Arja Piirainen

Revising the negative meaning of chronic pain : A phenomenological study

Objectives Chronic pain may disable the body, depress the mind and ruin the quality of life. The aim of this study was to use the participants’ personal experiences to explore the meaning of the experience of chronic pain and to find successful ways to manage chronic pain. Methods Thirty-four participants with chronic pain were interviewed. The transcribed interviews were analysed using Giorgi’s phenomenological method consisting of four phases: (1) reading the transcriptions several times, (2) discriminating meaning units, (3) collecting meaning units into groups and (4) the synthesis. Results The participants stated that the key to managing chronic pain was to reconsider the individual me…

research product

Stories of professional development in physiotherapy education

This study examines graduating physiotherapy students’ narratives related to their professional development. The data comprised interviews with 33 graduating physiotherapy students. The data were analyzed using the narrative analysis approach. As a result, five different story models were identified. The descriptive story models were named: 1) “Study path dominated by life changes”; 2) “Realizing the connection between physiotherapy theory and practice”; 3) “Self-regulated and practical-oriented learning path”; 4) “Becoming a critical developer”; and 5) “Multiprofessional working towards expertise”. In students’ stories, there appeared different turning points that illustrated especially me…

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Yliopistosta työelämään : opintopolun työelämäorientaatiota tukemassa

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Pienryhmäohjaajien vertaisryhmä andragogisessa koulutuksessa

Erilaisten yhteistyön muotojen, vuorovaikutuksen ja jakamisen merkitystä korostetaan tutkimuksissa, mutta opettajien ja ohjaajien kollegiaalisen tuen muotoja ei juurikaan edistetä rakenteellisin tai organisatorisin keinoin. Vertaistuki vahvistaa ohjaajien työssä kehittymistä ja jaksamista sekä koulutuksen kehittämistä.

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Kohti laaja-alaista näkemystä erityisessä tuessa : toimintakyvyn ja oppimisen edistäminen kouluympäristössä

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Vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia vastavuoroisuudesta ikääntyneiden ihmisten vapaaehtoistyössä

Sosiaalisen vaihdon teorian mukaan vastavuoroisuus on tärkeää ikääntyneiden ihmisten suhteissa. Vapaaehtoistyössä vastavuoroisuus on oleellista, mutta sitä ei ole juuri tutkittu eläkeikäisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kannalta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka eläkeikäiset vapaaehtoistyöntekijät kokevat vastavuoroisuuden vapaaehtoistyössä. Kolme kuukautta kestäneen toimintajakson aikana vapaaehtoistyöntekijät auttoivat liikkumiskyvyn ongelmista kärsiviä ikäihmisiä osallistumaan kodin ulkopuoliseen toimintaan osana Vapaaehtoistyö, ulkoliikunta ja vanhusten hyvinvointi (VAU) -tutkimushanketta. Tämän laadullisen osatutkimuksen 17 osallistujaa olivat 61 - 72-vuotiaita. Tutki…

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Etäteknologian vaikuttavuus liikunnallisessa kuntoutuksessa : järjestelmällinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja meta-analyysi

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Chronic pain affects the whole person--a phenomenological study.

The aim of this qualitative study was to explore participants' perspectives on the effects of chronic pain on the psychophysical unity.Thirty-four chronic pain outpatients were interviewed, and the transcribed interviews were analysed with Giorgi's four-phase phenomenological method. The mean age of the participants was 48 years, and 19 of them were women. For 21 of the participants, the pain duration was more than 5 years, and most had degenerative spinal pain.The results of this whole research project indicated that the phenomenon chronic pain consisted of four essential themes: Pain affects the whole person, invisibility, negativity, and dominance of pain. This study concentrates only on…

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Postoperative Patient Education in Physiotherapy after Hip Arthroplasty : Patients' Perspective

The objective of the present study was to explore postoperative patient education in physiotherapy from total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients' perspectives, which has been a little-studied area of research. The usefulness of rehabilitation protocols after THA has been debated over the years, and there are no clear guidelines for physiotherapy after THA METHODS: The data for the present qualitative study were collected from nine patients with THA by using individual interviews at the hospital after surgery. The interviews were audio-recorded and analysed by using a phenomenographic method RESULTS: Four different categories of postoperative patient education in physiotherapy after hip arthrop…

