Philipp Müller
The Impact of Internet and Social Media Use on Well-Being
The present research examines the longitudinal average impact of frequency of use of Internet and social networking sites (SNS) on subjective well-being of adolescents in Germany. Based on five-wave panel data that cover a period of nine years, we disentangle between-person and within-person effects of media use on depressive symptomatology and life satisfaction as indicators of subjective well-being. Additionally, we control for confounders such as TV use, self-esteem, and satisfaction with friends. We found that frequency of Internet use in general and use of SNS in particular is not substantially related subjective well-being. The explanatory power of general Internet use or SNS use to p…
Ethik in der experimentellen Forschung
Die meisten empirischen Studien in der Sozialwissenschaft (mit Ausnahme z. B. von Inhalts- oder Dokumentenanalysen) arbeiten mit Menschen. Das ist auch bei allen Varianten des sozialwissenschaftlichen Experiments so. Wenn empirische Forschung mit Menschen arbeitet, hat sie eine besondere Verantwortung: Sie muss das Wohlergehen, die Rechte und Interessen der teilnehmenden Personen berucksichtigen. Bei Experimenten trifft das sogar in besonderer Weise zu. Denn hier werden Menschen nicht nur befragt oder beobachtet, sondern „manipuliert“ (vgl. Abschn. 5.3).
Kausalität und Untersuchung kausaler Zusammenhänge
Das vorherige Kapitel explizierte, dass ein Experiment eine empirische Untersuchungsanordnung zur Uberprufung von Kausalannahmen ist. Entsprechend dreht sich bei der experimentellen Forschung alles um Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen. Man will mit Experimenten nicht nur herausfinden, ob zwei Sachverhalte zusammenhangen, sondern auch wie diese zusammenhangen, also welches Ereignis der Ausloser ist und welches die Folge davon.
What Drives Populist Styles? Analyzing Immigration and Labor Market News in 11 Countries
The success of populist political actors in Western democracies and the dramatization and emotionality of political communication in news media have been the object of several theoretical and empirical studies in the past decade. It has been argued that the mediatization of politics and the convergence of populist and tabloid communication styles foster these developments by mutual promotion in mass communication. This article uses a cross-national quantitative content analysis to disentangle associations among news genres, populist actors, content, and style. In spite of indisputable prevalence of populist styles in tabloid style media, populist ideology is identified as their strongest s…
online_appendix_revised3 – Supplemental material for We Are the People and You Are Fake News: A Social Identity Approach to Populist Citizens’ False Consensus and Hostile Media Perceptions
Supplemental material, online_appendix_revised3 for We Are the People and You Are Fake News: A Social Identity Approach to Populist Citizens’ False Consensus and Hostile Media Perceptions by Anne Schulz, Werner Wirth and Philipp Müller in Communication Research
Zusammenfassung des Erkenntnisinteresses
Bis zu diesem Punkt wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit auf der Basis der existierenden Literatur Erkenntnisse und daruber hinausgehende Vermutungen und Erwartungen zur Wahrnehmung des Medienwandels, ihren Entstehungsbedingungen und moglichen Folgen hergeleitet und zusammengetragen. Wie bereits zu Beginn von Kapitel 4 erwahnt wurde, verstehen sich diese Ausfuhrungen als eine zunachst moglichst breite Basis, auf deren Grundlage empirische Studien zum Thema durchgefuhrt werden konnen. Da das Themenfeld noch nicht in dieser Form systematisch erschlossen war, wurde dabei bewusst breit vorgegangen. Gleichzeitig wurde jedoch in Kapitel 4 bereits eine Reihe von Forschungsfragen markiert, die im zwei…
Grundlagen experimenteller Forschung
In der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschung begegnen wir oft Fragestellungen, die sich mit dem Einfluss von Medieninhalten auf Rezipientinnen und Rezipienten beschaftigen. Dies konnen beispielsweise Wirkungen von Werbung, Filmen, journalistischer Berichterstattung oder politischen Kampagnen sein.
