P. Schramm

Steroid hormone receptors in human melanoma.

Human melanomas were investigated for the presence of high-affinity estrogen-, gestagen-, and glucocorticoid-binding proteins. A statistically significant difference was found for mean estrogen receptor (ER) concentrations in melanomas of male versus female origin: female origin 37.6 (0-107) fmol/mg protein, male origin 3.9 (0-8.3) fmol/mg protein. No significant difference between sexes was found for gestragen receptors: 41.5 (0-194) fmol/mg protein for melanomas of female origin versus 99 (0-362) fmol/mg protein for male. Sucrose density gradient analyses revealed specific binding for both receptor types in the 4-5 S region as well as in the 8 S region. The binding affinities were in the …

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Spermiogrammbefunde bei männlichen Patienten nach Alkoholdelir

Zusammenfassung Bei 30 Patienten mit alkoholtoxischem Delir wurden die wichtigsten Spermiogramm-Parameter untersucht: Es wurden bei verminderter Spermatozoendichte von im Mittel 18 Mill.Sp./ml gehauft eine Hypospermie (n = 8) beobachtet. Beurteilt man Spermatozoendichte, Morphologie und Motilitat, so erweisen sich 29 der 30 Untersuchten Spermiogramme als stark pathologisch verandert. Die Spermiogenese-Storung ist bei erhohter FSH-Basiswerten (n = 10) und bei akuter alkoholtoxischer Hepatitis (n = 4) am ausgepragtesten (2a = 0.01), hangt dagegen weniger vom Trinkerstadium nach Jellinek, erhohten Ostradiol-Werten (n = 6) oder erhohten CK-Werten (n = 8) ab. Bei Alkoholkranken bei offensichtlic…

research product

Seminal plasma-induced suppression of the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes.

Summary: Based on recent findings indicating suppression of lymphocytic functions by seminal plasma (SP) we tested the effects of SP from men with normo- and oligozoospermia (n = 7, each) on the generation of luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and monocytes (Mo) stimulated in vitro with zymosan. We found a complete suppression of CL of PMN and Mo by undiluted SP's, 1,000-fold dilutions still induced ≥ 20 percent inhibition. There was no difference between normo- and oligozoospermic men in inhibition of CL both with PMN and Mo. Protein concentrations of SP's were closely the same; all SP were free of the complement components C4 and C3c. After dialy…

research product

First experiences with a high-resolution ultrasonic scanner in the diagnosis of malignant melanomas

The use of high-resolution ultrasonic instruments with transducer frequencies above 8 MHz makes it possible to visualize malignant melanomas of a thickness of more than 0.7 mm. While the sonolucent structure has not permitted the dignity of a lesion to be judged to date, it is easy to determine the maximal tumor thickness as well as infiltration of the subcutis. Thus "low-risk" and "high-risk" melanomas may be differentiated preoperatively according to these parameters. The results are of great use for the operator to plan the extent of his intervention, as well as to select patients for prophylactic regional lymphonodectomy.

research product

Zur Leberbeteiligung bei der knotenf�rmigen reticul�ren eosinophilen Hyperplasie

Beschreibung und Diskussion eines eosinophil akzentuierten Leberbefundes bei einer Patientin mit endogenem Ekzem und einer eosinophilen reticularen Hyperplasie (mit Bluteosinophilie), die hauterscheinungsbildlich dem Morbus Kimura nahekommt. Mithin scheinen im Gegensatz zu der bisherigen Meinung Innenorganbeteiligungen im Rahmen der reticularen Haut-Hyperplasie durchaus moglich.

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Male fertility in long-term survivors of childhood ALL.

A study of fertility was conducted in postpubertal male patients who had been treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) during childhood or adolescence between 1970 and 1980. Thirteen men (age 18 to 35 years) participated on a volunteer basis. Their age at diagnosis was between 2 and 15 years. Therapy followed the protocol ''Memphis VII (Pinkel)." Interview, physical examination, andrological studies (ejaculate), and hormone status (luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone) were performed at least 5 years after completion of therapy. No normozoospermia was achieved; 10 patients were identified with asthenozoospermia and 3 patients with azoospermia. With respe…

research product

Light exposure of the lower leg as a pathogenetic factor in the occurrence of malignant melanoma.