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Teacher students’ meaningful learning in widening learning worlds

This qualitative metasynthesis investigated students’ meaningful learning experiences amid andragogical teacher education programmes. The programmes catered to the specific learning needs of adult students in the context of university-based teacher education. This study aimed to provide a wider picture of the frames of students’ meaningful learning in andragogical teacher education programmes. The findings revealed three major learning worlds of adult students’ meaningful learning, which formed a common system widening from the professional awakening to the transformative community and agency in society. Based on the findings, this study argues that in andragogical teacher education, which …

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Revising the negative meaning of chronic pain – a phenomenological study

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Although unseen, chronic pain is real–A phenomenological study

Abstract Background Research has emphasised the essential role of psychosocial risk factors in chronic pain. In practice, pain is usually verified by identifying its physical cause. In patients without any distinct pathology, pain is easily defined as imaginary pain. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the invisibility of chronic pain, from the patients’ perspective. Methods Thirty-four participants with chronic pain were interviewed. The mean age of the participants was 48 years, and 19 of them were women. For 21 of the participants, the duration of pain was more than five years, and most of the participants had degenerative spinal pain. The transcribed interviews were analyse…

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Problem-based learning at the beginning of professional studies – physiotherapy students point of view

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The phenomenon of movement quality: a phenomenographic study of physiotherapy students’ movement experiences

Background: This study aimed to explore how students in a physiotherapy bachelor program acquire awareness of their own movement quality and form conceptions of movement quality. Methods: The study was designed as an elective course, implementing Basic Body Awareness Therapy principles. The participants were six PT students. Two data sets – students’ diaries and reflective group interviews – were collected, one a week before the course ended, and one on its completion. Phenomenographic research methodology was used to transcribe and analyze the data. Results: Three descriptive categories emerged reflecting the PT students’ conceptions of movement quality phenomenon as a widening process: I:…

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Remote technology as a tool for cardiac rehabilitation

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Reliability and validity study of the Finnish version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ).

Acceptance has been discovered to be successful in improving quality of life when adjusting to chronic pain. Instead of avoiding and controlling the pain, the goal is to confront the pain and to live a value directed life. Thus far, there has not been an instrument in Finnish to assess the acceptance of chronic pain. This study aimed at translating the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire-(CPAQ)-into Finnish and assessing its reliability and validity.Eighty-one persons with different types of chronic pain responded to the CPAQ, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), RAND-36 and questions of sociodemographic and pain-related variables.The responders' ages varied from 16 to 83 years (mean = 48…

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Innovatiiviset etäkuntoutuspalvelut

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää etäteknologian käyttöä Kelan laitoskuntoutuksessa ja työhyvinvointipalveluna toteutetussa etäkuntoutuksessa. Kuntoutusryhminä olivat sydänkuntoutukseen osallistuneet, tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksia sairastavat ja ammatillisen työkyvyn tuen tarpeessa olevat asiakkaat. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli arvioida eri kuntoutusmallien vaikuttavuutta asiakkaiden fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja koettuun elämänlaatuun sekä etäteknologiaa hyödyntävän kuntoutuksen osallistumiseen. Toisena tavoitteen oli kartoittaa asiakkaiden ja henkilökunnan kokemuksia etäteknologiasta osana tavanomaista kuntoutusta ja etäkuntoutusta. Lisäksi tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan tu…

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Shared expertise in physiotherapy teacher education

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Problem-Based Learning in Professional Studies from the Physiotherapy Students’ Perspective

The aim of the study was to investigate how physiotherapy students using a problem-based learning approach develop into experts during higher education, and answers the question: How do physiotherapy students at bachelor’s level understand the problem-based learning approach while learning to become professionals? PBL is examined using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) of longitudinal data written by 15 voluntary students from two different higher education institutions and collected during 3.5 years. The main results on the new way of learning strengthen earlier conceptions of the importance of reflection in the learning process. The PBL method activates a reflection process b…

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An adventurous learning journey : Physiotherapists’ conceptions of learning and integrating cognitive functional therapy into clinical practice

