Maria Fuentes-blasco
Role of Marketing and Technological Innovation on Satisfaction and Word of Mouth in Retailing
Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work analyses innovation in retail experiences from two aspects—marketing innovation and technological innovation—to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. For that purpose, our objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word of mouth through three core constructs: store image, consumer value, and …
Effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationship satisfaction–loyalty
Abstract The need to study the differences among consumers due to their behavioural heterogeneity and the highly competitive consumer markets is recognized. In this paper, we analyse the potential heterogeneous shopping assessment in retail and how that experience may influence on consequent customer loyalty in a different way. The effects of satisfaction on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty and positive word of mouth are estimated by a finite-mixture structural equation model, and unobserved heterogeneity is analysed simultaneously. The results show that there are three latent segments where the strength of causal relationships differs which mean that there is an overestimation of the im…
Analyzing heterogeneity on the value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth relationship in retailing
Purpose The literature recognizes the need to study differences in consumer behavior in highly competitive and dynamic markets. In this paper, the authors look at how the heterogeneous evaluation of retailing influences customer satisfaction and loyalty. The purpose of this paper is to analyze unobserved heterogeneity on customer value dimensions perceptions in retail establishments, and their potential effects on positive forms of behavioral outcomes considering customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. Design/methodology/approach On a sample of 820 retail customers, the authors apply a finite mixture structural equation modeling that analyzes unobserved heterogeneity simultaneously.…
Antecedents and consequences of logistics value: And empirical investigation in the Spanish market
Abstract In business practice and the academic study of logistics, the incorporation of concepts such as quality followed by value has been truly revolutionary. In addition, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has substantially modified the way inter-company relationships are managed. This has meant that logistics is no longer considered a routine, merely operational activity but a strategic variable which is a deciding factor in achieving customer satisfaction. There are, however, still a large number of companies which continue to ignore the differentiating potential of logistics and consider it to be a routine activity. Our contribution comes within the framework …
Effects of value and innovation on brand equity in retailing
This paper analyses retailer brand equity on the basis of two variables that are particularly relevant in marketing: the perception of value, because of its renewed interest for retailing, and retail innovativeness, because it is a recent line of research with interesting challenges. Considering Holbrook's (Consumer value: a framework for analysis and research. London: Routledge, 1999) value dimensions of efficiency, excellence, entertainment and aesthetics, this study investigates the relationship between those values and brand equity as well as the moderator effect of innovation. The study was conducted on a sample of 820 individuals who purchased from various stores selling food, househo…
How to increase company loyalty: using relational variables and sustainable practices to segment the maritime transport sector
Intense competition in goods transportation has highlighted theimportance of understanding customers’interests in order to designsuccessful relationship strategies. This study proposes, through asegmentation approach, to identify customer groups based on theirperceptions of sustainable practices and relational variables abouttheir main transport supplier. From a sample of 122 companies, amultiple correspondence analysis was carried out. The results showthat there are three groups of customer companies, which corres-pond to a high, low, and medium relational and sustainabilityapproach. The identified segments are also significantly different interms of time of operation in the maritime secto…
Social media communications and festival brand equity: Millennials vs Centennials
Abstract The proliferation of live music festivals in Spain has involved for festival managers the need to differentiate their events, creating brand equity through marketing communications, especially in social media. Given the variability in the ages of festival attendees, the present paper aims at analyzing the moderating role of the generational cohort in the influence of social media communications on brand equity creation and its correlates. A personal survey has been conducted for a sample of 622 attendees of the main live music festival in Spain. Respondents have been asked about their perceptions of festival social media communications, the core variables of brand equity, overall b…
Latent segmentation in business-to-business based on information and communication technology and relationship variables
Our work is focused on the segmentation analysis in the Spanish tourist industry. Using a sample of travel agencies who evaluated the relationship with their main supplier (relationship value, relationship benefits and perceived information and communication technologies (ICTs) use), we attempt to examine the utility of these variables as specific and subjective segmentation criteria for identifying heterogeneous groups. The estimation of a finite mixture model suggests that these bases are able to discriminate firms into six latent classes with different levels of ICT use and relationship variables. The novelty in this work lies in the application of latent segmentation methodology and th…
Effects of Retail Innovation and Image on “Value-Satisfaction-Loyalty” Chain
There has been a particular focus on research into the links between value, satisfaction, and loyalty in services in recent years. In this context, we have selected image as a key strategic retailing tool and retail innovation because it is a new line of investigation with interesting challenges. This work deals with the study of these two antecedents in the “value→satisfaction→loyalty” chain. We approach the individual perspective considering the self-oriented values of Holbrook (Consumer value. A framework for analysis and research. Routledge, London, 1999) as an appropriate typology for research into retailing experiences. Therefore we aim to analyze the effect of image and innovation on…
Value antecedents in relationship between tourism companies
Purpose – In the context of relationship marketing, identifying the elements that contribute to creating value for companies has become essential for managing customer satisfaction and retention. The literature has focused on business-to-end consumer relationships and there are few contributions in the business-to-business context, especially in the tourism industry. The aim of this study is to analyze the process of relationship value creation between tourism companies from the more relevant antecedents proposed in the literature: relationship benefits, long-term orientation and attitude towards the main provider. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted with 309 travel agency…
Information technology and logistics quality: a basis for companies' segmentation
The use of information technology (IT) is substantially modifying business areas in companies, and logistics is no exception. Moreover, the incorporation of concepts like 'Quality' has been truly revolutionary. This paper focuses on the study of these variables and aims to investigate their ability to group companies. To attain this goal we have carried out an empirical research in the Spanish market. The study carried out shows that companies can be grouped according to the level of introduction and use of IT and their perceptions on the level of service quality provided by the supplier.