We are the people and you are fake news: a social identity approach to populist citizens’ false consensus and hostile media perceptions
This study aims to investigate the relationships between citizens’ populist attitudes, perceptions of public opinion, and perceptions of mainstream news media. Relying on social identity theory as an explanatory framework, this article argues that populist citizens assume that public opinion is congruent with their own opinion and that mainstream media reporting is hostile toward their own views. To date, only anecdotal evidence suggests that both assumptions are true. The relationships are investigated in a cross-sectional survey with samples drawn from four Western European countries ( N = 3,354). Multigroup regression analysis supports our hypotheses: False consensus and hostile media p…
The Polarizing Impact of News Coverage on Populist Attitudes in the Public: Evidence From a Panel Study in Four European Democracies
This study explores how news messages carrying parts of the populist ideology contribute to a polarization of public opinion about populism. It combines a content analysis of news coverage on two policy areas (N = 7,119 stories) with a two-wave panel survey (N = 2,338) in four European metropolitan regions (Berlin, Paris, London, and Zurich). In three regions, unopposed media messages with a populist stance have a conditional effect on populist attitudes that depends on prior convictions. A higher dose of exposure to populist news coverage enhances both prior agreement and disagreement with populism. Although the observed interaction patterns vary between regions, the general picture sugges…
How Journalists Think about Media Effects—And Why We Should Care
Research suggests that journalists’ beliefs about media effects are influenced by unsystematically gathered knowledge and subjective-intuitive judgments. However, it has also been shown that these presumptions must be considered important factors for the formation of journalistic coverage. Against this background, this article synthesizes existing research on dimensions, determinants, and consequences of journalists’ presumptions of media effects. The resulting framework offers researchers in the field of journalistic content production a comprehensive overview of the possible role that presumptions of media effects could play for journalistic content creation. In a second step, we summariz…
Validität und Varianten von Experimenten
Die vorherigen Kapitel haben aufgezeigt, was ein Experiment ausmacht und wie man dadurch Kausalzusammenhange identifizieren kann. Hat man sich entschieden, ein Experiment durchzufuhren, muss man sich um die Umsetzung Gedanken machen. Denn Experiment ist nicht gleich Experiment: Es gibt verschiedene Varianten von Experimenten, die sich neben dem Ort, an dem sie durchgefuhrt werden, vor allem in der Kontrolle uber die Experimentalsituation sowie der Realitatsnahe der Durchfuhrung und damit der Generalisierbarkeit der Befunde unterscheiden.
Die Wahrnehmung des Medienwandels
Nachdem in Kapitel 3 eine Vielzahl von Erkenntnissen zur Wahrnehmung von Wandel im Allgemeinen zusammengetragen wurde, soll dieses Wissen nun in den folgenden beiden Abschnitten auf die Wahrnehmung des Medienwandels angewandt und dabei systematisch erweitert werden. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die drei bereits in der Einleitung formulierten Hauptfragen dieser Arbeit: (1.) Welche Wahrnehmungen des Medienwandels existieren unter den Mediennutzern? (2.) Wie werden diese Wahrnehmungen ausgebildet, wovon hangen sie ab, wie entstehen sie? (3.) Welche Folgen haben die Wahrnehmungen des Medienwandels fur die Wahrnehmenden selbst, fur Medienorganisationen und fur Medien als gesellschaftliche Institu…
Measuring populism across nations: testing for measurement invariance of an inventory of populist attitudes
Abstract The rising voter support for populist parties in Western Democracies in recent years has incited academic interest in populist voters and attitudes connected to the voting propensity of populist actors. In line of this research, numerous scales to measure populist attitudes among voters have been proposed. In most cases, however, the measurement of populist attitudes was tailored to specific countries and its applicability to cross-national research on populism was not assessed. This article uses a cross-national survey to assess the measurement invariance, reliability, and validity of a deductively developed inventory for populist attitudes. The findings suggest that there is a co…
Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Experimenten
Hat man die Planung eines Experiments abgeschlossen, beginnt die sogenannte Feldphase und damit die konkrete Durchfuhrung des Experiments. Damit ist die gesamte Zeitspanne der Datenerhebung gemeint, also die Dauer vom ersten bis zum letzten Versuch. Der Begriff Versuch beschreibt dabei den Zeitraum von der Begrusung bis zur Verabschiedung eines Probanden.
Medienwandel als Gegenstand der Forschung
In der jungeren kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Literatur hat die Verwendung des Begriffs „Medienwandel“ Konjunktur (so z.B. bei Duhrkoop, 1999; Faulstich, 2004a; Gonser, 2010; Harnischmacher, 2010; Jarren, 1994; Jarren et al., 2012; Krone, 2011b; Peiser, 2003; Rusch, 2007). Seine Verwendungskontexte reichen dabei von historischen Abhandlungen (Faulstich, 2004a) uber Studien zur Journalistenausbildung (Harnischmacher, 2010), zur Mediennutzung (Peiser, 2003), zu medienstrukturellen Fragestellungen (Jarren et al., 2012) bis hin zu medienokonomischen Arbeiten (Duhrkoop, 1999).