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group Background: Recent low back pain guidelines recommend a BPS approach to the management of disabling low back pain. However, the most effective way of teaching physiotherapists to implement these approaches remains unknown. The present qualitative study aimed to explore physiotherapists’ conceptions of learning and integrating Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) into clinical practice in Finnish primary health care. Methods: We interviewed 22 physiotherapists, who participated in four to six days of CFT workshops. A phenomenographic approach was used to explore the variation in the physiotherapists’ conceptions of this process. Resu…

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Kuntoutujan osallistaminen tavoitteenasettamisprosessiin ja tavoitteiden saavuttamisen arviointiin. Loppuraportti

Kuntoutujan osallisuus omassa kuntoutumisprosessissaan on ensiarvoisen tärkeää, jotta kuntoutumista edistävät toimet nivoutuvat osaksi kuntoutujan arkea ja kuntoutuja motivoituu ja sitoutuu muutokseen. Tässä Kelan rahoittamassa vuosina 2015 ja 2016 toteutetussa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuntoutujan osallistamista kuntoutumistavoitteiden asettamiseen ja tavoitteiden seurantaan Goal Attainment Scaling -menetelmällä (GAS). Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli 1) tarkastella kuntoutujan osallisuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tavoitteita asettaessa, 2) arvioida tavoitteiden saavuttamista ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä sekä 3) vertailla kahden kuntoutujaryhmän yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia tavoi…

research product

Physiotherapists’ perceptions of learning and implementing a biopsychosocial intervention to treat musculoskeletal pain conditions : a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies

Clinical practice guidelines recommend a biopsychosocial approach for the management of musculoskeletal pain conditions, but physiotherapists have reported feeling inadequately trained and lacking in confidence to deal with psychosocial issues. Although a growing number of studies is exploring physiotherapists’ perceptions of biopsychosocial training, the results have not been synthesized. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies was to explore physiotherapists’ perceptions of learning and implementing a biopsychosocial intervention to treat musculoskeletal pain conditions. A search of the electronic databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, ERIC, Psyc…

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The Dominance of Chronic Pain: A Phenomenological Study

Background Chronic pain is not only a physical disorder, but also a complex combination of biopsychosocial symptoms affecting each other. When in chronic pain, the patient's entire body becomes a source of pain, and eventually the pain occupies the patient's mind and entire life. The aim of the present study was to examine the life experience and management of chronic pain from the patient's perspective. Methods Thirty-four participants with chronic pain were interviewed. For 21 of the participants, the duration of pain was more than five years. Most of the participants had degenerative spinal pain. The transcribed interviews were analysed using Giorgi's four-phase phenomenological method. …

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Factors explaining being present at work in the forest industry, case–control study

Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine factors explaining few sickness absence hours (=SAH) among forest industry employees. Methods: The source population consisted of 636 forest industry employees in Finland, of which 140 were used as cases (SAH ≤ 1.5% during the past 6.5 years). Controls (140) were randomly selected from the source population (SAH > 1.5%). The study data were collected via a questionnaire. The response rate was 65.4% (mean age 48.5 years, men 67%). Discriminant and log-linear analysis were used to examine the relationships between variables and study groups. Results: Workers are more likely to have few sickness absences when their overall subjective health condi…

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Clinical reasoning and critical reflection in physiotherapists’ examinations of patients with low back pain in its early phase : a qualitative study from physiotherapists’ point of view

Aim: The aim of this study was to deepen the current understanding of physiotherapists’ decision-making process and more specifically, to investigate their reflections on their clinical reasoning when examining low back pain patients. Method: Data were collected in interviews with six physiotherapists, were the stimulated recall method was used. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed and then analysed by content analysis. Results: Physiotherapists critically analysed and reflected their choices and decisions in clinical reasoning with patient’s symptoms, onset of pain, clinical test choices and results. They stopped to consider the adequacy of tests for drawing conclusions and their…

