C. Rittner

Comparative studies on the detection of benzodiazepines in serum by means of immunoassays (FPIA).

Serum was tested for benzodlazeplnes by fluorescence polarlzatlon Immunoassay (FPIA) on Abbott's ADx system uslng the benzodlazeplne serum reagents (Benzo S) and the benzodlazeplne urine reagents (Benzo U) after pretreatment of speclmens by means of acetone preclpltatlon. The followlng sera were included for comparing the two methods: negatlve sera spiked with varlous benzodlazeplnes; 80 sera randomly selected out of a total of 8654 serum specimens from Impalred drlvers; and blood speclmens from Indlvlduals who stated that they had taken benzodlazeplnes. The different benzodlazeplnes were added to serum st concentratlons of 25, 75, and 300 ng/mL. The low-dose benzodlazeplnes flunltrazepam a…

research product

PCR-Typing of the Human HLA-DQα Locus: Population Genetics and Application in Forensic Casework

Multi- and single-locus probes recognizing highly polymorphic DNA sequences throughout the genome ([1–3]; C. Rittner, this volume) have become powerful tools for paternity testing and forensic stain analysis. In forensic casework, however, DNA probe technology can often not be applied, since genomic DNA extracted from stain material exposed to conditions of high temperatures and humidity is degraded. Also, the amount of DNA to be typed may not be sufficient to use DNA probe technology, e.g. if extracted from minute blood or sperm stains, from single hairs or from cell smears on microscope slides.

research product

Tod in der Badewanne

Beim Auffinden einer leblosen Person in der Badewanne ist der Notarzt zur Hilfeleistung verpflichtet. Beim Vorliegen sicherer Todeszeichen ist die Todesart in der Regel „ungeklart” oder „nicht-naturlich”. Der Arzt mus in diesen Fallen unverzuglich die Polizei benachrichtigen und dafur Sorge tragen, das am Leichnam sowie am Fundort keine Veranderungen vorgenommen werden. Der Notarzt stellt durch fruhzeitige Einschaltung der Polizei und sorgfaltige Untersuchung des Verstorbenen die Weichen fur eine Klarung des Falles. Hellrote Totenflecke als Hinweis auf eine CO-Intoxikation durfen auf keinen Fall ubersehen werden. Bei Elektrogeraten im Badewasser besteht die Moglichkeit der Selbstgefahrdung.…

research product

Third Eular Workshop on Rheumatology Research

research product

False-positive LSD testing in urine samples from intensive care patients.

Unexpected positive results for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) were found in urine samples from 12 patients in an intensive care unit in a routine screening using the CEDIA DAU assay. None of these test results could be confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, but all samples contained the mucolytic drug ambroxol. Further studies demonstrated that ambroxol exhibits a significant cross-reactivity in the CEDIA DAU LSD assay. Therefore, positive LSD results obtained with the CEDIA DAU assay have to be critically evaluated, particularly during the cold season, when infections of the respiratory tract often result in more frequent use of mucolytic medications.

research product


The Rodgers (Rg) and Chido (Ch) blood groups are antigenic determinants of the fourth component of human complement C4. They are associated with the two isotypes of C4, C4A and C4B, respectively. They serve as markers to distinguish C4A from C4B as well as for the definition of subtypes of common and rare allotypes. As an alternative to the serological typing method using human alloantisera, a PCR typing procedure with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) was designed. The method was tested on selected DNA samples from individuals with well-defined C4 allotypes. No false-positive or false-negative typing results were obtained and all the determinant combinations could be distinguished. The P…

research product

Reference Typing Reportfor Complement Component C3

A comparison of five C3 variant samples has been performed by conventional high-voltage gel electrophoresis in three laboratories (Palermo, Berlin and Mainz). Local designation was shown within SD = ±0.75 mm migration distance in the Mainz laboratory. Methodological modifications by laboratories were not accounted for (cooling temperature, relative mobilities between runs). In parallel, all reference samples were also sequenced after exon-specific amplification. As a result, two variants with identical final designations and two variants with different mobilities were shown to conform at the molecular basis exhibiting an amino acid exchange that causes the corresponding change in relative m…

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