Diffusion of naltrexone across reconstituted human oral epithelium and histomorphological features
Abstract In transbuccal absorption a major limitation could be the low permeability of the mucosa which implies low drug bioavailability. The ability of naltrexone hydrochloride (NLX) to penetrate a resembling histologically human buccal mucosa was assessed and the occurrence of any histomorphological changes observed. We used reconstituted human oral (RHO) non-keratinised epithelium as mucosal section and a Transwell diffusion cells system as bicompartmental model. Buccal permeation was expressed in terms of drug flux ( J s ) and permeability coefficients ( K p ). Data were collected using both artificial and natural human saliva. The main finding was that RHO does not restrain NLX permeat…
Drug delivery from the oral cavity: focus on a novel mechatronic delivery device
Dental drug delivery systems have been used for a long time, in particular for the local therapy of diseases affecting the oral cavity. Research today concentrates on the design of formulations to increase their retention time. Even today, however, prosthetic devices incorporating drug delivery are rarely used. Mainly, they are focused on prophylaxis and the release of antibacterial agents. However, as buccal delivery, because of its undeniable advantages, has become popular for systemic drug delivery, and prolonged well-controlled release has been identified as beneficial, especially for chronic diseases, a new class of delivery systems is evolving: highly miniaturized computerized deliver…
Electronic buccal drug delivery system to treat addiction and chronic diseases: A porcine study in the frame of “IntelliDrug” project
examination followed by the administration of a risk factor questionnaire. A cervical, buccal, occlusal/incisal, and lingual score was recorded for each tooth using a modified version of the Tooth Wear Index (Smith and Knight, 1984). Rank correlations, one-way and two-way ANOVA were used to test for associations between risk factors and percent of surfaces with wear. Results: 44 patients (31.9%) had at least one cervical lesion 1-2mm deep. 118 patients (85%) had dentin exposure on at least one incisal edge. Cervical lesions were most frequently observed on mandibular 1 premolars. Incisal/occlusal wear was most common on mandibular central incisors. Age was significantly correlated with over…