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The impact of multilevel surgery on functional abilities and participation in adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP)

but not significant decrease in RT group. Timing of pKFSw, range of knee flexion and knee flexion velocity improved after surgery but tended to deteriorate over the years in either group. Discussionandconclusions:The results of thepresent study for the first time suggest that the influences of proximal RF release on DRFT effects on the knee joint are negligible. Two possible explanations shouldbe considered. First, thefindingsmaybe explainedby a permanent eliminationofRF functionon thekneeafterDRFT,which would be unaffected by proximal release and would underline the efficiency of DRFT. Secondly, surgery in the proximal part does not influence the distal part. This would represent a new imp…

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Patient education in physiotherapy in total hip arthroplasty (THA) - The perspective of physiotherapists

Background and Purpose There is limited knowledge about patients’ and physiotherapists’ perceptions of patient education in physiotherapy in hip arthroplasty. The aim of this study was to describe physiotherapists’ conceptions of the patient education in physiotherapy needed by patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. Methods The data for this qualitative study were collected using group and individual semi-structured interviews. Seven physiotherapists were interviewed. The research data were analyzed using a phenomenographic method. Results Three categories of patient education in physiotherapy in hip arthroplasty were produced and the categories formed a hierarchy. The narrowest descri…

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Students’ Experiences of Reflective Writing as a Tool for Learning in Physiotherapy Education

The purpose of this study was to examine physiotherapy students’ experiences of reflective writing. The students (n = 32) were asked to video record their practical activities at school and at workplaces, and to write reflective journals on their experiences. The research data about students’ experiences of reflective writing were collected by interviewing the students. The data were analyzed phenomenographically. The findings revealed four qualitatively different experiences of reflective writing: 1) writing as a useless task; 2) writing as a tool for deepening understanding; 3) writing as a tool for self-reflection; and 4) writing as a tool for professional development. These categories d…

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Patients’ conceptions of preoperative physiotherapy education before hip arthroplasty

In Finland, over 7500 hip arthroplasties are performed annually. While the mean age of the patients has increased, the length of hospital stay has decreased, and this presents challenges for patient education. The aim of this study was to explore patients’ conceptions of preoperative physiotherapy education. This qualitative study included 10 hip arthroplasty patients. Data were collected using individual interviews at home before collecting preoperative information, and at the hospital after the operation. The interviews were tape-recorded and analysed using the phenomenographic method. Four hierarchically constructed categories of preoperative physiotherapy education were identified: read…

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Iäkkäiden ihmisten ja eläkeikäisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia kanssakäymisestä vapaaehtoistyössä

Kotona asumista korostavan hoivapolitiikan seurauksena on paljon iäkkäitä henkilöitä, jotka eivät pääse ulos kodistaan ilman apua. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan huonokuntoisten iäkkäiden ihmisten ja eläkeikäisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia keskinäisestä kanssakäymisestään vapaaehtoistyöhön perustuvalla toimintajaksolla. Vapaaehtoistyöntekijät auttoivat kodin ulkopuolisiin aktiviteetteihin yksin asuvia iäkkäitä ihmisiä, joilla oli liikkumiskyvyn ongelmia. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana viisi iäkkään ihmisen ja eläkeikäisen vapaaehtoistyöntekijän muodostamaa paria. Tutkimusaineisto koostui iäkkäiden (79–87-vuotiaiden) ihmisten ja vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden (61–71-vuotiaiden) yksilöhaastattel…

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Cardiac Rehabilitees' Technology Experiences Before Remote Rehabilitation : Qualitative Study Using a Grounded Theory Approach

Background: Even though technology is becoming increasingly common in rehabilitation programs, insufficient data are as yet available on rehabilitees’ perceptions and experiences. It is important to understand their abilities when using technology for remote rehabilitation. Objective: This is a qualitative study on technology experiences of persons affected by cardiovascular disease assessed before remote rehabilitation. The aim of the study was to explore rehabilitees’ experiences and attitudes toward technology before 12 months of remote rehabilitation. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 39 rehabilitees in four focus groups. The subjects were aged 34 to 77 years (average …

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Transforming expertise from individual to regional community expertise: a four‐year study of an education intervention