Exploring relationship variables and Information and Communication Technologies use in industrial segmentation
Purpose In tourism, the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (hereinafter ICT) and variables concerning firms’ links with suppliers have been recognized as key determinants to improve companies’ competitiveness. From the perspective of efficient management of company resources, segmentation has become a key tool and is particularly significant and current in the business-to-business context. The purpose of this paper is to study the segmentation of firms in the tourist industry according to perceived ICT use and relationship value and benefits. In addition, from the management approach, the authors seek to describe the segments that enable the development of differentiate…
The role of ICT, eWOM and guest characteristics in loyalty
Purpose This study aims to examine how technologies contribute to consumer loyalty in the tourist industry. To achieve this objective, information and communication technology (ICT) development and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) are analysed to explore their direct and indirect effects on satisfaction and loyalty dimensions. The moderating role of customer characteristics (personal and experience-related variables) is also considered to study the complex relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study based on a questionnaire structured was developed. The survey was conducted with 386 guests from Spanish hotels. SEM methodology is applied to…
Segmenting customers according to online word-of-mouth about hotels
There is a renewed interest in the study of online word-of-mouth behavior due to the increasing use of the Internet and the development of social networks. This paper focuses on the receiver perspective to analyze the unequal influence of the antecedents of online consumer searches. The main purpose is to detect the heterogeneity of the effect of different motivations (convenience, risks reduction and social reassurance) and the volume of comments on the willingness to check online reviews. Based on 393 guests of hotels, a mixture regression model indicates the existence of three internally consistent segments, which reveal the varying influence on consumer intentions to look at online comm…
Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing
Purpose Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work aims to analyse innovation in retail experiences from two aspects – marketing innovation and technological innovation – to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. Design/methodology/approach The authors’ objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word-of-mouth (WOM) through three core …
From retail innovation and image to loyalty: moderating effects of product type
This study aims to analyse value-satisfaction-loyalty relationships in retailing by examining the contribution of image and innovation and understanding value as a multidimensional construct. Furthermore, to identify possible differences in these relationships the moderating effect of the type of product marketed in the store is examined. On a sample of 820 customers from four types of stores, SEM methodology and multigroup analysis were applied. The results confirm that image has more influence than innovation on the dimensions of value and that entertainment and excellence are the main antecedents of satisfaction. Some relationships have also been found in which the type of product market…
Measuring the antecedents of e-loyalty and the effect of switching costs on website
This paper deals with the process by which electronic customer loyalty (e-loyalty) is formed. The twofold aim is to analyse e-loyalty, describing its development in terms of how it is influenced by several determinants and to study potential barriers to switching which significantly affect the repeat purchase decision. In particular, an integrating theoretical framework is proposed to determine the e-loyalty dependency of electronic service quality and perceived value, and how this last relationship can be moderated by switching costs. Results offer evidence for the important role of customer's perceptions of e-service quality and value in e-loyalty. Proposals are made of how companies that…
Efeitos da sustentabilidade e valor logístico nas relações entre empresas de transporte marítimo
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar cómo la sostenibilidad (económica, social y ambiental), bajo el enfoque de triple línea base, afecta la calidad de servicio, el valor logístico y la satisfacción en empresas del sector marítimo. Se propone un modelo teórico que se contrasta con la información suministrada por una muestra de 50 responsables de empresas (transitarios, importadores y exportadores) en Panamá. La información se analiza mediante la estimación de regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales, que permite confirmar el carácter multidimensional de la sostenibilidad y del valor logístico. Los resultados también confirman que las percepciones de los clientes sobre las inici…