Three-dimensional skyrmions in spin-2 Bose–Einstein condensates
We introduce topologically stable three-dimensional skyrmions in the cyclic and biaxial nematic phases of a spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensate. These skyrmions exhibit exceptionally high mapping degrees resulting from the versatile symmetries of the corresponding order parameters. We show how these structures can be created in existing experimental setups and study their temporal evolution and lifetime by numerically solving the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equations for realistic parameter values. Although the biaxial nematic and cyclic phases are observed to be unstable against transition towards the ferromagnetic phase, their lifetimes are long enough for the skyrmions to be imprinted…
Gigahertz Single-Electron Pumping Mediated by Parasitic States
In quantum metrology, semiconductor single-electron pumps are used to generate accurate electric currents with the ultimate goal of implementing the emerging quantum standard of the ampere. Pumps based on electrostatically defined tunable quantum dots (QDs) have thus far shown the most promising performance in combining fast and accurate charge transfer. However, at frequencies exceeding approximately 1 GHz, the accuracy typically decreases. Recently, hybrid pumps based on QDs coupled to trap states have led to increased transfer rates due to tighter electrostatic confinement. Here, we operate a hybrid electron pump in silicon obtained by coupling a QD to multiple parasitic states, and achi…
Experimental Realization of a Dirac Monopole through the Decay of an Isolated Monopole
We experimentally observe the decay dynamics of deterministically created isolated monopoles in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates. As the condensate undergoes a change between magnetic phases, the isolated monopole gradually evolves into a spin configuration hosting a Dirac monopole in its synthetic magnetic field. We characterize in detail the Dirac monopole by measuring the particle densities of the spin states projected along different quantization axes. Importantly, we observe the spontaneous emergence of nodal lines in the condensate density that accompany the Dirac monopole. We also demonstrate that the monopole decay accelerates in weaker magnetic field gradients.
Synthetic electromagnetic knot in a three-dimensional skyrmion
We experimentally simulate a quantum-mechanical particle interacting with knotted electromagnetic fields.
Accelerated stabilization of coherent photon states
| openaire: EC/H2020/681311/EU//QUESS Control and utilization of coherent states of microwave photons is a ubiquitous requirement for the present and near-future implementations of solid-state quantum computers. The rate at which the photon state responds to external driving is limited by the relaxation rate of the storage resonator, which poses a trade-off between fast control and long storage time. Here, we present a control scheme that is designed to drive an unknown photon state to a desired coherent state much faster than the resonator decay rate. Our method utilizes a tunable environment which acts on an ancillary qubit coupled to the resonator. By periodically resetting the qubit and…
Efficient protocol for qubit initialization with a tunable environment
We propose an efficient qubit initialization protocol based on a dissipative environment that can be dynamically adjusted. Here the qubit is coupled to a thermal bath through a tunable harmonic oscillator. On-demand initialization is achieved by sweeping the oscillator rapidly into resonance with the qubit. This resonant coupling with the engineered environment induces fast relaxation to the ground state of the system, and a consecutive rapid sweep back to off resonance guarantees weak excess dissipation during quantum computations. We solve the corresponding quantum dynamics using a Markovian master equation for the reduced density operator of the qubit-bath system. This allows us to optim…
Three-dimensional splitting dynamics of giant vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
We study the splitting dynamics of giant vortices in dilute Bose-Einstein condensates by numerically integrating the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation in time. By taking advantage of tetrahedral tiling in the spatial discretization, we decrease the error and increase the reliability of the numerical method. An extensive survey of vortex splitting symmetries is presented for different aspect ratios of the harmonic trapping potential. The symmetries of the splitting patterns observed in the simulated dynamics are found to be in good agreement with predictions obtained by solving the dominant dynamical instabilities from the corresponding Bogoliubov equations. Furthermore, we observe…
Microwave nanobolometer based on proximity Josephson junctions
We introduce a microwave bolometer aimed at high-quantum-efficiency detection of wave packet energy within the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics, the ultimate goal being single microwave photon detection. We measure the differential thermal conductance between the detector and its heat bath, obtaining values as low as $5\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{fW}/\mathrm{K}$ at $50\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{mK}$. This is one tenth of the thermal conductance quantum and corresponds to a theoretical lower bound on noise-equivalent power of order ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}20}\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{W}/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$ at $50\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{mK}$. By measuring the dif…
Quantum knots in Bose-Einstein condensates created by counterdiabatic control
We theoretically study the creation of knot structures in the polar phase of spin-1 BECs using the counterdiabatic protocol in an unusual fashion. We provide an analytic solution to the evolution of the external magnetic field that is used to imprint the knots. As confirmed by our simulations using the full three-dimensional spin-1 Gross-Pitaevskii equation, our method allows for the precise control of the Hopf charge as well as the creation time of the knots. The knots with Hopf charge exceeding unity display multiple nested Hopf links.