In this paper we present the empirical results of a study showing that individualised expertise can be transformed into regional community expertise by means of an education intervention programme. In view of the ongoing reform of the municipal and service structures in Finland, during which small municipalities are combined into areas with populations in excess of 20,000, the need for community expertise is obvious. The reorganisation of service arrangements aims at efficiency, lower costs, quality service and increased regional competitiveness. Due to the reform, local actors are expected to provide new, collaboration‐oriented strategies, while healthcare professionals in the municipaliti…

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Higher education teachers’ descriptions of their own learning: a quantitative perspective

In this large-scale study, higher education teachers’ (n = 1028) descriptions of their own learning are examined with quantitative analyses. The study follows up an earlier qualitative study that, using a phenomenographic approach, identified four different ways in which teachers at Finnish universities of applied sciences described their own learning. The purpose of the present study was to find out how teachers’ descriptions were divided into the categories formed in the previous study and to examine whether teachers’ descriptions of their learning differ according to their position, gender and age. The results show that most teachers described their learning as an individual activity. Di…

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Does single-event multilevel surgery enhance physical functioning in the real-life environment in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP)?: Patient perceptions five years after surgery

Orthopedic procedures are a method of treating gait deviations and musculoskeletal pathology that develop with age in cerebral palsy (CP). Recently single-event multilevel surgery (SEMLS) has become common practice. Although there is evidence that SEMLS could improve gait, it is unclear whether it will enhance overall physical functioning and coping strategies in the real-life environment. It is unclear how improved walking capacity affects actual functioning and enables greater independence. The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions of adolescents concerning the results of surgery on personal physical functioning in the environment five or more years after SEMLS. In this study, …

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Rehabilitees perspective on goal setting in rehabilitation : a phenomenological approach

Purpose: Setting meaningful goals for the rehabilitation process after acute illness is essential for rehabilitees recovery. The aim of this study was to understand the meanings of the goal setting situation with professionals from rehabilitees point of view. - Method: We included 20 acute stroke and back pain rehabilitees (mean age 66 y) who set goals with a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. Data was collected by interviewing the rehabilitees after the goal setting situations. A qualitative analysis from a phenomenological perspective using Spiegelberg’s seven-phase meaning analysis was performed to reveal meanings. - Results: The five meanings were identified as: (i) “trust in the re…

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The meaning of peer group mentoring in the university context

Peer mentoring is commonly used for didactical and learning purposes. In this study we examine peer group mentoring in the university context. The aim is to promote understanding of peer group mentoring based on a meta-analysis of two primary studies: teacher students and teacher group tutors. As a result, three core categories were found: 1) Individual’s participation in the group, 2) Professional development with others and 3) Community enabling sharing and development. These were hierarchically organized and there are critical aspects placed in between the core categories. Professional and personal experiences intertwine to enhance participants’ self-understanding and professional develo…

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Conceptions of healthcare professionals about rehabilitees’ participation in goal setting in an acute hospital : a phenomenographic study

Purpose: In acute care, effective goal-setting is an essential phase of a successful rehabilitation process. However, professionals’ knowledge and skills in rehabilitee-centered practice may not always match the ways of implementing goal-setting. This study aimed to describe the variation in how acute hospital professionals perceive and comprehend rehabilitee participation in rehabilitation goal-setting. Methods: Data were collected by interviewing 27 multidisciplinary rehabilitation team members in small groups shortly after rehabilitation goal-setting sessions. A qualitative research design based on phenomenography was implemented. Results: We identified four conceptions of rehabilitee pa…

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An adventurous learning journey. Physiotherapists’ conceptions of learning and integrating cognitive functional therapy into clinical practice

Background: Recent low back pain guidelines recommend a BPS approach to the management of disabling low back pain. However, the most effective way of teaching physiotherapists to implement these approaches remains unknown. The present qualitative study aimed to explore physiotherapists' conceptions of learning and integrating Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) into clinical practice in Finnish primary health care.Methods: We interviewed 22 physiotherapists, who participated in four to six days of CFT workshops. A phenomenographic approach was used to explore the variation in the physiotherapists' conceptions of this process.Results: Four themes emerged from the data: 1) membership of work c…

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Practical work in physiotherapy students’ professional development

Learning practical work through cooperation between school and working life is part of physiotherapy higher education. Students learn practical work through the integration of theoretical, practical, tacit and situational knowledge in a socialization process. Workplace practices and habits direct students’ learning. This study answers the question: What kind of conceptions of learning practical work do physiotherapy students have? Longitudinal data written by 21 volunteer students (mean age 25 years) was collected over three and a half years. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Learning practical work proceeds in five phases: (1) the basis of practical work, human movement and a…

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Outcome of multilevel surgery experienced by adolescent patients with cerebral palsy and their parents

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The core competences of Finnish physiotherapists in the light of research data

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From "Non-encounters" to autonomic agency. Conceptions of patients with low back pain about their encounters in the health care system.

