Matteo Dugo

Infiltrating mast cell-mediated stimulation of estrogen receptor activity in breast cancer cells promotes the luminal phenotype

Abstract Tumor growth and development is determined by both cancer cell–autonomous and microenvironmental mechanisms, including the contribution of infiltrating immune cells. Because the role of mast cells (MC) in this process is poorly characterized and even controversial, we investigated their part in breast cancer. Crossing C57BL/6 MMTV-PyMT mice, which spontaneously develop mammary carcinomas, with MC-deficient C57BL/6-KitW-sh/W-sh (Wsh) mice, showed that MCs promote tumor growth and prevent the development of basal CK5-positive areas in favor of a luminal gene program. When cocultured with breast cancer cells in vitro, MCs hindered activation of cMET, a master regulator of the basal pr…

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Additional file 1 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 1. Supplementary file 1. Supplementary Material & methods.

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Additional file 6 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 6: Supplementary Figure S3. Immunohistochemistry staining of OPN IHC for OPN was performed in Fas lpr/lpr and OPN-/-Fas lpr/lpr mice with either no lymphoma or with lymphomatous cells. As expected, no staining is detected in case of OPN-deficient mice.

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SPARC regulation of PMN clearance protects from pristane induced lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

AbstractOne step along the pathogenesis of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) death and their ineffective removal by M2-macrophages. The secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein with unexpected immunosuppressive function in M2-macrophages and myeloid cells. To investigate the role of SPARC in autoimmunity, we adopted a pristane–induced model of lupus in mice, which recapitulates clinical manifestations of human SLE. Sparc-/- mice developed earlier and more severe renal disease, lung and liver parenchymal damage than the WT counterpart. Most prominently, Sparc-/- mice had anticipated and severe occurr…

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Stromal niche communalities underscore the contribution of the matricellular protein SPARC to B-cell development and lymphoid malignancies

Neoplastic B-cell clones commonly arise within secondary lymphoid organs (SLO). However, during disease progression, lymphomatous cells may also colonize the bone marrow (BM), where they localize within specialized stromal niches, namely the osteoblastic and the vascular niche, according to their germinal center-or extra-follicular-derivation, respectively. We hypothesized the existence of common stromal motifs in BM and SLO B-cell lymphoid niches involved in licensing normal B-cell development as well as in fostering transformed B lymphoid cells. Thus, we tested the expression of prototypical mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) markers and regulatory matricellular proteins in human BM and SLO u…

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Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Abstract Background Autoimmune disorders, including Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), are associated with increased incidence of hematological malignancies. The matricellular protein osteopontin (OPN) has been linked to SLE pathogenesis, as SLE patients show increased serum levels of OPN and often polymorphisms in its gene. Although widely studied for its pro-tumorigenic role in different solid tumours, the role of OPN in autoimmunity-driven lymphomagenesis has not been investigated yet. Methods To test the role of OPN in the SLE-associated lymphomagenesis, the SLE-like prone Faslpr/lpr mutation was transferred onto an OPN-deficient background. Spleen from Faslpr/lpr and OPN-/-Faslpr/lpr …

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Additional file 4 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 4: Supplementary Figure S1. Evaluation of autoimmunity in Faslpr/lpr and OPN-/-Faslpr/lpr mice. A. Quantification of OPN in sera from Faslpr/lpr mice at 2 (n=8) and 5 months of age (n=7) by ELISA. Sera from BALB/c and OPN-/- mice were tested as controls. Data are expressed as ng/ml and are a pool of 2 experiments (*, P<0.05; Ordinary one way ANOVA). B. Flow cytometry analysis showing the relative number of splenic autoimmune CD3+B220+ T cells in Faslpr/lpr (n=15) and OPN-/-Faslpr/lpr mice (n=18) and at about 5-6 months of age. The graph shows a pool of 3 different experiments (***, P<0.001; Student t test). C. Representative spleen photograph from BALB/c, OPN-/-, Faslp…

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Additional file 7 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 7: Supplementary Figure S4. Characterization of OPL239 and OPL241 DLBCL cell lines. A. Flow cytometry analysis showing the expression of B220, IgM, IgD and IgA in OPL239 and OPL241 cell lines. B. Hardy’s multiparametric flow cytometry panel illustrating the expression of CD93, CD21/35 and CD23 on OPL239 and OPL241 cell lines. C. Flow cytometry analysis showing the expression of TLR9 on OPL239 and OPL241 cell lines. D. RT-PCR analysis showing Spp1 mRNA level in overexpressing cell variants. E. Western blot for OPN protein expression (in presence or not of BFA, that blocks protein secretion) in parental and IRES-Green-based cell variants. 4T1 mammary cell line was used as posi…

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SPARC regulation of PMN clearance protects from pristane-induced lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

