repair zone. Histological data clearly show the presence of calcium carbonate granules into the connective tissues, but not in the epithelial cells. This suggests that calcium carbonate granules are synthesized by sub-epithelial cells and actively transported through the epithelium to the repair zone, via a process which may be similar t…
Biochemical characteristics of the soluble organic matrix from the shell of three recent terebratulid brachiopod species.
7 pages; International audience; To build their shells, brachiopods secrete a mixture of proteins and polysaccharides, collectively called the organic matrix. This matrix mediates the calcification process by allowing crystal nucleation followed by elongation and finally by stopping the crystal growth. Ultimately, the matrix controls the different microstructures formed. Brachiopod shells are composites with both organic and inorganic constituents intimately associated. This work represents an attempt to characterize the matrices using two combined approaches: (1) scanning electron microscopy for localization within the shell, (2) analysing extracted matrices at the molecular level to deter…
Evolution of nacre: biochemistry and proteomics of the shell organic matrix of the cephalopod Nautilus macromphalus.
12 pages; International audience; In mollusks, one of the most widely studied shell textures is nacre, the lustrous aragonitic layer that constitutes the internal components of the shells of several bivalves, a few gastropods, and one cephalopod: the nautilus. Nacre contains a minor organic fraction, which displays a wide range of functions in relation to the biomineralization process. Here, we have biochemically characterized the nacre matrix of the cephalopod Nautilus macromphalus. The acid-soluble matrix contains a mixture of polydisperse and discrete proteins and glycoproteins, which interact with the formation of calcite crystals. In addition, a few bind calcium ions. Furthermore, we h…
Synthesis of calcium carbonate biological materials: how many proteins are needed?
In Nature, calcium carbonate biomineralizations are the most abundant mineralized structures of biological origin. Because many exhibit remarkable characteristics, several attempts have been made to use them as substitution materials for bone reconstruction or as models for generating biomimetic composites that exhibit tailored properties. CaCO3biomineralizations contain small amounts of amalgamate of proteins and polysaccharides that are secreted during the calcification process. They contribute to control the morphology of the crystallites and to spatially organize them in well-defined microstructures. These macromolecules, collectively defined as the skeletal matrix, have been the focus …
Novel molluskan biomineralization proteins retrieved from proteomics: a case study with upsalin.
12 pages; International audience; The formation of the molluskan shell is regulated by an array of extracellular proteins secreted by the calcifying epithelial cells of the mantle. These proteins remain occluded within the recently formed biominerals. To date, many shell proteins have been retrieved, but only a few of them, such as nacreins, have clearly identified functions. In this particular case, by combining molecular biology and biochemical approaches, we performed the molecular characterization of a novel protein that we named Upsalin, associated with the nacreous shell of the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum. The full sequence of the upsalin transcript was obtained by RT-PCR and 5'/3…
Unveiling the evolution of bivalve nacre proteins by shell proteomics of Unionoidae.
The formation of the molluscan shell nacre is regulated to a large extent by a matrix of extracellular macromolecules that are secreted by the shell forming tissue, the mantle. This so called “calcifying matrix” is a complex mixture of proteins and glycoproteins that is assembled and occluded within the mineral phase during the calcification process. While the importance of the calcifying matrix to shell formation has long been appreciated, the molecular basis that dictates nacre formation remains largely uncharacterized.Recent expressed sequence tag (EST) investigations of the freshwater mussels (Elliptio complanata and Villosa leinosa) provide an opportunity to further characterize the pr…
Characterization of crustacyanin-A2 subunit as a component of the organic matrix of gastroliths from the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus.
AbstractLike the lobsters, some terrestrial crabs and other crayfishes, the Australian red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, elaborates in its stomach wall calcium storage structures called gastroliths. For understanding the cyclic elaboration and stabilization of these amorphous calcified structures, we studied the organic matrix (OM) of these paired biomineralizations. After decalcification with acetic acid, we analysed the proteinaceous components of an acetic acid-insoluble fraction by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Nine spots were digested by trpsin and the tryptic peptides were sequenced by nanoLC-nanoESI-MS/MS mass spectrometry. About 100 peptidic sequences were compared to se…
Additional file 5 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 4
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file 4 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 3
Additional file 2 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 1
Additional file 5 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 4
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Supplementary table from Deep conservation of bivalve nacre proteins highlighted by shell matrix proteomics of the Unionoida Elliptio complanata and Villosa lienosa
Table S1
Additional file 4 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 3
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Additional file 2 of Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization
Authors’ original file for figure 1