Low back pain is a considerable health problem which affects people around the world, causing major healthcare costs. The use of qualitative research methods enables us to describe and understand patients' experience of, and attitudes to, healthcare. The aim of the present phenomenographic study was to identify and describe the contextual nature of the conceptions of patients with low back pain of their encounters in the HCS. Seventeen patients with chronic or episodic low back pain classified as "high risk" were interviewed in open recall interviews, using videos of patients' initial physiotherapy sessions that had been recorded previously. The data were analysed using the phenomenographic…

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Patients' narratives of patient education in physiotherapy after total hip arthroplasty.

Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to explore patients' narratives of patient education in physiotherapy after a total hip arthroplasty (THA). Method The data was collected via open thematic interviews from ten patients who had had a primary THA. The interviews were analysed using a qualitative, narrative method. Results Three story models of patient education in physiotherapy were identified: Supportive patient education in physiotherapy, Co-operative patient education in physiotherapy and Contradictory patient education in physiotherapy. The emphasis of narration in the first story model was on the trust in the guidance, functioning interaction in the second and insufficient pat…

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Competence areas of health science teachers - A systematic review of quantitative studies.

Abstract Background In the face of rapid digitalisation and ever-higher educational requirements for healthcare professionals, it is important that health science teachers possess the relevant core competences. The education of health science teachers varies internationally and there is no consensus about the minimum qualifications and experience they require. Objective The aim of this systematic review was to describe the health science teachers' competences and the factors related to it. Design Systematic review of original quantitative studies. Data sources Four databases were selected from which to retrieve original studies: Cinahl (Ebsco), PubMed, Medic, Eri (ProQuest). Review Methods …

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Perceptions of learning and teaching human movement in physiotherapy : A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies

Purpose: Human movement is essential for health and well-being. Understanding human movement is pivotal in physiotherapy, but also an important element of physiotherapy education. This review identified, critically appraised, and synthesized the available evidence on learning and teaching human movement in physiotherapy as perceived by students, therapists, and instructors. Methods: The databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, MEDIC and FINNA, were searched. The search was conducted in March/April 2020 and updated in March 2022. The systematic review followed the JBI methodology for systematic reviews of qualitative evidence and was conducted in accordance with an a priori protocol. Resul…

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Stories of professional development in physiotherapy education

This study examines graduating physiotherapy students' narratives related to their professional development. The data comprised interviews with 33 graduating physiotherapy students. The data were analyzed using the narrative analysis approach. As a result, five different story models were identified. The descriptive story models were named: 1) "Study path dominated by life changes"; 2) "Realizing the connection between physiotherapy theory and practice"; 3) "Self-regulated and practical-oriented learning path"; 4) "Becoming a critical developer"; and 5) "Multiprofessional working towards expertise". In students' stories, there appeared different turning points that illustrated especially me…

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Työelämäyhteistyö ammattikorkeakouluopettajan osaamishaasteena

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin ammattikorkeakouluopettajien työelämäyhteistyön osaamishaasteita. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin yksilö- ja ryhmähaastatteluilla, joihin osallistui 16 eri alojen ammattikorkeakouluopettajaa. Aineisto analysoitiin temaattisella analyysillä. Työelämäyhteistyön osaamishaasteina tulivat esille muutos koulutuksen ja työelämän suhteissa, verkostomainen opettajuus, monipuolisten taitojen hallinta ja pedagogiikan uudistaminen. Ammattikorkeakouluopettajien työelämäyhteistyö edellyttää uusien taitojen omaksumisen lisäksi yhteisöllisyyden kehittämistä niin työelämän kuin opiskelijoidenkin kanssa.

