Vincenzo D'amelio

Ontogenetic variations of some enzymes indicentrarchus labrax(Serranidae)

Abstract The ontogenesis of isozyme patterns of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), glycerol‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (α‐GPDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G‐6‐PD) and glucosephosphate isomer‐ase (GPI) in Dicentrarchus labrax was studied. ADH is active only in the liver of the adult; a‐GPDH is active in only two tissues in the adult: the A2 isozyme in white skeletal muscle and the B2 isozyme in the liver. Differential gene expression was found only for LDH, MDH and GPI, which have polymeric structure. The LDH, MDH and GPI isozymes 30 days after hatching were completely active and showed patterns very similar to those of the adult. Sp…

research product

Two tissue-specific loci for octopine dehydrogenase in Tapes Decussatus (Bivalvia, Veneridae)

Abstract 1. 1. Octopine dehydrogenase catalyses the reductive condensation of pyruvate and arginine to produce octopine in mollusc tissues. 2. 2. In all Bivalvia species studied to date, a single polymorphic locus, anodally migrating, was demonstrated. 3. 3. We studied, by starch gel electrophoresis, octopine isozymes in Tapes decussatus tissues. 4. 4. A polymorphic anodal form is present in adductor muscle, foot muscle, mantle and gill. 5. 5. A hepatopancreas-specific form, cathodally migrating, is also evident.

research product

Time-course changes of plasma lipid levels and lipoprotein pattern after feeding in cultured sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.

Results of a study of plasma lipids levels and lipoprotein pattern modification during digestion in sea bass indicate that, after feeding, non-esterified fatty acids are rapidly delivered in plasma, while triglycerides reach a maximum concentration only 24 h later. The time-course change of the lipoprotein pattern shows a relationship between their concentration and the lipid class carried.

research product

Relationships between absence of functional swimbladder, calculosis and larval mortality in hatcheryreared gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L.

Abstract. The relationship between absence of functional swim-bladder, calculosis and larval mortality of hatchery-reared sea bream, Sparus aurata L., was observed. There was a temporal variation in the main causes of mortality, i.e. not inflated swim-bladder appears to be the main cause up to the 47th day, and the presence of calculi around the 55th day. Histological sections, semi-quantitative analysis and scanner electron microscope photographs were carried out.

research product

Biochemical Responses of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) to the Stress Induced by Off Shore Experimental Seismic Prospecting

The paper reports the results of an experimental seismic survey in the open sea by an air gun, carried out to evaluate the effects of air gun acoustic waves on marine animals. Air gun blast exposition was found to have a marked influence on confined Dicentrarchus labrax. Our data, in fact, demonstrated a biochemical response to acoustic stress induced by air gun blasts. Variations of cortisol, glucose, lactate, AMP, ADP, ATP and cAMP in different tissues of D. labrax, indicate that fish have a typical primary and secondary stress response after air gun detonations. Radiography indicates that air gun blasts do not induce any macroscopic effect on skeletal apparatus. The variations of biochem…

research product

La distribuzione dell'attività proteasica nella blastula e nella giovane gastrula diDiscoglossus pictus

Summary Protease activity has been measured in the animal and vegetal half of the blastula and in the dorsal and ventral regions of the early gastrula of Discoglossus pictus. A higher protease activity was found in the dorsal region of the early gastrula, where presumptive chordamesoderm and presumptive neuroectoderm are localized.

research product

Oxidized respiratory molecules induced in vivo by nitrite in Pontodrilus littoralis (oligochaeta)

Abstract 1. The in vivo effect of nitrite has been investigated in Pontodrilus littoralis. 2. Exposure of the animals at nitrite concentrations (0.05–0.1%) produced methaemoglobin and hemichromes. 3. Disappearance of oxidized forms was obtained when normal rearing conditions were restored. 4. Longer exposure to higher nitrite concentrations produced irreversible oxidized forms.

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