Online_Appendix – Supplemental material for The Effects of Right-Wing Populist Communication on Emotions and Cognitions toward Immigrants
Supplemental material, Online_Appendix for The Effects of Right-Wing Populist Communication on Emotions and Cognitions toward Immigrants by Dominique S. Wirz, Martin Wettstein, Anne Schulz, Philipp Müller, Christian Schemer, Nicole Ernst, Frank Esser and Werner Wirth in The International Journal of Press/Politics
Design follows politics? The visualization of political orientation in newspaper page layout
This article explores how the political orientation of newspapers is reflected in their page layout. The authors compare the layouts of five German national quality newspapers exemplarily and exploratively in a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. Dimensions of comparison are typography, size, colouration, quantity and arrangement of elements. Results show systematic differences between the page layouts of left-wing and right-wing newspapers. These differences are reflected in the contrast of traditional and contemporary styles and also in the use of ideologically charged typography and colours. In addition, the size of headlines seems to be dependent on political extremity…
Surrogate Modelling for Oxygen Uptake Prediction Using LSTM Neural Network
Oxygen uptake (V˙O2) is an important metric in any exercise test including walking and running. It can be measured using portable spirometers or metabolic analyzers. Those devices are, however, not suitable for constant use by consumers due to their costs, difficulty of operation and their intervening in the physical integrity of their users. Therefore, it is important to develop approaches for the indirect estimation of V˙O2-based measurements of motion parameters, heart rate data and application-specific measurements from consumer-grade sensors. Typically, these approaches are based on linear regression models or neural networks. This study investigates how motion data contribute to V˙O2 …
The Effects of Right-Wing Populist Communication on Emotions and Cognitions toward Immigrants
The persuasiveness of right-wing populist communication has become a widely discussed topic; it is often assumed that such messages might foster anti-immigrant attitudes among citizens. The present study explores the effects of the different components of right-wing populist communication—anti-immigrant messages, populist content, and populist style—on attitudes toward immigrants. By combining a media content analysis ( N = 605 articles) with a panel survey ( N = 1,968) in metropolitan areas of four Western European countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom), this study analyzes how citizens’ attitudes toward immigrants are influenced by the right-wing populist commun…
Die Wahrnehmung von Wandel
Um die Mechanismen der Wahrnehmung des Medienwandels zu erschliesen, erscheint es sinnvoll, zunachst die bereits vorliegenden Erkenntnisse zur Wahrnehmung von Wandel in verwandten Feldern zusammenzutragen. Zuvor sollte an dieser Stelle allerdings geklart werden, was unter ‚Wahrnehmung‘ eigentlich zu verstehen ist. Nahert man sich dem Begriff in einem engeren psychologischen Verstandnis, so ist Wahrnehmung stark mit Sinneseindrucken verbunden und beschreibt deren Aufnahme, Verarbeitung und Deutung (vgl. Anderson, 2007, S. 47–88; Gibson, 1979; Goldstein, 2002, S. 1–40).
Ein Leitfaden für die praktische Durchführung von Experimenten
Zum Abschluss des Buchs mochten wir Ihnen noch einen Leitfaden fur die praktische Durchfuhrung von Experimenten an die Hand geben. Dieses Kapitel wird den prototypischen Ablauf einer experimentellen Studie – von der ersten Idee bis zur abschliesenden Reflexion – vorstellen. Dabei erinnern wir Sie noch einmal an verschiedene Fragen, die sich Forscher und Forscherinnen in den unterschiedlichen Phasen eines experimentellen Forschungsprozesses stellen mussen.
How perceived persuasive intent and reactance contribute to third-person perceptions: evidence from two experiments
In two experiments, this study presents a process model that explains third-person perceptions (TPP) as a function of perceived persuasive intent and reactance. Using two nonstudent samples, findings were internally replicated for two topics. The study shows that media messages evoking perceptions of persuasive intent also activate reactance, which in turn predicts TPP topic-independently. Remarkably, half of the total stimulus effect on TPP could be explained through reactance, which offers new implications for existing theoretical explanations of strong TPP after undesirable messages but weak effects after, for example, prosocial messages.
Auswertung von Experimenten
Wenn Sie in diesem Kapitel angekommen sind, haben Sie Ihr Experiment schon durchgefuhrt und die Daten liegen vor. Das Grobste ist also geschafft. Jetzt kommt ein sehr spannender Teil: Die Auswertung der erhobenen Daten.
Experimentelle Designs und Manipulation
Im vorherigen Kapitel haben wir verschiedene Varianten von Experimenten kennengelernt und uns mit interner und externer Validitat beschaftigt. In diesem Kapitel geht es um die konkrete Ausgestaltung unseres Experiments, also darum, wie wir unsere unabhangige Variable manipulieren und in welcher Form wir diese Manipulation den Versuchspersonen prasentieren.
