D. Frohneberg

Morphometric Examination of the Dilated Rat Ureter

Dilatations of the ureter are known in rats with diabetes insipidus as well as after the administration of diuretics (Wladimiroff 1975). Nevertheless, similarities to congenital deformities, such as the primary megaureter, have not been established to date. It has not yet been determined whether in the fetus increased diuresis can lead to a functional overstrain of the transport capacity of the ureter and thus to mutations in the sense of a congenital megaurter. In addition to the direct influence of increased diuresis, teratogenic effects of the administered diuretics during pregnancy are possible. Furthermore, it should be determined whether the dilatation can be classified as an adaptive…

research product

Postersitzung 2: Das metastasierte Prostatakarzinom

Weltweit sind betrachtliche Unterschiede in der Morbiditat und Mortalitat des Prostatacarcinoms bekannt. Die hochste Inzidenz besteht bei der schwarzen Bevolkerung in den USA, Asiaten hingegen erkranken nur sehr selten.

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Uretero-Sigmoideostomie im Kindesalter — klinische, psychische und soziale Aspekte

Zwischen 1967 und 1983 wurde an der Urologischen Klinik Mainz bei 40 Patienten mit Blasenekstrophie bzw. Epispadie die Uretero-Sigmoidostomie durchgefuhrt. Das Verhaltnis mannlicher zu weiblichen Patienten war 3:1.

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Influence of induced intrauterine diuresis on the upper urinary tract

There are many possible etiologies of sonographically detected dilatation of the renal pelvis and the ureter during pregnancy. The observation that fetal ureteral dilatation occurs with congenital diabetes insipidus has led to the suspicion of at least a modifying influence resulting from intrauterine diuresis. To increase fetal diuresis experimentally, Wistar rats were treated with 100 mg chlorthalidon and 40 mg furosemide per kg bodyweight per day. The animal experiment was performed with four groups. Group I was treated during the entire course of pregnancy. Group II during the first half and Group III during the second half. Group C was the untreated control group. For morphometric inve…

research product

Fetal Renal Effects of Intrauterine Diuretic Application in Wistar Rats

The application of placenta-permeable diuretics in the pregnant woman has been the subject of controversial discussion (Friedberg 1980; Souster and Emery 1980). Not only is the fetus endangered by potential placental ischaemia, natrium and potassium loss and possible dehydration in the mother (Friedberg 1980; Gant and Madden 1975), but also induced effects on fetal organ formation should be considered (Frohneberg and Hutschenreiter 1982; Seufert 1986). Depending on the site of action and placental permeability, fetal urine production can be increased (Wladimiroff 1975), thus leading to consequences for the morphological and functional embryogenesis of isolated nephron sections (Frohneberg 1…

research product

Die intravesikale Rezidiv-Chemoprophylaxe des oberflächlichen Harnblasentumors

Das oberflachliche Harnblasenkarzinom stellt eine Domane der transurethralen Resektion dar. Das maligne Potential dieser Tumoren ist vergleichsweise niedrig und die betroffenen Patienten leiden oft infolge ihres fortgeschrittenen Alters an zusatzlichen internistischen Grunderkrankungen, die im Vordergrund stehen (1). Andererseits nimmt die karzinombedingte Todesrate in Abhangigkeit vom Infiltrationsstadium und der zellularen Entdifferenzierung deutlich zu. So sinkt die 3-Jahresuberlebensrate von Patienten mit Harnblasenkarzinomen des Stadiums T1–3 mit zunehmender histologischer Entdifferenzierung. Sie betragt bei G1-Tumoren noch 76% und sinkt auf 32% bei G3-Tumoren. Ebenso nimmt die Todesra…

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Angioma-Like Pseudometamorphosis in Wilms' Tumors Subjected to Preoperative Radio- and Chemotherapy

Six Wilms' tumors (stage III-V), which had undergone preoperative irradiation and chemotherapy, were examined histologically. While mesenchymal and differentiated epithelial tumor elements were preserved to a large extent, blastemic tumor structures were almost completely lacking. Instead, pseudoangioma-like structures similar to cavernous hemangioma prevailed. As demonstrated by transitional pictures, the pseudoangioma-like pattern is a result of the fact that blastemic tumor elements are replaced by blood after therapy-induced necrosis and lysis. The clinical advantages of preoperative treatment are briefly discussed, especially for patients with advanced tumors.

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