Julie Henriques
Stochastic Nonlinear Time Series Forecasting Using Time-Delay Reservoir Computers: Performance and Universality
International audience; Reservoir computing is a recently introduced machine learning paradigm that has already shown excellent performances in the processing of empirical data. We study a particular kind of reservoir computers called time-delay reservoirs that are constructed out of the sampling of the solution of a time-delay diFFerential equation and show their good performance in the forecasting of the conditional covariances associated to multivariate discrete-time nonlinear stochastic processes of VEC-GARCH type as well as in the prediction of factual daily market realized volatilities computed with intraday quotes, using as training input daily log-return series of moderate size. We …
L’emploi de méthodes mathématiques pour détecter la présence de potentiels évoqués dans le coma : un aide ou un fardeau ?
Un des defis majeurs auxquels sont confrontes les services de reanimation est de pouvoir predire precisement et precocement vers quel etat evoluera la conscience des patients dans le coma pour anoxie cerebrale. Afin d’obtenir des indices directs sur l’etat cerebral fonctionnel, l’emploi des potentiels evoques est recommande, et notamment l’enregistrement de la negativite de discordance (MMN). La MMN est une onde cerebrale apparaissant entre 100 et 200 ms apres l’apparition d’un nouveau stimulus dans une sequence de stimuli identique et sa presence est un signe fort de recuperation. Le standard dans la determination de la presence d’une onde MMN en pratique clinique est l’analyse visuelle pa…
Fluctuation of the left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer treated by 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab.
Abstract Background Cardiac toxicity with a decrease of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is the main side effect induced by trastuzumab. This study reports the fluctuation of LVEF over the 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab in PHARE trial (NCT00381901). Methods LVEF assessment was performed every 3 months while patients received trastuzumab and after completion of treatment over the first 2 years and then every 6 months afterwards. The fluctuations of LVEF over time were described and a logistic regression model was performed investigating associated factors to LVEF perfect recovery at baseline value. Results A total of 1631 patients who received 12 months of trastuzumab from PH…