Of the 1,198 women and men studied in Mainz from 1966 to 1987 there was an approximately fivefold increase in the incidence of melanoma. Among the men melanomas on the trunk (59.9%) predominated, whereas among the women melanomas on the extremities (40.0%) were more common, especially on the lower leg (26.3%). Comparing the decades 1966-1976 and 1977-1987 there was a significant decrease in melanomas affecting women's lower legs (1966-1976: 33%,; 1977-1987: 24.2%). Fashion-dependent sun exposure of this body area might offer an explanation. It could be demonstrated that common stocking materials do not sufficiently protect against UV radiation (average permeability for UV light about 55%), …

research product

Treatment of idiopathic oligozoospermia with tamoxifen--a randomized controlled study.

There is no conclusive evidence of the usefulness of tamoxifen in the treatment of idiopathic oligozoospermia (OAT-syndrome), as it has been used mostly in uncontrolled studies. We herein report on the controlled treatment of OAT-syndrome with tamoxifen versus placebo following a randomized design. Seventy-six men with sperm counts of 2-20 x 10(6) ml-1, sperm motility of 20-50%, and sperm morphology (abnormal cells) between 50 and 80% were involved in the study. Patients with varicocele, a history of testicular maldescent or genital inflammation were excluded. Thirty-nine patients received tamoxifen (30 mg daily), 37 patients placebo. There was a statistically significant increase in the me…

research product

Josamycin Concentration in Human Ejaculate and its Influence on Sperm Motility/Josamycinkonzentrationsbestimmung in menschlichem Ejakulat und deren Einfluß auf die Spermienmotilität

The concentration of josamycin was determined in the split ejaculate of 5 volunteers after oral administration for several days. One aim of this investigation was to examine the penetration of the macrolide antibiotic into the prostate and the seminal vesicles. 2.23 +/- 1.8 micrograms/ml josamycin was found in fraction I of the ejaculate, consisting mostly of prostatic secretion, and 1.56 +/- 1.37 micrograms/ml josamycin in fraction II comprising mainly secretions from the seminal vesicles. The concentrations of josamycin found in both fractions of the ejaculate are clearly comparable with serum levels of the antibiotic. Josamycin thus attains concentrations in the prostate and seminal vesi…

research product

Reduktaseschwäche als Ursache andrologischer Störungen?

Zusammenfassung Bei 35 andrologischen Patienten ohne Seminalplasmaveranderung mit Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermie unterschiedlichen Ausmases wurden die Urinsteroide vor Behandlungsbeginn untersucht. Dabei wurde eine signifikant herabgesetzte Androsteronausscheidung beobachtet (p < 0,01). Der Aetiocholanolon: Androsteron-Quotient, der auf eine 5α-Re-duktaseschwache hinweist, war signifikant erhoht (p < 0,01). Zugleich waren bei den Probanden mit einem E:A Quotienten uber 3,0 die Hoden im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe signifikant unpaarig grosenentwickelt (p < 0,01). Es wird als Ursache eine Enzymschwache an der 5α-Reduktase vermutet, woraus eine entsprechende Hodengrosendissoziation resulti…

research product

Spermiogrammuntersuchungen bei Patienten unter Langzeithydantoinbehandlung*

Zusammenfassung Spermiogrammuntersuchungen bei 35 Epileptikern unter Langzeithydantoinbehandlung uber 3 Jahre zeigten bei von Proband zu Proband stark unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen, das im Mittel nur 52% der Samenfaden morphologisch einwandfrei waren (gegen Norm von 60% p = 5% gegen 70% p = 1%). Die Beweglichkeit lag im Mittel bei 49% (gegen Normgrenze 60% p = 5%). Es durfte sich um eine toxische Schadigung durch Hydantoin handeln, da bei einem reprasentativen Teilkollektiv die Serumgonadotrophien und Testosteronwerte im wesentlichen im Bereich der Norm lagen.

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