A. Zschäbitz

Zum Aufbau der Epiphysenfuge im chronischen Vitamin-A-Mangel — eine histologische und morphometrische Studie an der proximalen Tibiaepiphyse

Vitamin A und analoge Substanzen (Retinoide) uben auf Wachstum und Differenzierung des Bewegungsapparates einen wesentlichen Einflus aus. In zahlreichen in vitro-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, das der Metabolismus von Chondrozyten und Osteoklasten durch toxische Vitamin A-Konzentrationen in komplexer Weise beeinflust wird [1]. Hingegen ist der physiologische Wirkungsmechanismus von Retinol bei der Wachstumsregulation des Knochens noch weitgehend unklar. Das Ziel der vorliegenden in vivo-Untersuchung war deshalb die morphologische Analyse der Epiphysenfuge an Ratten, wobei Tiere im chronischen Vitamin A-Mangel mit Kontrollen verglichen wurden.

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Correlative histologic and arthroscopic evaluation in rheumatoid knee joints.

The correlation between arthroscopic observations and histologic changes in rheumatoid arthritis is still controversial. Synovial samples of 21 knee joints in rheumatoid arthritis patients were comparatively investigated by endoscopy and histology. Biopsies were scored by an endoscopist and subsequently dissected. Different histochemical and immunocytochemical staining techniques were used to define inflammatory activity. Arthroscopic and histological values were compared by rating scales and variance analysis. Our study indicates that synovial biopsy is of diagnostic value in rheumatoid arthritis. However, its usefulness depends on the histochemical methods used. The results revealed highl…

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Immunohistochemical Characterization of Human Synovial Bursa Cells by Light and Transmission Electron Microscopy: Where do These Cells Come From?

En el presente estudio se examinaron bolsas sinoviales humanas a traves de microscopia de luz y electronica de transmision. Para la microscopia de luz, el tejido de las bolsas se tino con Azan, H-E y anticuerpos monoclonales (CD14, CD33, CD36, CD68, laminina). Para la microscopia electronica las bolsas fueron fijadas con solucion de Karnovsky y tetroxido de osmio al 1,5% (Os04) en agua destilada y contrastada con acetato de uranilo al 5% y embebido en Epon®. En primera instada, el fenotipo antigenico fue caracterizado, concluyendose acerca del origen de las celulas que componen la bolsa sinovial. Histologicamente la bolsa fue dividida en dos capas distintas - la intima - la cual es formada …

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Struktur und Funktion von kollagenen und nichtkollagenen Matrixkomponenten in der Knochen-Band-Übergangszone — eine immunhistochemische und immunelektronenmikroskopische Studie des Knochen- und Bandgewebes

Nach Alm und Stromberg (1974) kann die Knochen-Band-Ubergangszone in 4 verschiedene Zonen unterteilt werden (Abb. 1). Uber die Zusammensetzung und Komposition dieser zonalen Gruppen ist jedoch nur wenig bekannt. Ziel unserer Studie war daher die Detektion verschiedener Matrixproteine am Knoehen-Band-Ubergang.

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Expression patterns of complex glycoconjugates and endogenous lectins during fetal development of the viscerocranium

Summary Experimental evidence suggests that carbohydrates and their corresponding receptors (endogenous lectins) decode biological information. Therefore, the expression of complex oligosaccharides — the potential ligand part of this recognition system — during chondrogenesis and osteogenesis was determined in the viscerocranium of fetal rats by mapping the staining patterns of exogenous lectins. Results were compared with the expression of bone- and/or cartilage-specific core proteins and the binding profiles of neoglycoconjugates. These synthetic tools make possible the localization of sugar-ligand-binding sites. The spatial and temporal distribution patterns of glycoconjugates were highl…

research product

Distribution patterns in glycoconjugate expression during the development of the rat palate.

The distribution of complex carbohydrate structures during the embryonic development of the rat palate was analysed by examining lectin-binding patterns in serial paraffin and cryostat sections. With few exceptions, the binding patterns showed a general increase in lectin receptors in the more developed stages of palatogenesis. High mannose oligosaccharides were especially amplified during development. Terminal fucose molecules were not expressed. In contrast, terminal sialic acid molecules were ubiquitously distributed in epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. Non-sialylated terminal N-acetylglucosamine was specifically restricted to evolving bone matrix. Before palatal fusion, quantitative b…

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Demonstration of endogenous lectins in synovial tissue.

We have recently shown that synoviocytes and extracellular matrices exhibit distinct patterns of carbohydrate expression. Their biological relevance is however not known. The purpose of the present study was to find out whether human synovial tissue would also show a specific receptor pattern for complex sugar molecules. Endogenous lectins were displayed by means of biotinylated neoglycoproteins and sulfated polysaccharides in paraffin-embedded material or cryosections. In addition to certain carbohydrate components that are known to be constituents of the carbohydrate part of cellular glycoconjugates, our panel included heparin and fucoidan, a sulfated fucose. Binding sites were shown usin…

research product

Characterization of glycoconjugate expression during development of Meckel's cartilage in the rat

The staining patterns of 24 biotinylated lectins were analyzed in serial sections of the mandible of 13- to 21-day-old rat embryos by means of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method. A ubiquitous distribution of binding sites was demonstrated after incubation with Con A (Canavalia ensiformis), DSL (Datura stramonium; except bone matrix), and WGA (Triticum vulgare). ECL (Erythrina cristagalli), GSL I (Griffonia simplicifolia), SJA (Saphora japonica), VVL (Vicia villosa), DBA (Dolichus biflorus), UEA I (Ulex europeus), and LTA (Lotus tetragonobolus) were constantly negative. In early stages of development, GSL II (Griffonia simplicifolia II) was a selective marker of prechondral blastema. In con…

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Establishment of a quantitative RT-pCR for detection of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 transcripts in endothelial cells after stimulation with advanced glycation endproducts.

Advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) are supposed to increase endothelial expression of adhesion molecules like vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) by inducing an intracellular stress with subsequent activation of nuclear transcription factor NF-kappa-B. Quantitative analysis of VCAM-1-transcription has not been demonstrated concerning this topic. Thus, the aim of this study was to establish quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays using a spacer gene in order to measure the amounts of specific mRNA for VCAM-1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) which were stimulated with AGE-albumin (AGE-BSA). A recombinant RNA-standard was synthesiz…

research product

Bindungsstudien mit Ulex Europaeus Agglutinin I (UEA-I) am Gefäßendothel der Synovialmembran*

The lectin binding sites of the synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis were investigated. It was shown that Ulex europaeus agglutinin is a constant marker of the vascular endothelium and is not induced during the course of inflammatory process in rheumatoid arthritis.

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Glycoconjugate expression and cartilage development of the cranial skeleton.

Only few detailed investigations have focused on the glycobiology of cranial development. The functional elements in most inductive and morphogenetic processes are not individual cells, but rather collectives of interacting populations and extracellular matrix components that give rise to specific tissues and organs. Experimental evidence strongly suggests that sugar chains not only confer morphological characteristics. Complex carbohydrate molecules and their corresponding receptors are involved in recognition processes decoding biological information during cranial morphogenesis. The distribution patterns of glycoconjugates are highly dynamic and show a clear correlation with characterist…

research product

The influence of advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) on the expression of human endothelial adhesion molecules.

Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) possibly play a dominant role in the pathogenesis of macrovascular disease in diabetes. Recent studies could demonstrate that glycated albumin (AGE-BSA) was able to stimulate vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM.1) on endothelial cells. The aim of this study was to find out if AGE-BSA was not only able to enhance the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, but also of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and E-Selectin on human endothelial cells. Stimulation of endothelial cells with AGE-BSA for six hours predominantly increased the expression of VCAM-1, but ICAM-1 and E-Selectin were also upregulated as shown by immunoilluminometric a…

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Zur Heterogenität der Epiphysenfuge — eine morphologische Studie zur enchondralen Ossifikation der Tibia

Bei der chondralen Ossifikation des Epiphysenknorpels sezernieren die Chondrocyten zahlreiche differente Strukturmolekule, wie Kollagene, Lipide und Proteoglykane in die sie umgebende Extrazellularmatrix (Hinchcliffe u. Johnson 1983). Diese sollen in komplexer Weise an der Knochenmineralisation beteiligt sein (Eggli et al. 1985). Die sechs Zonen der Wachstumsfuge sind durch eine spezifische Morphologie charakterisiert. Bisher liegen nur wenige Untersuchungen vor, die die Verteilung von spezifischen Glykosaminoglykanstrukturen diesen Bereichen zuordnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde versucht, das Bindungsverhalten von Neoglykoproteinen und Lektinen mit den konsekutiven Stadien der Knochen…

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An ex vivo model of the rat trachea to study the effect of inhalable toxic compounds

Different cell culture and organ systems are used to evaluate the physiological responses of the airways to the effects of carcinogenic [e.g., benzo(a)pyrene] and anticarcinogenic (e.g., retinoids) compounds on cellular growth and differentiation. However, in contrast to in vivo conditions dissociated epithelial cells or tracheal ring cultures are covered with medium. Therefore, we developed an ex vivo perfusion model enabling evaluation of morphology and metabolism of different compounds under near-physiological conditions. The trachea was surrounded with culture medium and perfused with air by means of a small animal respirator. To test the viability of the system under various experiment…

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072 Collagen gene expression and tenascin pattern in normal, osteoarthritic, and rheumatoid connective tissues

The extracellular matrix consists of four major components, namely collagens, elastin, proteoglyeans and glycoproteins. Collagens are important members of the ECM, forming a family of at least t 3 different structurally related proteins. Tenascin, synonymous with cytoactin, hexabrachion and J1, is a new member of matrix glycoproteins with a molecular mass of 1200 kD. It exhibits a "hexabrachion" structure with an ellipsoid central globule from which six arms of 75 nm in length diverge in a T-junction arrangement [1]. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) belongs to the group of connective tissue diseases. In contrast to abundant data about ECM-changes in systemic sclerodermia [2] the matrix alterations…

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Distribution patterns of neoglycoprotein-binding sites (endogenous lectins) and lectin-reactive glycoconjugates during cartilage and bone formation in human finger.

The distribution of endogenous lectins, visualized by labelled neoglycoproteins, and of defined oligosaccharide structures, reactive with plant lectins, during fetal development of the fingers was analyzed in sections of human 3- to 8-month-old fetal specimens. Chondrogenesis as well as ossification were correlated with characteristic modulations in the expression of both glycoligand-binding molecules and characteristic carbohydrate structures. Occurrence of xylose-specific receptors was judged to be an early sign of cartilage development. Similarly, α-mannosyl residues that had been attached to labelled carrier proteins were strongly bound by the extracellular matrix already during early s…

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