Counterdiabatic vortex pump in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Topological phase imprinting is a well-established technique for deterministic vortex creation in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates of alkali metal atoms. It was recently shown that counter-diabatic quantum control may accelerate vortex creation in comparison to the standard adiabatic protocol and suppress the atom loss due to nonadiabatic transitions. Here we apply this technique, assisted by an optical plug, for vortex pumping to theoretically show that sequential phase imprinting up to 20 cycles generates a vortex with a very large winding number. Our method significantly increases the fidelity of the pump for rapid pumping compared to the case without the counter-diabatic control, leadin…
Theory of quantum-circuit refrigeration by photon-assisted electron tunneling
We focus on a recently experimentally realized scenario of normal-metal-insulator-superconductor tunnel junctions coupled to a superconducting resonator. We develop a first-principles theory to describe the effect of photon-assisted electron tunneling on the quantum state of the resonator. Our results are in very good quantitative agreement with the previous experiments on refrigeration and heating of the resonator using the photon-assisted tunneling, thus providing a stringent verification of the developed theory. Importantly, our results provide simple analytical estimates of the voltage-tunable coupling strength and temperature of the thermal reservoir formed by the photon-assisted tunne…
Energy-efficient quantum computing
In the near future, a major challenge in quantum computing is to scale up robust qubit prototypes to practical problem sizes and to implement comprehensive error correction for computational precision. Due to inevitable quantum uncertainties in resonant control pulses, increasing the precision of quantum gates comes with the expense of increased energy consumption. Consequently, the power dissipated in the vicinity of the processor in a well-working large-scale quantum computer seems unacceptably large in typical systems requiring low operation temperatures. Here, we introduce a method for qubit driving and show that it serves to decrease the single-qubit gate error without increasing the a…
Evolution and decay of an Alice ring in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
We use first-principles-derived numerical simulations to investigate the long-time evolution of a half-quantum vortex ring, an Alice ring, arising from the decay dynamics of an isolated monopole in the polar phase of a dilute spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate. In particular, we study the lifetime and decay characteristics of the Alice ring under different experimentally relevant conditions. We observe that, in a 87Rb condensate with a homogeneous external magnetic field, a well-centered Alice ring may survive for over 160 ms, and that during its lifetime it can contract back into a monopole, which again converts into an Alice ring. Interestingly, we notice an additional Alice ring, with an op…
Evolution of an isolated monopole in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate
We simulate the decay dynamics of an isolated monopole defect in the nematic vector of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate during the polar-to-ferromagnetic phase transition of the system. Importantly, the decay of the monopole occurs in the absence of external magnetic fields and is driven principally by the dynamical instability due to the ferromagnetic spin-exchange interactions. An initial isolated monopole is observed to relax into a polar-core spin vortex, thus demonstrating the spontaneous transformation of a point defect of the polar order parameter manifold to a line defect of the ferromagnetic manifold. We also investigate the dynamics of an isolated monopole pierced by a quantum vo…