T.p. Hennessy
Evaluation and comparison of tailor-made stationary phases based on spherical silica-based beads for capillary electrochromatography via peptide separation analysis.
Small cyclic peptides have been employed to elucidate the performance of novel sorbents as stationary phases in capillary electrochromatography (CEC). In this paper chain length dependencies for ordinary liquid chromatographic sorbents are reported together with findings acquired on beads specifically designed to suit CEC. The latter, tailor-made, spherical, porous silica exhibits a distinguished surface modification to meet the criteria anticipated to enhance performance profiles in CEC. With well-characterised peptides resembling the analytes, probing of the CEC system in a systematic manner (predominantly via the organic modifier content of the background electrolyte (BE)) reveals insigh…
Dynamic electric field assisted multi-dimensional liquid chromatography of biological samples
Complex biological samples require very high resolution separation strategies. The platform introduced here capitalises on the hyphenation of liquid chromatographic (LC) and electric potential gradient electrochromatographic multi-dimensional separation genres. First-dimension selectivity is provided by simultaneous size exclusion (SEC) and strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography modes, while the second dimension comprises reversed phase (RP) characteristics in a dynamic (time-variant) electric field. The time-variant potential gradient with reversal of polarity is applied across the second dimension monolithic capillary throughout the duration of the solvent strength gradient elution. …