Summary The secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein with unexpected immunosuppressive function in myeloid cells. We investigated the role of SPARC in autoimmunity using the pristane-induced model of lupus that, in mice, mimics human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Sparc−/− mice developed earlier and more severe renal disease, multi-organ parenchymal damage, and arthritis than the wild-type counterpart. Sparc+/- heterozygous mice showed an intermediate phenotype suggesting Sparc gene dosage in autoimmune-related events. Mechanistically, reduced Sparc expression in neutrophils blocks their clearance by macrophages, through defective delivery of don'…

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IL‐10‐producing B cells are characterized by a specific methylation signature

Among the family of regulatory B cells, the subset able to produce interleukin-10 (IL-10) is the most studied, yet its biology is still a matter of investigation. The DNA methylation profiling of the il-10 gene locus revealed a novel epigenetic signature characterizing murine B cells ready to respond through IL-10 synthesis: a demethylated region located 4.5 kb from the transcription starting site (TSS), that we named early IL10 regulatory region (eIL10rr). This feature allows to distinguish B cells that are immediately prone and developmentally committed to IL-10 production from those that require a persistent stimulation to exert an IL-10-mediated regulatory function. These late IL-10 pro…

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Genetic deletion of osteopontin in TRAMP mice skews prostate carcinogenesis from adenocarcinoma to aggressive human-like neuroendocrine cancers

// Giorgio Mauri 1 , Elena Jachetti 1 , Barbara Comuzzi 1 , Matteo Dugo 2 , Ivano Arioli 1 , Silvia Miotti 1 , Sabina Sangaletti 1 , Emma Di Carlo 3, 4 , Claudio Tripodo 5 , Mario P. Colombo 1 1 Molecular Immunology Unit, Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, 20133, Milano, Italy 2 Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics, Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, 20133, Milano, Italy 3 Department of Medicine and Science of Aging, Section of Anatomic Pathology and Molecular Medicine, “G. d’Annunzio” University, 66100, Chieti, Italy 4 Ce.S.I. Aging Research Center, “G…

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Additional file 5 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 5: Supplementary Figure S2. Evaluation of the different spenic B cell subsets. A. Example of Hardy’s gating strategy to discern the different CD93+ immature (Transitional T1, T2, T3) and CD93- mature [follicular B (FOB), marginal zone B (MZB) and CD21/35-CD23-] B cell subsets in the spleen from a BALB/c mouse. B. Flow cytometry analysis based on Hardy’s multiparametric panel illustrating the fraction of splenic CD23+ FOB, CD21/35+ MZB cells, and CD23-CD21/35- cells from the spleens of naive and autoimmune mice. 3 mice per group were used for the experiment. Data are referred to one representative experiment out of 3 (***, P<0.001; Two-way ANOVA) (****, P<0.0001; Two-wa…

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Transcriptional Profiles and Stromal Changes Reveal Bone Marrow Adaptation to Early Breast Cancer in Association with Deregulated Circulating microRNAs.

Abstract The presence of a growing tumor establishes a chronic state of inflammation that acts locally and systemically. Bone marrow responds to stress signals by expanding myeloid cells endowed with immunosuppressive functions, further fostering tumor growth and dissemination. How early in transformation the cross-talk with the bone marrow begins and becomes detectable in blood is unknown. Here, gene expression profiling of the bone marrow along disease progression in a spontaneous model of mammary carcinogenesis demonstrates that transcriptional modifications in the hematopoietic compartment occurred as early as preinvasive disease stages. The transcriptional profile showed downregulation…

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Additional file 8 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 8: Supplementary Figure S5. Expression of OPN in human GCB- and ABC-DLBCL samples. Immunohistochemistry analysis for OPN was performed on six cases for GCB- and ABC-DLBCLs. Representative images for two cases for each subtype are shown (quantification is shown in Figure 7B). Magnification 20X.

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Abstract A24: Bone marrow hematopoietic adaptation as a sensor of early, pre-invasive, epithelial malignancy

Abstract Tumor development and progression is in part dependent on the ability of bystander cells, mostly of bone marrow (BM) origin, to establish a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment. We hypothesized that signs of the cross-talk between elements of the tumor microenvironment and the BM can be identified in the very early phases of cancer development, being finalized to the instruction of a tumor-promoting hematopoiesis. By integrating in situ BM histopathological and immunophenotypical analyses with flow cytometry and gene expression profiling of hematopoietic populations in a spontaneous mouse model of breast carcinogenesis (MMTV/NeuT) we investigated the occurrence and quality of modificat…

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Additional file 2 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 2: Supplementary Table S1. Differentially expressed genes between CD19+ cellsfrom OPN-/-Fas lpr/lpr and Faslpr/lpr mice.

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Additional file 3 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling

Additional file 3: Supplementary Table S2. Differentially expressed genes between CD19+ cellsfrom OPN-/-and OPN+/+ mice.

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