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Students’ experiences of reflective writing in physiotherapy education

band through the big fingers and the first toes and instructed them to extend the band as much as possible (band exercise). Each exercise was to be performed on alternate days. Before exrcise, we obtained MR imaging using Achieva 3.0T MRI (Philips Medical Systems, Best, Netherland). The imaging technique was T2 star (repetition time, 500ms; echo time, 0.703ms; field-of-view, 480mm). After scanning, participants performed each exercise in the MRI machine. For a duration of 5min, each exercise was performed at an interval of 10 s; MRI was conducted immediately after exercise. The OsiriX imaging software was used for analysis, and we circled region of interest (ROI) multifidus muscles and the …

research product

Physiotherapists' perceptions of learning and implementing a biopsychosocial intervention to treat musculoskeletal pain conditions:a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies

Clinical practice guidelines recommend a biopsychosocial approach for the management of musculoskeletal pain conditions, but physiotherapists have reported feeling inadequately trained and lacking in confidence to deal with psychosocial issues. Although a growing number of studies are exploring physiotherapists' perceptions of biopsychosocial training, the results have not been synthesized. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies was to explore physiotherapists' perceptions of learning and implementing a biopsychosocial intervention to treat musculoskeletal pain conditions. A search of the electronic databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, ERIC, Psy…

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Patients’ conceptions of undergoing physiotherapy for persistent low back pain delivered in Finnish primary healthcare by physiotherapists who had participated in brief training in cognitive functional therapy

To explore the conceptions of patients with persistent low back pain (LBP) of undergoing physiotherapy delivered in Finnish primary healthcare by physiotherapists who had participated in brief training in Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT). As part of a feasibility implementation study exploring CFT in management of LBP in the Finnish primary healthcare system, we interviewed nine patients from four geographical areas in Finland after receiving care. We used a phenomenographic approach to explore the variation in their conceptions. The analysis revealed four descriptive categories: “hung out to dry,” “stuck,” “making sense and taking control,” and “holistic approach to care and living,” tha…

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Physiotherapists’ conceptions of movement awareness– A phenomenographic study

The phenomenon of movement awareness requires more attention to make it explicit in physiotherapy. The aim of this study was to explore the variation in physiotherapists’ conceptions of movement quality, focusing on movement awareness. The informants were 15 physiotherapists from a variety of physiotherapy fields. We collected data through two group interviews and used the phenomenographic method to analyze them. Four themes emerged from the data: 1) Being in contact with one’s own moving body; 2) Increased awareness of movement experiences; 3) Interrelationship between physiotherapist and patient; and 4) Better understanding of movement awareness. These themes varied by four descriptive ca…

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Physiotherapy students’ conceptions of skill at the beginning of their Bachelor studies

Skills have recently received widespread attention in education policy documents and discussions. This article reports the results of research on Bachelor’s degree physiotherapy students’ conceptions of skill at the beginning of their studies. The aim of the present study was to examine how beginning students understand skill, and the focus was on conceptions of skill in general rather than on any particular skills. The participants of the study were 35 physiotherapy students. The data were gathered within the first two weeks of their university studies. Specifically, requested essays written by the students were analyzed using the phenomenographic approach. The data-driven analysis yielded…

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Laaja-alainen ja monikerroksinen kuntoutuksen osaaminen

Tämä tutkimus liittyy 2014 Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön (OKM) ja ammattikorkeakoulujen käynnistämään korkeakouludialogiin OKM:n, sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön, Valviran, ammattikorkeakoulujen ja sidosryhmien välillä. Jyväskylän yliopiston terveystieteiden laitos teki OKM:n kanssa yhteistyössä tutkimukseen perustuvan selvityksen kuntoutuksen osaamisesta (2014–15). Tutkimus liittyi kuntoutusalan ammattikorkeakoulukoulutukseen, ja kuntoutusaloiksi oli määritelty apuvälinetekniikka, fysioterapia, jalkaterapia, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja, naprapatia, osteopatia ja toimintaterapia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää työelämän, opettajien ja opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä kuntoutusalan koulutuksesta …

research product

A Systematic Review and Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies on the Competencies of Health and Rehabilitation Science Educators

