Museum transition toward market-oriented identity: between social issues and public policy
The museum as a cultural institution was created as a part of the nation-state, according to nationalism ideology, and for the transmission of the historical heritage of a particular society and culture. It resulted in organisational assumptions as rules of practices and style of operations or management. The transformation of public management in cultural institutions, such as museums, is part of the model of the “big” transformation based on the neoliberal turnaround in thinking and acting in the late twentieth century. The paper constitutes an analysis of the mechanisms of contemporary public policies of cultural institutions. It examines the role of the museum at the market-oriented lev…
Pogranicze w socjologii XXI wieku
The Coaching Maps as a Tool for Developing Reflectivity in Organisations
Our view of organizations, labour and the competencies of managers will soon need to change. In the postmodern and post-Fordist world, economy and organizations function differently than they did in the 20th century. Workers and managers will have to face new expectations. Not only has reflectivity become one of the key organisational factors; it is also taught, learnt and shaped. Drawing on an authoethnographic model and action-research, authors of this paper provide an education and development tool that managers and workers can use to develop and trigger reflectivity. Picture ethnography, coaching philosophy and hermeneutics are theoretical bases for the construction of a new model of se…
De‐bureaucratising organisational culture at a public university: A mixed‐method study of the implementation of a liberal arts programme
Artykuł przedstawia analizę procesu zaprojektowania i zaimplementowania nowego programu studiów Liberal Arts w polskiej uczelni publicznej. Studium implementacji tego in-nowacyjnego rozwiązania zostało oparte na różnych meto-dach badawczych, jak analiza sieci aktorów, analiza dyskursu i etnografia. W artykule zidentyfikowano aspekty kultury organizacyjnej uczelni publicznej ułatwiające wprow-adzenie nowego programu studiów. Analiza dotyczyła trzech płaszczyzn funkcjonowania uczelni jako organizacji „uczącej się”: (1) relacji władzy i odpowiedzialności (styl przywództwa) podczas kreowania innowacji instytucjon-alnej, (2) (nie)formalnych norm i praktyk komunikacyjnych zapewniających ewolucję …
Taxi Deregulation in Poland
This text is part of the New European Study project to identify and analyze the best practices and strengths of industrial relations of self-employed workers: representation beyond administration, and the possible leadership of SMEs. It analyzes how the self-employed can create and take part in the process of social dialogue in Poland. Traditionally, social dialogue is defined as interaction and mutual negotiations by the government, employers’ organizations and trade unions. This traditional definition of social dialogue emerged in an economic reality very different from the current one — when large enterprises played a major role in national economies. In recent years, the economic struct…
Social capital management. A case study of the town of Racibórz
For many years, social capital has been the subject of research in various areas and social environments. What is worth diagnosing is not so much its functioning or formation, but its management, i.e. deliberate development aimed at achieving individual or collective benefits. The cultural borderland region of the Racibórz area, especially the town, is a good case for an analysis of such phenomena, because, over the centuries, the town has been part of various administrative and economic regimes and thus has developed forms of social capital independent of state structures. The main research questions in this paper are the following: What remains of them today? Are they subject to managemen…
Cross-boundary and cross-discipline creation of scientific knowledge. The case of economic anthropology/ business ethnography
This paper aims to show business ethnography, or economic anthropology, as a field of science that is interdisciplinary in theoretical, methodological and subjective terms, i.e. it makes use of sociology and management sciences. What this means in practice is that it is simultaneously regarded a part of sociology, social and cultural anthropology, and management sciences. Additionally, this paper addresses the fusion of science and business in case of an ethnographer as an entrepreneur. The paper presents theoretical considerations of the new entrepreneurship model for collecting knowledge based on ethnographical research. It recommends ethnographic study as the most appropriate approach fo…
Building a model of corporate social responsibility in the old industrial region(in the case of Upper Silesia): a sociological perspective
PurposeCorporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the most crucial phenomena of global capitalism at the beginning of the twenty‐first century. For this reason it is emphasized by many companies (especially transnational corporations and multinational companies) and in the European Union and its policy. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how CSR exists in a transitional country and region – the Upper Silesian Industrial District and the Rybnik Coalmine Area in Southern Poland.Design/methodology/approachA qualitative and quantitative methodology was used to summarize the sociological research among entrepreneurs and businesses located throughout the region.FindingsThis researc…