Evelyne Combier
Neighbourhood socio-economic characteristics and the risk of preterm birth for migrant and non-migrant women: a study in a French district
Neighbourhood-level deprivation is associated with preterm birth; preterm birth rates are also higher for some, but not all migrant groups. We studied the impact of neighbourhood characteristics (a deprivation score and the proportion of foreign-born residents) on singleton preterm birth in the French district of Seine-Saint-Denis for women born in France, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and other countries. Multilevel logistic regression models were adjusted for maternal demographic and health care characteristics. For women born in France, the preterm birth rate rose with neighbourhood deprivation quintile (3.8% in the first to 5.7% in the fifth, adjusted odds ratio: 1.40 [95% confidence…
Classification of hospital pathways in the management of cancer: application to lung cancer in the region of burgundy.
Abstract Context : The evaluation of national cancer plans is an important aspect of their implementation. For this evaluation, the principal actors in the field (doctors, nurses, etc.) as well as decision-makers must have access to information that is reliable, synthetic and easy to interpret, and which reflects the implementation process in the field. We propose here a methodology to make this type of information available in the context of reducing inequalities with regard to access to healthcare for patients with lung cancer in the region of Burgundy. Methods : We used the national medico-administrative DRG-type database, which gathers together all hospital stays. By using this database…
Prise en charge des pathologies cardiovasculaires, pulmonaires et traumatiques : lieux d’hospitalisation et flux des patients domiciliés en Autunois et Morvan
Introduction Meme si l’egal acces aux soins est prone par la loi HPST, depuis cinq ans, deux millions de Francais supplementaires ont ete touches par la desertification medicale et les inegalites entre les territoires ne cessent d’augmenter. Pour faire face a cet enjeu, un pacte « territoire sante » a ete presente par le ministre charge de la sante qui necessite d’identifier les bassins de desserte des hopitaux et les flux des patients. L’objectif de cette etude est de localiser les lieux d’hospitalisation et de decrire les flux des patients en prenant pour exemple des zones mal desservies telles que celles de l’Autunois et du Morvan. Materiels et methodes Cette etude concernait l’ensemble …
Systèmes d’information périnatale : une étude des inégalités sociospatiales de santé à partir de données recueillies en routine
Accessibilité de la maternité la plus proche en Bourgogne, comparaison de deux méthodes de calcul d’itinéraires
Hémorragie sévère du post-partum et distance domicile-hôpital : étude en population à partir des données hospitalières
Introduction Afin de diminuer la mortalite et morbidite severe maternelle, une attention particuliere merite d’etre portee a l’hemorragie severe du post-partum (HPP), notamment a la recherche de nouveaux facteurs de risque. L’objectif de l’etude etait d’estimer le risque d’HPP severe lie a la distance entre le domicile et le service d’obstetrique et de decrire les facteurs de risque de l’HPP severe identifies par le Programme de medicalisation des systemes d’information (PMSI). Methodes Une cohorte retrospective en population a ete realisee a partir de la base nationale du PMSI de 2011, via le code Z37. La variable d’interet etait l’HPP severe par atonie uterine identifiee par le code corre…
Poor prenatal care in an urban area: a geographic analysis.
Abstract Poor prenatal care increases the risk of having a premature or low-birth-weight infant. Rates of poor prenatal care vary spatially, influenced not only by individual mothers’ characteristics but also by social neighborhood context and proximity to healthcare services. The aim of this article is to identify and map the spatial patterns of prenatal care and to analyze the spatial and social origins of such inequalities. Our study concerns 30,338 individuals who received antenatal care in a highly urbanized French district: Seine-Saint-Denis. The geographical distribution of poor prenatal care is revealed by exploratory spatial data analysis tools. This spatial clustering is related t…
Gestational age and 1-year hospital admission or mortality: a nation-wide population-based study
International audience; Background: Describe the 1-year hospitalization and in-hospital mortality rates, in infants born after 31 weeks ofgestational age (GA).Methods: This nation-wide population-based study used the French medico-administrative database to assess thefollowing outcomes in singleton live-born infants (32–43 weeks) without congenital anomalies (year 2011): neonatalhospitalization (day of life 1 – 28), post-neonatal hospitalization (day of life 29 – 365), and 1-year in-hospital mortalityrates. Marginal models and negative binomial regressions were used.Results: The study included 696,698 live-born babies. The neonatal hospitalization rate was 9.8%. Up to 40 weeks,the lower the…