Latent Mean (Comparison)
Populist Words Speak Louder? Ideology-Inconsistent Personalization and Voting for Populist Candidates
Abstract The private background of populist politicians oftentimes seemingly contradicts the populist ideology—which can be taken up in political communication. Using two experiments (nStudy 1 = 734; nStudy 2 = 568), we investigate the effects of such ideology-inconsistent personalization on the evaluation of and voting for a populist candidate. We manipulate the politician’s localness and social class (Study 1) and traditionalism in family life (Study 2). Results reveal a number of effects on candidate evaluation which translated into voting intentions. An upper-class background of the populist politician yielded negative effects, but less so among populist voters. However, references to a…
Novel polyolefin materials via catalysis and reactive processing
Recent advances in transition metal catalyzed olefin polymerization and melt processing stimulate the production of new polymers derived from old monomers Modern polyolefin processes do not require polymer purification and give excellent control of molecular and supermolecular polyolefin architectures. Progress in catalyst design and preparation of tailor-made homo-and copolymers is highlighted for isotactic, syndiotactic, atactic and stereoblock polypropylene (PP), novel 1-olefin copolymers, and ethylene copolymers with polar monomers, e.g., CO and acrylics Today polyethylene short-and long-chain-branching is controlled either by uniform ethylene copolymerization with 1-olefins using singl…
Jugend und Kirche in Deutschland – Eine pastoraltheologische Skizze
Dieser Beitrag stellt zunächst dar, was heutige Jugendliche in Deutschland, von denen weniger als ein Drittel katholisch getauft ist, über Glaube und Kirche denken. Anschließend kommt die breite Praxis der Jugendpastoral in Deutschland zur Sprache, aber auch theoretische Konzepte, denen sie sich verpflichtet weiß. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Plädoyer, sich als Seelsorger auf die Jugendlichen von heute und ihre existentiellen Fragen wirklich einzulassen.
Smart artificial muscle actuators: Liquid crystal elastomers with integrated temperature feedback
Abstract We present a smart, thermally stimulated liquid crystal elastomer actuator with an integrated heater and temperature sensor based on deformable polyimide wiring technology. Due to optimal thermal contact to the active material, heating from room temperature to the point of maximum contraction takes only 19.6 s; cooling requires only 5.6 s. The integrated temperature sensor allows closed-loop operation and characterize the thermomechanical properties of the material: open-loop positioning precision was found to be better than 45 μm and no inherent drift or hysteresis were observed. The maximum force generated by the actuator was 133 mN, corresponding to 76 kPa of stress. This ultra-…
Haben die Pfarrgemeinden eine Zukunft?
Recent advances in machine learning for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) prediction : A review
Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is the maximum amount of oxygen attainable by a person during exercise. VO2 max is used in different domains including sports and medical sciences and is usually measured during an incremental treadmill or cycle ergometer test. The drawback of directly measuring VO2 max using the maximal test is that it is expensive and requires a fixed and controlled protocol. During the last decade, various machine learning models have been developed for VO2 max prediction and numerous studies have attempted to predict VO2 max using data from submaximal and non-exercise tests. This article gives an overview of the machine learning models developed over the past five years (…
Measuring Populist Attitudes on Three Dimensions
Theoretically, populism has been conceptualized as a political ideology with three sub-dimensions: anti-elitism attitudes, a preference for popular sovereignty, and a belief in the homogeneity and virtuousness of the people. However, empirical research to date has treated populist attitudes as a unidimensional construct. To address this issue, we propose to conceptualize populist attitudes as a latent higher-order construct with three distinct first-order dimensions. A 12-item inventory was developed using two survey studies conducted in Switzerland in 2014 and 2015. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the construct validity of this measure of populist attitudes. …
Reducing the Bias: How Perspective Taking Affects First- and Third-Person Perceptions of Media Influence
Third- and first-person perceptions (TPPs/FPPs) are considered to be biased judgments of media influence on self and others. Research suggests that perspective taking, i.e., thinking from another person’s position, decreases perceptual gaps between self and others via assimilation. In a two-factorial experiment (n = 431), we test whether this effect of perspective taking (Factor 1) holds true for the presumed influence of desirable and undesirable messages (Factor 2). Results indicate that perspective taking significantly reduces TPPs in the case of an undesirable message but not FPPs that are provoked by the desirable message. The observable effect traces back to a change in presumed messa…
Messung der Variablen
Experimente uberprufen kausale Zusammenhange zwischen Sachverhalten der sozialen Realitat (vgl. Kap. 1 und 2). Genauer gesagt erkunden sie den Einfluss einer oder mehrerer unabhangiger Variable(n) auf eine oder mehrere abhangige Variable(n). Eine Frage im Rahmen eines kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Experiments konnte z. B.