Patrick Ray
Influence de l’âge sur les durées de réanimation des arrêts cardiaques préhospitaliers
Introduction : L’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer si l’âge des patients en arrêt cardiaque (AC) a une influence sur les durées de réanimation cardiopulmonaire (RCP) par les équipes préhospitalières. Patients et méthodes : Nous avons réalisé une étude monocentrique, prospective, à partir des données de notre centre hospitalier universitaire, issues du Registre électronique des arrêts cardiaques. Ont été inclus tous les patients ayant présenté un AC, hormis ceux retrouvés en état de rigidité cadavérique ou qui avaient préalablement exprimé des directives anticipées sur leur fin de vie. Les patients ont été séparés en deux groupes selon leur âge : les moins de 75 ans et ceux de 75 ans…
Prognostic value of soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain suggestive of acute coronary syndrome
International audience; INTRODUCTION: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a prognostic biomarker of cardiovascular disease. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to evaluate the early prognostic value of suPAR in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with chest pain suggestive of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a post-hoc analysis from a multicenter study including patients with a chest pain < 6 h, suPAR concentrations at ED admission were studied according to the outcome at 30-days. RESULTS: 198 patients (median age 56 years) in whom 16% had an ACS, were included. Fifteen (7.3%) patients presented a 30-day event. At ED admission, median (IQR…
SAU et diagnostic de l’œdème pulmonaire cardiogénique
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema in the elderly does not differ fundamentally from that seen in the young patient. Appropriate pathways must be established, with regular nursing follow-up, to enable rapid detection and treatment of episodes of acute heart failure. The paramedical team plays an essential role in liaising with families, providing nursing care and listening to the patient at the bedside.
Low risk of intracranial emergency in patients with minor head injury treated with antiplatelet therapy.
Is high-sensitivity troponin, alone or in combination with copeptin, sensitive enough for ruling out NSTEMI in very early presenters at admission? A post hoc analysis performed in emergency departments
Objectives: Copeptin and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (HS-cTn) assays improve the early detection of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Their sensitivities may, however, be reduced in very early presenters.Setting: We performed a post hoc analysis of three prospective studies that included patients who presented to the emergency department for chest pain onset (CPO) of less than 6 hours.Participants: 449 patients were included, in whom 12% had NSTEMI. CPO occurred 4 hours in 146 patients. The prevalence of NSTEMI was similar in all groups (9%, 13% and 12%, respectively, p=0.281).Measures: Diagnostic performances of HS-cTn and copeptin at presentation were examined…
Type 1 or Type 2 Myocardial Infarction in Patients with a History of Coronary Artery Disease: Data from the Emergency Department
A type 2 myocardial infarction (T2MI) is the result of an imbalance between oxygen supply and demand, without acute atherothrombosis. T2MI is frequent in emergency departments (ED), but has not been extensively evaluated in patients with previously known coronary artery disease (CAD). Our study assessed the incidence and characteristics of T2MI compared to type 1 (T1MI) in CAD patients admitted to an ED. Among 33,669 consecutive patients admitted to the ED, 2830 patients with T1MI or T2MI were systematically included after prospective adjudication by the attending clinician according to the universal definition. Among them, 619 (22%) patients had a history of CAD. Using multivariable analys…