Background. Health and rehabilitation science educators’ competence greatly influences students’ professional development in a changing world. To ensure the availability of qualified health and rehabilitation science educators in the future, there is a need for continuous reforms in this sector to develop the educators’ competence in this sector. Objective. The aim of this systematic review was to find new evidence on educators’ experiences of their competence in health and rehabilitation science higher education. Methods. The study was a systematic review of previous peer-reviewed qualitative studies. The inclusion criteria were planned according to PICo: health and rehabilitation science …

research product

Postoperative Patient Education in Physiotherapy after Hip Arthroplasty : Patients' Perspective

Objective The objective of the present study was to explore postoperative patient education in physiotherapy from total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients' perspectives, which has been a little‐studied area of research. The usefulness of rehabilitation protocols after THA has been debated over the years, and there are no clear guidelines for physiotherapy after THA Methods The data for the present qualitative study were collected from nine patients with THA by using individual interviews at the hospital after surgery. The interviews were audio‐recorded and analysed by using a phenomenographic method Results Four different categories of postoperative patient education in physiotherapy after hip…

research product

The peer groups bridging the disciplines and social contexts at higher education

The aim of the study is to promote understanding of peer groups meanings from the students’ point of view. The research task is to find out teacher students’ conceptions of the andracogical peer groups in the health science teacher studies at university. Teacher students’ peer groups are based on andracogically formed principles. The participants are (65) health science teacher students, who have started in 2009-2012. The data (578 written pages) was gathered by using essay writing in the end of their one year teacher studies and analysed by a phenomenographic method. The results are three hierarchical categories of peer groups meanings description 1) Value of otherness in participation the…

research product

The story models of physiotherapy students’ professional development. Narrative research

The aim of this article is to investigate students’ narratives about their professional development process. This research brings new kind of knowledge to continuing learning, developing education and planning the curriculum in physiotherapy education. The European Qualification Framework (EQF) defines learning competences in education; qualitative research has a narrative approach. The material consists of eight voluntarily participating physiotherapy students’ portfolios written during their whole study time. The longitudinal data describes them as learners and their development process. The major findings are four main episodes in professional development: the previous studies, a new way…

research product

The essence of the experience of chronic pain – a phenomenological study

research product

Patients' conceptions of undergoing physiotherapy for persistent low back pain delivered in Finnish primary healthcare by physiotherapists who had participated in brief training in cognitive functional therapy.

To explore the conceptions of patients with persistent low back pain (LBP) of undergoing physiotherapy delivered in Finnish primary healthcare by physiotherapists who had participated in brief training in Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT).As part of a feasibility implementation study exploring CFT in management of LBP in the Finnish primary healthcare system, we interviewed nine patients from four geographical areas in Finland after receiving care. We used a phenomenographic approach to explore the variation in their conceptions.The analysis revealed four descriptive categories: "hung out to dry," "stuck," "making sense and taking control," and "holistic approach to care and living," that …

research product

Higher education teachers' descriptions of their own learning : large scale study of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences

In this large-scale study, higher education teachers’ descriptions of their own learning were examined with qualitative analysis involving application of principles of phenomenographic research. This study is unique: it is unusual to use large-scale data in qualitative studies. The data were collected through an e-mail survey sent to 5960 teachers at universities of applied sciences in Finland. The number of respondents was 1622. Four hierarchically structured categories of learning were found: individual learning, collegial learning, team learning and innovative partnership learning. The role of teachers in higher education demands innovative partnership learning: being active at the socie…

research product

Graduating Physiotherapy Students’ Conceptions of their own Competence

A competence-oriented approach has recently emerged in higher education and thus far, not much attention has been paid to how “competence” itself is understood in education. The purpose of this study was to examine how graduating physiotherapy students perceive their competence at the end of their studies. The data comprised interviews with 33 graduating physiotherapy students. The data were analysed with the phenomenographic approach. The findings indicated that graduating students had different and wide-ranging conceptions of what competence in physiotherapy entails and what their own competence covers. The descriptive categories – mastering core skills, understanding the theoretical basi…

research product